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Pvp fixed with 3 changes to each class.


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Gonna post a list of 3 changes per class, let me know your thoughts at the bottom.


General changes:

* Corrupted might to weakness duration reduced from 10 seconds to 3.

* Corrupted regeneration, swiftness, protection and vigor (poison, cripple, vulnerability and bleeding respectively) duration reduced from 10 seconds to 6.

* Decapping a point now takes 1 more second. Capturing a point now takes 1 less second.



* Punishment skills no longer inflict cripple. _One less cover condi to worry about - doesn't affect pve._

* Ghastly Breach: Radius reduced to 240 from 300. _Covers the entire point as it is right now._

* Nefarious Favor: Now has a 3/4 cast time.


Necro / Reaper:

* Life force degen reduced slightly.

* Life Blast: Projectile speed increased by 33%.

* Dark Path: Projectile speed increased by 33%.



* No idea, just nerf that ass.



* Minesweeper: Now has a 5 seconds ICD. Can no longer activate while invulnerable. _N/c_

* Self Regulating Defenses: Trait has been removed.

* Holo Leap: Cooldown increased to 3 seconds. _2 seconds for a 4-6k damage nuke is a little unfair._



* Needs a trait and design shakeup that 3 stray buffs won't fix.



* Jaunt: Confusion stacks decreased to 1 from 3.

* Mirage Thrust: No longer inflicts Daze. Now inflicts [condition] instead. _Spammable daze (and respective proc traits) every dodge isn't healthy for the game_.

* Axes of Symmetry: Power damage reduced by 15%, evade frames removed, confusion stacks (player) reduced to 3 from 5.



* Celestial Avatar: Cooldown increased to 18 from 15.

* Celestial Shadow: Stealth and superspeed duration reduced to 2 from 3 seconds.

* Signet of Stone: Cooldown decreased to 70 seconds from 80, duration reduced to 4 seconds from 6.



* No changes. Fix bugs if there's any.



* Defy Pain: Trait has been removed. _Less passive invulns please._

* Last Stand: This trait now has a visual icon on the warrior's status bar indicating when it's up.

* Rush: Range adjusted accordingly. _I realize this was never hitting people back then, but now it hits way outside of its maximum range_.



* Elemental Refreshment (minor master trait): Now also removes a condition when using a dual attack. _Weaver needs condi removal not reliant on water._

* Unravel: Grants 1.5 seconds of superspeed and quickness on activation and attunement switch. _Currently not worth taking in any ele build_

* Plasma Beam: Damage reduced by 10% and cooldown decreased to 16 from 18 seconds.


Elementalist / Tempest:

* Final Shielding: Trait has been removed.

* Arcane Prowess (reworked): Gain a stackable bonus to all attributes on attunement swap (20 stat points per stack, max 5 stacks). Buff duration: 5 seconds (unless refreshed).

* Overloads now gain 1 stack of stability (4s) by default. Increased to 2 when equipping Harmonious Conduit.



* Lol who knows how this prof works?


Herald / Core rev:

* No changes. Fix bugs if there's any.

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> Holosmith:


> Minesweeper: Now has a 5 seconds ICD. Can no longer activate while invulnerable. N/c

> Self Regulating Defenses: Trait has been removed.

> Holo Leap: Cooldown increased to 3 seconds. 2 seconds for a 4-6k damage nuke is a little unfair.


With these changes you could say bye bye to holo.


* 1/2 second arm time on mines before being able to be detonated is much better.

* The trait is fine. It's not super imbalanced as it can act as bane when heavily condi pressured, and its not like druid reset.

* Again this skill is fine. It has a MASSIVE animation, if you can't dodge it, you're bad.


ofc bias coming from a holo main, but I'm also not afraid to say that the dodgeroll shit is the real problem with holo, as the rest of its damage/cc is balanced around large animations already (see prime light beam + holo shockwave).

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> @"Nova.4608" said:

> "These are the things i don't like, please nerf or remove them. Even if it breaks or guts an entire class, it doesn't matter because i'm not playing it anyway"


What class is getting gutted?


> @"AngelsShadow.7360" said:

> > Holosmith:

> >

> > Minesweeper: Now has a 5 seconds ICD. Can no longer activate while invulnerable. N/c

> > Self Regulating Defenses: Trait has been removed.

> > Holo Leap: Cooldown increased to 3 seconds. 2 seconds for a 4-6k damage nuke is a little unfair.

> >

> With these changes you could say bye bye to holo.


The trait is not fine. Passive invulns need to go.


I can dodge it, but I don't have a dodge every 2 seconds man. How can you justify a gap closer / nuke on a TWO seconds cooldown? o.O


Anyway, tbh as long as the trait and mine sweeper get removed / fixed, I'll be happy.

