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You can now buy the Gift of Insights with real money.


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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > > > > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > > > > > > How does this affect your own game play?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > That's not really a good arguement.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > How do gold sellers affect your gameplay?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > How do wintraders affect your gameplay?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > How do bots affect your gameplay?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > How do hackers affect your gameplay (as long as they are on a diferent map)?

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > All these examples are irrelevant as you are using forbidden tools/practices in comparison to legit way of new currency voucher.

> > > >

> > > > So if Anet starts putting things into the gemstore like "instant Tyria world completion for 3k gems", "RNG precursor box for 2k gems", "random piece of raid loot for 500 gems", "achievement instant completion for 1k gems" then in your book that is completely fine because it's Anet who's doing it?

> > >

> > > They already started doing this, I'm waiting for more content skips for money.

> >

> > That's the kind of mentality that can put us on a path to P2W.

> >

> >


> You can already buy gems and pay raiders to play content for you.


One could argue that if you buy raids people actually do the raid for you, so the majority of the group is playing the game, and there's an incentive for people to get good because they too could sell raids in the future for profit.


It's different from buying generated auto-complete buttons with no player contribution.

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> To me the point of an mmo is the journey. Everytime I set a goal for me in-game, to get X item, or X set of armor (gold or time intensive) so I start to work towards it. After I finish it, I use it, and set another long term goal (can have many going at the same time too).


That's farm, not a journey.

The fact that he decided to buy with cash his leggie allowed him to play the game towards the fun instead of a craft.


Those who has an aesthetical ( or even worst a "moar stats" one ) goal which affects their gameplay, are simply addicted to something which is not related with the way they would play.

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> @"psizone.8437" said:

> > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > ...you know you can't buy the items needed for the gift of insights unless their respective mastery tracks are completed, right?


> Yup, but it's still essentially buying in game currency with real money.


> I just posted to let people know it's there and to voice my opinion on the matter.


> I'm not overly bothered by it, but if they do more than this it could get bad. Can you imagine the backlash if they added Raid currencies to the chests?




> > @"Chay.7852" said:

> > Well.. since this thing is a container (means for me one-time-use) and rare i would be rather mad if i get a rare drop and its **This**


> It's an uncommon drop, I had 12 keys and 3 or 4 of them dropped for me last night.




We have always been able to trade real money for in game currency. The gem to gold conversion process has been an integral part of the game's business model since launch.

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> @"psizone.8437" said:

> > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > ...you know you can't buy the items needed for the gift of insights unless their respective mastery tracks are completed, right?


> Yup, but it's still essentially buying in game currency with real money.


> I just posted to let people know it's there and to voice my opinion on the matter.


> I'm not overly bothered by it, but if they do more than this it could get bad. Can you imagine the backlash if they added Raid currencies to the chests?




> > @"Chay.7852" said:

> > Well.. since this thing is a container (means for me one-time-use) and rare i would be rather mad if i get a rare drop and its **This**


> It's an uncommon drop, I had 12 keys and 3 or 4 of them dropped for me last night.




Wait, what? You could buy gems at launch and sell them for gold, which is an in game currency. At that time you could buy enough gems to buy a legendary weapon. In game since launch.

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I can't say I'm really happy with this, regardless of whether you could buy stuff with gold before.


I mean, some stuff you get through playing and other stuff you can get with money. I guess I never really liked to get everything with money either.


Then again, it's battling against grind as well. Maybe it will pay off to get that weekly black lion key.


My general opinion of these things is: Pay for content YES, pay for skipping content, hell no.


And they better not start balancing prices around the fact of this Tyrian voucher. That would just be gamebreaking for me.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> I won't partake, but I also won't disparage those who will. That all said, I'm finding the increase in gem-sale items tied with achievements rather . . . suspect.


I'm convinced it's tied to the dailies AP cap (and other caps). They're using it to increase revenue via AP selling.


It's actually something I don't care about one way or the other. As long as it's not buying better abilities in-game, it's just money. ANet needs micro-transactions to survive.


But, caps are a terrible way to do it.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:


> We have always been able to trade real money for in game currency. The gem to gold conversion process has been an integral part of the game's business model since launch.



