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Now that Wintersday is over, what did you like, and what do you think could be improved?


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I enjoyed every bit of it. My only caveat is that some things are either too costtly in mats or too luck based to be appropriate for a festival, but it didnt overly detract from the fun. The karma gain alone was worth it and wandering a snowy divinitys reach was incredibly atmospheric


I would have liked an extra week though

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One of the concepts that works is keeping older activities and offering new ones. I think the festivals are an excellent examples of Anet's concept of Living World and are worth their spot in development and release cycle. Additionally offering players items to work towards is also well received, therefore introducing things that can crafted, collected, trade of various rarities are also welcome additions. The snow Diamond infusion is a good example here as well as the weapons skins that could be collected. The change to the Toypocolpse was great change. Next if we were able to join the jumping puzzle and Snowball Mayhem as a group that too would be well received. I think only other things that would have been nice was if presents had been added to some of the other loot tables. For example it felt off doing fractals and not earning any progression for the Wintersday reward track though we could in both WvW and PvP. I realize we don't have reward tracks in Fractals...yet....


Good gaming!

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I appreciated the adjustments to the jumping puzzle and I enjoyed the new mount race. I liked the restructuring of the achievements and the simplifying of the snowflake rewards. I would have liked a greater variety of things to buy with snowflakes and snow diamonds, since the colored snowballs didn't really appeal to me.

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I, just like every year, enjoyed the entire Wintersday Festival. The only thing that bothered me, and still does, is the fact that we got an awesome Glacial Glider but no Glacial Mounts nor any other *serious* winter themed Mounts so I'll probably not buy any mount skins for a whole year and hope we get nice Winter-Themed Mount skins next year :)

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> Pretty much loved everything except the Snowball Fight PvP, but I don't have much love for anything PvP lately.


> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:


> > Removal of the "play your masterpiece" in choir.


> Agreed.


I was perfectly fine with it as I only needed to play the snowball thing 3 times.

The annual asked for 3, the repeatable gave 0 achievement points, and the personal gifts from it I can get faster either from Choir or Jumping Puzzle.

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What i want for next Wintersday (as its overdue)


* Add new Songs to the Play List, its quite boring and monotonous if you have to play 5 years long always the same 6 songs at Wintersday ... can't be THAT HARD to add there soem new variety through adding like 1-2 new batches of 6 songs that can be taken from the games OST of HoT and PoF for example or some other not yet used but well known christmas songs if you want, but i guess option 1 would just make more sense, even if it doesnt really fit to christmas, but hey we play also fear not this Night and this isn't at all christmas theme...


* I agree with the proposal, that Winter Wonderland JP should be turned into a Solo Jumping Puzzle, or eventually reduced to maximum 5 people or so per instance for performance reasons.


* Make Toypocalypse more fun with additionally new Weapons to use, than only Hammer, Rifle, Pistol. Add to that mix for example the Stafffor a more magical themed wintersday weapon in that minigame with that you can create Snowmans and Ice Walls instead of having to run around for them and collect snow..the only thing that should be collected is scraps to build up siege weapons. But Snowmans are no siege weapons basically and should be an temporarely based active part of a Staff Weapon, together with creating Ice Walls that lure toys to attack them and creating aoe Snow Storms like the toy ventaris to deal damage over tiem with them in a ground target area.

Additionally add the wintersday sword, which can work similarely like the Hammer, but deals slightly lesser damage, but can attack muck quicker and causes Bleedings so that you can stack on GIVV also a damaging condition And lastly add the slingshot to have a different ranged weapon with that you have lesser range than with the rifle, but can attack much faster, cause the Pistol is no good alternative and more useful as support weapon to stop toys from attacking. What would be nice is rather an offensive alternative, thats why the slingshot woudl be good, because oftenly the rifle is simply too slow and targets already dead, before the shot has been done ....making the rifle mostly only useful to kite GIVV and deal from far away high damage to bring him down quickly

Also add some new toy types to the enemy list instead of permanently chasing us with the same know toys for 5 years, it would be nice to see a few new toys being added that make the toypocalypse again more fun and a bit more challenging again, like add for example some tanky toy charr cars that aren't so easily destroyable and toy wyverns to attack us from the sky, which aren't so easily targetable by the siege and require players definetely to shoot them down!! :D


* in regard of snowball mayhem, i would find it nice, if the jobs get finalyl FIXED, so that once you have chosen one out, that you KEEP your choice then also finally until the end of the or or until you manualyl change your job at the base of your side after being defeated by an enemy player.

