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Would you trade a character name if someone asked?

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I wouldn't sell my Cheeze Toastie, Brew Teakettle or Furzia Furpants names. Any of my other chars are up for alteration, if the other party wanted to supply the name change contract - though I don't think anyone would really want the other names (Arrff, Ooffi, Oofti, Tim the Second, Meirionydd or Kailyanna). They're not all that.

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For most of my 31 characters, no. There are a few that seemed good at creation time that I'd like to change.


On my alternate accounts, some of those I could be convinced to part with, for the right price.


ANET would have to provide a means for it to happen, though, unless I as the seller have full control. In other words, the buyer sends the gold for the name change contract + sell price, and I do the name change at the agreed upon time. Then it's up to the buyer to get that name once it comes available. There's a window of uncertainty there that I'd not want to be responsible for.

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I'd be rather shocked, to be honest.. but I have changed my characters names already a few times.. so.. one more time would not hurt.


But I' still expect them to pay for the contract..and 500 gold.


The 500 gold.. because I would want to see just how badly they want the name and what it's worth to them to come up with their own.

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Is there anyone who would really turn down 10 million in gold for their toon's name? Is there anyone who would change the name for less than the price of a mere name change contract? So now, we're mostly just negotiating the exact price each of us would accept.


I'd have to agree with @"STIHL.2489": I'd be interested in finding out just how much someone was willing to offer.

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An interesting question. I would have to say not for any price when it comes to my heavily (or even lightly) RP'd alts. Their names are part of continuity for me and my friends, so I'd have to have some IC reason they were changing. I do have some alts that have no history even in head canon, so if someone wanted to give me, say, a permanent hair stylist for one of their names I could likely be persuaded.


Though I'm in the same boat as others in this thread: My names are almost all original to me, created to sound right in the lore and to suit the character (the only one that isn't original is Andret, my sylvari warrior, and I got his name from an Arthurian name generator. I'd be very surprised if someone else wanted any of them for the sake of the name itself, since they aren't noticeably puns or pop culture references or meta commentary, just plausible names for the setting which are super easy to come up with. It seems that anyone who likes the kind of names I like is going to be of a mindset to want to create their own names anyway.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Is there anyone who would really turn down 10 million in gold for their toon's name? Is there anyone who would change the name for less than the price of a mere name change contract? So now, we're mostly just negotiating the exact price each of us would accept.


> I'd have to agree with @"STIHL.2489": I'd be interested in finding out just how much someone was willing to offer.


The name of my Thief and Necro yeah I would turn down 10 million in gold to give my char name away.


BUT I do want to do a quick check. Who would want any of these lame names that my chars have?


Ayuuji Shokora

Aria Hodo

Ayumiko Spender

Ayumi A Spender

Thanatologist Anjja

Illusionist Middna


Like seriously. No one would want these names. There's reasons why I've never had a "This name was taken" situation.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Is there anyone who would really turn down 10 million in gold for their toon's name?

If they wanted the one named for my grandmother, I'd turn it down.


Other character names would depend on the offer, but most would require something beyond the cost of the contract to tempt me. I'd be more likely to counter with an offer to help them create a suitable name for their own character, as a hobbyist onomast with a collection of interesting name resources.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Is there anyone who would really turn down 10 million in gold for their toon's name? Is there anyone who would change the name for less than the price of a mere name change contract? So now, we're mostly just negotiating the exact price each of us would accept.


> I'd have to agree with @"STIHL.2489": I'd be interested in finding out just how much someone was willing to offer.


If that was 10 million of real moneys, then yeah I would do it.. but 10 million gold? Never.

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> @"Ameepa.6793" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > Is there anyone who would really turn down 10 million in gold for their toon's name? Is there anyone who would change the name for less than the price of a mere name change contract? So now, we're mostly just negotiating the exact price each of us would accept.

> >

> > I'd have to agree with @"STIHL.2489": I'd be interested in finding out just how much someone was willing to offer.


> If that was 10 million of real moneys, then yeah.. but 10 million gold? Never.


Then we're still just negotiating over price.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Ameepa.6793" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > Is there anyone who would really turn down 10 million in gold for their toon's name? Is there anyone who would change the name for less than the price of a mere name change contract? So now, we're mostly just negotiating the exact price each of us would accept.

> > >

> > > I'd have to agree with @"STIHL.2489": I'd be interested in finding out just how much someone was willing to offer.

> >

> > If that was 10 million of real moneys, then yeah.. but 10 million gold? Never.


> Then we're still just negotiating over price.



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> @"Ameepa.6793" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > Is there anyone who would really turn down 10 million in gold for their toon's name? Is there anyone who would change the name for less than the price of a mere name change contract? So now, we're mostly just negotiating the exact price each of us would accept.

> >

> > I'd have to agree with @"STIHL.2489": I'd be interested in finding out just how much someone was willing to offer.


> If that was 10 million of real moneys, then yeah I would do it.. but 10 million gold? Never.


Now that would make me willing to trade the one named for my grandmother, but only because Nana was a gambler who always dreamed of hitting a big jackpot, and she'd haunt me if I turned it down.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Is there anyone who would really turn down 10 million in gold for their toon's name? Is there anyone who would change the name for less than the price of a mere name change contract? So now, we're mostly just negotiating the exact price each of us would accept.


