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Power Ranking Thread: Player Created [MERGED]

Gaile Gray.6029

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> @"Falan.1839" said:

> Luana too high, Flänby too high, Diverse too low, ROM a bit too high, Zorg a bit too high, Obindo too low on Rev, Tenebrae too low, Mase too high, Faeleth too high, Cookie too low, Tage too high, Mde Mda too high, Zyntrex too high, Prickly Berry a bit too low. Rest I agree with except for maybe really small margins. Maybe slightly biased towards some old ESL players who were better in past metas.


> Also Sukaya and Zheart missing on the engi list imo.


Tage is not too high, on FB he is absoluty a beast and definitely the best.


Tolfdir is missing as core guard he's better than me and the best core guard in the game.


Frostball is overrated on Rev and actually worse than most Rev mains imo.


Lefrere too low on Ranger.


Aceman too low on mes, he does not play cheese, is smart and is better than a lot of mirages who are put above.

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Always found Cookie the stronger and more consistent FB, but that's only my personal impression. And obviously both are top lvl guards. Oh and yeah there is certainly more people missing than those I mentioned, it was just the ones coming to my mind when reading the Engi list.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> I expected more drama


believe it or not their was a shitload of drama on the discord channels. Bunch of monkeys couldn't understand how much of a meme this was and took it above and beyond LOL. Players ego were so hurt because of this, getting players to mail me in game and PM me on discord asking if this was "serious" or if i really "believed' this was right. Even though i stated in about 10+ times on the day it was released it was a complete joke and only people that would take it something serious would be the losers that continue to play this game all day long, have multiple alt accounts on the leader-board and complain about the fucking list on stream with different host every single time lol.


Fun fact i took a shit during my break at work and made this list within 5 mins and yet watching a few gw2 spvp stream going around all i hear is people complaining about the list being so "wrong" and how this "person" should be on it LOL.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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100- Vallun's warrior

99- Eratharn Stark

98- Zarkion



96- Naru

97- Porteck

100- Moof



101- Kaypud

96- Magic Toker

100- Jay Savage



100- Paul

100- Shadelang

100- Anyone who plays boonbeast off of metabattle and gets glob.




4-Drydude when he has to answer the door and afk

92.000000001- Coup



100- Falues on core sd

99- Falues on condi sd

98- Falues on menders dd



102- Evodius

103- River

100- Zeromis...tress



999- Ckod when he's with Guy E

77- Vallun's reaper

100- Best of the Best Tabitha Kestler



Just give up on this class.

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  • 1 month later...

"This list is 100% valid and was peer reviewed by some of the top players in the game. If you don't agree with it, then you just don't know gw2 pvp."


I guess when you're banned for win-trading there's not much else to do but peer review a list that says you're top tier. zero bias.

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1. Have default mount selected as *insert your most used mount which is almost certainly not Warclaw since Warclaw is useless outside of WvW here*. This is used the keybind for "Mount/Dismount"

2. Enter WvW

3. Exit WvW and return to open world

4. Your default mount selection has been set to Warclaw even though you are not in WvW anymore.


This is one of those minor QoL bugs, but it's really annoying to have to reset the keybind every single time. This effectively forces everyone to either install the radial mount select mod or set every mount up with their own keybind since the "currently selected" mount is going to be constantly getting set back to Warclaw for any of us that WvW as a part of our regular rotation.

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> I noticed it cause I have a hotkey set up for all my mounts except raptor, because I leave raptor as default.

I have hotkeys for all the mounts, but one key in particular for just "mount" that selects my default mount, which is typically set to raptor. But I noticed randomly my character would have warclaw set to default when I never set it to that...but I had been in WvW recently.


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If I may offer a suggestion, don’t use the skill button to mount and dismount.


A.) get the mount wheel addon (its a charm, trust me)





B.) set the skills to your numpad:

0. Warclaw

1. Raptor

2. Springer

3. Skimmer

4. Jackal

5. Beetle

6. Gryffon


Using the numpad won’t interfere with your regular 1-9-0 buttons. They’re recognized as different buttons

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> If I may offer a suggestion, don’t use the skill button to mount and dismount.

> Either

> A.) get the mount wheel addon (its a charm, trust me)

> https://github.com/Friendly0Fire/GW2Radial


> Or


> B.) set the skills to your numpad:

> 0. Warclaw

> 1. Raptor

> 2. Springer

> 3. Skimmer

> 4. Jackal

> 5. Beetle

> 6. Gryffon


> Using the numpad won’t interfere with your regular 1-9-0 buttons. They’re recognized as different buttons


Option B for sure, although I use the cluster of keys in the bottom-right of my main keyboard:

* $ = Dino

* ù = Mr Buns

* * = Fishie

* ! = Carlos

* : = Griffy

* ; = Petey

* ^ = Kitty (when I finally finish the collection)


The observant reader will think I have some weird keyboard, but in fact it's a perfectly ordinary French-AZERTY keyboard(1), which does, indeed, make it fairly weird.