Also additionalyl there should be added more job types, than only the few that we have for 5 years now. There could be more interesting once to balance things out and to make the snowball fights more fun. Add to this also 1 to 2 new snowball battle MAPs with different locations/environment would be awesome too, instead of havign to play always on the same map. One map without for example wintersday presents woudl be awesome too, where just the side wins, which is best at defeatign the other players, instead of winning by who es best at bringing presents home to the base.

So far we have only the jobs Scout, Gunner and Supporter, basically equaling to Sniper, Gunner and Healer in reality.

What I'd like to see as additionally job choices would be in this case the Hunter, which is more focused on laying out Traps and being in offense a more condition based damage dealer, whose snowball attacks are weaker than those of the Gunner and Scout, but they deal damage over time instead.

Lastly additionally to the Hunter would be nice to have for Snowball Mayhem the Invoker, which crates with its snowball skills environmental effects, like creating a blizzard, which blinds and slows foers that are trapped in it, so that their snowball attacks misse and that they can't auto attack so fast in that time, or which let hail down ice that if it hits you, can freeze you and stop you this way from doing something, whikle beign in that frozen status also immune to damage, stuff liek that

on top of this lastly it woudl be nice, if all the elite specs would receive their own cspecialization independant own skill, like all the core classes have their very own skill.


While for example a Thief gets ice Wurm Venom Trap, a Daredevil should get somethign else like another evasive snowball attack that is not like Evasive Shot backwards orientated, but this tiem forwards orientated as a gap closer.


* The Mount Race was nice, for next time it would be awesome if the would be a different race track added to the town, so that the tracks get switched out every race with each other. Divinity reach is so big, theres more than enough space to come up with multiple different race tracks, shorter as like longer ones for different rewards.


* last point, I'd love to see a new wintersday activity being added which would be SNOWBOARDING which could be done in various different ways solo as like a group activity.

- Group Activity would be RACE

- Solo Activity would be TIME TRIAL & FREESTYLE where the goal it is to either make a course as fast as possiblee, or as stylish as possible through performign on the way to the goal as many tricks as possible successfully - think about such old games like Snowboard Kids?? Somethign similar would i love to see as new winterday activity for GW2 ^^

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> The absurd material cost of Winter's Prescense, especially Sigils of Mischief.


I agree. I've almost completed mine except for Essence of Mischief and Essence of Snowfall. The cost is crazy. I can't justify the expense just to have snow falling around my character. My mounts with the winter skins do that anyway and most of the time my character is on the mount. They need to do something about the mystic coin problem. There needs to be a better way to farm them to bring the cost down on the TP. They could start rewarding them when players completes achievements. Maybe in a tier system based on how many points you get from the achievement; 1 per point.

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I went into Divinity's Reach after Wintersday ended and it felt so empty. They should have some post Wintersday cleanup events where players get damaged Wintersday gifts as rewards. They could have fun with what drops from them. Maybe an event to round up lost mounts. I really wish they would add the snow fog effect randomly to Hoelbrak. I loved the effect.

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Well, I know it's asking for a lot, but having every starter city participate in their own festivities to celebrate wintersday would be pretty cool in my opinion, instead of having it only in divinity's reach. Also incorporating a new short story to go along with it would be nice. Maybe they could make it similar to the festival of the four winds with dynamic events and such. :P

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I enjoyed it much as always. Tried again on the JP (easy path), never got past the rolling boulders, gave up -- as always. Didn't bother with the Mayhem. Liked the race a lot. I do wish the Toypocalypse achieve's 25 AP didn't require 3 rounds per 5 AP, as one round of that is quite long. It's my fault for waiting to the end of the event to try to get those points, but then again the reason I waited was due to the time commitment of even one round. It seemed to take a lot longer per AP gain than the other activities, and I missed 10 AP from it as a result. 2 rounds would seem more in line with the rest of the activities, time wise.


I loved that there was snow falling all over the city, it made it feel much more like Wintersday than confining the effects to the Pavilion.


I'm ok with "Play Your Masterpiece" as I don't mind breaks to type to friends or scan Discord chat, but I do strongly agree that someone joining a session should not be put into an instance that has reached that phase. In fact they shouldn't be put into one that is on the final song-for-points, because you can't join a song in progress. It's not like you need a full instance to complete a song; one person playing on one platform can get their participation and points regardless of the presence of others. It just won't be as musical :) Let the thing empty out if people leave before the instance auto-closes.


