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What about making it possible to autoloot reward in Raid after death?

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> It already is impossible for people to kick during a raid fight

> Edit

> What they should do is make auto loot work even if dead so you get your reward anyway imo


I have been kicked before be able to rez and get the reward. I killed the boss again but there was no chest the 2nd time... This change is a must!

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> It already is impossible for people to kick during a raid fight

> Edit

> What they should do is make auto loot work even if dead so you get your reward anyway imo


Sadly that wouldn't have helped in his specific situation since on Xera her chest spawns in an entirely separate room that you zone into after she's defeated, so it'd be out of range from auto loot... Same with Deimos. :disappointed:

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Can't judge here as said by Zlater since we don't really know what happened. Lodging a report is all you could've done. But to take it as a scenario in general based on what you said, they practically 9 manned the boss without you. Whether the players who kicked you without a word knew the result will null your reward or not doesn't make the action taken right either way imo. Lots or not all MMOs have this problem under loot distribution based on my exp (quests/dungeons/raids you named it). Do hope some one come up with an idea to fail-safe this in GW2.


If such scenario is to happen on me. First, I will get the players name and try resolve this issue. If the person is reasonable that is, before lodging a report followed by contacting with the persons guild master/officers to get them informed on what happened.


There's always a risk in everything, just happens. Just take it as a lesson, don't let it get to you and continue what you're doing (Imagine : Fear the possible of bad encounter, stops raiding = Fear the possible of drowning, stops drinking water.) To mitigate risk, do it with friends/guildies/reputable players you know etc. If you find the person is some one who is reasonable and comfortable to work with again, getting in contact will help you and him to minus the wait time setting up a raid in the future. Build and expand a network of friends.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > It already is impossible for people to kick during a raid fight

> > Edit

> > What they should do is make auto loot work even if dead so you get your reward anyway imo


> Sadly that wouldn't have helped in his specific situation since on Xera her chest spawns in an entirely separate room that you zone into after she's defeated, so it'd be out of range from auto loot... Same with Deimos. :disappointed:


Well they could change it to a pop up chest over mini map like you get from pre events instead of the boss chest we have now.

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Just take the story as it is, because it is exacly what happened. I wouldn't have come here if it was about anything else.


Also, I don't believe I have to take that shit for a lesson. I'm the victim in the story, and I didn't cause it. It just happened that they went on this time and they killed Xera and it was my turn to die from **a bug**.

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Anet should put a invisible ceiling in the sky so ppl don't die from flying too high, I never get the ley line bug but I play with 400 - 600ping and sometimes my char flies outside the map for no reason and I die..

Can happen to anyone to die from flying too high, you just need a lag spike at the wrong time.

Shouldn't be too hard for anet to place a invisible ceiling so ppl don't fly outside the map right?



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Yes i got the similiar experience.

I was in a rare experience pug group, cleared W1, W2, all bosses in one try. However, at Matthias,

I got horrible lag spike and was rallied 3 times, I survived the fight till the end. However, i got instantly kicked out right after the boss was killed. xD

Little do they know, I got the loots despite being kicked. xD

Sigh, all im saying is, toxic people will continue to exist, I dont think arena can ever do anything to them, sadly =/

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> @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> Anet should put a invisible ceiling in the sky so ppl don't die from flying too high, I never get the ley line bug but I play with 400 - 600ping and sometimes my char flies outside the map for no reason and I die..

> Can happen to anyone to die from flying too high, you just need a lag spike at the wrong time.

> Shouldn't be too hard for anet to place a invisible ceiling so ppl don't fly outside the map right?




This is good idea.. anet should consider this. I am always nervous of that.. very rarely I will die gliding only from lag that my character fly up the heaven and die.

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The main issue I see here is: you got cheated out of getting your weekly reward since by getting credited the kill but not being able to loot the boss chest you lost the chest loot for the week (no it will not be there in a new instance. It won't even be there in the same instance if you relog).


As far as deserving your place: you deserve your place in a group if you pull your weight. What you had was the entry ticket and then some bad luck or fail.


