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[spoilers] Should Tybalt...

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I didn't even answer the poll. There is no rinneggan in this game, I don't even know what the hell a rinnegan is. But, since Tybalt's favorite weapon was his rifle, he clearly wasn't in to Ninjutsu. Asura don't practice Ninjutsu. Pretty sure the Charr don't either. Stop trying to bastardize stuff in this game.

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You clearly watched too much Naruto, if you bring up such a ridiculous and totally pointless poll up.. or the only thign you are after is some kind of forum batch for posting a ton of pointless polls ... /sarcasm :trollface:


On a serious side note.. no, our mentors should not return.. they are dead and should stay dead!!!


PS: for those interested and just are curious, what a Rinnegan is..

In the Anime Naruto, which is all about Ninjas do exist in its lore 3 powerful eye abilities with that ninjas of three specific clans get born with.

The Byakugan, the Sharingan and the most rarest one of them, which originated from the founder of Ninshuu (Way of the Ninja) in this anime, the Rinnegan.


The reason why the Op mentioned the Rinnegan is one of its anime related powers among 6 other ones that these eyes give you - the ability to revive dead persons, the Outer Path (the abilities are called in this anime Paths) The word itself translated basicalyl means "cycle of rebirth/life from rinne = wheel/cycle ..

The whole stuff is basically originatign from Indian Mythlogy, as these Paths use the same terms that come from indian mythology


"Asura" Path, and so on, which represent the six realms of reincanation from the indian mythology with the outer path being the only except that is basicalyl not part of that mythology and thought out only for storytelling reasons

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> I loved Tybalt, as a companion, but to use an anime trope like that is beyond.. how do you say that nicely? Illadviced.


> Asura as a species have little relation to the hinduistic entity “asura”.


Correct they share just with it the same name term, thats all.. buzt eventually the OP thought, that the Asura race in this game is called like one of the hinduistic realms of rebirth might not be perhaps a coincedence, and that the anime and the game are somehow related to each other lol (JK).. or like I think ,this is just a cheap troll poll (no pun intended) for collecting some kind of Forum Badge for postign polls, regardless if they make sense, or not ..just my feeling ;)


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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > I loved Tybalt, as a companion, but to use an anime trope like that is beyond.. how do you say that nicely? Illadviced.

> >

> > Asura as a species have little relation to the hinduistic entity “asura”.

> >

> Correct they share just with it the same name term, thats all.. buzt eventually the OP thought, that the Asura race in this game is called like one of the hinduistic realms of rebirth might not be perhaps a coincedence, and that the anime and the game are somehow related to each other lol (JK).. or like I think ,this is just a cheap troll poll (no pun intended) for collecting some kind of Forum Badge for postign polls, regardless if they make sense, or not ..just my feeling ;)



Well, i think the original Eye of the North artists called them Asura because because they share the trait of desired perfection. If I recall correctly, the entity Asura believed it was so great and perfect, worshipping gods was pointless because the gods couldn’t do anything the Asura’s couldn’t do themselves.

In that same respect, the race Asura is very intelligent and adaptive and believe they’re (usually) above the other races in almost all respects. Like ants they’re relatively very strong, but being shorter makes them weaker still. Thats about the only connection, though.


I’m also not sure why OP talks about ‘ninjutsu’. Ash legion is about the only thing that vaguely comes close to ninjas. Vague at best. Maybe one day when we go back to Cantha we’ll get the Assassin Elite for thieves (just maybe). But agreed. OP’s poll is so disconnected from the game it makes no sense to vote any option at all

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I googled Rinnegan.

As much as I like Tybalt very very very much. I loathe anything and everything Naruto and most very late 90s to current age animes.

(Yes, us Asians can dislike anime. It's not a surprise and stop gasping at me with your mouth wide open before a peacock-chicken raptor mount does it's business in there).


Also, the only Sasuke that's worthy of the name is:

![](https://i.imgur.com/gO94Hms.png "")


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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> I googled Rinnegan.

> As much as I like Tybalt very very very much. I loathe anything and everything Naruto and most very late 90s to current age animes.

> (Yes, us Asians can dislike anime. It's not a surprise and stop gasping at me with your mouth wide open before a peacock-chicken raptor mount does it's business in there).


> Also, the only Sasuke that's worthy of the name is:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/gO94Hms.png "")



I would have thought you of all people would have supported a Rinnegan. I mean, if the thing has the power to bypass standard shounen plot armour and kill off major characters, just think about what it could do in a western production?


That being said, I don't think the Pact Commander would be on board with the plan of making Tybalt a corpse puppet.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > I googled Rinnegan.

> > As much as I like Tybalt very very very much. I loathe anything and everything Naruto and most very late 90s to current age animes.

> > (Yes, us Asians can dislike anime. It's not a surprise and stop gasping at me with your mouth wide open before a peacock-chicken raptor mount does it's business in there).

> >

> > Also, the only Sasuke that's worthy of the name is:

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/gO94Hms.png "")

> >


> I would have thought you of all people would have supported a Rinnegan. I mean, if the thing has the power to bypass standard shounen plot armour and kill off major characters, just think about what it could do in a western production?


> That being said, I don't think the Pact Commander would be on board with the plan of making Tybalt a corpse puppet.


Hell if we want to go all anime, give us a green Asura that is smart enough to make "Elder Dragon Orbs" that can grant wishes and bring people back to life once a year.

Taimi can die a heroic death and say "My brilliance caused too much trouble, because of this I think I should stay dead." and blah blah blah.

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"You know, it's one thing to go out with a bang, quite another to literally go "bang". " Quipped Tybalt, looking at Trahearne with amusement.

"In my defense, I _did_ manage to go out in style..."

"And I didn't? Sir, sir, perhaps I should reiterate what makes me cooler than you. "

"You have fur?"

The Charr shot him a dirty look before answering the half-sheep question.

"I'll pretend you didn't make a joke about my fur (which is illustrious, much better than your twiggy self!) and say that I'm cool because I have awesome friends like you."


"What are you supposed to be, again?"

"An anime character?"

"I...You better be glad that you're my pal, otherwise I would kick you into the fiery depths of a volcano."

"In the Mist?"

"Yes, in the Mist."

(senpai didn't notice you, fool.)


I'm half asleep and buzzed, I'm sorry.

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The only way i could imagine to have the old mentors well... sort of back, would be in an underworld type area (no, not as a raid but as it was back in GW1 where we met Gwens mother for example) where you could even interact with them, maybe having some quests with them involved, helping them in some way or having them helping us (again...). Maybe making this quest depending on your order choice - like, you know.. have you choosed The Order of Whispers you will see Tybalt, have you choosed The Priory you will have the Sieran quest and so on.


But... since we have the UW already, i dont think we will see them again.

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