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QOL: mounts in old instances


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Now, we already had the discussion that anet didn't want mounts in the older instances because their mobility abilities could allow people to break the maps.

However, there are two options to please both parties:

1) Allow only the Jackal.

2) Allow only the zero-endurance Raptor.



on 1): The jackal offers no mobility access that isn't already accessible by food. The flash ability requires a pathing, meaning you can only get somewhere you could already jump to. you don't gain height. (if anything else, you can still just give people a debuff that they have zero endurance while mounted).

on 2): the raptor gives speed, but without the ability to leap, will offer no momentum that allows anyone to make a jump that they couldn't do themselves.


So the Jackal and Raptor with zero endurance would not be able to break a map, but would still offer a player the speed boost. Other mounts are different, though.

Even at zero endurance the Springer jumps slightly higher than a footed person, same with the Griffon. I don't think the Skimmer would be able to break a map, but it also wouldn't give any advantage so programming it would be a waste of resources.


Agree? Disagree?

(I know that a jackal with multiple teleports would be able to break a map, hence a single flash or no flashes at all would prevent that)

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In my opinion this is a nonsense, what means "break the maps"? I understand cheating, this shouldn't be allowed, but mounts are acquired with time and dedication like every mastery in the game, sometimes even facing other nonsense difficult task (thanks to some bad game design) to acquire it, when others spend time with legendary weapons (that I dont have but I don't blame anyone for this) You dedicated time to rise and grow your mount, it's perfectly normal to be allowed to use it as needed, do You feel bad for this? go, take one for yourself and at the end tell me if You feel it's fair to be limited in the use, properly ride a mount is a skill like many others, is not easy at all, and at the end of the day I paid for this game, and I want to enjoy any penny I paid, this means that if I don't cheat or I don't treat bad other players I will buy another stuff from ANET just and simply because I enjoy this game (I paid) theirs effort should focus to let me experience the game and enjoy this experience, not to find strange nonsense like this, i'ts just a great waste of time, money and engagement, something that every entertainment comnpany should avoid.

Make great games is difficult and rewarding, this kind of nonsense like limiting mounts it's just the way to waste time instead to use it to create engagement and a "wow" experience. Just my 2c

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Well, i kind of agree with anets original stance. In the respect that when you break the map you get to places you're not supposed to go, or skip parts of the instances that the devs worked hard on making.

Butt simultaneously, we earned mounts and should have the right to use them.


Disabling endurance seemed like the perfect middle ground to me.

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Well if they want to limit mounts why not do the same with gliding in old maps or legendary weapons in old maps and so on, from my point of view if I spend time and efforts in something I want to use it. even reducing the endurance do not add anything better to a map, mainly because with an ever growing world you need to move faster, or could be an opportunity to let players to use and visit old maps better than daily foraging/mining or vista stuff, I really don't see any problems with mounts in old maps, usually the problem is for those that do not have time to do it or they don't want to do it, as I said i don't blame who follow another path, I understand that they have other priorities, from this point of view it is an improovement in the game, everyone is free to enjoy the game with a different style as a mesmer is different from a warrior, to give too many constrains, mainly useless constraints, debases the game and makes it monotonous.

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Make all mounts unusable in Central Tyria and HoT until you have done 1 World Completion.

Allow them everywhere thereafter, even in JPs.

Add a special buff to JPs that gives you a slightly better reward. You lose the buff if you use mounts or gliding in Base Game JPs, or mounts in HoT JPs.

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Just like the other threads on this, I fail to see the point. Players with mounts don't break your maps. You are still free to move about without a mount and complete the same things as before. That other players use them in no way affects your ability to complete content.


Why must threads like these try to impose the OP's play-style preferences on the rest of the player base?

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I think it's more than map breaking.

Mounts and gliding were only available to the game because of movement "tech" they gradually added to the game since the first Bazaar of the Four Winds patch, then with SAB, and others.

It's very likely that within those instances they can't reliably activate that tech and allow those movement options without risking a lot of spaghetti code and a ton of reworks for a minor improvement.

I wouldn't mind some strategically placed speed and adrenal mushrooms though!

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To add to ReaverKane's comments, the devs have in the past commented that the reason they can't remove some unskippable cutscenes is that NPCs are doing things during that interval and skipping it would break the instance. Not in a player escapes map sense, in a story will not progress and player must restart the whole thing sense. Given that some quests and stories break just from the player running ahead before the npc has done the speed-of-plot walk-and-talk, adding in mount speed would probably exacerbate this.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> I think it's more than map breaking.

> Mounts and gliding were only available to the game because of movement "tech" they gradually added to the game since the first Bazaar of the Four Winds patch, then with SAB, and others.

> It's very likely that within those instances they can't reliably activate that tech and allow those movement options without risking a lot of spaghetti code and a ton of reworks for a minor improvement.

> I wouldn't mind some strategically placed speed and adrenal mushrooms though!


This is what I think also.


The old stories are made on a different code. I don't think mounts are disabled, it's more likely the code doesn't even know they exist. As in, when you try to mount, it doesn't read mount...it reads nothing.

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