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Master Chef Laraib


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For a casual player this has got to be the hardest quest. Have been trying for 4 days.Wish Anet would give either give more time or save what has been achieved after you fail. The quests are suppose to be challenging but not a game ender as it is for me (70) and my husband (74) we cannot get our 3rd master point. After10 years of playing GW1 and 2, we are giving up with POF, we will not be buying anymore expansion's.....sad.....and so frustrating!!!

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It's frustrating, but I think this can be a good thing - it means I can stew on it and come back to it later. From what I remember, it's a test of recall - try failing a few runs intentionally to find where ingredients are kept. If you still have trouble, you always have the option of going to Istan and pick up a mastery point from there.

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> @"damma.7542" said:

> For a casual player this has got to be the hardest quest. Have been trying for 4 days.Wish Anet would give either give more time or save what has been achieved after you fail. The quests are suppose to be challenging but not a game ender as it is for me (70) and my husband (74) we cannot get our 3rd master point. After10 years of playing GW1 and 2, we are giving up with POF, we will not be buying anymore expansion's.....sad.....and so frustrating!!!


There are over 20 extra points in the game. Just skip this one.


> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> It's frustrating, but I think this can be a good thing - it means I can stew on it and come back to it later. From what I remember, it's a test of recall - try failing a few runs intentionally to find where ingredients are kept. If you still have trouble, you always have the option of going to Istan and pick up a mastery point from there.


It is both recall and RNG.


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Highlight him.

Go to options.

Make it that the target autolocks on and follows the target you're aimed at.

Wait until he moves and throw what he wants at him and your attacks will aim right at him.

Zoom out camera to see what he wants better.


The 1st time was hard, but I've done it 3 more times since then for some friends with 0 problems.


Edit: This option

![](https://i.imgur.com/s36CVhT.png "")


Your green target circle will follow him nonstop.

All you would need to do now is find the items he need and press 1 and it goes to him as long as he's not running.

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> @"damma.7542" said:

> For a casual player this has got to be the hardest quest. Have been trying for 4 days.Wish Anet would give either give more time or save what has been achieved after you fail. The quests are suppose to be challenging but not a game ender as it is for me (70) and my husband (74) we cannot get our 3rd master point. After10 years of playing GW1 and 2, we are giving up with POF, we will not be buying anymore expansion's.....sad.....and so frustrating!!!


I'm sorry you feel that way. I also found this Mastery Point frustrating, but managed it eventually. As others have said, this point is by no means necessary to max out PoF Mastery lines.


I wonder whether you're serious about dropping the game over this. Do you not enjoy other aspects of the game? I found a lot of value in PoF (more so than HoT, for me). Throwing away your purchase over one MP seems like an emotional reaction. If that's to be your final decision, then so be it, However, I hope that you reconsider.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Highlight him.

> Go to options.

> Make it that the target autolocks on and follows the target you're aimed at.

> Wait until he moves and throw what he wants at him and your attacks will aim right at him.

> Zoom out camera to see what he wants better.


> The 1st time was hard, but I've done it 3 more times since then for some friends with 0 problems.


> Edit: This option

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/s36CVhT.png "")


> Your green target circle will follow him nonstop.

> All you would need to do now is find the items he need and press 1 and it goes to him as long as he's not running.


Did a quick video to show how it works when you toggle the snap feature:


Seriously, it helps a ton and you will never miss aiming it at him again. Just get to his range and make sure he's not moving.

Without it, I consider this thing nigh impossible.

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... Just play the story to get your mastery points or get the easy ones in the new living story map.

Once you get your Springer, alot of these points will be easily attainable.


Come back at another time to finish this off once you are less frustrated. It is not even essential unless you are a completionist.

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> @"damma.7542" said:

> For a casual player this has got to be the hardest quest. Have been trying for 4 days.Wish Anet would give either give more time or save what has been achieved after you fail. The quests are suppose to be challenging but not a game ender as it is for me (70) and my husband (74) we cannot get our 3rd master point. After10 years of playing GW1 and 2, we are giving up with POF, we will not be buying anymore expansion's.....sad.....and so frustrating!!!


I've completely ignored that one and still have Mastery Points leftover in PoF, it's a fluff MP, not even necessary at all for anything...I believe it was put in place for the completionists', as well as being there as an OPTIONAL MP that you could obtain after all the others..

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The first day we spent memorizing all the targets. The ground targeting helped,have tried several times ....no luck yet

We have opened the map for other mastery points but cannot reach without other mounts.We are going to try to get to the Isle of Istan to see if there are any points there.

Oh by the way RoseofGlied, we don't rage quit we enjoy the game,so your unhelpful comment I think was uncalled for, Like I said we are **CASUAL** players and retired so we play everyday.This is why I don't usually write in the forums, I did today because we are so frustrated. I won't do it again.

The ground target is great! The video was very helpful. :)

Thank you so much everyone for the help.

**I'm hoping we Fry that chef someday**

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> @"damma.7542" said:

> Oh by the way RoseofGlied, we don't rage quit we enjoy the game,so your unhelpful comment I think was uncalled for, Like I said we are **CASUAL** players and retired so we play everyday.This is why I don't usually write in the forums, I did today because we are so frustrated. I won't do it again.



