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What about making it possible to autoloot reward in Raid after death?

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Hi y'all,


Here's my short story :


So today I have been kicked out from a Raid squad.


When I joined that squad, the players in it were waiting for quite a long time before finding enough people to start the event. At 1am, it's understandable. And when I joined, I had to wait for another 20 minutes before the right amount of players showed up.


So yeah, I was in that squad, and when the event started, I _thought_ I had deserved my place in the group. I had all the needed LIs, KP, right class, etc...


And then I die. At the start of the combat. It was on the 3rd try because people were dying from that _updraft bug_ on the 1st and 2nd tries (yep, we were trying to kill Xera). On the 3rd try, it's my turn to die from that bug. You know, bad luck... Shit happens, right? Except this time, the rest of the group keeps on fighting.


And then they killed Xera.


And instead of resurrecting me, the Commander kicks me. No question asked. Didn't have time to pick up the reward, of course. Got nothing from it. I gotta admit : I've been playing GW2 for 4 years now. And in 4 years, it's the first time I actually got mad at something from this game.


Ok, it's "fine" if you get kicked from raid because you don't know mechanics, because you are not prepared, because you don't follow orders, because you don't use food, because you don't have the asked requirements... And I'm sure I'm not the first or the last one who will get kicked after dying. But this time, I mean. Seriously?...


Anyway. I gotta say I'm still mad at this at the moment of writing down this post.


Gonna ask here : Would it be possible / a good idea : **To make it possible for the players to autoloot the Raid bosses rewards even after death?** Seems to me it's an easy option.


 - Bal


PS : Is that behavior sanctionnable ?


EDIT : Learned that a kick during the fight resets the boss.

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Well there are 2 sides to this. Without knowing the specifics of what happened it's really hard for the community to pass judgement because we don't see the chat logs and we weren't there. Believe me as much, as I would love to believe your story, it is very hard to believe you aren't omitting something or being slightly disingenuous. I've met some peeps who can be just down right nasty if you rub them the wrong way, cough MnF cough, but even those peeps wouldn't do something like that unprovoked.


The second side is that theoretically it is possible for something like this to happen and that guy was just an angry dickhead, that really sucks.


I've spent a lot of time in raids though, and honestly from my experience I'm more inclined to believe the first case scenario. If it is the case that they are a dickhead though, you should probably just report it, the time spent introducing this system or even the time talking about it on the forums probably isnt justified by the rate of occurrence. It would probably be a case of "the ends does not justify the means."

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@"Zlater.6789" If there is any possible way to see the chat log, I would glady send it to you, as I swear on my account that the guy was just a dickhead. Also, I admit that the chat log would show how I "put him back in his place", to say politely. As I said, I was mad. Really, really mad.


I reported the guy under "LFG abuse". I'm not sure if it applies, though.


And I believe that any time spent introducing a system that would improve player's experience is time well spent.


You seem to be the kind of guy that have faith in humanity. Which is weird since you say that you raid...

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > It already is impossible for people to kick during a raid fight

> > Edit

> > What they should do is make auto loot work even if dead so you get your reward anyway imo


> Then the "WP WHEN DEAD" people whine that people will stay dead and not waypoint.


Thats already happening anyway.

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The big problem I see here is not getting kicked but getting kicked after xera died and before he could pick the reward, that means op wont be able to loot xera this week, because he was kicked after xera died and his account is registered to have killed xera already..

So yeah I would be pretty pissed if this happened to me.

The commander should have kicked at start and find other guy or something.

That type of action from the commander deserves a report, doesn't matter whos right or wrong, kicking after a boss dies without getting the loot is the worst you can do in a raid squad..


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> @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> The big problem I see here is not getting kicked but getting kicked after xera died and before he could pick the reward, that means op wont be able to loot xera this week, because he was kicked after xera died and his account is registered to have killed xera already..

> So yeah I would be pretty pissed if this happened to me.

> The commander should have kicked at start and find other guy or something.

> That type of action from the commander deserves a report, doesn't matter whos right or wrong, kicking after a boss dies without getting the loot is the worst you can do in a raid squad..



That sounds more toxic than raid's toxicity.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > It already is impossible for people to kick during a raid fight

> > Edit

> > What they should do is make auto loot work even if dead so you get your reward anyway imo


> Then the "WP WHEN DEAD" people whine that people will stay dead and not waypoint.