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As much as I think Holo's damage is overtuned, I don't personally see the problem with being able to proc the dodge-mines while in Elixir S. If they dodge, that means they are wasting a dodge for when S expires, which is when they are vulnerable to damage. It's a risk they are taking by doing so, one that could potentially screw them over. Using a dodge in S means you have a higher chance of being able to successfully execute a CC and/or finish them once it's over.


I would be okay with passive invulns being removed, but don't forget about Stoneform.

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> * Life Blast: Projectile speed increased by 33%.

> * Dark Path: Projectile speed increased by 33%.


The biggest issue with core shroud is not the projectile travel speeds, but rather the disproportionately long cast times the skills have for how little the skills do. Having a 1 second cast on the auto on top of the auto already having a travel time is just looney.


Also core shroud 4 should just be removed and replaced with a skill that is actually useful for something.



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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> What class is getting gutted?


Removing Defy Pain would be the last nail in the coffin for vanilla warriors and a tremendous hit to warriors in general. The increasing amount of immunities is a byproduct of the ridicolous damage creep over the patches and expansions. You're not fixing the game if you remove immunities, you're destroying it. Everything would just drop extremely quickly without them. Before removing immunities you have to take care of the broken Condition system this game currently has. Conditions are dealing more burst damage in 1-2ticks than an entire rotation from certain classes. Then there are entire different topics like class and weapon balance.


Also, when you're writing your opinion on what should be changed, you have to take care of what other talents are in that tree. If Defy Pain is removed (didn't even offer a valid replacement) what are warriors going to use then?

Armored attack? What am i going to do with 150-200 more power when you drop the moment you get to 50% hp?

Sundering Mace? I've yet to see a warrior use a mace main-hand in pvp since PoF. And besides that, what if my build can't use a mace?


Balancing PvP in a MMO is not as easy as you think it is. Even the smallest of changes can create an avalanche of repercussions that need repairing and most of them how do you think they will be fixed? With bandaids, just like what happened to Immunties.


Oh, and btw. Endure Pain is not an immune. You're still vulnerable to CCs and Conditions.



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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> Druid:

> * Celestial Avatar: Cooldown increased to 18 from 15.

> * Celestial Shadow: Stealth and superspeed duration reduced to 2 from 3 seconds.

> * Signet of Stone: Cooldown decreased to 70 seconds from 80, duration reduced to 4 seconds from 6.


CA cooldown has already seen nerfs of 50%, I would literally never play druid again if the cooldown increases any further because of how bad it already is.


CS isn't even the issue. And CS is the main reason why you are able to decap and cap against a bunker druid. Reducing the duration of stealth would only make it harder.

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> @"Razor.6392" said:



> * Self Regulating Defenses: Trait has been removed.


> * Defy Pain: Trait has been removed. _Less passive invulns please._

That would make a good start.


> @"Razor.6392" said:

> > @"Nova.4608" said:

> > "These are the things i don't like, please nerf or remove them. Even if it breaks or guts an entire class, it doesn't matter because i'm not playing it anyway"


> I can dodge it, but I don't have a dodge every 2 seconds man. How can you justify a gap closer / nuke on a TWO seconds cooldown? o.O

They increased the cd on True Shot in like what, a year or so since HoT launch? So just wait



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> @"Nova.4608" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > What class is getting gutted?


> Removing Defy Pain would be the last nail in the coffin for vanilla warriors and a tremendous hit to warriors in general. The increasing amount of immunities is a byproduct of the ridicolous damage creep over the patches and expansions. You're not fixing the game if you remove immunities, you're destroying it. Everything would just drop extremely quickly without them. Before removing immunities you have to take care of the broken Condition system this game currently has. Conditions are dealing more burst damage in 1-2ticks than an entire rotation from certain classes. Then there are entire different topics like class and weapon balance.


> Also, when you're writing your opinion on what should be changed, you have to take care of what other talents are in that tree. If Defy Pain is removed (didn't even offer a valid replacement) what are warriors going to use then?

> Armored attack? What am i going to do with 150-200 more power when you drop the moment you get to 50% hp?

> Sundering Mace? I've yet to see a warrior use a mace main-hand in pvp since PoF. And besides that, what if my build can't use a mace?


> Balancing PvP in a MMO is not as easy as you think it is. Even the smallest of changes can create an avalanche of repercussions that need repairing and most of them how do you think they will be fixed? With bandaids, just like what happened to Immunties.


> Oh, and btw. Endure Pain is not an immune. You're still vulnerable to CCs and Conditions.




I think you're blowing things out of proportion. Very few classes have actual autoproc get out of jail cards that make them truly immune to damage of some kind (engi, warrior and I forgot to add acro thief).


Out of all those classes only warrior and engi use those 2 traits as mandatory in their build. Yet other classes can still survive (despite having less base health and less toughness than warrior). How do they manage? I'm really curious.


I didn't add replacement traits (other than the ele one) because nobody likes to read custom changes. That's up for ANet to decide.


