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Irradiated Vision Crystal too much time sink and costs

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For the Stellar Weapons you get 1 free Irradiated Vision Crysta, from the unlock achievement, but then you need 50 Kralkatite Ignots (500 Kralkatite Ore not tradable,500 Powdered Rose Quartz, 50 Globs of Ectoplasm), 1 Rose Quartz, 1 Vision Crystal and 10 Globs of Ectoplasm.

Compared to normal Ascended weapons this i way more expensive and very much time gated.

For the 500 Kralkatite Ore you have to finisch lots of hearts(or dozen of metas a.s.o) with multiple Chars in Istan to buy the 25 stacks (per heart bought through Karma) till you reach 500.

The 501 Rosequartz ore you only get from the Meteor sites with the Multitool you get in the Astralarium. It´s sellable but extremly expensive atm (501= over 20 gold atm).

Also its timegated with only acessible every 15 min and youll get about 30 if you wan`t to farm it.

The 60 ectoplasms are a uneccessary gold sink (>12k gold atm), since you don`t need them with the normal ascended vision Crystal to craft.

The stats of the weapon are completely useless atm, so Its just for skinwars and will cost you about 33gold more than a normal ascended, plus the timegate of the nontradale Kralkatite Ore and the long achievement chain to unlock the crafting recipes which also require the Kralkatite Ore.

You can change the stats and have an ascended weapon which costs way more than the normal ascended crafts.

Plus the exotics also need lots of the time gated materials and are too expensive to craft.

So I ask Anet to pls reduce the costs and timesink of this crafting items, for the sake of reducing the frustrating chore feeling to it.

This way its just a very annoying chore if you want the skins like I do. Very bad crafting method.

Feel free to comment your experiences.

:o :# ;)


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I did the 7 day gate achi because I wanted just the Stellar focus, I saw the mats required for the Exotic weapon, to unlock the Ascended variety and backed out. It's a bit obscene asking for those mats, and then the account bound materials on top of that, gating it further. I understand the cost for the Ascended Stellar, ofc, they're really unique, but the cost for the Exotic to be able to unlock the ascended recipes? Nah.

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I already craftet the Ascended Shield and the exotic Greatsword.

I will craft the Scepter tonight I guess.

Also I wanted to craft the Ascended Staff, Greatsword and maybe Axe.

But the extracost is just uneccessary also the accountbound Ore needed could be reduced.

Mabe to just 25 Kralkatite Ignots and no ectoplasms.

Would still be some work but not as exagerated as it is now.

If it was tradable it woul be different but it includes lots of Accountbound Ore, plus the result (Weapon) is accountbound.

Also I just lvled my Artificer from 25-500 for this, so you can`t call me lazy.

The unique skins are nice, but since in the new maps there just drops a lot of junk, its way more difficult to gather some earnings while collecting the mats needed.

Where is the balance in all that. Its even worse then in Hot.

Since Pof Mats are worthless, you just drop Junk and bags with more junk.

The Istan Meta is ok but you need long farming to actually earn some good gold.

Best way Daily fractal+Dailies and some Istan Meta.

If they want to justify this overpricing they should change the stats of the weaps at least to Grieving stats or Viper or Marauder.


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It probably would be for me if I completely switched gears and created only these new weapons to finish gearing my alts, but it's not so bad as a supplement to also creating them a more traditional way. I recently created a list of who of my alts didn't have at least one ascended in 'each' of their two weapon sets (my warrior only needs one, as the axe is shared between my sets, but my thief needs two, as I'm staff and p/p, for example), and as I found that I needed to make 5 more weapons, and I'm doing it 3 traditional and 2 stellar, to spread some of the types of material requirements around a little. I'm down to two more weapons.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> a few mats is nothing vs taking down a legendary enemy with barely anyone even attempting to take him down, try to get the griffon and then return with big stories of a huge chore.


Guess what I already have the Griffon with all the skin from the licences (Starbound etc.) since 1 1/2 months after the expansion launched.

Also I have all available Ascended weapon types (exept mace, some of them 2-3 times) and 7 Ascended sets (Viper, Berserker stats last one yet to change).

Still this is a bit too timegated and overexagerated Gold sink.

I will still get my favourite skins, but less than wanted cause of extreme cost.

And many others won`t. At least they should reduce it a little bit.

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Your ingredient list is wrong Kralkatite Ingots used Powered Rose Quartz not Rose Quartz.


Ectos are pretty easy to get so ... MEH? They aren't even worth much.


You are basically paying a bit under 28g for the skin. If you don't want that you can make the version with the generic ascended skin.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> Your ingredient list is wrong Kralkatite Ingots used Powered Rose Quartz not Rose Quartz.


> Ectos are pretty easy to get so ... MEH? They aren't even worth much.


> You are basically paying a bit under 28g for the skin. If you don't want that you can make the version with the generic ascended skin.


I saw the error and corrected it. Got it confused by translating (play in german).


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