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Enough with the "New Race"

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> @"Torolan.5816" said:

> I won´t even argue about the arguments against a new race, they are all true. Anet backed themselves right in the corner from the get go in that question with their custom face to face talk videos instead of just having all happening in the instance itself.


> To avoid exploding costs for such stuff in general, I personally would have just hired a common voice actor not the supposed stars people here like so much. Just one person for the male voice, and one person for the female voice. Pick a celebrity imitator if you so direly insist on having the norn female differ in talking style from the asura, these people can modulate thier voices high and low.


> To avoid story issues, just block the new race from any stories.


> To avoid continuity problems, that ship has long ago sailed anway with frozen maps and the introduction of revenants.


Agreed. I think there are other factors that get in the way as well. Considering that a lot of AAA MMOs that limit the amount of voiced lines of your player character should be another indicator of the box they put themselves in (I don't even think FFXIV has a voiced character and I don't think it detracts from the story at all) or that Blade and Soul has zero player voiced character BUT also has voice selection so your character can have a bit of extra variety from another character of your race/class besides just how they look.


Then there's the armor. GW2 uses 7 anchor points for custom armor. This can seem like a good thing (it's not inherently bad), but when creating armor sets, making them fit together in around the same places as other armor sets becomes an issue and even moreso when you vary the body types as wildly as GW2 does. In a straight-up armor design contest with FFXIV, I don't think it's much of a contest that FFXIV beats GW2 hands down likely because they have only 3 main body structures to make armor for (male, female and potato sack) and with 6 anchor points (head, body, hands, waist, legs and feet...technically some jewelry can be seen on some armor too) . It's good because they kept it simple. Blade and Soul went a different route, despite only really have 4 body structures (male, thick male, female and loli) they still introduce lots of variety through their character sliders and race/sex-specific armor and they kept the quality of their gear by simply keeping the armor mechanics simple (they only really have outfits with some expensive custom outfit support). While I won't say GW2's armor looks bad, it has fewer examples of versatility or impulse purchase material (it's hard to buy something on impulse when it looks very similar to another set of armor but with different glowie bits on it). The outfits are a different story tho, IMO.


I think the point of all of that was, rather than looking at adding races as just an insurmountable goal that won't ever happen, we could alternatively be looking at aspects from the feature that would be most desired and how those things can be achieved. Some have mentioned battle tonics, and while I think this is the most unfavorable avenue for new races, it *IS* still an option and do-able...similarly, if they went further and made them similar to other races but limited them to outfits, that is also an option.

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I personally have no problems with unfitting armor, their design and the realism that goes out of the window with that. If you stuff a gorilla into a suit, it stays a gorilla.


A charr that changes into a quadruple running stance and wears heavy armor should experience heavy pain from the very moment it goes down in said stance. It´s not nanite or gel armor that can bend and change with you, except of course if it should be the case that all charr are secretly transformers. Either you compromise with that, or you don´t. Therefore I find it inherently unfair that lizard and cat people got a pass but bird people didn´t.

I for example dislike Asura with a passion because they introduced a steampunk and even worse a futuristic element to GW2 that I find ill placed and unneccessary, charr are barely getting a pass from me because a flintlock type gun is close to being acceptable in a late middle age setting.


I agree with the sentiments about tonics. It is a solution, but it is a solution that is equally inadequate to both supporters and enemies of new races.


I also disagree with the idea of adding housing instead of races. Even back in DAOC, housing was nice but nothing to make an entire expansion around it. Prove to me was that housing was introduced in a big patch instead of a stand alone addon if memory serves me well here. The truth is that you do not sell an expansion with story alone, and surely not with the back and forth wishy washy story of GW. You need features, and you need features that at least find support of a larger minority and not too much resistance from the other people you can catch with story or leet characters who are op at the start.

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> @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> Ok let's assume we get a new race like Tengu, so how are we going to introduce them to the story now?

> Assuming a new race is intoduced after LW4 with EXPAC3 how is a Tengu character suppose to correlate with the story from that point?

