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Real talk: It is time to give Legendary Weapons freely swappable Sigils.


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Because the lack of this feature makes them a lot worse than Legendary Armour. My Warrior uses his Hammer in an entirely different way than my Revenant - and that includes Sigil setup, naturally.


Sure, the changeable stats help a bit but it is ultimately ruined by the fact that you would have to buy new Sigils each time you want to use your Legendary on different characters.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Because the lack of this feature makes them a lot worse than Legendary Armour. My Warrior uses his Hammer in an entirely different way than my Revenant - and that includes Sigil setup, naturally.


> Sure, the changeable stats help a bit but it is ultimately ruined by the fact that you would have to buy new Sigils each time you want to use your Legendary on different characters.


Where is the real talk you mentioned in your title? Its the same argument players have given in the past. And Anet already responded plenty of times, why they currently arent planning on implementing it.

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> @"UnboltedDrkness.1569" said:

> Not sure on the "a lot worse than legendary armor" when the two always seemed different.

> One gives you effects, auras, footprints, stat swapping.

> One give armor transformation, aura, sigil swapping, stat swapping.


Yeah because I'm obviously talking about the visuals here.


No wait..


The point is that Legendary weapons are just fancier-looking Ascended gear with stat swapping, while Legendary armour is on a wholly different tier alltogether when it comes to useability because of how the Rune swapping so perfectly complements the stat swapping.


> @"Wanze.8410" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > Because the lack of this feature makes them a lot worse than Legendary Armour. My Warrior uses his Hammer in an entirely different way than my Revenant - and that includes Sigil setup, naturally.

> >

> > Sure, the changeable stats help a bit but it is ultimately ruined by the fact that you would have to buy new Sigils each time you want to use your Legendary on different characters.


> Where is the real talk you mentioned in your title? Its the same argument players have given in the past. And Anet already responded plenty of times, why they currently arent planning on implementing it.


Yeah, not wanting to "ruin Sigil economy" which is as stupid of an excuse now as it has always been.

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Honestly, they shouldn't have bothered to make it so you could remove runes from legendary armor. I think it was a waste of development time.


They could have added an unlimited extractor that only works on Legendary quality items. One item, solves it for armor and weapons. Have the legendary crafting guy hand them out, and maybe make them cost a small amount to use each time. (Small gold sink to help counter the loss on the buying of the runes/sigils.)

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Because the lack of this feature makes them a lot worse than Legendary Armour. My Warrior uses his Hammer in an entirely different way than my Revenant - and that includes Sigil setup, naturally.


> Sure, the changeable stats help a bit but it is ultimately ruined by the fact that you would have to buy new Sigils each time you want to use your Legendary on different characters.


It's always been a good time to allow sigils to be swapped. But... there are lots of other factors.


Yeah people keep harping about ANet mentioning economics (and that could be a real issue). But to me an even more significant issue is: this is a bad solution. Rune swapping for legendary armor only solves the financial problem of replacing runes. It's not really convenient, because you need to keep separate stacks of runes handy and because it's laborious.


Not only that, but there are only a tiny handful of sigils that are expensive to replace. To the point that have something similar to sigil swapping already, in that we can keep the extra sigils and/or an extra ascended weapon. It's only slightly less convenient than sigil swapping.


So I'm inclined to wait longer for sigil swapping until ANet has build templates (to freely swap traits|skills) and build loadouts (to swap in gear from a wardrobe-like system). That eliminates a lot of other issues besides what I consider to be the minor inconvenience of dealing with sigils — some of us have lived with that problem for 3-5 years; we can stand another year.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > Because the lack of this feature makes them a lot worse than Legendary Armour. My Warrior uses his Hammer in an entirely different way than my Revenant - and that includes Sigil setup, naturally.

> >

> > Sure, the changeable stats help a bit but it is ultimately ruined by the fact that you would have to buy new Sigils each time you want to use your Legendary on different characters.


> It's always been a good time to allow sigils to be swapped. But... there are lots of other factors.


> Yeah people keep harping about ANet mentioning economics (and that could be a real issue). But to me an even more significant issue is: this is a bad solution. Rune swapping for legendary armor only solves the financial problem of replacing runes. It's not really convenient, because you need to keep separate stacks of runes handy and because it's laborious.


Keeping seperate stacks of Runes in your inventory is a lot more convenient than lugging around entire extra armour sets.


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> @"ghettogenius.9174" said:

> If I were fortunate enough to have a legendary weapon then spending a few gold every now and then for a new sigil would be fairly insignificant imo.


For lots of people it's not fortune but hard grinding/work and you underestimate how expensive sigils are, especially the premium meta ones.

