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Season starts 16th so...when balance patch?

Mr Godlike.6098

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> @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > @"Toron.4856" said:

> >

> > revenant and weaver are useless.

> >

> > mirage is uncontested 1v1 king besides when vs druid.

> >

> > firebrands are unkillable in combination with scourges cuz scourges kill off all the power dmg.

> >

> > and holo / spellbreaker are just sooo superior to any non PoF spec

> >

> > HoT builds are not relevant at all (besides druid) -> buy the NEW expansion or get fúked in pvp

> >

> > tempest - bad

> > reaper - bad

> > chrono - bad

> > daredevil - "bad" replaced by sd core thief

> > scrapper - bad

> > dh - bad

> > berserker - bad

> > rev - haha

> > druid - god tier

> >

> > the game is build around BUYING path of fire, or being stuck with a kitten elite spec unless u play druid

> >

> > it is a "balance" in order to make more sales.

> >

> > its been a couple of months, players had high expectations and what did anet do?

> >

> > buff mirage, buff firebrand, buff druid

> > nerf core war, nerf ele

> >

> > -> making those overperforming PoF classes stronger to generate MORE sales

> >

> > now the season ends and where everyone is expecting a balance patch to maybe play their beloved rev, berserker, dh, chrono, reaper or idk again and anet be like wellll no keep on waiting we will balance somewhen during the season. without giving an exact date.


> If you're expecting every e-spec to be good in PvP I don't know what to say. I am not saying balance is perfect because it's not, it has significant outliers, I'm saying this is being blown out of proportion.



Nobody expects that. We just expect HoT to remain at least meaningful.


When all but one meta build is PoF, it's a sign that they are selling the expansion. It's too much of a coincidence to be an accident.



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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > There will most likely be a patch tomorrow, it will just be underwhelming in scope, and out of touch in direction like every patch since PoF has been.


> There is no balance patch tomorrow. There is currently a balance patch in the works for mid-season.


can we stop making seasons short..... if we're getting MID season balance? why not make the season 6 months long.... 2 season a year makes MORE sense if balance patches are gonna be dropped MID season.

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> @"corey.6451" said:

> LMAO. This can mean 2 thing

> 1. They actually realise how broken the balance is.

> 2. They forgot that they have a balance schedule.

> Man sooo funny those. Been looking forward to this balance patch for the past month.


Or they re-agjust conditions (last longer+does less damage) at 12 of december (before they evacuate the offices) and since then , they spent that time with their family .

PPl now use more ranged characters and guardians get some minor condtion-removal buffs and more data is needed (what better chance when ppl strive to get in the Leaderboards)


Half the damage or Mortal Kit and remove the cast times of spells ...and the lag while i torent

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So many people don't understand the nature of this game and how it was heavily published based on the Manifesto. Do you wanna know why most of the old players, players that enjoyed playing this game in pvp, won't ever come back? Because ArenaNet advertised a lie. It gets worse when they show us that they can't balance pvp according to their ideals and visions. Let me make it clear for most of the people who post in this thread defending ArenaNet and meaning that what they've done so far has been good for the game: they went to the opposite road, promoting a "MOBA style of game" in spvp, working to create meta after meta, excluding the most important thing about this game's pvp -> **diversity**


By all means, every single profession should be able to deal real damage, to deal real condition damage, to have real healing prowess and so on (cc...) and what the ~~MOBA blob~~ meta blob gets us into? Only two or three classes are viable in pvp (but they only have one build that outshinies the others) and not a single opportunity to make a counterbuild. When it comes to this game's pvp, balance never saw the day's light.

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You guys need to calm down because balance patch not coming out tomorrow isn't the worst part. The worst part will be that, when its out in few weeks, the changes will be so pathetically small and irrelevant, that most will laugh. Then you'll be back at waiting for another patch in 4+ months. That's the real sad part with this dev.

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You know... i kinda like the idea of mid season balance patches (like them being more common) mostly cause the players that should thrive on them are players capable of doing well on both, well established metas with well established builds and teams, and chaotic mutating metas whitout well established builds and teams.


IMO if a player can be consistent in both of this metas he/she should be considered a better player than one that can only thrive in one.

That being said, matchmaking still feels like too much a luck factor for really taking the competitive scene toooo seriously.


And i´ve having lots of fun playing scourge on pvp, (it can be a little frustrating though when you are learning a class in unranked and some people go with full easy scourge) so while i wouldnt mind some nerfs or changes than make it more complex to play, i apreciate that they are doing so though so they dont butcher the class with nerfs.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"Lonely Wayfarer.5189" said:


> > - why cant you play around with some numbers and do a quick change to holo, scourge, mirage, fb, druid?


> This is much easier said than done.



Is that why every big patch in GW2 history has been majority comprised of numbers going up and down? Is it really that bad? Is the game really just that spaghetti that shifting some numbers around is so difficult? Sounds like modifying an engine which was outdated in 2005 for a 2012 release might have been a bad idea?? It's pretty hopeless if you can't get staff familiar enough with GW2's messy code so that they can at least just move some numbers up and down on a semi-regular basis.