Lastly, I'm not for removing ALL immunities, only those that activate passively. Poor warriors have it so rough... highest health, armor, good mobility, great sustain, immunities up the ass and absurd damage to top it off. Clearly if they lose the get out of jail card they will be trash tier huh?



> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > Druid:

> > * Celestial Avatar: Cooldown increased to 18 from 15.

> > * Celestial Shadow: Stealth and superspeed duration reduced to 2 from 3 seconds.

> > * Signet of Stone: Cooldown decreased to 70 seconds from 80, duration reduced to 4 seconds from 6.


> CA cooldown has already seen nerfs of 50%, I would literally never play druid again if the cooldown increases any further because of how bad it already is.


> CS isn't even the issue. And CS is the main reason why you are able to decap and cap against a bunker druid. Reducing the duration of stealth would only make it harder.


CS is also the reason why they can reset any pressure / disengage so easily.


> @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> 1 you cant just remove a trait without replacing


> 2 if you complain about holosmith leap but say thief heartseek is ok , clearly you're just biased


As previously stated, ANet has to think of that. Every class has autoproc traits at a certain %, maybe they would just need to shake things up like for engis activate elixir C at a certain HP and give it resistance, and for warriors some other utility? but then it wouldn't be worth of being a grandmaster trait. See? It's not easy, and too many custom changes make a change list lose credibility.


As for heartseeker, it's a fair comparison. I would argue that it's different in some ways but I would inevitably fall in subjective territory. I'll just say that the existence of a pulsing corona burst and thieves having considerably lower health makes it a whole apples to oranges comparison. It's kinda like saying to give death's judgment to warriors, and how it would be balanced because thieves also have it? Idk. Other criteria comes into play when judging whether it's fair or not.

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> Gonna post a list of 3 changes per class, let me know your thoughts at the bottom.


> General changes:

> * Corrupted might to weakness duration reduced from 10 seconds to 3.

> * Corrupted regeneration, swiftness, protection and vigor (poison, cripple, vulnerability and bleeding respectively) duration reduced from 10 seconds to 6.

> * Decapping a point now takes 1 more second. Capturing a point now takes 1 less second.


> Scourge:

> * Punishment skills no longer inflict cripple. _One less cover condi to worry about - doesn't affect pve._

> * Ghastly Breach: Radius reduced to 240 from 300. _Covers the entire point as it is right now._

> * Nefarious Favor: Now has a 3/4 cast time.


> Necro / Reaper:

> * Life force degen reduced slightly.

> * Life Blast: Projectile speed increased by 33%.

> * Dark Path: Projectile speed increased by 33%.


> Firebrand:

> * No idea, just nerf that kitten.


> Holosmith:

> * Minesweeper: Now has a 5 seconds ICD. Can no longer activate while invulnerable. _N/c_

> * Self Regulating Defenses: Trait has been removed.

> * Holo Leap: Cooldown increased to 3 seconds. _2 seconds for a 4-6k damage nuke is a little unfair._


> Deadeye:

> * Needs a trait and design shakeup that 3 stray buffs won't fix.


> Mirage:

> * Jaunt: Confusion stacks decreased to 1 from 3.

> * Mirage Thrust: No longer inflicts Daze. Now inflicts [condition] instead. _Spammable daze (and respective proc traits) every dodge isn't healthy for the game_.

> * Axes of Symmetry: Power damage reduced by 15%, evade frames removed, confusion stacks (player) reduced to 3 from 5.


> Druid:

> * Celestial Avatar: Cooldown increased to 18 from 15.

> * Celestial Shadow: Stealth and superspeed duration reduced to 2 from 3 seconds.

> * Signet of Stone: Cooldown decreased to 70 seconds from 80, duration reduced to 4 seconds from 6.


> Soulbeast:

> * No changes. Fix bugs if there's any.


> Spellbreaker:

> * Defy Pain: Trait has been removed. _Less passive invulns please._

> * Last Stand: This trait now has a visual icon on the warrior's status bar indicating when it's up.

> * Rush: Range adjusted accordingly. _I realize this was never hitting people back then, but now it hits way outside of its maximum range_.


> Weaver:

> * Elemental Refreshment (minor master trait): Now also removes a condition when using a dual attack. _Weaver needs condi removal not reliant on water._

> * Unravel: Grants 1.5 seconds of superspeed and quickness on activation and attunement switch. _Currently not worth taking in any ele build_

> * Plasma Beam: Damage reduced by 10% and cooldown decreased to 16 from 18 seconds.


> Elementalist / Tempest:

> * Final Shielding: Trait has been removed.

> * Arcane Prowess (reworked): Gain a stackable bonus to all attributes on attunement swap (20 stat points per stack, max 5 stacks). Buff duration: 5 seconds (unless refreshed).

> * Overloads now gain 1 stack of stability (4s) by default. Increased to 2 when equipping Harmonious Conduit.


> Renegade:

> * Lol who knows how this prof works?


