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Can we stop having super ridiculous elitist achievements?


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> @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> I am at a point I get LNHB daily, I can carry you through it bro, no cost. It's stupid easy


uuuuuu pls help me as well I stopped doing fractals like just the week before the new fractal came out.

I have not even tried it but was running the t4 daily with ease so should not bee to hard just need someone to explain me what i need to do.

But lfg gets toxic if you try to learn new shit after a long time since it got out so kinda discouraged me.

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Achievements themselves are not content, the content it what you as a player need to accomplish to get the Achievement, which are entirely optional for everyone. There are quite a few achievements I haven't completed nor do I intend to(even if I only have one thing left on them), and it's not necessarily because that one thing is "difficult", it's just because I personally don't want to try and do some of things they ask for(in theory I could complete the entire Luminescent armor collection from LWS3, but that would mean getting the Ascended items by doing perfect runs through all the stories, not happening as that isn't how I play).

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No, they are fine. Is this a part of the "instant gratification" sort of thing I often read about recent gaming?

I mean, my mom told me stories that she cried at school once for getting a B+. I also graduated with B and B+ respectively, and maybe, if I'd spent so much time to learn 24/7, then I might have received an A. But there are two problems:


a) Can you do it? Do you have the mental and mechanical skills for certain things?

b) Do you really need it? Is it worth the hassle?


In both cases, in my situation, nope. I was never really good at trigonometry so I did not so well there. But also, did it change my life? Not at all.

Ingame, I have roughly 1,020 AP. In 2.5 years. Do I care? Not at all.


I respect people that reach Diamon in LoL or high ranks in PvP, but I am not good at that, placing in Good Silver/Low Gold usually. I can do other things better.

If you can't reach a certain achievment, others maybe can, so instead of dumbing it down, we should spread out more in all directions. And that's what aNet does. Even me, that casually shoots Joya in their head gains AP here and there, and I have a blast with this game nonetheless. I think failing or not having everything - and admitting that - makes you even more likable.



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I like that there are lots of levels of achievements and types of content. There are some types of content I don't do at all. Some I used to do a lot, now just do a little. Some achievements I stayed clear of because I never thought I'd be able to do them, and then months or years later went back to them and was able to do them, not realizing how far I'd come. Still, quite a lot out there that I've tried and failed at and others that just seem to ominous to attempt. And that's great, because I'm not super awesome, but realize that people who are way more awesome than me still have things to shoot for. :)

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I've been pondering this for a while. Why has the direction really felt so against how the game was released. Esp after the feedback after HoT style.


What I've concluded is that it is the Asian market. Now I'm not blaming that market. Grind is just what that market likes and if one is to survive, one must cater to such. GW is done in both the US and Asian markets while Anet does their best to keep the code common. (rewrites and specials are a pain.) Conversely, we get more grind content that US finds on the whole, less fun, which promotes a more hard core elitest attidude. (the promotion is my opinion. I have no facts or data studies.)

What level of grind vs. story the EU market likes I do not know.


So what we have now is just what we have.

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> @"Weindrasi.3805" said:

> I mean, there's a variety of achievements from super easy to super hard. If the super hard ones are too stressful, don't worry about them.


Simple post and I agree on it. To my eyes, it says it all.


For almost all activities, GW2 offers different level of difficulty from easy to very hard. If to solo something is too difficult, then we can simply ask for help and go with a group. It can be asking in map chat or guildies or friends. There are always players who will come and help.

Personally, that's typically what I do for storylines. I dislike doing them. So, I solo what I can and as soon as one becomes a bother to me, I stop and ask for help. But I am pretty lazy! :3


I believe it is important to maintain all levels of difficulty. All players are different. Something "hard" for someone can be "easy" for someone else, and vice versa. All types of players need to get their fun at the game, and for that, it needs all those different levels of difficulty, including the ones that can seem "extremely" hard.