Also, the mid-season patch idea is basically what we saw with big weapon addition updates in competitive TF2 and the R8 Revolver in CS:GO. Do you know what happened in those situations? The new additions to the game were blocked by the players (they either whitelisted them in private servers or the ran older versions of the game over the newest ones) because the players knew that the new additions were way out of line for the current season's in-progress development. You seriously are just pulling an R8 with the mid-season patch idea and not even batting an eye. That's positively rich.

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balance patches in midle season if well made (i doubt, ahemmm...) might be interesting to follow players performance on certain classes and builds before and adter those changes since it is probabaly when spvp has more players, the issue ic is if the balance will be made to force players to get tied extreme gimmicks gameplay towards new elite specs only.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > There will most likely be a patch tomorrow, it will just be underwhelming in scope, and out of touch in direction like every patch since PoF has been.


> There is no balance patch tomorrow. There is currently a balance patch in the works for mid-season.


Glad you guys are pushing for more frequent balance patches but I'm still kinda disappointed that there's none tomarrow. I really really wish you guys could stream line the process somehow. I'd take smaller frequent patches any day that way there's a reason for me to keep coming back (I play for the combat) now I'm like well guess it's just gunna be like last season might as well check back in a month.


The thing that irrates me about balance passes if bugs and underpowered classes and weapons aen't addressed in a balance pass you're forced to leave it to root for an entire quarter. *Cough* (ranger dagger sucks since POF realease)

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I for one am grateful, that ANet is postponing the patch, I think that's a fantastic idea. You see now, we have more time to enjoy the game before they introduce the next batch of bugs and label it "Working as intended, maybe, kinda... roll with it till someone says something."


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Shouldn’t the strategy be providing a balance patch at the start **and** mid-season?

Since you already **know** at the start, what isn’t working as intended – *Mirage, Scourge & Firebrand* – and have to be changed with the new season. And once the seasons runs, your balance team should observe the introduced changes and provide a *light* balance patch in mid-season. These changes can also be observed again in order to provide a *big* balance patch for the next start of a season.

This shouldn’t be too complicated, if you really have full-timers doing balance, which you should have.

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> @"orenwolf.1953" said:

> I wonder if most of the posters here realize the reason they get so few updates from so few developers is because the responses are so toxic and insulting.


> I mean, would *you* want to respond when comments on why changes happen (or don't happen) are met with "what work do they even do?" or "You don't care about your customers" or similar statements?


> Any of you that watched the dev chats on balance changes should be well aware of the layers and layers of testing that need to happen for every single skill, combination, and gamemode in order to minimize the chance of unintended consequences. Skill fact changes need translations, possibly new audio, possibly animation changes. all of that needs to be QA'd, and then iterated on. Imagine all the possible combinations of skills that could be used together, now imagine needing to figure all of that out as a small team, because you *know* as soon as they are released your awesome playerbase is going to try things in crazy combinations until they find a "new best" meta. Especially when *your* goal is to try and ensure there isn't just one "meta", but several acceptable ways to play each class, and each specialization.


> You do all this work, then look to the forums where all you see is toxicity from the playerbase when your changes take time, with literally the sorts of insults and put-downs usually reserved for teenagers in high-school, and you wonder why you get no communication or updates? *especially* when reading these forums take away from their other tasks?


> Ben, and the other Devs who lurk on these posts: Thank you for your dedicated work on our behalf, and for being willing to brave the minority of toxic posters who try to steal all the oxygen here. Thank you for the explanation of why balance patches will happen independently of tournaments. Those of the playerbase who care about providing constructive, detailed reports will be sure to report promptly when the patch drops if there are any issues.


> To those of you who would rather insult the makers of this game you supposedly *enjoy* and push them out of communicating with you? Take some time and reflect on what your toxic attitude and culture robs from these forums, these people, and indeed our community.


> Thanks.


C´mon .. this is a all selfmade situation and no one is insulting somebody personally .. it is for sure nice to see if some dev shows up and telling people something about the mysterious plans of that company and surely no one declines it.. so thanks for that Ben. But like i said .. players see a lot of things in a bad state .. they keep telling them but been ignored in a tragically way .. what shell they do ? Player feedback is an important way of being told which things ingame are broken and should see some change .. ignoring really isn´t the right way to handle it. The after HoT release rumors were not because of toxic players but because of Anet completely ignoring what a whole lot of them said about what is needed for WvW and still .. nothing has changed so far as i can see. The way Anet communicates -missing communication- and the level of transparency is all way too low to be able to create a healthy way to handle customers requests ..


Go to a shop .. buy some .. idk ..book .. when at home and u start reading u see every 5th side in it is missing .. go back .. tell the seller what´s wrong .. he ignores you .. WTF how would U react then ? Players of 2 -once- big gamemodes been bringing back books for years now .. and the only reason i´m still her is .. there is NO OTHER fraggin book store insight ... hope this changes in 2018 so i don´t have to bother Anet anymore with feedback/complaints/wishes ^^

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