I'm sorry. "Rage-quiting" was the wrong term, I agree. I'll try to explain what I was getting at. I was referring to this statement:


"After10 years of playing GW1 and 2, we are giving up with POF, we will not be buying anymore expansion . . . "


You and your husband have played and supported this franchise for 10 years, so you obviously enjoy this game. Yet one Mastery point (one which isn't required at all) will make you stop supporting the game in the future. That seems uncalled for. Obviously, your money is your money, and you should do what you wish with it. But maybe don't toss aside 10 years of fun for one minor setback.


All that being said, I'm glad Ayumi's tips have been helpful for you, and I hope you're able to get it all sorted.

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The other useful trick not mentioned above is to go into Options and toggle on the Always Show Interactable Objects. It's near the top of the first set of toggle boxes in the main tab. That means that yellow names of objects will always show up even if you aren't holding down CTRL.


This makes spotting the food items (as well as treasure chests, mats nodes, and such) much much easier. Some items still won't show until you are nearly on top of them, generally things you are scavenger hunting, but the chef's food piles show up nicely. If you move to the center area by the shark meat while he's doing his spiel, you'll have a good shot at the shortest starting run to the first dish.

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> @"damma.7542" said:

> For a casual player this has got to be the hardest quest. Have been trying for 4 days.Wish Anet would give either give more time or save what has been achieved after you fail. The quests are suppose to be challenging but not a game ender as it is for me (70) and my husband (74) we cannot get our 3rd master point. After10 years of playing GW1 and 2, we are giving up with POF, we will not be buying anymore expansion's.....sad.....and so frustrating!!!



That's your cutoff? One of the best made mastery points? One of the most fun and enjoyable in GW2? One that **took me two whole attempts to finish** (one in beta one after launch). I'm not bragging, just saying it isn't has impossible as you make it sound.

Reading your post, i understand your problem, and after i tell you this you'll probably finish it in a couple attempts...

![](https://i.imgur.com/DJnjt5G.png "")

Activate this to show the name of the items you're grabbing, should avoid having to memorize the places.

**DO NOT** use Ayumi's suggestion. Like snowballs, always aim slightly behind or ahead of him. Like if he's moving, aim towards the place he's stopping next (he usually always spawns on the exact same spots), or wait till he stops.

Finally, if you're in EU, PM me, i'll give you a hand with that ingame.



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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> **DO NOT** use Ayumi's suggestion. Like snowballs, always aim slightly behind or ahead of him. Like if he's moving, aim towards the place he's stopping next (he usually always spawns on the exact same spots), or wait till he stops.


Of course, I would not recommend someone playing 100% with the "Snap Ground Target to Current Target", but even Snowballs on this quick video will show that without even aiming or trying, I got hits in except once. Just have to have them in front of me and throw it.

Of course a few times the male boy Norn thing got in the way and took the hit for the girls.

I think he likes her. Someone should tell them that Norn girls have horrible cooties.



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Toggle snap. Never throw when he is moving. Keep tabs on how long he has been standing and don't throw if he is going to move. Use the speed boost if something is far away but don't bother if it's close or if he is going to move soon as you will have to wait till he stops moving anyways. Don't try and throw over the tables, they will block the throw even though they don't look like they should. And pray for decent RNG. It might take a few tries but once you get used to how he runs around and where the items ate you should be able to get it. I know I got pretty frustrated with it myself before getting it.

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> @"damma.7542" said:

> For a casual player this has got to be the hardest quest. Have been trying for 4 days.Wish Anet would give either give more time or save what has been achieved after you fail. The quests are suppose to be challenging but not a game ender as it is for me (70) and my husband (74) we cannot get our 3rd master point. After10 years of playing GW1 and 2, we are giving up with POF, we will not be buying anymore expansion's.....sad.....and so frustrating!!!


There are actually 8 mastery points in the first map and the story chapters that take place there.


"Sparking the Flame", "Blazing a Trail" and "Night of Fires" story chapters. That's 3 you get automatically before the story requires Raptor Mastery at 3.


Mastery points just to be picked up at Elon Bay (underwater) and a little north of Amnoon bazaar Point of Interest. Adds up to 5


Sous-chef challenge, memorization teleporter game and "Reins of the Raptor" achievement (which is shoved in your face if you follow NPC advice). That's 3 more.


That makes 7 if the sous-chef challenge isn't happening for you.

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Thank you all!!! Zaklex.6308 you are right I looked at the story line on Wiki and for some reason we missed part of the story and the mastery point for the chef is meant for all you hardcore players.....LOL

Even after 10 years of playing we have learned from all of the great suggestions and video's you have given.

Now I can stop dreaming about dropping that Pot Of Stew on Master Chef's head.......... :p



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I no longer bother with him. I tried it a few times, then starting running into bugs, where for instance he doesn't even call out what he wants. I've had enough. It took a long time for me to find an alternative mastery point to get my raptor to the lvl 3 needed to then get the next mount, but once I got that I figure I don't need him anymore.

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