> I mean how are they suppose to be the **Pact Commander** without ever taking part in the war with Zhaitan?

> Or how are they suppose to have the **special bond with Aurene** without taking part in LW2 or HoT storylines?

> Not to mention **how would this new character know any of the past events that effect the current story or have same relations with all the characters we met?**

> Even if this was somehow made possible then what about doing all those previous part of the story?

> Like you decide to do the war with Zhaitan? **You would be literally time traveling into the past then.**


Tengu and many of the popular playable races can join the Pact just fine. There's tengu, largos, and kodan in the Pact already. They only need a new story for levels 1-30, and they can make it be linear with no branching paths.


I mean, revenants gave no problems, so what's your point?


> @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> **But even if somehow we could solve all those continuity problems there would still be other problems.** Like the new race would require their own starter areas i.e. a new city and a 1-15 level area of their own **which would have to become part of current central tyria map.** Also all armour sets would need a redesign to accomodate the new race.

> **Not to mention all the voice acting that would have to be done and redone just for it to work.**

> You are basically asking ANET to flip the whole game upside down just because you want a new look, despite the fact all 5 races have only a cosmetic difference really.

> **So a new one would be the same and you expect ANET to go through all those problems just for that.**


Most playable race ideas could share the starting area with other races. The only one who shouldn't is tengu, for obvious reasons. The original starting zones are pretty dated anyway, so it would be good if tengu were introduced first, with two new starting zones, and an expansion later introduce largos and use the tengu zones too.


> @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> The only way this could be done is with a new **Makeover Kit** that will allow you to change race into a different one, but it would be for looks only. Meaning if you were Charr before using it NPC's would still treat you as such, but you would have the appearence of a different race. **But that would still require the armour redesigns.**


> So get over it, no new race, it's not happening, not now, not with 3rd expac, not ever, got it?


There's absolutely no reason why ArenaNet should adapt all old armor skins for new races. That's not going to happen, they'll just adapt the important ones, and leave the rest out, locked like cultural armor. Just like GW1.


> @"sassoonss.4352" said:

> Bring back the Dwarfs , they have been extinct tooo long


Stone dwarves would be awesome. They could get the sylvari treatment, taking a classic race (elves) and turning them into something new and unique. Stone dwarf characters with diamond beards and moss mohawks when?


For those interested, here's a [thread with new playable race ideas, and a poll to choose your favorite.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/21242/new-playable-races-study-choose-your-favorite/p1)

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> @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> Ok let's assume we get a new race like Tengu, so how are we going to introduce them to the story now?

>Assuming a new race is intoduced after LW4 with EXPAC3 how is a Tengu character suppose to correlate with the story from that point?

>I mean how are they suppose to be the **Pact Commander** without ever taking part in the war with Zhaitan?

>Or how are they suppose to have the **special bond with Aurene** without taking part in LW2 or HoT storylines?

>Not to mention **how would this new character know any of the past events that effect the current story or have same relations with all the characters we met?**

>Even if this was somehow made possible then what about doing all those previous part of the story?

>Like you decide to do the war with Zhaitan? **You would be literally time traveling into the past then.**


Well, for one, the main character is kind of not the Pact Commander. Mainly just in title, the main character just does their own thing. Even if the title was so ingrained in the dialog that it would cause issue, there is more than one commander within an army. Since no one refers to the main character specifically as "Pact Commander", the title can be bestowed to anyone who holds an officer position over a subset of soldiers.


In which case, if a new race's personal story works in some plot facing dragon minions (can be specific to the race) and thus is given enough leadership time to be bestowed the rank of a Battalion Commander or Brigade Commander, they will be a commander.


If that were to occur, we'd likely get more intimate knowledge of precedence of rank and file of the Pact, maybe learn about other prominent figures or their deeds and why they are relevent and enrich the characters and world the story takes place in. None of that requires backtracking to HoT or Zhaitan, btw.