Personally I would not have kicked you and find it quite toxic from the lead to kick based off of such a mistake. Let's be honest, it happens to all of us occasionally on any possible boss in any hilariously stupid manner, especially when unconcentrated. If this happened multiple times though, rest assured I would have kicked you too, but never after a boss fight but before starting the fight. Guess your lead was in a bad mood or really despised someone getting a free kill.


Funny enough since people bring this sort of stuff up, not even 2 weeks back we had 2 people who used item codes to join a full clear W1-4. No, if you are alive the entire fight as cdps and pull barely 3k on my arcdps (while having super obvious item codes, but hey every one deserves a chance) I will not have the raid group carry you the entire wing (same goes for the other very obvious item code user who was barely above my chrono in dps as weaver). Result: I said thank you, congratulated them on the kill then said bye as I kicked them (after they had collected their loot).

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Again, the issue isn't the Xera bug. That's just part of the story. The issue is that there is no fail safe for looting Raid bosses after death.




> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> The main issue I see here is: you got cheated out of getting your weekly reward since by getting credited the kill but not being able to loot the boss chest you lost the chest loot for the week (no it will not be there in a new instance. It won't even be there in the same instance if you relog).


> As far as deserving your place: you deserve your place in a group if you pull your weight. What you had was the entry ticket and then some bad luck or fail.


> Personally I would not have kicked you and find it quite toxic from the lead to kick based off of such a mistake. Let's be honest, it happens to all of us occasionally on any possible boss in any hilariously stupid manner, especially when unconcentrated. If this happened multiple times though, rest assured I would have kicked you too, but never after a boss fight but before starting the fight. Guess your lead was in a bad mood or really despised someone getting a free kill.


> Funny enough since people bring this sort of stuff up, not even 2 weeks back we had 2 people who used item codes to join a full clear W1-4. No, if you are alive the entire fight as cdps and pull barely 3k on my arcdps (while having super obvious item codes, but hey every one deserves a chance) I will not have the raid group carry you the entire wing (same goes for the other very obvious item code user who was barely above my chrono in dps as weaver). Result: I said thank you, congratulated them on the kill then said bye as I kicked them (after they had collected their loot).


Yeah I agree 100% to your statement. As for your story, it doesn't apply to me but I think you did the right thing at the end. That's my opinion anyway.

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> @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> Raids have ruined this community beyond repair. There was always a toxicity with grouping, as with any MMO, really hitting a good stride with fractals. The more they add new, more difficult group content, the worse it will become.


> OW/meta events are fine.

> Dungeons are right behind that. People are mostly happy to find others willing to run them I think lol.

> Fractals really start the disgusting behavior, getting worse as you climb the ladder.

> Raids are the pinnacle, becoming worse with every wing.


> They need to work on better meta events, imo. They want to push grouping so bad, make the content fun, and worth while to do. This game was much more fun before raids, I always thought adding them (even before HoT released) would be a bad idea. Raids bring a certain kind of player, not to say all raiders are bad, but we all see what has happened to the community, which was only made worse with raids, not started with them.


There's toxicity everywhere, blame the player not the content.


My most toxic experience in this game was during Chak Gerent, when I was doing it for the first time. The lane commander became furious that I wasn't joining his squad (Had a party of friends explaining the fight to me), and proceeded to berate me in map chat for "leeching". It's basically any content that has any chance of failing that brings out this behaviour in people.


@OP That really sucks, and is inexcusible behaviour from the commander. I really recommend getting in touch with support as they should at least be able to reimburse you the LI and gold (Had friends that forgot to loot get their LI's this way). Hopefully it doesn't sour your opinion on pugventures, there are some great people out there!

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> @"AnariiUK.7409" said:

> > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> > Raids have ruined this community beyond repair. There was always a toxicity with grouping, as with any MMO, really hitting a good stride with fractals. The more they add new, more difficult group content, the worse it will become.

> >

> > OW/meta events are fine.

> > Dungeons are right behind that. People are mostly happy to find others willing to run them I think lol.

> > Fractals really start the disgusting behavior, getting worse as you climb the ladder.

> > Raids are the pinnacle, becoming worse with every wing.