> Herald / Core rev:

> * No changes. Fix bugs if there's any.


Ooo, Quaggan disagrees with your ideas, mostly because they are inconsistent (e.g. removal of Defy Pain*), or are not accurate**.

*You would remove Defy Pain, while not touching traits which work same way, like passive Arcane Shield (Ele), passive Elixir (Engi), passive SoS (Ranger), passive evades (Thief), passive stealth (Mesmer) which are all poorly designed abilities.

**For example: what is problem in case of Scrouge are instant F2-5 with no tells or any delay and too much boon corruption, in case of Mirage mostly too much of confusion and Elusive Mind.

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Mesmer as a whole:


• Replace confusion trait on shatter with various conditions per shatter (so Mind Wrack would get something like Vulnerability, Cry of Frustration gets Weakness, Diversion gets the Confusion, and Distortion gets chill)


• Change "shatter causes Torment" trait to

"Phantasms apply Torment" instead


• Expand 'Malicuous Sorcery' trait to Staff as well. Keep Scepter CD reduction but don't add one for Staff as Chaos already has it.



• Revert Axe ambush (player-only) confusion stacks to 2. Let's be honest--this change was intended for PVE.


• Axes of Symmetry+Jaunt conf. reduced


• Elusive Mind can only stun break (condi cleanse removed)


• Mirage Thrust daze only activates for player not clones.


• Give Ambush attacks a 2 second cooldown instead of 1.

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> @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > Gonna post a list of 3 changes per class, let me know your thoughts at the bottom.

> >

> > General changes:

> > * Corrupted might to weakness duration reduced from 10 seconds to 3.

> > * Corrupted regeneration, swiftness, protection and vigor (poison, cripple, vulnerability and bleeding respectively) duration reduced from 10 seconds to 6.

> > * Decapping a point now takes 1 more second. Capturing a point now takes 1 less second.

> >

> > Scourge:

> > * Punishment skills no longer inflict cripple. _One less cover condi to worry about - doesn't affect pve._

> > * Ghastly Breach: Radius reduced to 240 from 300. _Covers the entire point as it is right now._

> > * Nefarious Favor: Now has a 3/4 cast time.

> >

> > Necro / Reaper:

> > * Life force degen reduced slightly.

> > * Life Blast: Projectile speed increased by 33%.

> > * Dark Path: Projectile speed increased by 33%.

> >

> > Firebrand:

> > * No idea, just nerf that kitten.

> >

> > Holosmith:

> > * Minesweeper: Now has a 5 seconds ICD. Can no longer activate while invulnerable. _N/c_

> > * Self Regulating Defenses: Trait has been removed.

> > * Holo Leap: Cooldown increased to 3 seconds. _2 seconds for a 4-6k damage nuke is a little unfair._

> >

> > Deadeye:

> > * Needs a trait and design shakeup that 3 stray buffs won't fix.

> >

> > Mirage:

> > * Jaunt: Confusion stacks decreased to 1 from 3.

> > * Mirage Thrust: No longer inflicts Daze. Now inflicts [condition] instead. _Spammable daze (and respective proc traits) every dodge isn't healthy for the game_.

> > * Axes of Symmetry: Power damage reduced by 15%, evade frames removed, confusion stacks (player) reduced to 3 from 5.

> >

> > Druid:

> > * Celestial Avatar: Cooldown increased to 18 from 15.

> > * Celestial Shadow: Stealth and superspeed duration reduced to 2 from 3 seconds.

> > * Signet of Stone: Cooldown decreased to 70 seconds from 80, duration reduced to 4 seconds from 6.

> >

> > Soulbeast:

> > * No changes. Fix bugs if there's any.

> >

> > Spellbreaker:

> > * Defy Pain: Trait has been removed. _Less passive invulns please._

> > * Last Stand: This trait now has a visual icon on the warrior's status bar indicating when it's up.

> > * Rush: Range adjusted accordingly. _I realize this was never hitting people back then, but now it hits way outside of its maximum range_.

> >

> > Weaver:

> > * Elemental Refreshment (minor master trait): Now also removes a condition when using a dual attack. _Weaver needs condi removal not reliant on water._

> > * Unravel: Grants 1.5 seconds of superspeed and quickness on activation and attunement switch. _Currently not worth taking in any ele build_

> > * Plasma Beam: Damage reduced by 10% and cooldown decreased to 16 from 18 seconds.

> >

> > Elementalist / Tempest:

> > * Final Shielding: Trait has been removed.

> > * Arcane Prowess (reworked): Gain a stackable bonus to all attributes on attunement swap (20 stat points per stack, max 5 stacks). Buff duration: 5 seconds (unless refreshed).

> > * Overloads now gain 1 stack of stability (4s) by default. Increased to 2 when equipping Harmonious Conduit.

> >

> > Renegade:

> > * Lol who knows how this prof works?

> >

> > Herald / Core rev:

> > * No changes. Fix bugs if there's any.