As for the special bond with Aurene: is it important? AFAICS, it's not that relevent of a plot point. Not only that, but I don't believe Aurene has to be tethered to a specific character to fulfill her role in the plot, but rather a group of people, which she is. Once she matures enough that she can tap into anyone's mind, the link between the Pact Commander and Aurene won't be as necessary of a plot point.


As for knowing past events, which are relevent to the plot? And at the same time, which are used to deduce plans going forward by the main character specifically? AFAICS, the main character is more a backboard for the other cast of characters to shoot and bounce off of that is then guided to the hoop. You could almost change just the main character's dialog to ignorance and still get the same voice acting from the other cast explaining the situation to your knowledgable or unknowledgable main character.


As for relations, what relations? Beyond knowing your face but never saying your name, the only one I can think of is Braham who is being uppity with you for not being a ball of tears when his mommy died.


As for deciding to do the Zhaitan arc with a new race: you can't. Simple as that. To make sure you didn't miss that plot point though, I'd probably put the new race behind an achievement for completing the Personal Story up to the end of Zhaitan. If you'd want to play the new race on that older content, party with a friend and join their instances.



> @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> **But even if somehow we could solve all those continuity problems there would still be other problems.** Like the new race would require their own starter areas i.e. a new city and a 1-15 level area of their own **which would have to become part of current central tyria map.** Also all armour sets would need a redesign to accomodate the new race.

> **Not to mention all the voice acting that would have to be done and redone just for it to work.**

> You are basically asking ANET to flip the whole game upside down just because you want a new look, despite the fact all 5 races have only a cosmetic difference really.

> **So a new one would be the same and you expect ANET to go through all those problems just for that.**



Anet makes new zones nearly every LW update, making 1 little city zone isn't that daunting but frankly it isn't even necessary if it is. Don't want to open up Dominion of Winds for Tengu? Make an embassy in Lion's Arch (only requires editing an existing area). You don't need to make a new starting area if, for example, the new race is automatically bumped to lvl 50 or 80 or whatever. If that is too much, using older zones is not a sin.


Already outlined how re-voicing the old stuff won't be needed. The main point of contention is what would be done with the Armor and how robust the individual content will be.



> @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> So get over it, no new race, it's not happening, not now, not with 3rd expac, not ever, got it?


> There's absolutely no reason why ArenaNet should adapt all old armor skins for new races. That's not going to happen, they'll just adapt the important ones, and leave the rest out, locked like cultural armor. Just like GW1.



Please reply to my rebuttal. I'm curious what your response would be.


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The only true race that could be set up as playable would be the Tengu. They would only have to have them be part of a story line where they need help inside their sanctuary. They have been in the GW series since Factions at least. Like the Charr they have been enemies of Humans. but found a fragile peace between each other. To be honest I have not made a Charr, but I may make a Tengu . One thing people need to stop doing is thinking even if the anet team says they cannot do something there is a really good chance they will anyway. Will they do it I don't know does not mean they can't though

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Just don´t give them access to the personal story and let them access new maps either in another way or by the system currently used if you do not want to do the story again for the xth time.. Make it clear from the get go that you need to have a character at lvl 80 AND the actual expansion. For the later story, let the Norn share a voice with them.

Problem solved, costs reduced, incentive to play/play again planted. If you look at the class primus, WotLK was a massive success but it basically only had a a very strong character with Arthas, a wonderful story in general, a class and so to say a race on his card.


I have no answer for the armor clipping problem though. Mainly because I don´t care about the anatomical correctness in a setting where you ride a giant bunny or a lizardsmurf attempts to blast you away with his plasma gun.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> > It has been requested for a long time now, like ever since GW2 came out, but it's not going to happen no matter how much you nag about it.


> I always hope that people who want new races will (eventually) learn to understand why it's incredibly unlikely to happen (and I've written extensively to help expose some of the reasons).


> But all the same, I think folks who want it should continue to ask for it.

> * It's not always the same people. New players join the game and wonder about it. Returning players ask if it's happened yet.

> * There's reason to hope that things might be different. Eventually. ANet's changed a "no, almost certainly not" into "surprise! here it is" in the past. (Perhaps nothing so monumental, but still.)