> @"Vayne.8563" said:


> Wait, what? You could buy gems at launch and sell them for gold, which is an in game currency. At that time you could buy enough gems to buy a legendary weapon. In game since launch.


Yeah I meant map currency, my bad.


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> @"psizone.8437" said:

> With the addition of https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tyrian_Exchange_Voucher to the black lion chest, you can now buy all of the currency required to make a Gift of Insights without taking part in map events.


> Whilst this may be a godsend to some, I feel like it removes part of the journey of making a legendary weapon.


> I don't care if it gets changed or not, but I sincerely hope this doesn't become a trend. The game needs to have things earn-able in game that cannot just be bought with enough real money.


You do realize for HOT and POF legends you still have to work insanely to get everything needed to craft yeah? It's not like the older 1's that you can just buy complete on TP. I don't see a prob with buying the currencies. I've made Chuka and Ipos and now almost finished with Nevermore......just a shame that option wasn't available a little earlier. I think it's good as is, specially for those of us tired of the jungle. I'm dreading another Gift of Battle :( sell that as well LOL.

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Too much of a gamble to actually use it for for a legendary weapon i would say...Why would you spend all the money for 6 vouchers when you can do it on your own in like 3-4 hours as part of a crafting process that could take months.


Also by the time you finish the gameplay requirements in the maps you will already have the currencies for the gift.


So it does not really change much for the legendary specifically i think.

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> @"psizone.8437" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:


> > We have always been able to trade real money for in game currency. The gem to gold conversion process has been an integral part of the game's business model since launch.



> > @"Vayne.8563" said:


> > Wait, what? You could buy gems at launch and sell them for gold, which is an in game currency. At that time you could buy enough gems to buy a legendary weapon. In game since launch.


> Yeah I meant map currency, my bad.



No worries.


Not much of a difference to me, but then again I am not likely to spend money to get this currency either.

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So, let me get this straight...you can avoid collecting map currency for your legendary, by getting 6 of the same random-drop items from black lion chests.


Which is a total cop-out, because you would clearly never, never get that underwhelming amount of map currency (800 per map) while you're completing your entire Maguuma masteries or doing your total HoT map completion, both of which are required for legendaries. Or while doing the metas for your amalgamated gemstones or general loot farming for all the gold you will need.


Not gonna set my hair on fire over this one.

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MMOs are inherantly unfair in that they reward people for playing the game by the amount of time played.

So if in real life you are filthy rich and dont have to work so you can play the game for 10 hours a day, 365 days a year, you will end up with far more upmarket items than someone who has to work 2 jobs and can only play the game for 1 hour a day.

Is this fair?

It obviously isnt , but no one has a problem with this.

And begs an obvious question.

Would you play the game if you got no rewards based on time played?


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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> I can't say I'm really happy with this, regardless of whether you could buy stuff with gold before.


> I mean, some stuff you get through playing and other stuff you can get with money. I guess I never really liked to get everything with money either.


> Then again, it's battling against grind as well. Maybe it will pay off to get that weekly black lion key.


> My general opinion of these things is: Pay for content YES, pay for skipping content, hell no.


> And they better not start balancing prices around the fact of this Tyrian voucher. That would just be gamebreaking for me.


But you still have to to do other stuff in those zones to finish the zones, for the gift of maguuma for every single hot legendary that needs gift of Insight. And I guarantee you, it's virtually impossible to complete the four HoT zones, which you need to do, without having enough of the currency from each zone to purchase that stuff anyway.


This is a storm in a tea cup. It doesn't stop you from doing anything, unless you're also spending that currency on stuff like minis and tonics (which I did).

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> @"TheRandomGuy.7246" said:

> Pretty sure if their "new" monetization team was there during gw2 development they would have sold trait points and skill unlocks too. Since it is a bit too late to do that they gonna settle on selling new gameplay features and content skips.


Technically they did sell those things, as you used to have to buy books to reset and trait up a new line. Granted, the lower level books weren't that much, but I want to say the last one was 10g.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > How does this affect your own game play?


> That's not really a good arguement.


> How do gold sellers affect your gameplay?


> How do wintraders affect your gameplay?


> How do bots affect your gameplay?


> How do hackers affect your gameplay (as long as they are on a diferent map)?