> Ooo, Quaggan disagrees with your ideas, mostly because they are inconsistent (e.g. removal of Defy Pain*), or are not accurate**.

> *You would remove Defy Pain, while not touching traits which work same way, like passive Arcane Shield (Ele), passive Elixir (Engi), passive SoS (Ranger), passive evades (Thief), passive stealth (Mesmer) which are all poorly designed abilities.

> **For example: what is problem in case of Scrouge are instant F2-5 with no tells or any delay and too much boon corruption, in case of Mirage mostly too much of confusion and Elusive Mind.


I didn't want to butt in but really...the passive Stone signet is on a non competitive trait line and barely used and if used it comes at cost of base sustain - the passive arcane shield gt bypassed by unblockable attacks which are now in abundance and the rest...don't stop incoming damage from downing you if that was supposed to be the end result.....on other hand : defense line for warrior is the most overbuffed trait line in the history of GW2, it has basically everything, the same goodies found in a single trait line are normally found on 2-3 trait lines for other profession..end result is that warriors can create a "one man army" with virtually no weaknesses :


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> @"Abelisk.4527" said:

> Mesmer as a whole:


> • Replace confusion trait on shatter with various conditions per shatter (so Mind Wrack would get something like Vulnerability, Cry of Frustration gets Weakness, Diversion gets the Confusion, and Distortion gets chill)

Would make mesmer useless. Fine as it is.


> • Change "shatter causes Torment" trait to

> "Phantasms apply Torment" instead

Would make mesmer useless. Fine as it is.


> Mirage-only:

> • Revert Axe ambush (player-only) confusion stacks to 2. Let's be honest--this change was intended for PVE.

Agree, but it's not used in spvp anyways.


> • Axes of Symmetry+Jaunt conf. reduced

Agree I guess. Jaunt to 1 stack. It is already a decent utility skill, no need to bring more condi spam.


> • Elusive Mind can only stun break (condi cleanse removed)

What? The imbalanced part is the stunbreak, not the condi cleanse. Mirage is totally lacking condi cleanse without IM. Put ICD on stunbreak instead, don't remove it.


> • Mirage Thrust daze only activates for player not clones.

It is already like that. Infinite Horizon is the trait that brings this to clones - but this way you are missing out on Elusive Mind. Infinite Horizon needs a redesign if we choose to touch it.


> • Give Ambush attacks a 2 second cooldown instead of 1.

I'm divided on this one. But it's really a decent idea, probably would solve a lot of issues, but also goes against the concept of mirage, a lot of ambushes would go to waste.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"Abelisk.4527" said:

> > Mesmer as a whole:

> >

> > • Replace confusion trait on shatter with various conditions per shatter (so Mind Wrack would get something like Vulnerability, Cry of Frustration gets Weakness, Diversion gets the Confusion, and Distortion gets chill)

> Would make mesmer useless. Fine as it is.

> >

> > • Change "shatter causes Torment" trait to

> > "Phantasms apply Torment" instead

> Would make mesmer useless. Fine as it is.

> >

> > Mirage-only:

> > • Revert Axe ambush (player-only) confusion stacks to 2. Let's be honest--this change was intended for PVE.

> Agree, but it's not used in spvp anyways.

> >

> > • Axes of Symmetry+Jaunt conf. reduced

> Agree I guess. Jaunt to 1 stack. It is already a decent utility skill, no need to bring more condi spam.

> >

> > • Elusive Mind can only stun break (condi cleanse removed)

> What? The imbalanced part is the stunbreak, not the condi cleanse. Mirage is totally lacking condi cleanse without IM. Put ICD on stunbreak instead, don't remove it.

> >

> > • Mirage Thrust daze only activates for player not clones.

> It is already like that. Infinite Horizon is the trait that brings this to clones - but this way you are missing out on Elusive Mind. Infinite Horizon needs a redesign if we choose to touch it.

> >

> > • Give Ambush attacks a 2 second cooldown instead of 1.

> I'm divided on this one. But it's really a decent idea, probably would solve a lot of issues, but also goes against the concept of mirage, a lot of ambushes would go to waste.


Woow wooow wooow hold on there, jaunt is an elite if you make a elite skill 1 stack then its useless and its not much of a mobility skill cos the range is minor .

the axe ambush is rarely used by mirages need a rework but a nerf in the current stat i don't think so.

Axe of symmetry is already a bad skill rarely hits the target very slow to shadow step i guess making this skill more playable and nerf a bit the condi would be good

if you remove or change elusive mind every mirage gonna swap to chrono mirage is useless without this trait . and the mesmer is build around confusion and torment if you change that to something else it's not fitting.

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> @"Razor.6392" said:


> I think you're blowing things out of proportion. Very few classes have actual autoproc get out of jail cards that make them truly immune to damage of some kind (engi, warrior and I forgot to add acro thief).