> >

> > They need to work on better meta events, imo. They want to push grouping so bad, make the content fun, and worth while to do. This game was much more fun before raids, I always thought adding them (even before HoT released) would be a bad idea. Raids bring a certain kind of player, not to say all raiders are bad, but we all see what has happened to the community, which was only made worse with raids, not started with them.


> There's toxicity everywhere, blame the player not the content.


> My most toxic experience in this game was during Chak Gerent, when I was doing it for the first time. The lane commander became furious that I wasn't joining his squad (Had a party of friends explaining the fight to me), and proceeded to berate me in map chat for "leeching". It's basically any content that has any chance of failing that brings out this behaviour in people.


> @OP That really sucks, and is inexcusible behaviour from the commander. I really recommend getting in touch with support as they should at least be able to reimburse you the LI and gold (Had friends that forgot to loot get their LI's this way). Hopefully it doesn't sour your opinion on pugventures, there are some great people out there!


That is what I was saying. Meta events may have some toxicity in the beginning, but are quickly learned because of the ease of access (just go there and do it). Then I went to explain the levels of toxicity for each aspect of PvE. Raids are, by far, the worst. I'm not blaming content, but there is no denying the deeper you get into hardcore content, the worse it is. Obviously the game isn't being toxic, but that aspect of the game permeates with it. Certain parts of all games bring certain types of people, and those parts are always endgame content.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > It already is impossible for people to kick during a raid fight

> > Edit

> > What they should do is make auto loot work even if dead so you get your reward anyway imo


> Sadly that wouldn't have helped in his specific situation since on Xera her chest spawns in an entirely separate room that you zone into after she's defeated, so it'd be out of range from auto loot... Same with Deimos. :disappointed:

Move the rewards to a bouncy chest and the problem suddenly solves itself.



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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> > The big problem I see here is not getting kicked but getting kicked after xera died and before he could pick the reward, that means op wont be able to loot xera this week, because he was kicked after xera died and his account is registered to have killed xera already..

> > So yeah I would be pretty pissed if this happened to me.

> > The commander should have kicked at start and find other guy or something.

> > That type of action from the commander deserves a report, doesn't matter whos right or wrong, kicking after a boss dies without getting the loot is the worst you can do in a raid squad..

> >


> That sounds more toxic than raid's toxicity.


If the commander wants to kick a person which he can and it's common in pug raid. If he is going to kick ..What ze dos mean is, he shouldn't kick after xera is dead bcos it basically f*k the guys kill for that week. Its not just toxic but cruel. Get real kicking ppl is common in pug but such practice (kick just before loot) should not allowed. If I get kicked I will just curse a bit then move on tho :p

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> > > The big problem I see here is not getting kicked but getting kicked after xera died and before he could pick the reward, that means op wont be able to loot xera this week, because he was kicked after xera died and his account is registered to have killed xera already..

> > > So yeah I would be pretty pissed if this happened to me.

> > > The commander should have kicked at start and find other guy or something.

> > > That type of action from the commander deserves a report, doesn't matter whos right or wrong, kicking after a boss dies without getting the loot is the worst you can do in a raid squad..

> > >

> >

> > That sounds more toxic than raid's toxicity.


> If the commander wants to kick a person which he can and it's common in pug raid. If he is going to kick ..What ze dos mean is, he shouldn't kick after xera is dead bcos it basically f*k the guys kill for that week. Its not just toxic but cruel. Get real kicking ppl is common in pug but such practice (kick just before loot) should not allowed. If I get kicked I will just curse a bit then move on tho :p


Yeah. I don't care about getting kicked if I die too much or don't follow instruction. That's fair. But what happened was total bull crap. Simple as that.

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Given this a little thought :smile: Maybe put a post up suggesting to Anet dev; place a short timer (eg.3mins) for the the kick(off combat) to initiate after the vote. Will give time for the player to get looting etc done. The player can be briefed on why he deserved the kick for the duration before the timer expires instead of a rude abrupt removal.(or be prepared for 3mins of raging :frown: )

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  • 3 weeks later...

Had +- the same situation today on Xera, as more popular raiding as more trash "ppl" start commanding, so maybe good idea to fix it somehow, The main issue that no way to remake boss cause it marked as cleared. I think it may decrease count of support requests at least.

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