> Directly most of these things don't, but these are shourtcuts that invalidate the time spent by players doing a certain activity.


> If Anet just keeps making it easier and easier for paying customers to pull ahead of those who chose to spend their time playing the game as intended and earning things that way, then these goals/achievements (and by extension, playtime) starts meaning less and at some point it's going to become hard to justify spending time chasing any goal. MMOs are about longtime investments, and if that investments start to feel meaningless then playtime shrinks and eventually people leave, which is already a problem.



A huge thank you for this! One of the few people who understand how games work out in the long run, well done. :)

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > I can't say I'm really happy with this, regardless of whether you could buy stuff with gold before.

> >

> > I mean, some stuff you get through playing and other stuff you can get with money. I guess I never really liked to get everything with money either.

> >

> > Then again, it's battling against grind as well. Maybe it will pay off to get that weekly black lion key.

> >

> > My general opinion of these things is: Pay for content YES, pay for skipping content, hell no.

> >

> > And they better not start balancing prices around the fact of this Tyrian voucher. That would just be gamebreaking for me.


> But you still have to to do other stuff in those zones to finish the zones, for the gift of maguuma for every single hot legendary that needs gift of Insight. And I guarantee you, it's virtually impossible to complete the four HoT zones, which you need to do, without having enough of the currency from each zone to purchase that stuff anyway.


> This is a storm in a tea cup. It doesn't stop you from doing anything, unless you're also spending that currency on stuff like minis and tonics (which I did).


Weird logic. A shortcut never stops you from doing anything. It just provides an easier route to the end. Which I simply don't like in general, not just for legendary weapons. To me it's like setting the precedent that you wouldn't want to play this content anyway because it's terribly grindy, thus players need some pushing through that nasty piece of content.


No buts, storms in teacups or whatever, just simply my opinion.

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If they make those currency tradeable then it's ok, but since they are not, the dungeons/map that are already dead will become deader, or something like that.


So yeah, i don't like things like this in the gemstore. Next time maybe we will see Legendary Insight in it, i want the heavy legend armor but i don't want to raid so maybe it's good for me, but have those things in gemstore does not feel really healthy for a game.


If those "don't have time to play" want to have those currency, it's better to make those currency tradeable, have buyer mean we have seller, those maps will always have people playing them.

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> @"Essence Snow.3194" said:

> > @"Samnang.1879" said:

> > personally dont understand what is sad about spending real money on items in game. think about it this way, would u rather spend 5 hours looking at a monitor doing super tedious things to get that item, or would u rather work 5 hours in a real life job, and use money from that job to get the item instantly after work?

> >

> > idk maybe my thinking is super unconventional... but i prefer the latter option. and honestly, it's not like i have any dependents to look after... i mean that would be irresponsible.


> My guess is that it's basically on par with buying accomplishments. Do you feel that those buying accomplishments has any effect on those that earned them?


they're similar in nature. but not the same.


buying items to hasten your process in crafting another item = fine. theres no skills involved in crafting a legendary weapon

buying achievements is not, because it cheapens the skills required for that achievement. thats why i dont think anet will release a gemstore item that will give u the title pvp god for example (although one could argue that ppl who got pvp god cheated their way thru to get that, but that's a different story altogether).


![](https://us.v-cdn.net/6027239/uploads/avatarstock/n56RPW6FQL311.png "")



i mean ppl who are against this, r u against buying elder woods mithril ores etc? or do u spend zillions of years chopping them urselves? dont be hypocrites

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > > > How does this affect your own game play?

> > >

> > > That's not really a good arguement.

> > >

> > > How do gold sellers affect your gameplay?

> > >

> > > How do wintraders affect your gameplay?

> > >

> > > How do bots affect your gameplay?

> > >

> > > How do hackers affect your gameplay (as long as they are on a diferent map)?

> > >

> >

> > All these examples are irrelevant as you are using forbidden tools/practices in comparison to legit way of new currency voucher.


> So if Anet starts putting things into the gemstore like "instant Tyria world completion for 3k gems", "RNG precursor box for 2k gems", "random piece of raid loot for 500 gems", "achievement instant completion for 1k gems" then in your book that is completely fine because it's Anet who's doing it?


yes, yes and i cant stress this enough..... HECK YES

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