> Out of all those classes only warrior and engi use those 2 traits as mandatory in their build. Yet other classes can still survive (despite having less base health and less toughness than warrior). How do they manage? I'm really curious.


> I didn't add replacement traits (other than the ele one) because nobody likes to read custom changes. That's up for ANet to decide.


> Lastly, I'm not for removing ALL immunities, only those that activate passively. Poor warriors have it so rough... highest health, armor, good mobility, great sustain, immunities up the kitten and absurd damage to top it off. Clearly if they lose the get out of jail card they will be trash tier huh?


I'm not blowing things out of proportions, if you think that, you are either extremely biased or never played Warrior once. We're FORCED to take Defy Pain because there's no other canditate in that tree that is actually useful to ANY of our builds and because it's one of the bandaids that make this game run. Obiously you cherrypicked my post, refused to try and debunk it and simply wrote that i'm "blowing things out of proportion" because it's easier that way than to actually write a real response to something that you seem to not understand.


You want to know how warriors survive? Not sure if that's a real question or not, but i'll answer anyway. Healing Signet + Berserker Stance +DefyPain-Endure Pain +Shield Stance. Every Warrior build HAS to take these skills and equip a shield to survive. Much Build diversity. You make the argument that other classes can survive without it. A Thief can evade 15times more than a Warrior can. Guardians have tons of passive damage mitigation and so on. Every class has their own way of surviving, Defy Pain and Endure Pain are the core defense of Warriors. High HPs and Armor mean nothing when conditions can tick for ridicolous amounts all at once. Armor doesn't mitigate Conditions. Besides that other classes can reach or even out-hp Warriors. Like Necromancers.


You say warriors have incredible damage and mobility. Both their damage and mobility comes from what? another forced choice. Greatswords.

If Warriors did have "Incredible damage and great mobility" the class wouldn't be stuck as the last played class in PvP. Your "Great Damage" comes from Hundred Blades, a 3.5s cast, and if you get hit by that, then i'm sorry, but you must learn to play better. Once upon a time, landing a HB was about CC, well guess what, we lost that too ages ago when Hammer and Maces stun were nerfed.


I'm tired of explaining things now, since i know that you aren't interested in hearing how classes actually work, i'll end my post telling you this.


If you're making a thread about PvP balance, at least make sure to know how other classes work first, identify the issue and explain why it's an issue and how it can be solved. Writing a list of "Nerf this, Remove This" without the above "rules" is pointless.




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> @"Nova.4608" said:

> I'm not blowing things out of proportions, if you think that, you are either extremely biased or never played Warrior once. We're FORCED to take Defy Pain because there's no other canditate in that tree that is actually useful to ANY of our builds and because it's one of the bandaids that make this game run. Obiously you cherrypicked my post, refused to try and debunk it and simply wrote that i'm "blowing things out of proportion" because it's easier that way than to actually write a real response to something that you seem to not understand.


> You want to know how warriors survive? Not sure if that's a real question or not, but i'll answer anyway. Healing Signet + Berserker Stance +DefyPain-Endure Pain +Shield Stance. Every Warrior build HAS to take these skills and equip a shield to survive. Much Build diversity. You make the argument that other classes can survive without it. A Thief can evade 15times more than a Warrior can. Guardians have tons of passive damage mitigation and so on. Every class has their own way of surviving, Defy Pain and Endure Pain are the core defense of Warriors. High HPs and Armor mean nothing when conditions can tick for ridicolous amounts all at once. Armor doesn't mitigate Conditions. Besides that other classes can reach or even out-hp Warriors. Like Necromancers.


> You say warriors have incredible damage and mobility. Both their damage and mobility comes from what? another forced choice. Greatswords.

> If Warriors did have "Incredible damage and great mobility" the class wouldn't be stuck as the last played class in PvP. Your "Great Damage" comes from Hundred Blades, a 3.5s cast, and if you get hit by that, then i'm sorry, but you must learn to play better. Once upon a time, landing a HB was about CC, well guess what, we lost that too ages ago when Hammer and Maces stun were nerfed.


> I'm tired of explaining things now, since i know that you aren't interested in hearing how classes actually work, i'll end my post telling you this.


> If you're making a thread about PvP balance, at least make sure to know how other classes work first, identify the issue and explain why it's an issue and how it can be solved. Writing a list of "Nerf this, Remove This" without the above "rules" is pointless.

Okay we learned you have only one option. Sad (and super boring to play, I've tried Warrior), but...


...this option is OP.


Spellbreaker is still able to run a sheer endless rotation of damage immunity > a lot of damage > kiting > regeneration > repeat. Core Warrior has some weaknesses but hits so hard, that it destroys almost everyone before that weaknesses show up. Your opponent dies while trying to bait your "Defense" passives.


Only warriors complain like "We are nerfed to the ground because we can't do 1v4 anymore."

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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> Woow wooow wooow hold on there, jaunt is an elite if you make a elite skill 1 stack then its useless and its not much of a mobility skill cos the range is minor .