I'd also like to have a little less competition to get one's desired slot. I like playing the lower notes, but by the time I mouse to that option someone else has grabbed it or another and the window closes before I can click and I have to re-chat with the snowman and hope a playable octave is available. Maybe at least leave the window open but put in a check mark for the ones that have been claimed, a'la dungeon path votes? Then when all 3 are claimed or a short time has passed (10 seconds?) you get ported to your chosen octave spot.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

I had a blast. Had some memorable experiences:


* Died multiple times in Snowball Mayhem to a really, really good team. They were nice as heck, so the death was somewhat less painful. Also loved winning that event -- I wasn't 100% hopeless. :)

* At one point, based on a concern a player shared with me, I valiantly ran (on foot, in human form) through the entire race, to be sure it could be done. I can confirm that runners **can** complete the race... but probably never will win it.

* Had Ho-Ho-Tron's dolyak die on us. Hey, I was busy making snowmen to supply snowballs! How did I know the remainder of the team would slack off? :'(

* Succeed wildly at Toypocalypse. Failed at JP. Nothing new there. ;)

* Enjoyed meeting players and hanging out with them in DR. Lots of great conversations, sharing, and fun. I always run into a player I met years ago in LA, and those in particular warm my heart. <3

* Played Bell Choir until I was tapping keys in my sleep. Which leads to...


I haven't asked about Bell Choir, but I will. Both about the possibility of adding new or different songs, and also whether we'd consider dropping the "Play Your Masterpiece" section. I would likely not be able to share the outcome of those discussions, but I can pass along the suggestions! Anyway, here's where I have a question for you: What if the developers feel that it's fair and right for someone to get XX prizes in YY time? In that scenario, simply taking out the PYM would mean that we'd all be getting rewards on a faster schedule that intended, right? So to balance that, would you be content to have the rewards adjusted to accommodate a faster playing schedule? If we earn 18 boxes in 9 minutes, remove PYM, and end up with, say, 12 boxes in 6 minutes, would you be good with that?


Note: I am **not** at all suggesting this is on anyone's calendar, schedule, or to-do list. This is me, as an ardent Bell Choir player, asking other players their thoughts, and I'm only surmising that there is a desired prize distribution timetable. I have to say that because I don't want anyone saying, next year, "Gaile said... " about any of this. :D :D





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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I had a blast. Had some memorable experiences:


> * Died multiple times in Snowball Mayhem to a really, really good team. They were nice as heck, so the death was somewhat less painful. Also loved winning that event -- I wasn't 100% hopeless. :)

> * At one point, based on a concern a player shared with me, I valiantly ran (on foot, in human form) through the entire race, to be sure it could be done. I can confirm that runners **can** complete the race... but probably never will win it.

> * Had Ho-Ho-Tron's dolyak die on us. Hey, I was busy making snowmen to supply snowballs! How did I know the remainder of the team would slack off? :'(

> * Succeed wildly at Toypocalypse. Failed at JP. Nothing new there. ;)

> * Enjoyed meeting players and hanging out with them in DR. Lots of great conversations, sharing, and fun. I always run into a player I met years ago in LA, and those in particular warm my heart. <3

> * Played Bell Choir until I was tapping keys in my sleep. Which leads to...


> I haven't asked about Bell Choir, but I will. Both about the possibility of adding new or different songs, and also whether we'd consider dropping the "Play Your Masterpiece" section. I would likely not be able to share the outcome of those discussions, but I can pass along the suggestions! Anyway, here's where I have a question for you: What if the developers feel that it's fair and right for someone to get XX prizes in YY time? In that scenario, simply taking out the PYM would mean that we'd all be getting rewards on a faster schedule that intended, right? So to balance that, would you be content to have the rewards adjusted to accommodate a faster playing schedule? If we earn 18 boxes in 9 minutes, remove PYM, and end up with, say, 12 boxes in 6 minutes, would you be good with that?


> Note: I am **not** at all suggesting this is on anyone's calendar, schedule, or to-do list. This is me, as an ardent Bell Choir player, asking other players their thoughts, and I'm only surmising that there is a desired prize distribution timetable. I have to say that because I don't want anyone saying, next year, "Gaile said... " about any of this. :D :D






I would like new songs, while keeping the old ones, and I also support removing PYM.

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