> I don't think it's realistic to expect new races, but neither do I think it's a waste of time for people to ask for the sorts of things they want.


They would have to do some really creative writing in order to pull this off.


You would have to have a personal story for Tengu 10-30, and somehow put the orders in there as well. One issue is there is no representative of Destiny’s Edge for the Tengu, unless somehow they found a holo recording of Snaff, who introduced the characters of Destiny’s Edge or something. Somehow you would have to get to Lion’s Arch though. Perhaps that same recording makes a beacon to Lions arch.


Once it gets into the order missions you should be able to now run through the entirety of the plot until LS4. As long as it’s established that you have purpose to see if the races are trustworthy to ally with against the Elder dragons or perhaps the Tengu character could get exiled. Something along those lines. Clearly the Pact already have Tengu as craftsmen.

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> @"Mal.1670" said:

> Sigh... the real reason we'll probably never be getting a new race is because they already have to hire ten freaking voice actors for dozens of player character voice lines every single patch. TEN! Most games have one, maybe two voice actors for your character. It would already be enough work getting a playable character model with every piece of equipment already in the game, but to permanently increase routine voice acting costs on top? Yeah, doubtful.


Honey, a lot of us fans would be willing to do it for free. We aren't that bitch who does Zojja's voice.

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> @"Zeivu.3615" said:

> Honey, a lot of us fans would be willing to do it for free. We aren't that kitten who does Zojja's voice.

I don't care that much who does Zojja's voice, but given how much some of us dislike the acting work of professionals, I'm glad they aren't bothering with volunteers, untested by experience. Trying to release a half-baked production of a new race would probably disappointed far more players than the status quo of no new race.

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

> > Also, mounts. The dead horse that people used to beat with a stick is alive now. You want the stick for races now?


> Totally waiting for the Undead Horse mount now. Maybe it'll be a raptor skin with no front legs. :P


The Mad King Skin for the Jackal looks pretty wild, for an undead horse.

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> @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> Ok let's assume we get a new race like Tengu, so how are we going to introduce them to the story now?


Add them to the Expansion. Simple Enough, and just put a Trade NPC that awards them all the LW stuff till the most recent chapter, and closes it off to the new race. It's not that hard really.


> Assuming a new race is intoduced after LW4 with EXPAC3 how is a Tengu character suppose to correlate with the story from that point?

> I mean how are they suppose to be the **Pact Commander** without ever taking part in the war with Zhaitan?

> Or how are they suppose to have the **special bond with Aurene** without taking part in LW2 or HoT storylines?

> Not to mention **how would this new character know any of the past events that effect the current story or have same relations with all the characters we met?**

> Even if this was somehow made possible then what about doing all those previous part of the story?

> Like you decide to do the war with Zhaitan? **You would be literally time traveling into the past then.**



Umm the same way my Asura that has not done a single Personal Story episode beyond the Newb Starter Event, the ONLY HoT they have done is Unlocking the Maps to the Expansion, and now just magically fits into the PoF story, when I needed to unlock those maps as well.


With all the memories and whatever.. linked to them.


_Poof_ **Magic** Happens.


Again.. this is not hard.


> **But even if somehow we could solve all those continuity problems there would still be other problems.** Like the new race would require their own starter areas i.e. a new city and a 1-15 level area of their own **which would have to become part of current central tyria map.** Also all armour sets would need a redesign to accomodate the new race.


You mean like how my Asura Warrior talks about being a pact commander and killing, not one.. but two.. dragons.. and.. yet.. they never did any of those things?


Somehow I went from Zojia as a mentor to Timi as a sidekick.. and all these people I know nothing about.. but.. hey.. it's the story, even if I didn't do any of it, I'll just roll with it.


This is not really an issue, and is going on all the time in the game itself.


> So get over it, no new race, it's not happening, not now, not with 3rd expac, not ever, got it?


That is not for you to say.