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> @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> I don't really have a problem with the achievements myself, but the responses in this thread are nasty. This is the problem people have when they talk of elitists. They speak of nastiness spewed for things as trivial as suggesting an achievement is maybe a little too difficult. This thread started out so positively too. :'(


Fun isn't it? When the salt starts pouring down, you realize that so called "casuals" are more toxic than those so called "elitists"

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> @"Cynn.1659" said:

> > @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> > I don't really have a problem with the achievements myself, but the responses in this thread are nasty. This is the problem people have when they talk of elitists. They speak of nastiness spewed for things as trivial as suggesting an achievement is maybe a little too difficult. This thread started out so positively too. :'(


> Fun isn't it? When the salt starts pouring down, you realize that so called "casuals" are more toxic than those so called "elitists"


I think you misunderstood who I was referring to. I'm not really sure how you could come to that conclusion.

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Just make your own group and tell people you are going for LNHB. Make requirements match your kp. Im sure people will join who still want to have that title. Im pugging it

almost every day and almost every run we would have got title again, if you dont count gg for cds. Don't stress about the achievement and you will get it eventually.



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I have to agree with the general theme that the issue is with the perspective described in the op. The game by necessity caters a range of players with a variety of frequently conflicting goals and desires. So while I would agree with the premise that content is there to be done, it does not necessarily follow that all content must be done by every player. We're just playing a video game after all. If it's difficult for you to abandon something in a video game that you are not finding enjoyable, you should probably identify that as a personal flaw and work to correct it. Something that works for me is rather than abandon content, I just postpone it. There is so much to do in gw2 I know I'll never get back to it anyway :)

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> @"xiiliea.9356" said:

> Just a rant at Anet's content design recently.


> Achievements should be challenging but not so ridiculous that they take weeks of retrying, especially when they don't entirely rely on your own skills. I'm talking mainly about LNHB, but also about things like Dhuum CM.


Count the number of elitist achievements released in 2017 that require weeks of retrying. It's easy, you can use your fingers.


Now count the number of non-elitist achievements that are easily doable by just casual playing.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"xiiliea.9356" said:

> > Just a rant at Anet's content design recently.

> >

> > Achievements should be challenging but not so ridiculous that they take weeks of retrying, especially when they don't entirely rely on your own skills. I'm talking mainly about LNHB, but also about things like Dhuum CM.


> Count the number of elitist achievements released in 2017 that require weeks of retrying. It's easy, you can use your fingers.


> Now count the number of non-elitist achievements that are easily doable by just casual playing.


Well obviously his argument is that such achievements shouldn't exist in any amount, period.

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Complaining about achievement points that "hard" in a game mode that relies on other people because it was labeled as challenging end game group content by Anet devs.


That is quite unfair to say so. It really isn't like open world or story achievements (even though story might need the help of others).


In a MMO it is perfectly acceptable able to require the help of others, especially when it comes to instanced group content.

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> @"xiiliea.9356" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > Does this mean that we should ask for fractals to be removed because for some people they are extremely difficult?


> > @"Coulter.2315" said:

> > Go to your dictionary, look up "achievement."

> >

> > Hope this helps.


> This is why I said the game has become toxic and elitist. "I can do it. You can't? Too bad." is the kind of attitude some people give now


"Has become". Let me tell you a story about how Dungeons used to be back when they were profitable.... Truth is that segment of the population has existed since launch. They have been moved around, from Dungeons, to t4 Fractals, to Raids (though dungeons are the only one they have mostly left completely) but they have ALWAYS always always been there. There has always been "have this much AP, link legendary, ping ascended, blah blah blah..." and this is just the latest "must be this tall to ride" requirement for the arseholes. You'll never get rid of them, and they're not a new phenomenon... and for every one of those, there's also one going "Having trouble? Just look me up, mate." I for one support the existance of "elitist" achievements, if only to give the elitists something to do other than annoy me.

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You’re the one making the game stressful on yourself for attempting the same hard achievement over and over again in the same manner.

I see already in the few comments that I skimmed that others have done the achievement with ease, so it’s not a problem of the achievement being ridiculous—it’s how you’re not learning from your mistakes that’s ridiculous. One of your mistakes is purposefully chasing something that you’ve come to hate. Another mistake is how you blame ANet for the hatred that you yourself fostered. And then, of course, the obvious mistakes would be those in your gameplay that disable you from completing the achievements.


Take a break and come back with your head cleared. Find someone who’s done what you’re trying to do. You should see results.

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