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Griffon (At this point in time)

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I've been a Guild Wars veteran since the 2005 beta for GW1...over the years I've taken breaks, mostly after completing expansion content....

I Just recently returned from a hiatus (didn't play much of HoT besides unlocking gliding, really)


Now that I'm working on completing the PoF storyline...is the Griffon collection still relatively 'doable' this much time into the expansion? I don't mean the finding collectibles aspect, I'm leaning more towards finding groups for the group events that yield collection items. I've seen people who say it took them a solid day of playing to unlock their griffon. I'd really like to pursue this, since it's a pretty sweet end-game reward that I'll be able to enjoy all across the maps....but is it still doable? Thank you.

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Yes, it's definitely possible.


Even during the early part of Wintersday I was able to find people to do the group events with. It may not be as simple as showing up to find tons of people also waiting for it to spawn, but I've never had the opportunity to even attempt one alone. Last time I did one for example as I was on my way to where I suspected the event was (I'm trying to avoid guides) someone asked in map chat if anyone was doing it and if they knew where to go, several people replied and we all got together to do it. By the time we'd found the spot and the event chain was ready to start there was about 10 people there, by the time the boss spawned we were being asked to slow down to make sure everyone tagged it and when I left a second group was forming ready for the next time the event started.


So my advice would be if you find yourself alone, or even if you're concerned you might be: **call it out in map chat**. Tell people it's for the griffon collection, ping a waypoint and if it's not close by turn on a commander/mentor tag or ping a POI to show where the event is. If for some reason that doesn't get anyone to come try advertising it in the LFG tool. Or ask your guild/s to come and help you.

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Yes, it is doable. I have even seen groups formed specifically to do griffon-related activities.


My take on the griffon: It's unnecessary. Don't get me wrong, it is very convenient, and it looks kind of cool but it is truly not necessary to have in order to play the game. Will I get one? Eventually. What I am saying is that if you don't get it "Rat Nao" you can still play the game and enjoy it. The griffon is a luxury.

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> @"Llyweln.3078" said:

> Yes. The hardest part of the collection is doing the bounties. And people are still doing bounties :D


Can confirm. I regularly run bounty trains without even using a squad. Just throw on a mentor tag, announce a champion bounty and people will follow you. After a few champions I usually have enough people following to take down the legendaries.


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