> the axe ambush is rarely used by mirages need a rework but a nerf in the current stat i don't think so.

> Axe of symmetry is already a bad skill rarely hits the target very slow to shadow step i guess making this skill more playable and nerf a bit the condi would be good

> if you remove or change elusive mind every mirage gonna swap to chrono mirage is useless without this trait . and the mesmer is build around confusion and torment if you change that to something else it's not fitting.

Jaunt useless without 3 stacks of confusion? I mean, it's definitely not the main problem with mirage, but reducing the mirage condi spam is needed. And it is a great skill regardless of the stacks of confusion for mobility (remember, 3 charges), condi remove and power damage.. It's still by far the best option for any mirage but it would definitely reduce the insane confusion stacks.


I heard complaints about axe mirage in WvW, that's why I would accept a nerf for it, it doesn't really matter for spvp honestly.


Mirage is not useless without Elusive Mind though. Personally I ran IH as power mirage (plat t2-3).

But, it's basically making condi mirage overpowered along with the amounts of confusion.


Or we could just rework EM altogether. But it means that mirage would need additional stunbreak / condi cleanse somewhere else.

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> @"Nova.4608" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:


> > I think you're blowing things out of proportion. Very few classes have actual autoproc get out of jail cards that make them truly immune to damage of some kind (engi, warrior and I forgot to add acro thief).

> >

> > Out of all those classes only warrior and engi use those 2 traits as mandatory in their build. Yet other classes can still survive (despite having less base health and less toughness than warrior). How do they manage? I'm really curious.

> >

> > I didn't add replacement traits (other than the ele one) because nobody likes to read custom changes. That's up for ANet to decide.

> >

> > Lastly, I'm not for removing ALL immunities, only those that activate passively. Poor warriors have it so rough... highest health, armor, good mobility, great sustain, immunities up the kitten and absurd damage to top it off. Clearly if they lose the get out of jail card they will be trash tier huh?


> I'm not blowing things out of proportions, if you think that, you are either extremely biased or never played Warrior once. We're FORCED to take Defy Pain because there's no other canditate in that tree that is actually useful to ANY of our builds and because it's one of the bandaids that make this game run. Obiously you cherrypicked my post, refused to try and debunk it and simply wrote that i'm "blowing things out of proportion" because it's easier that way than to actually write a real response to something that you seem to not understand.


> You want to know how warriors survive? Not sure if that's a real question or not, but i'll answer anyway. Healing Signet + Berserker Stance +DefyPain-Endure Pain +Shield Stance. Every Warrior build HAS to take these skills and equip a shield to survive. Much Build diversity. You make the argument that other classes can survive without it. A Thief can evade 15times more than a Warrior can. Guardians have tons of passive damage mitigation and so on. Every class has their own way of surviving, Defy Pain and Endure Pain are the core defense of Warriors. High HPs and Armor mean nothing when conditions can tick for ridicolous amounts all at once. Armor doesn't mitigate Conditions. Besides that other classes can reach or even out-hp Warriors. Like Necromancers.


> You say warriors have incredible damage and mobility. Both their damage and mobility comes from what? another forced choice. Greatswords.

> If Warriors did have "Incredible damage and great mobility" the class wouldn't be stuck as the last played class in PvP. Your "Great Damage" comes from Hundred Blades, a 3.5s cast, and if you get hit by that, then i'm sorry, but you must learn to play better. Once upon a time, landing a HB was about CC, well guess what, we lost that too ages ago when Hammer and Maces stun were nerfed.


> I'm tired of explaining things now, since i know that you aren't interested in hearing how classes actually work, i'll end my post telling you this.


> If you're making a thread about PvP balance, at least make sure to know how other classes work first, identify the issue and explain why it's an issue and how it can be solved. Writing a list of "Nerf this, Remove This" without the above "rules" is pointless.





You forgot Adrenal Health. The MMR nerf wasn't really justified as it hit core Warrior and not Spellbreaker. I'd much rather see Adrenal Health get gutted.

Although, you can't underestimate the potency of Adrenal Health + Healing Signet. As for thieves having more evades than Warriors, I'm not so sure. S/D acro definetly has, but D/P thief and Core warrior has about the same amount (if the Warrior runs Signet).


You say that 100b is the only hard hitting skill warriors have. You somehow forget to mention Arcing Slice, Evis (if core) Dagger burst (Whatever the name of that skill is). Whirling Attack hits for way too much considering it also gap closes and is an evade frame. You now have access to boonrip (some of which is unblockable) which goes against the core design of Warrior.

"Warriors have no access to boon removal so their high in-power physical damage attacks power through the enemy defenses." Was the philosophy upon creating the Warrior skills way back when. The same skills that has been buffed, not nerfed since. You're saying that your only form of sustain is Shield / Healing Signet / Endure / Defy and Resistance. The thing about these skills are what makes Warrior so polarized. Having them last too long and Warrior comes the unstoppable monster that was Spellbreaker, Shoutbow and Condi zerker. Having them not last long enough makes them trash-tier.