> I'd have to agree with @"STIHL.2489": I'd be interested in finding out just how much someone was willing to offer.


I would. My main characters name is one I've been using in pretty much every Western RPG for over 15 _years_ now and I don't think there's anything anyone could realistically offer that would make me give it up. (Note that I said realistically, for 10 million pounds I'd seriously consider it, but I'm pretty sure that's against the TOS and also never, ever going to happen.)


Other than that...yeah ok maybe if someone offered me millions of gold for my engineers name even though I've had it ever since GW1 and I'm possibly more attached to it than my own real name (not saying much since I changed half my real name a few years back just because that's what people do...and the new one is easier for other people to spell) I'd consider their offer. Although I'd want them to pay up before I changed it because it's pretty unlikely anyone would be that desperate to get the name Ilex Hedera.


But it would have to be a seriously tempting offer to make me even consider it with most of my character names.

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The value for the exchange NEEDS to cover the name change contract. However, it also can't surpass the total of the contract plus a character slot. Why not? Because then someone will began to buy slots and name characters as a way to make profit. And that would really be bad for everyone.


So I'm willing to sold my characters name for:

- 1 name change contract.

- The value of a character slot in gold minus 5%

- A very, very, very convincing explanation of the need for the name.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Is there anyone who would really turn down 10 million in gold for their toon's name? Is there anyone who would change the name for less than the price of a mere name change contract? So now, we're mostly just negotiating the exact price each of us would accept.


> I'd have to agree with @"STIHL.2489": I'd be interested in finding out just how much someone was willing to offer.


Yeah, I would turn down 10 million gold for names I’ve had for years, such as the one I had in gw1 which I’ve had for 7 years and got my GWAMM title on or one I don’t use except as a mule but it’s the name of my very first gw1 char and that name will be 10 years old in a month. Memories have value also and I wouldn’t want to see those names on some other char, or even know they are out there on someone else’s account. I’d also turn down 10 million gold for names that suit my char and changing would change my backstory for it. It’s only the chars that I don’t really care about that much that I’d be willing to sell the names to someone who cares more than me.

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Depends entirely on how much I like the name and how much is being offered. I'd probably pass in most cases unless the offer were something absurd, or I'm not fond of the name in the first place (in which case a free name change contract would be awesome!). I'd surely be curious what someone would pay and why though.


There are some characters I'd almost certainly never change, but none of my GW2 characters fall into that category. With enough incentive I'd likely be willing to tweak a first or last name, or even reinvent the character which can be a lot of fun. In some rare cases I might be so bored of a character that I'd be willing to buy the name contract to give someone else the name while also finding new enjoyment myself. In most cases I'd just buy another character slot and turn the old one into a bank if I'd lost interest in her.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Ameepa.6793" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > Is there anyone who would really turn down 10 million in gold for their toon's name? Is there anyone who would change the name for less than the price of a mere name change contract? So now, we're mostly just negotiating the exact price each of us would accept.

> > >

> > > I'd have to agree with @"STIHL.2489": I'd be interested in finding out just how much someone was willing to offer.

> >

> > If that was 10 million of real moneys, then yeah.. but 10 million gold? Never.


> Then we're still just negotiating over price.


Which reminds me of the joke where a guy asked a woman if she would sleep with him for a million dollars, and she thought it over and said yes. Then he asked if she would sleep with him for 10 dollars. She indignantly asked, What sort of gal do you think I am? He said, we’ve already established what sort of gal you are. Now we’re negotiating the price.


The point being is that most people will sell if the price is far above what is normal, especially if selling at that price gives benefits that far exceed not selling. But unrealistic prices are not a realistic scenario as pretty much anything is up for sell if the price is high enough.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Is there anyone who would really turn down 10 million in gold for their toon's name? Is there anyone who would change the name for less than the price of a mere name change contract? So now, we're mostly just negotiating the exact price each of us would accept.


> I'd have to agree with @"STIHL.2489": I'd be interested in finding out just how much someone was willing to offer.


So what we are really is asking.. is what do we think the names of our characters are worth.


I believe like anyone, some of my characters names are more valuable to me then others. Honestly tho.. I think most of us would think it more a troll then a serious request, unless we had scored something truly iconic.

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ha... pretty much anything is available for the right price. If someone wanted one of my character names and wanted to pay me a large amount of gold for it... I'm talking 1000g minimum... then sure I'd sell it. I don't need to know why the person wants it... just gimme the gold and any of my names are yours... The backstory is on my main character names which all have Tim in them. If a variation tweaks someone enough to want to pay for it exactly as it is then bam sold! lol..


I can always make another one almost just like the other one using special language characters... oh wait did I give something away? yes I did... you can copy pretty much any name in gw2 you want if you know how with a minor character tweak here or there. I actually have 3 characters that all look like the have the same name: Just In Tim


But if you look closely each of them has a little french or other foreign symbol above one or more of the letters.

So...someone could pay me a ton of gold... or simply copy what they see almost seamlessly.. :)

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