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Should the ap system be removed from the game ?


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The ap system is poorly desinged with rewards up to 60k ap while the top players are around 36 k after 4 years why not replace this obviously broken system with something like collections for the weapon skins, that way you can work towards what you want and have fun in the maps, populating lower level maps.

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if they were fun to do, i wouldn't mind pursuing them, but atm it's just super tedious e.g. do billion rounds of toypocalypse... it's like... i do 7 rounds and i want to do something else... ain't nobody got the patience or time to do zillion rounds of that tedious thing

i got 15.5k ap, but 80% were by coincidence or doing things i enjoy (e.g. pvp ap's story ap's)

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I see the collections and the AP as separate entities. AP shows the depth of play where as collections are active goals. AP is the mechanism to add permanent account gains. Are there better systems, probably, but this is fun, gives that feeling of progress that MMOs need and gives people goals to work towards. So no wouldn't be interested in seeing it dissolved into just collections.

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> @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> Why do you think it should be removed? I don't agree that it's poorly designed. Why do you assume it's poorly designed.


Exactly, it's working exactly as it's supposed to, the point is to give players that already have everything at least one last reason to keep playing the game, to grind out every last AP out of every single piece of new content. And I, as someone who isn't nearly done with all the things that give AP enjoy the occasional reward from reaching a new milestone on my AP.

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It shouldn't be removed but it should be changed/improved!

1. AP should be hidden from other players. I have been playing since beta but I only have 13k AP simply because I'm not an achievement hunter in MMOs. I don't want people to judge me by my AP.

2. Rewards should be reworked and increased. Why can't we unlock the whole Hellfire/Radiant armor sets before 10k? The AP requirements for these items are unrealistic and most people will never fully unlock them.

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> @"MarkoNS.3261" said:

> The ap system is poorly desinged with rewards up to 60k ap while the top players are around 36 k after 4 years

You don't like the design; that's not the same as being "poorly designed". It's set up to provide rewards for ages, not just for short-term achievement hunters.


> why not replace this obviously broken system

It's not broken, obviously or otherwise; you simply don't like it.


> with something like collections for the weapon skins,

We have lots of collections already. They are fun in a way, but there's a limit to how many people like to do.


> that way you can work towards what you want

On the contrary, collections require specific actions while AP chests are awarded regardless of which content you do. If "working towards what you want" is your preference, then the status quo is better for you.


> and have fun in the maps, populating lower level maps.

99% of collections bring people to specific locations once for 10-15 minutes. One of the few exceptions is the Druid Backpack from LS3.5, which some people hate because it forces them to repeat literally the exact same content for several weeks (or mindlessly return each day to a single vendor for months). This does not effectively populate lower-level maps, it doesn't necessarily mean people have "fun in maps"



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I think that AP rewards should be improved for more complex achievements similar to how they were in LS1, but I don't think it should be removed entirely. They could probably increase the Daily/Monthly AP cap safely at this point and let some old players earn AP that way again, and could probably safely put a few more 100 AP achieves in to the game with new releases to allow some people who couldn't be here for early seasons to have at least some chance of ever seeing that 60k number in their lifetime.... Don't think it should be entirely gone though.

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Not removed, but changed.


> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> Don't think so. They need such ridiculous gates for people to play. Without APs people wouldn't bother with achievements.


Even with AP's, these days I don't bother with achievements. Why take a few hours doing something I only marginally like for a few measly AP's? Normal PvE play barely gives AP's at this point, for that, you need to Raid and that's something I simply don't enjoy.



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The only thing I'd change about the AP system is for an additional token along with each Pinnacle skin reward. Said token would be a skin unlock one (1) weapon skin from a choice of any skin in the game that the user does not already have unlocked.

Beyond that, the AP system is fine where it is. It doesn't even need the unlock, but I've always felt that the weapon skin rewards for those high level AP achievements were a bit lackluster. The Pinnacle weapon set is pretty, but I'm pretty sure there are players out there who don't care for it, and in the sense of cosmetics, the Pinnacle GS wouldn't complete a "fire & stone" character look as well as something like the Fused GS (yes, I know, you can buy it, it's just an example).

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I believe that removing the AP system at this point would result in massive complaints by a lot of people who've put a lot of time into it. Remember the rage when guild benefits were removed and put into HoT? Remember the rage when peoples' earned fractal levels were removed? I do. Taking things away from people is always going to generate a strong negative reaction. If the presenting complaint is that AP rewards take too much time to get, the easiest fix for that would be for ANet to stop slowing progression and award more AP for new tasks.

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> @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> Why do you think it should be removed? I don't agree that it's poorly designed. Why do you assume it's poorly designed.


Because -

1 - He did not get a favourable response in his previous poll asking to be able to buy daily achievement points from gemstore

2 - Maybe OP feels hard done by maybe that other players have more AP's and he want to have the same amount but doesn't want to put the time and effort in

3 - OP just loves to keep posting out ridiculous polls for the sake of it.

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I wouldn't miss them if they were to be removed. But just making them hidden from other players would make me happier with the system. They don't really serve any purpose other than bragging rights, and to be honest I'd rather have a hall of monuments 2.0 than AP's as just a number.

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I'm fine with the AP system, maybe because I don't go out of my way to get them. I'll sometimes make an effort to complete an achievement if I want the other rewards, or if I just want to do it, but I don't worry about AP. But it's nice to get that extra bit of a reward sometimes, especially when I'm not expecting it.

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Imagine if the top players reached 60000 AP... we'd see rewards for at the very least 60500 AP. and up to 62500 due to how the achievement interface works.

The only "problem" with the current system is releasing on the wardrobe items that nobody can reach, let me be revealed only when at least one person acquires them and there would be no more issues with the rewards.

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