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Would you trade a character name if someone asked?

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:


> Like you mentioned, it would be highly unlikely if someone were to nab it - especially if Seller gives Buyer the *exact* time they deleted/renamed the character. If I were Seller, and Buyer missed out on getting the name by a Third Party, I would first tell Buyer to message Third Party explaining what happened (including screenshots if Third Party really wanted). If Third Party refuses to release the name I would most likely not give a refund. I held up my end of the bargain - releasing a name for someone else to nab. If they wanted it enough they could have asked me to release it at a different time (more convenient for them), or sat there for however long spamming to get the name.


I'm not really sure about screenshots. Would have needed to take them 24 hours before, at the time of the trade. All they would do is prove that you paid another player to release a name. Either way Player 3 wouldn't be obligated to rerelease the name.

Perhaps it's a reason name trading shouldn't really happen. If player 3 is a new player, they've just made their first character, got a good name for it, next thing they know they are getting angry whispers from somebody who 24 hours ago paid an arm and a leg to have that name released. Not good first few minutes in Tyria.

One thing that wouldn't be too far fetched, I did mention that a lot of trust would need to be involved. Player 3 could be an account owned by either the buyer or seller. The seller could do it to grab the name and get the payment again when the buyer contacts them. As far as the buyer knows this is a different person. The buyer, well the seller wouldn't have any obligation to give anything back but the buyer might try it to get a partial refund, the name freed up for cheaper than agreed. It could be that the third account involved was the buyer's main so he doesn't even need to delete to get it to his main, the one that contacted the seller being his second account. I'll be honest, if I was the seller, and third player got the name I had been paid to release I'd let the buyer sort it out with them. No refunds, if they kept asking I'd probably just block and be done with it.

So I'd probably avoid name trading. Just takes too much trust between two strangers that each other will do the right thing at the right time. Does it happen much? I've had a request to do it, or requested another player to.

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I think people are right that the seller would have to let the buyer know exactly when the character is deleted to make sure they can get the name. (And maybe plan ahead - make sure it's a convenient time for the buyer to get online and get it.)


If that happened I think it's pretty unlikely someone else would get the name first, at least without doing it deliberately. I make new characters a lot (at least 1 a week) and I know there's a lot of new characters being made on a regular basis because I see them in the tutorial instances. But even so the chances of someone trying to get the exact same name just as it becomes available? Pretty low.


The nearest to that I've seen is when they added the new Elonian hair styles and I made a character called Missandei of Narth after the Game of Thorns character, because one of the hair styles looked a lot like hers. Shortly after I loaded into the tutorial I found myself next to two other Missandei's, but obviously slightly different variants on the name. Talking to them I found out that we'd all assumed just Missandei would be taken (turns out it wasn't, I checked later that night) and we'd all had different approaches to modifying the name - all 3 of us got an unused name on our first attempt and I doubt we were the only people to have that idea.


If that's what happens when at least 3 people are trying to get the name of a major character from a very popular fantasy series just after it became possible to make a character look like her what are the chances that someone else is going to be trying to get the exact name you just bought at the one time it suddenly becomes available?

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> @"Sinmir.6504" said:

> > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:


> > Like you mentioned, it would be highly unlikely if someone were to nab it - especially if Seller gives Buyer the *exact* time they deleted/renamed the character. If I were Seller, and Buyer missed out on getting the name by a Third Party, I would first tell Buyer to message Third Party explaining what happened (including screenshots if Third Party really wanted). If Third Party refuses to release the name I would most likely not give a refund. I held up my end of the bargain - releasing a name for someone else to nab. If they wanted it enough they could have asked me to release it at a different time (more convenient for them), or sat there for however long spamming to get the name.


> I'm not really sure about screenshots. Would have needed to take them 24 hours before, at the time of the trade. All they would do is prove that you paid another player to release a name. **Either way Player 3 wouldn't be obligated to rerelease the name. **




> Perhaps it's a reason name trading shouldn't really happen. If player 3 is a new player, they've just made their first character, got a good name for it, next thing they know they are getting angry whispers from somebody who 24 hours ago paid an arm and a leg to have that name released. Not good first few minutes in Tyria.

