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Should we dry up the lakes?

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Ok hear me out....


Gw2 has the best underwater combat from any other mmo and it's still bad. There truly is no way it can be "fixed" without snapping characters around horribly to stay at combat levels and it would feel horrible and look bad. It's truly not anets fault it just can never work in a game good.



Dry up the lakes. Add steps going down and ramps. Let us explore everything on the ground levels with events and the hearts and pois.

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Only when it is right, which is almost never I'd imagine. I feel like lake Doric was done well and made the feel dangerous without reworking old content. But I don't want this to be how they do it. Besides, it wouldn't fix the problem because we have oceans and rivers. Plus, as we expand outward, we'll get to where the water drained too and eventually it still isn't avoidable.


P.S. I really want krakens in the DSD expansion, release it!

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Keep the lakes as is for already released content. For content involving Jormag or Primordius, however, we can freeze or evaporate water to avoid underwater combat. As for the DSD, I think we're kind of in trouble. I don't have faith in devs of any game making underwater combat fun without making it identical to regular combat on the sea floor.


Also, I second the call for krakens. Naga would be cool too.

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > Make every map with water like Lake Doric



> The most amount of water in a map for years with actual EVENTS in it?


It's only ankle deep though and yes.

One thing I like about Lake Doric is that while the map isn't a "Meta Map" like HoT maps are, they're small enough with many events that at times it's hard to NOT find something to do on there.

Doing dailies, doing hearts, do events WHEREVER, leather farm? Do that too.


I really like the PoF maps, but the events on there are spread out a bit too much. So many areas of enemies with wide wide aggro but not many events.

Well... the PoF itself map. I don't like Istan at all.

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Underwater combat is neglected but it's still more fun and polished than in other MMOs. I understand that some of you don't enjoy it but threads like this are ridiculous. "Drying up the lakes" would take more development time than improving underwater combat. -_-

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I'd rather have them fixing UW combat in this game. If it stays open world PvE it shouldn't be a problem to "balance" it as it doesn't open in the open world as long as it's not utterly broken. I never had problems with the UW sections of the game but I heards many ppl have problems with orientation and movement, I can understand it I just don't share those problems. What is a problem and is definitely not helpiing with how the community sees UW combat is the fact that ANet got lazy in developpement when they decided to put in eltes that have no UW utility for example.

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