If they could make it only work in fractals and raids that would be nice. Since people staying dead and upscaling events (or being dead in places that get other's killed if anyone tries rezzing them) can be a big problem.

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This sort of thing is exactly why I won’t raid in GW2. If this happened to me, I’m think it would jade me towards grouping at all in this game.


This sort of thing has been a problem since fractals released, and actually had become a talking point about raiding and dungeons in GW2 even among other players in other MMOs. When conversations about GW2 and raids come up, this behavior (or something similar to it, like booting at the last minute to invite friends) almost always comes up with it. I hate that.


I really wish that Anet would focus on combatting this behavior a bit more.

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> @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> The big problem I see here is not getting kicked but getting kicked after xera died and before he could pick the reward, that means op wont be able to loot xera this week, because he was kicked after xera died and his account is registered to have killed xera already..

> So yeah I would be pretty pissed if this happened to me.

> The commander should have kicked at start and find other guy or something.

> That type of action from the commander deserves a report, doesn't matter whos right or wrong, kicking after a boss dies without getting the loot is the worst you can do in a raid squad..



I didn't even think about that. That makes it even worse. A night has past since it happened and I was still a little mad. But now that I read this, it just gives me even more fuel to burn. Thank you though, for adding a reason for Anet to do something about that kind of stuff happening in game.

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> Whyyyyy are we still stuck with this primitive "need to loot after you beat the boss and thus could lose your earned reward due to mishap or malice" mechanic?


> We know that loot can be delivered straight to pop up chest so why the annoyance?


It's more of, I'm sure many have (at LEAST those that fractal/raid) have the autoloot mastery option.

Why is it when I'm dead or downed I can't autoloot with that mastery at the very very least?

I can PARTIALLY understand if I don't have that mastery (but if I press F or whatever you have looting on) I should be able to do so when downed or dead.


No reason for the autoloot to not damn well work when you have that mastery.

So you're telling me I can get loot from an enemy like 2000 range or more away with autoloot but something that died like 130 range from me because I'm downed or dead I can't?


Okay. Sure. Right. Yeah.

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I'm sorry it happened to you, the situation is pretty annoying. :(

I think the ability to get the loot while dead would fix the problem. The same could be applied to fractals, dungeons and (possibly) WvW. I do not understand why it's not possible yet, I mean, dead players can get their loot anyway, it just takes more time.

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> @"Vault Girl.6792" said:

> I'm sorry it happened to you, the situation is pretty annoying. :(

> I think the ability to get the loot while dead would fix the problem. The same could be applied to fractals, dungeons and (possibly) WvW. I do not understand why it's not possible yet, I mean, dead players can get their loot anyway, it just takes more time.


Yeah, absolutely. It's even simpler than making it impossble for comms to kick before the loot (which would maybe create some abuse).

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Raids have ruined this community beyond repair. There was always a toxicity with grouping, as with any MMO, really hitting a good stride with fractals. The more they add new, more difficult group content, the worse it will become.


OW/meta events are fine.

Dungeons are right behind that. People are mostly happy to find others willing to run them I think lol.

Fractals really start the disgusting behavior, getting worse as you climb the ladder.

Raids are the pinnacle, becoming worse with every wing.


They need to work on better meta events, imo. They want to push grouping so bad, make the content fun, and worth while to do. This game was much more fun before raids, I always thought adding them (even before HoT released) would be a bad idea. Raids bring a certain kind of player, not to say all raiders are bad, but we all see what has happened to the community, which was only made worse with raids, not started with them.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > It already is impossible for people to kick during a raid fight

> > > Edit

> > > What they should do is make auto loot work even if dead so you get your reward anyway imo

> >

> > Then the "WP WHEN DEAD" people whine that people will stay dead and not waypoint.


> If they could make it only work in fractals and raids that would be nice. Since people staying dead and upscaling events (or being dead in places that get other's killed if anyone tries rezzing them) can be a big problem.


events should never stay upscaled when players die, it's simply an oversight from Anet they never ever fixed.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > Whyyyyy are we still stuck with this primitive "need to loot after you beat the boss and thus could lose your earned reward due to mishap or malice" mechanic?