Armor gets it, so should weapons. It's a bit anti-climatic when you have to still have a bunch of ascended weapons of the same type all because of sigils while armor just needs 1. Getting a legendary of 1 weapon should be that's all you have to use. AANET before said it was some coding/mechanical issue but I am sure now with armor it can be worked around. The sigil economy isn't going to change because of legendary ownership. this was more of a placeholder excuse.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Keeping seperate stacks of Runes in your inventory is a lot more convenient than lugging around entire extra armour sets.


I still find it laborious, don't you?

Anyhow, I'd rather wait 18 months for a build load-out system that had costs waived for legendary owners than to get a kludge-sigil swap solution. But that's me. (And it's probably also living in a fantasy world, because it's been 5 years and we still don't even have trait|skill templates.)

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"ghettogenius.9174" said:

> > If I were fortunate enough to have a legendary weapon then spending a few gold every now and then for a new sigil would be fairly insignificant imo.

> Works with cheap sigils, but for example sigil of concentration is not "a few gold every now and then".



This is exactly it, if it's "needed" for armour it's also "needed" for weapons too. I don't know what the delay is, apart from them simply not prioritising it, but I'd like to see it happen as soon as possible.


I have one legendary and 5 precursors, this change would give me an incentive to craft at least two more now, and more in the future.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Yeah, not wanting to "ruin Sigil economy" which is as stupid of an excuse now as it has always been.


It might be stupid ... but its why they haven't changed it. The fact they gave us an answer at all means they already thought about it. In all honesty, do you think shaming them on the forums will change their minds? I would take that bet and I would give you really good odds too.


The real answer is that the ability to swap sigils affects their revenues ... you aren't really looking at this from a business perspective if you think that's something they would consider just giving to players at the expense of lower revenues ... unless of course you think players would stomach monthly fees.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Did Legendary Armour ruin the "Rune economy"?


> It is a silly non-reason not to do it.


I don't know ... and neither do you. We don't have the data that answers that question, so to conclude it's 'silly' to not do it makes little sense. "Not Silly" isn't a reason to implement something anyways. If it takes resources to change it, what is and isn't silly to implement is irrelevant.

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Someone obviously hasn't been paying attention to closely...they're looking at and will not implement it until the system works they way want it to, that has been said on at least two occasions, most recently by Mike Z. It's also quite apparent the player base does not exhibit anything resembling patience...because it appears no one has it.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Did Legendary Armour ruin the "Rune economy"?


First, there's a huge difference. At the time they introduced rune swapping, no one had legendary armor. (Although a bunch of people were ready to make it that day.) And because it's dependent on raids, there are never going to be that many owners. In contrast, lots and lots of people have legendary weapons, some multiple sets.


Second, we don't know why they postponed. We know that they said they were about ready to release it and then they looked at the economics and they realized they needed to review first. That implies, of course, that the sigil market was the specific reason they looked again, but it doesn't mean that they haven't discovered additional issues since.



> It is a silly non-reason not to do it.

Any reason is silly if we don't understand the relevant details. (And we don't through no fault of ours: ANet has been typically tight-lipped about it.)


For all we know, they were already working on something like build templates or loadouts and sigil-swaps created additional complications. In this hypothetical, they could have decided to address that holistically rather than roll out (and have to support) sigil swapping, with the intent to release a more robust solution sooner.



Some data, according to GW2 Efficiency:

* 41.5% of site users have at least one legendary weapon. 24.5% have at least 2, 10.5% have 4 or more. 7% have 5+. ([Weapon stats](https://gw2efficiency.com/account/statistics/statistics.legendaryItemsWeapon))

* Only 7% of users have any legendary armor at all. Only 3.5% have a full set. ([Armor stats](https://gw2efficiency.com/account/statistics/statistics.legendaryItemsArmor))


Without integrating the data, it's hard to make a correct comparison, but you can see from looking at the 7% figure that the number of weapons out in the world is significantly greater than the amount of armor pieces.


Ironically, though: having rune swapping has relatively little impact on the community, while not having sigil swapping affects 2 out of 5 people using GW2/E.


(Usual caveats apply, of course: not everyone using GW2/E allows their data to be used and probably less than 5% of players have ever used the site. The numbers are meant to be illustrative and relative.)

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Legendary Armour has been in the game for ages now and for that feature to be added to the weapons as well has been asked since it was first discovered on the armour.


> They’ve had ample time to “look into it”. More than ample one could even say.


Exactly ... they have had ample time to look into it and their answer was no. As I've said, it's not as simple as you think, since the feature you want cuts into revenues.

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