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Exclusive Mounts faster than regular mount?

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > Why bother? Just run 2 people alongside, one on a premium skin, one on a base one. If there's a difference, it will be easily noticeable.

> Not necessarily. People do different things when they move from A to B. What if the difference is 3%? Then it might not be "obvious" in every test.

> When trying to falsify a hypothesis, it's good to be as rigorous as possible.


Not to mention if they aren't at the exact same angles, the speed perception will be different. They have to be parallel.



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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > @"Offair.2563" said:

> > I always have the feeling my asura runs quicker then my charr/norn. Guess same optical illusion applies to these mount skins.


> This seems so because of the size difference, so they cover the same distance in the same amount of time. In other words, the Asura take smaller steps but more of them.


the same reason why it's hard for me to play a norn, they run like they play a slow motion movie....i can't stand that. (that's why my only norn has a perm speed boost.)

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> @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > Why bother? Just run 2 people alongside, one on a premium skin, one on a base one. If there's a difference, it will be easily noticeable.

> > Not necessarily. People do different things when they move from A to B. What if the difference is 3%? Then it might not be "obvious" in every test.

> > When trying to falsify a hypothesis, it's good to be as rigorous as possible.


> Not to mention if they aren't at the exact same angles, the speed perception will be different. They have to be parallel.



Why i said "run **2** people", not "run alongside someone random".


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> Why i said "run **2** people", not "run alongside someone random".


Running two people does not guarantee that you have the same starting angle as there is no way via in game methods to orient yourselves to 0 degrees. A pixel or dozen off shouldn't make to much of a difference of start point but will skew results again. (I suppose you could always use hacking tools at your own risk.)

Now add in lag for all parties, two runners and the timer. Yes, the timer must be a separate entity. The results are questionable.


A single person, over a long known distance would arguably be better due to all of these variables.


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> @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > Why i said "run **2** people", not "run alongside someone random".


> Running two people does not guarantee that you have the same starting angle as there is no way via in game methods to orient yourselves to 0 degrees. A pixel or dozen off shouldn't make to much of a difference of start point but will skew results again. (I suppose you could always use hacking tools at your own risk.)

> Now add in lag for all parties, two runners and the timer. Yes, the timer must be a separate entity. The results are questionable.


> A single person, over a long known distance would arguably be better due to all of these variables.


Nope. First, there's no need to have timer for 2 people. Second, all the considerations that can skew the results when running alongside, can also skew the resulst when comparing two timed runs of a single player, but for a single player you have to add skews from timing on top of it.


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Way back when PoF launched, Redditor [The Bandicoot](https://www.reddit.com/user/TheBandicoot "The Bandicoot") did some [amazing empirical research](https://redd.it/71ytep) into just how fast mounts are... and how much faster they are than vanilla foot travel.

* [My forum repost](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/4326/running-faster-than-a-centaur-repost-of-mount-speed-data-from-reddit)

* [The original reddit thread](https://redd.it/71ytep).

* [same poster's follow-up thread](https://redd.it/7381g5)


I list these because anyone who wants to compare speeds can make use of Bandicoot's methodology and use their locations. In theory, if there's a difference, it's worth testing differently on land versus on the water

* On land, use the same distance and see if there's a difference in total time required.

* On water, use a fixed amount of time and see if they Demonic skin goes farther.




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