> One thing that wouldn't be too far fetched, I did mention that a lot of trust would need to be involved. Player 3 could be an account owned by either the buyer or seller. The seller could do it to grab the name and get the payment again when the buyer contacts them. As far as the buyer knows this is a different person. The buyer, well the seller wouldn't have any obligation to give anything back but the buyer might try it to get a partial refund, the name freed up for cheaper than agreed. It could be that the third account involved was the buyer's main so he doesn't even need to delete to get it to his main, the one that contacted the seller being his second account. I'll be honest, if I was the seller, and third player got the name I had been paid to release I'd let the buyer sort it out with them. No refunds, if they kept asking I'd probably just block and be done with it.

> So I'd probably avoid name trading. Just takes too much trust between two strangers that each other will do the right thing at the right time. Does it happen much? I've had a request to do it, or requested another player to.


I've never had a request, but I have one name I've been after. It seems to be on a dead account though. But again, not sure I'd be willing to go through the trade at all, no matter which party I was.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > The value for the exchange NEEDS to cover the name change contract. However, it also can't surpass the total of the contract plus a character slot. Why not? Because then someone will began to buy slots and name characters as a way to make profit. And that would really be bad for everyone.


> Well I disagree there, Ardid. True, someone might *try* to do that. But they'd be relying on someone who is both very deep pockets and very keen on the particular name the seller has locked in and also hasn't already nabbed it before the seller ever got the bright idea. As I said in my post above, names are super easy to come up with. Odds are that if random others want the name the seller has managed to gather, it's because the name has some popular reference in it, or possibly is even the name of a RL person ... and ANet might very easily force a name change if it violates TOS.


> I just don't see anyone being able to lock in a name wanted by many people and then able to find a buyer that would pay enough to make it worth the speculative investment.


> Ayumi: Your names aren't lame! They maybe don't fit into most of the NPC naming patterns, but they don't stand out (to me -- they could be anime references I'm not getting) as horribly non-Tyrian.


> Here are my names currently in use, to demonstrate why I don't think anyone who cares enough about plausible names would feel the need to spend hugely to get me to part with one when they could just come up with their own, because what possible personal meaning would these have to anyone but me:


> Donari Mal Di Bette, Salvina Lucia Bette, Jin Macklin, Mirth the Mouse, David Raffino, Cesar Luc Sylvestre, Scrappy Jones, Tayyib Nur Tahiri, Taheefa, Marcia Barrett, Briara, Ysethe, Briamor, Andret, Altdragg Splitstack, Ylfa Aetlaveidr, Myrkkili, Solveig Sverdkin, Merra, Froblekk, Talani Stormburn, Reverus Farhammer, Lord Arlos Victor, Morbriath.


That "someone that would try" is the one I fear. I don't think it would be easy for this hypotetical speculator to have success with its initiative, but I have already seen enough business based on taking opportunities from other people (Like website naming, for example). I can very well imagine a rich guy hoarding lots and lots of free and paid accounts just to save names.

Sure, creative people can overcome something like that in no time, but it would still mean a lot of good names get caught in a prison.

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Never say never but no.


I've had a few offers for the name of one of my toons. And one time it was a lot of money. If I needed the cash I might have taken that offer and wouldn't blame anyone that did take it. It's just a game. Didn't take the offer because I don't need the money and the I've designed that toon around the name. He's also my main.

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> @"Ceridwen.6703" said:

> > @"Donari.5237" said:


> > Donari Mal Di Bette, Salvina Lucia Bette, Jin Macklin, Mirth the Mouse, David Raffino, Cesar Luc Sylvestre, Scrappy Jones, Tayyib Nur Tahiri, Taheefa, Marcia Barrett, Briara, Ysethe, Briamor, Andret, Altdragg Splitstack, Ylfa Aetlaveidr, Myrkkili, Solveig Sverdkin, Merra, Froblekk, Talani Stormburn, Reverus Farhammer, Lord Arlos Victor, Morbriath.


> Ooh, Altdragg Splitstack has the awesome in my eyes! It's truly made me smile, and even if I don't know your reasoning behind it, the cadence it has is yummy. I certainly don't have anything worthy to offer for it, and you should hold on to that gem. :D


Aw thanks! Here's how it happened: In original beta, it was hard for people to remember how to divide stacks of items in inventory as it wasn't the same keymap as in other MMOs. I joked publicly about making a norn named Altdrag Splitstack to help people remember the method. Some time after launch I decided to make him. I designed his look, went to the name field ... and it was taken! I gave up for a bit, though I had documented his sliders, and then decided I needed an Engineer and he'd be it. So I remade him with the added g (which to my mind ends up being better, more nornish) and it worked.