(1) I live in France, where AZERTY is the norm.

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As everyone knows, the meta has been shaken up after the nerf to bunker gyro and so everyone is lost as to who to look towards. I'm here to help you all in determining who is the best and who isn't. I'll be ranking people arbitrarily from 1-100 but only including people above 80. If you aren't above 60, try to work on it bud.


Anyways, starting alphabetically, Guardians:

100-Davinci, everyone who's anyone knows this guy is king. He may yell at strangers on public transportation but this guy can press staff 4 like no one else.

99.8-Jedi Bert, he'd be #1 if Davinci didn't exist. The debate was settled after a 30 minute cele medi guard 1v1

98- Firebird, I can't wemembew if dis ith da wite biwd but i down't cawe

88-Master Bonanza, He's really impressed me


84-Arken, his passion is like no other, he'll punch a big hole in the wall with his big heart

80-Moobs when playing symbol bunker DH

Nobody left out of this list



99.9999- Jayy Savage, six figures just like how much he makes. Did you know he has a degree?? this guys insane you can't expect more

100- Marketeer, I'm begging you to add me back

95- Ementon, this is just a hunch

94- The entire Kester family

90- Lora, pls date me

83- Magic Toner, peaked when he played on Radioactive



99- Cassidy Soulrender, a real meta-setter for sure

98- phantaram, don't let him fool you, I told him to run fire


94- Chudat, Actually a god

88- Josre, I haven't seen much of him lately but i still get war flashbacks after seeing a staff

80- Grimjack, hes like OK



100- Coupe, love u babe

95- Ostrich Eggs, I honestly don't know if he is still alive

94- Chaith, keep hipshotting brother

90- Lycarak

80-Engipostman, :)



100- Tarcis

100- Meatwad

99- Lee

95- Hman

92- Bry aka the longbow hero


87- Paul

85- Butternut



100- Julia Orwell, no question about it. Lich on auto cast

100- Brian Peppers, disappeared when game died, coincidence?



98- anyone who takes Death Magic

90- Spiritus

81- Me

80- Contraversy with auto walk on



100- Sataarconey, if you can't play with a controller, you can't even be near this guy

99- Supcutie

95- CJthekilla, if he wasn't 12 he'd be in pro league

94- Swift Tomahawk

93- Mantra of Pain

92- Any Charr Mirage

92- Bethani

88-Zeromis, needs to work on his rotations, gets carried by reckless

80-Shorts, almost good enough

NaN- Countless, the name explains the ranking




99- Caed

98- Olrun with a staff on

92- Happy Kid, i hope he still is happy with his boyfriend Mime

90- Falues if he was on revenant

86- Dustinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, I haven't seen him since he got arrested though

85- Cake Pounder

80- Olrun on anything else



100-Lexiciety, The person who programmed this bot needs to win a prize for best AI, its close to human

99- Mime, also goes by the name of "Tany"

98- Paul when druid does anything

98- Trevor Boyer, I aim to be as good as him

90- Eurantien

87- Sunshine

85- A smokescale with no Ranger

82- who was that one ranger that was on SYNC, I literally can't remember their name someone comment it.


Honorable mention to Teef Teef Teef Teef, I miss you


Hope I didn't miss anyone :)

edit- added countless

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  • 2 weeks later...

April list of strongest players


Strongest duelists

Hello 91

This skin 90

Rom 88

Boyce 91

Steelrage ?

Floyd Mayweather Jr 829

Flictionn 69

Nash 3

Vallun 85

Kate 84

Harsh Master 593827


Strongest teams

Team usa 97

Team evodius 69

Team Vallun and Kate 90

Team eratharn stark 69

Flictionn 69

Team Olrun's last minute pick up group 80

Team Flandre deceased

Team usa b 80

Team saekim 69

Team Keyba Lora and 3 people 70

The abjured 99

Team 5Ds 10182767

Last minute NA pick up group 88

Last minute EU pick up group 90


Strongest teamfighter

Reckless 99

Noscoc 98

Sidney Crosby 101

Arken 105

Jiren stronger than time

Flictionn 69

Kate and Vallun 209

Keyba and Lora 200

Zeromis 99

Naru 99

Magic boi 99

Royal pinky 107


Top 10 beautiful players

1 Caprey

2 Prince Drazeh

3 Vallun

4 Kate

5 Nash got super lucky

6 Flictionn

7 Magic Toker

8 some banned guardian

9 Arken

10 nosecoc

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