Warriors need some sort of sustain that isn't all or nothing. They should not be either completely immune to all damage or being a punching bag. That's terrible design.


Also, in your previous post. You stated that Guardian has way more access to damage mitigation. Not touching Firebrand (because it's clearly busted) and focusing on Core Guardian and Dragonhunter; Core Guardian has access to 3 aegis every 70 seconds. 3 Attack block every 35 seconds with Focus 5. Dragonhunters has access to 2 Aegis every 60 seconds + 1 on the shield 4 every 24 seconds. This is 4 attacks every minute. They also has a **Frontal** 4 second block every 64 seconds which applies 6 seconds of protection. So your post is a lie. Guardian does NOT have more access to passive damage mitigation considering **NONE** of our skill has evade frames built in to them. We have less access to Protection than Spellbreaker. Break Enchantments, S/D thieves and Scourges all have access to Boon-Rip / Conversion. Two of which is unblockable.


So no, not counting Firebrand (which is sold as a support class). Guardian has absolutely no where close to enough sustain to even slightly compare to what Core Warrior OR Spellbreakers have.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"Abelisk.4527" said:

> > Mesmer as a whole:

> >

> > • Replace confusion trait on shatter with various conditions per shatter (so Mind Wrack would get something like Vulnerability, Cry of Frustration gets Weakness, Diversion gets the Confusion, and Distortion gets chill)

> Would make mesmer useless. Fine as it is.

> >

> > • Change "shatter causes Torment" trait to

> > "Phantasms apply Torment" instead

> Would make mesmer useless. Fine as it is.

> >

> > Mirage-only:

> > • Revert Axe ambush (player-only) confusion stacks to 2. Let's be honest--this change was intended for PVE.

> Agree, but it's not used in spvp anyways.

> >

> > • Axes of Symmetry+Jaunt conf. reduced

> Agree I guess. Jaunt to 1 stack. It is already a decent utility skill, no need to bring more condi spam.

> >

> > • Elusive Mind can only stun break (condi cleanse removed)

> What? The imbalanced part is the stunbreak, not the condi cleanse. Mirage is totally lacking condi cleanse without IM. Put ICD on stunbreak instead, don't remove it.

> >

> > • Mirage Thrust daze only activates for player not clones.

> It is already like that. Infinite Horizon is the trait that brings this to clones - but this way you are missing out on Elusive Mind. Infinite Horizon needs a redesign if we choose to touch it.

> >

> > • Give Ambush attacks a 2 second cooldown instead of 1.

> I'm divided on this one. But it's really a decent idea, probably would solve a lot of issues, but also goes against the concept of mirage, a lot of ambushes would go to waste.


Even if you add a cooldown to EM it'll be vastly useless in every orifice of GW2, since then everyone would choose IH.


Having no condi cleanse punishes Mirage for not taking Inspiration but at the same time you still have a stunbreaker.


Or instead, maybe make it so that if you're interrupted, Elusive Mind doesn't work, but if you're simply CC'd you can break stun.


As for my shatter proposal I suppose that is too extreme... make illusions deal confusion on hit instead rather than shattering?

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Here i was expecting fire and brimstone given the poster.


And then atleast regarding holo he then goes ahead and promotes sensible nerfs....


Although if i am allowed to be picky an internal cooldown was what made thermobaric detonation (the predecessor to minsweeper) useless. Id rather start with it not activating when invulnerable fto begin with and as someone suggested an added arming time. Its nice to see explosives being taken in pvp for once though (i haven't used it since incendiary powder was moved).


With the swiftness/super speed aplying after the leap making the cooldown on hololeap 3 seconds is a balanced tweak and nothing world ending, although i would make it 6 seconds if the leap range/aftercast/root could be improved for less spammy but more impactfull mobility. It also would affect the pve crowd little as its a dps loss to use the skill there afaik.


Passive elixir S removal is fair, especially if similar actions are taken across the classes (thief even got one added recently, not that they use it though).


Though im interested in what you would add in place of the removed traits, especially for the professions you dislike.

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instead of that,

ineptitude: changed from 2 stacks of confusion for 5s to 3 stacks for 3s

jaunt: confusion duration reduced to 3s

Master of Misdirection: confusion 33% duration -> confusion 15% more damage

makes confusion burstier (anet wants it to be bursty) but also makes it possible to wait it out before clearing other conditions. instead of the only way of not dying being clearing like 6 condis at once



instead of that, (Ghastly Breach is pretty good as is. yes it covers the whole point, but it only lasts 5s)

make the damage portion of all shade skills have a tell and slight delay, and make Path of Corruption function only in shroud



Unravel is now F5 instead of a stance

some kind of condi clear stance is added in its place

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