He's had some (minimal) RP so he's one that wouldn't be available at any price anyway :) But note how easy it was for me to get a quite viable variant of the name once my original idea was ... stolen? appropriated? coincidentally duplicated? ... So I maintain that there just wouldn't be a market for this. Squatting on random names would be a waste of a speculator's resources.

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I honestly don't think they could name a price that I'd say yes to. People in game know me as this name and would take too long explaining the name change, but really it comes down to my name while others don't know what it means, for me it's something special and close to my heart. Have had this name across many games for almost 9 years. Just can't see a situation where I'd be willing to give it up.

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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > @"Cuon Alpinus.7645" said:

> > If I was rich, I'd hunt down the dude who has "Balthacharr" taken and buy him out.


> What about: Bälthacharr? Thanks for the idea! Goes perfectly with my login name and I had a spare slot and enough boosts to make another 10 level 80 characters.. bahaaa.. how cool is that.. Bälthacharr.. my new Charr warrior! rawwwrrrrr


I would have rather gone with something visually better looking like:


- Baalthacharr

- Baelthacharr

- Ballthacharr

- Baltacharr

- Balthácharr

- Balthâcharr

- Balthachârr

- Balthachárr

- Bhalthacharr

- Balthacharrs (in case of a surname/fun name)

- Bal Thacharr

- Baltha Charr

- and so on..


but never anything with Ä,Ö,Ü ..looks always soooo ugly ...and unfitting

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Aw, umlauts aren't ugly. The problem is they change the pronunciation, so the name here becomes something like Bay-lthacharr. Ok, likely all the other accents also change the pronunciation, but I studied German so that's the one my brain automatically re-sounds when an umlaut shows up. It wrecks the pun for me.


For me, all my names are completely lacking in special characters. I have no interest in typing them out or making others do so in order to invite me to stuff or join my squad. And yet I can generate plenty of untaken names. So once again I don't see a market for names; why pay when you can make a perfectly good one for free?

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> Aw, umlauts aren't ugly. The problem is they change the pronunciation, so the name here becomes something like Bay-lthacharr. Ok, likely all the other accents also change the pronunciation, but I studied German so that's the one my brain automatically re-sounds when an umlaut shows up. It wrecks the pun for me.


> For me, all my names are completely lacking in special characters. I have no interest in typing them out or making others do so in order to invite me to stuff or join my squad. And yet I can generate plenty of untaken names. So once again I don't see a market for names; why pay when you can make a perfectly good one for free?


I'm German and for me are umlauts ugly automatically in any language, where you can AVOID THEM easily, either through other nicer looking accents (its just a visual taste thing that is preferred), or simply through the removal completely of accents and just changing the wording of the name, until its pronounciation sounds also well just without any form of accent ;)


Umlauts are just our fancy lazy way not to type out ae, ue and oe, but just to shorten it all down to just 1 single letter with two dots on top.... which is for the internet completely normal not to do, because the internet doesn't know any umlauts, there its also either ae, ue or oe.

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I would never give up my active toons names, they are all variations of Seuta Beibi, which is Star Baby in romanized Korean; I've used different special characters to make sure that they can all have the same name. For my older toons that have other names, I am just waiting to buy the name changers, so they can all be Seuta Beibi too. If someone wanted one of my old toons names, I'd be willing to give it up if they paid for the name change.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > > @"Cuon Alpinus.7645" said:

> > > If I was rich, I'd hunt down the dude who has "Balthacharr" taken and buy him out.

> >

> > What about: Bälthacharr? Thanks for the idea! Goes perfectly with my login name and I had a spare slot and enough boosts to make another 10 level 80 characters.. bahaaa.. how cool is that.. Bälthacharr.. my new Charr warrior! rawwwrrrrr


> I would have rather gone with something visually better looking like:


> - Baalthacharr

> - Baelthacharr

> - Ballthacharr

> - Baltacharr

> - Balthácharr

> - Balthâcharr

> - Balthachârr

> - Balthachárr

> - Bhalthacharr

> - Balthacharrs (in case of a surname/fun name)

> - Bal Thacharr

> - Baltha Charr

> - and so on..


> but never anything with Ä,Ö,Ü ..looks always soooo ugly ...and unfitting


Apparently I'm not allowed to say anything negative about the above negative comment on my name choice (grrr)... so I would just like to say, Hey I like the name the way I made it and gonna keep it and thanks for your input :)


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