But it would pretty easy to do.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Zeivu.3615" said:

> > Honey, a lot of us fans would be willing to do it for free. We aren't that kitten who does Zojja's voice.

> I don't care that much who does Zojja's voice, but given how much some of us dislike the acting work of professionals, I'm glad they aren't bothering with volunteers, untested by experience. Trying to release a half-baked production of a new race would probably disappointed far more players than the status quo of no new race.


I am sure there are fans of guild wars who aren't complete rubes and specialize in the line of work.

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Nothing is ever going to happen in the game... unless the developers decide to do it. Even if they say they won't, they can change their mind later. Because of this, ranting about how Stage 3 of adventure box or a new playable race will never happen is frivolous and silly.


Fact is, these things would be nice to have, even if they are highly impractical. Because of this, the option is never officially off the table.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> > Ok let's assume we get a new race like Tengu, so how are we going to introduce them to the story now?


> Add them to the Expansion. Simple Enough, and just put a Trade NPC that awards them all the LW stuff till the most recent chapter, and closes it off to the new race. It's not that hard really.


> > Assuming a new race is intoduced after LW4 with EXPAC3 how is a Tengu character suppose to correlate with the story from that point?

> > I mean how are they suppose to be the **Pact Commander** without ever taking part in the war with Zhaitan?

> > Or how are they suppose to have the **special bond with Aurene** without taking part in LW2 or HoT storylines?

> > Not to mention **how would this new character know any of the past events that effect the current story or have same relations with all the characters we met?**

> > Even if this was somehow made possible then what about doing all those previous part of the story?

> > Like you decide to do the war with Zhaitan? **You would be literally time traveling into the past then.**



> Umm the same way my Asura that has not done a single Personal Story episode beyond the Newb Starter Event, the ONLY HoT they have done is Unlocking the Maps to the Expansion, and now just magically fits into the PoF story, when I needed to unlock those maps as well.


> With all the memories and whatever.. linked to them.


> _Poof_ **Magic** Happens.


> Again.. this is not hard.


> > **But even if somehow we could solve all those continuity problems there would still be other problems.** Like the new race would require their own starter areas i.e. a new city and a 1-15 level area of their own **which would have to become part of current central tyria map.** Also all armour sets would need a redesign to accomodate the new race.


> You mean like how my Asura Warrior talks about being a pact commander and killing, not one.. but two.. dragons.. and.. yet.. they never did any of those things?


> Somehow I went from Zojia as a mentor to Timi as a sidekick.. and all these people I know nothing about.. but.. hey.. it's the story, even if I didn't do any of it, I'll just roll with it.


> This is not really an issue, and is going on all the time in the game itself.


> > So get over it, no new race, it's not happening, not now, not with 3rd expac, not ever, got it?


> That is not for you to say.


> But it would pretty easy to do.


You know, I never thought of it that way...


I mean, I have but never considered it in the logical perspective. As is, I only have 3 characters who completed the entire original personal story while all the others either stuck in the prior to orders era or just before Clawr Island then skipped right into HoT or PoF or current LW. In fact, out of all my characters, only 1 is *ACTUALLY* the Pact Commander and all the others are just other members of the pact who helped in some fashion. They know the rest of Destiny's Edge and Dragon Watch by proxy of each other being friends or acquaintances. But all of that is basically my own headcanon. In reality, there are all these characters with mixed involvement in the story, some areas locked and so forth...it's a mess of a timeline.


So yeah, all the devs really have to do is write a personal story that is present time that then transitions over to the plot at hand and let the player iron out the details.

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Also, a new Race does not need to start at level 1. They could start at level 60, people who bought PoF got an instant level 80 boost, so, there is no need for a starting area.


Anet adds in 4 New maps. So they go level range 50-60, then 60-70, then 70-80, and then some Solid 80 PoF/HoT type stuff that everyone loves. The New race starts at Level 60, but you need to have a previous level 80 Character to even Access the new Race, which could be done by , either a level 80 Living Story that Unlocks them, or, set it up like Mounts, and make it so that the player needs to enter the Main City of the New Race (And pass through 2 Level 80 Zones to do so) and speak with some High Person in Charge and Slay Some BAM.