> >

> > We know that loot can be delivered straight to pop up chest so why the annoyance?


> It's more of, I'm sure many have (at LEAST those that fractal/raid) have the autoloot mastery option.

> Why is it when I'm dead or downed I can't autoloot with that mastery at the very very least?

> I can PARTIALLY understand if I don't have that mastery (but if I press F or whatever you have looting on) I should be able to do so when downed or dead.


> No reason for the autoloot to not kitten well work when you have that mastery.

> So you're telling me I can get loot from an enemy like 2000 range or more away with autoloot but something that died like 130 range from me because I'm downed or dead I can't?


> Okay. Sure. Right. Yeah.


try roleplaying it in your head. even if you could find a find a logical reason to make it work, it would make you look like uncle scrooge

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> @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > > Whyyyyy are we still stuck with this primitive "need to loot after you beat the boss and thus could lose your earned reward due to mishap or malice" mechanic?

> > >

> > > We know that loot can be delivered straight to pop up chest so why the annoyance?

> >

> > It's more of, I'm sure many have (at LEAST those that fractal/raid) have the autoloot mastery option.

> > Why is it when I'm dead or downed I can't autoloot with that mastery at the very very least?

> > I can PARTIALLY understand if I don't have that mastery (but if I press F or whatever you have looting on) I should be able to do so when downed or dead.

> >

> > No reason for the autoloot to not kitten well work when you have that mastery.

> > So you're telling me I can get loot from an enemy like 2000 range or more away with autoloot but something that died like 130 range from me because I'm downed or dead I can't?

> >

> > Okay. Sure. Right. Yeah.


> try roleplaying it in your head. even if you could find a find a logical reason to make it work, it would make you look like uncle scrooge


Well I do like Ducktales and the remastered version.

Oh and during christmas I usually do bah-humbug as no one in this house celebrates it so....


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> @"Tolmos.8395" said:

> This sort of thing is exactly why I won’t raid in GW2. If this happened to me, I’m think it would jade me towards grouping at all in this game.


> This sort of thing has been a problem since fractals released, and actually had become a talking point about raiding and dungeons in GW2 even among other players in other MMOs. When conversations about GW2 and raids come up, this behavior (or something similar to it, like booting at the last minute to invite friends) almost always comes up with it. I hate that.


> I really wish that Anet would focus on combatting this behavior a bit more.


I guess you also don't leave the house because a runaway truck can run you over?

These kinds of things are a major exception, they very rarely happen. If you're preventing yourself from enjoying a content because of the remote chance there will be someone toxic. Well there's toxic people everywhere. Just learn to deal with them, move on, and surround yourself with decent people.

I've never, EVER, been kicked just before the end of any group content. I've been running a guild (albeit small) and NEVER in 5 years has anyone ever complained about stuff like that happening.


Yours is clearly a case of _confirmation bias_. It's not a character flaw, it happens to everyone. You believe in concept and pay more attention to statements that confirm it, but i'm being honest, in dozens of raid encounters and attempts, most of them with at least a couple of LFG people, i've had TWO cases of a commander kicking people.


One of them was me. A friend arrived when we had just filled the last spot. And i asked for a volunteer to leave so he could take that spot, i kicked the one that didn't and invited back the ones that left ^_^

The other was last friday. A couple of guys that clearly didn't know what they were doing were asking for Li doing escort. The group failed and they kicked most of the people, including me because i got stuck from a tower cc and died (shit happens). My friends (half the group, including the main healer and the guy doing the towers) left and we remade the group with the people kicked, invited 2 more and finished the encounter first try (and those two extra were actually people that were LFGing alone asking for training groups).


So yeah, you can be unlucky some times and find people commanding that shouldn't be. But most of the times you'll find good people helping out.


**Back to topic**

Yeah i think allowing auto-loot when down/defeated would do wonders and help speed up the end of some fractals/raids when you have to wait for people to rally and get to the chest from the last checkpoint, or ress them, and then wait for them to loot. As a side bonus, these kind of crappy situations would also be avoided.


PS: @"DoctorSleep.9517" Did you try to go back to that encounter after the kick to see if the chest was still there? You must have gotten some of the loot at least, no? Like the Magnetite shards reward from completing the encounter?

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