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I can't quit you.

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GW2 we may not see eye to eye on some important things such as the lack of support a Reaper can't offer groups, and a lack of lower Tiers for Raiding so that unwanted non METAs like my self can just run these things like Looking For Raid heroes from Wow.


However there is a lot that you do get right, besides I've spent so much money on stuff for my account it's really stupid for me to let it all go to waste collecting dust.

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I love you, game, but you know how I am.

I love when you challenge me, when you demand effort and work and reward me with your beauty and wit after all.

I'll do the same for you: I'll push you to become better and stronger. I'll criticize your fails the same I'll celebrate your success, I'll always search for ways to help you to be even greater than you are, and I will be mad at you when you do stupid stuff. I'll never be just a conformist about you.

Because love is not soft, game.

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Every MMO is hard to leave, because you've invested so much into it in terms of time and effort. However, at some point, it's just not worth staying. When that point arrives is up to you, but if you find that the MAIN reason you stay is a reluctance to let go of that investment, then you probably should quit. After all, despite all the time and effort going in, there IS no ultimate payoff. It's not leading up to anything. It's just a time sink.

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My love for the game is roughly the same, just my play time is waning. I still have some connection to the community, even though the huge list of "do this thing at only the right time with a group that won't fail" content is starting to drive me off. I haven't even done much in Istan because the place annoys me *just enough* to not stick around. Which probably comes from a few really irritating mobs.

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I stopped for a long time after 6 months of banging my head against the raid wall. As a guardian with limited time it was really hard to find a group, especially one willing to let me play the way I wanted- oh sure I could do DH dps if they wanted it but I liked tanking and had the gear for it. It could take hours just to find a group, if I ever found one at all. I fell into a consistent raid group of folks but it was not a hardcore group and we struggled just to bring one boss down every. single. week.


As full legendary gear was my long term goal and legendary armor became more and more of an impossible task in my eyes, I started losing the fun in the game. All anyone ever told me was to play another class that was more in the meta game like druid, chrono or PS warrior. Then, a patch came along that took the 4000+ badges of honor I had saved up and made them useless for legendary weapons- gifts of battle could no longer be purchased with them. I felt like all the time I sunk into WvW for the sake of my legendaries was rendered pointless in an instant. Perhaps the blame was on me for failing to see the incoming change, but it stung nonetheless. With legendary armor becoming insurmountable, and my progress on legendary weapons taking a huge step back, I finally left the game for Black Desert, which had recently released.


.....but I could not stay away. I was trained too well to keep logging in for rewards. Out of habit or curiosity I continued monitoring the game forums and Reddit for news of changes. I noticed DH became accepted meta dps for raids, and when PoF came out I saw mounts, new story lines that played to my old GW1 days, and I saw FB become accepted meta condi dps. Still, I'd been burned and I had developed new friends in BDO. I couldn't just jump back in.


Then, gradually, my BDO guild fell apart. It started with a few key members leaving, then the GM left and put me in charge. With my limited time I could not properly take care of maintaining a guild and more members left, while others like myself succumbed to leaving the game in afk while doing other things. The grind for gear had taken a toll on me as well. I finally realized it happened again- I lost the fun in BDO. My wife suggested we try to get back into GW2 again one day and I took her suggestion.....to find that I thoroughly enjoyed it. Fractals, running around completing the maps on alts, world events....it was all so familiar, yet with a renewed sense of enjoyment. If I should find the time again, I even found that folks offer some raid training groups and I figure maybe I could start there.


I don't know if it was that the grass was greener on the other side of the virtual fence, or time apart just made the heart grow fonder, but I found what I had once lost, the reasons I started playing GW2 in the first place- the things ANet had done right that at some point I had taken for granted, and outweighed all that I wish they had done differently.


TL:DR- Left GW2, couldn't stay away, eventually came back; Also, listen to your wife. She knows things.

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> @"Swoll.1483" said:

> Game is great, I'll continue to play for free, but they won't see anymore of my money. :)


Played since release, bought all the expacs and then some. When wayoint unlocks were released I was disgruntled. When mountboxes were released I was mad. As someone who has spent literally thousands of dollars on this game (and none on black lion keys mind you) they'll have to have a very convincing argument to get me to buy the next expac. As far as I can see they've already started down the pay-to-win and lootbox route, and I refuse to support that sort of business.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> GW2 we may not see eye to eye on some important things such as the lack of support a Reaper can't offer groups, and a lack of lower Tiers for Raiding so that unwanted non METAs like my self can just run these things like Looking For Raid heroes from Wow.


> However there is a lot that you do get right, besides I've spent so much money on stuff for my account it's really stupid for me to let it all go to waste collecting dust.


Hey, I understand we may disagree about some things, or you may be waiting for things yet to come, but I'm glad you're still around. :)

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I've played more than most people and while I don't agree with everything Anet does, I never expected to. My own needs/wants/desires for a game are peculiar to me. So what matters is the core gameplay itself and how true it remains to what I enjoyed in the first place.


To some degree the game has moved away from that, but not enough to stop me from playing. In other words there's still plenty I love in the game, despite there are things I don't particularly like.


At the end of the day, plenty for me to enjoy, for very very little money. This is probably the cheapest form of entertainment I can get...well this and Netflix.


So yep, I'm still here and not leaving any time soon.

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