That would make it so that anyone who wants to play the new race, at least has already done levels 1 - 80, in the game on another character.


Then have the New Race Start at level 60. Some Intro Story about how they are going to help the Pact, or Dragons Watch, or whatever, and.. and just move on from there.


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  • 2 weeks later...

spaceship crash landing.. aliens.. boom new race! new map! something exotic. no need to change anything in the current storyline. it’s easy if you want it.

well we have meteors.. and tbh i just wanna see something like elvish idk.. humanoid but pretty.. modelling should be easy, just make skinny colourful pretty humans with huge eyes n different ears.. all human armor skins could fit easily.. not that complicated. would be super nice..

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love, (and by love I mean hate) all the "how are they gonna do the stooooryyyyy thouuugh". As if every option for a new race has to be reconnected in. Short form: they don't. Look at rev, oh man here's my salad playing a rev even before uncle cuddles figured it out! I must be a friggin time traveler! Hey why can I fight Tec repeatedly? And why does my version of Lion's arch look like the most modern version, even if my character hasn't even heard of Scarlet? Man it's like they sometimes pave over story for greater enjoyment of the game! Funny huh! Long form, weave it into all the new races, and make them only available after a point in the living story or expansions. This isn't any different than locking mounts or areas or even classes behind these aspects, go for races too. The setup right now? Is actually perfect.


Think about it, some dragons are down, others are awake, and the gods have abandoned the world. This isn't just five factions with a problem, this is the entire world's problem, and that pressure is going to make some people stand up and try and help the fight, especially if those races have been helpers to the original five and lost so much. Yeah I'm talking the minor races and the Kodan/Tengu. So what you do is you have the first character creation question specific to each race, but then on the second and third it's the same for each race:


"what have you lost?"


"Why are you only joining the fight now?"


You have your answers, and then you dump the character into their starting zone- a new settlement close to lion's arch, around the sea of sorrows. It could be a city proper, but a city that's been built of ramshackle choices and too many races trying to find a place to live in Lion's arch. Hyleck, Ogre, Grawl, Quaggan, Skritt, Kodan, and Tengu have carved out a corner for themselves, and they each have a little area that counts as the home instance for each race. The waves crest over the Quaggan area and lap at the shores where the Hyleck make their home. The Ogres build walls higher up and keep a wary eye on the others. The Grawl have their hastily-made homes and figures guarding the way in, and occasionally make raids into the other territories when they feel that they've been wronged. The Skritt dig deep, and take the scraps of war and lost homes and make them into something workable. And the Tengu and Kodan? They maintain their quarters higher above all, because none of these people can be trusted (or in the Kodan's case, trusted to govern wisely) yet. there are common areas, patrolled by stray lion's arch guards and members of each faction, but it's a tense atmosphere, like one wrong thing and this whole shanty city could fall apart.


The first question corresponds to the question about what was lost, with the personal story quests being similar-ish to each race. In the end they serve to establish what each race is like and a bit about their culture, but ultimately get the player used to the city and starting zone, and the level of what each race has had to sacrifice for the relative safety that they've now achieved. The second quest can vary, and can even feature new quasi-cities specific to each race (which could just be instanced, added onto versions of like, Skrittsburg or Zintl holy grounds, or the like), but the point could be made clear that there's no real going back, not yet anyway. There's too much to do before anyone can even entertain the idea of rebuilding their grand cities. Or in the grawl's case, like. even having a major city.


The third personal story point can be them making the effort to join the real fight, and here's where the last question comes in. They try to be more active in current events, and the existing playable races treat them with a mixture or relief and "why _Now_?" See, when you hold out on chipping in for a major war, people get a little testy. yes your character is a refugee who's race put in the armed forces, but the other races had to trick, plead, and defend that race to get them to join up. In the case of the Tengu they couldn't even get that! (yeah Tengu, I see you and your defended wall and not helping anyone). How do they justify that? How do they deal with that? How much do they cling to being insular in culture vs building bridges? The unlockable races don't have to all be pact commanders and glorybringers, they can be fighters, but also peacekeepers, diplomats, people building up what was lost.


Later races can use this idea and as the game moves it's focus to "okay the dragons aren't the big threat as before", their quests can ask about bringing even more fractured groups together, the steps towards being recognized as a part of this larger whole, and if those groups even _want_ to join the current set of alliances, or if the characters are just a few of a larger group who will do so. (think centaurs and our favorite moles, or... whatever the vampire manta rays are up to in the end.) The best thing is going with themes means you can cut down on the voice actor load, but still keep it from all being the same. Moreover right now? the end result of the personal story does feel the same as is, and this would change it. Right now at the end of your story you have "the commander". Even if I choose the most pacifist options and playstyle, I end up with a pretty determined fighter/leader type. They're the big hero, they're the one who gets to command armies, they strike down gods with grit and determination. They may all start out different, but they end up the same.


Now have our theoretical Skritt or Quaggan or Tengu. They weren't given a sword of flame and told to bring a god low, they've never seen a dragon fall at their feet, they were the ones who hid, the ones who lost, the ones who had to prove themselves. The confidence of the main cast in your character doesn't come across as bombastic, but support in way that the character might not even have considered possible. It also allows them to comment with different worldviews. A commander might be disdainful about how joko's subjects feel about the awakened, but a Grawl could sympathize with the ritual of death and having your loved ones back with you once again. Your companions might grumble about the dragons living, but a Kodan could understand how they are necessary for Balance. Other minor races could be hesitant about sending their own off to die against seemingly unbeatable odds, and an Ogre might pause and think about how they had to make the same choice.


There's a lot of ways to cut down on production costs and still have other races join in. This is even without the option of just having a "yeah they joined the fight without their race" and make a good third-culture-type dialogue set for all the past events that they'd need to retcon. Let's be real, what most people mean when they say "I want to play X" is "I want to run around a well-developed cultural city, have cultural armor/weapons, and see how their society works as one of their own". That's doable. It takes work, but it'd make the game richer for it.

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I could of said the same shit about mounts but guess what, here they freaking are for better or worse. I for one Will not be interested in excuses because they have already proven they "Can" do it, the models are there and their armor can already be removed as the datamining shows. They come with customization and voice lines as well unique animations that all races have. The tengu ARE ready.


So stop telling people to stop, every other game has done it and continues to do it so either A-net need to confirm without a shadow of a doubt it will "Never" happen and crush the dreams and let the people who will quit without it quit. Or they need to just do it and get it over with and give us what we want, they caved for freaking mounts and this only proves that if the fan-base wants it then it will happen as long as enough of us want it.


As for development time? LMFAO for what? PoF was trash, small and filled with minor things and a crappy storyline based COMPLETELY around rehashing nightfall and HoT was not much better. They last if you play for consecutive hours like maybe tops three to four days at max (And by that I mean in a few hour intervals at a time), So What are they developing then? Oh yes that is right. More freakin gem-store skins for your freaking mounts, gliders and crappy as hell outfits that litterally are the least interesting thing in the game. Oh and raids, which only what like 10% of the populace gets to see because its designed for the elitist groups so that way they have something to faun over? Spare me with your desire for "Development" time, until they show that they are ACTUALLY working on something that is worth while then I doubt the argument stands sup to snuff. WoW Manages to do far more with their story, balance and content patches and their expansions are FAR far larger and hell even Tera Online who is a free to play adds more per "Expansion". Elder scrolls online is the only one I can think of who adds smaller spaces per expansion, BUT like hundreds upon hundreds of hours of content where as guild wars not so much. This game has so much potential and its being wasted because the balance team cant figure out how to fix whats going on, the allowance of hacks makes for crappy pvp. And above all the PvE is just filler 90% of the time unless your making a legendary of some sort, or really striving for something to build. The only real challenge in this game at this point is fashion wars but they hardly even make armor, or armor skins for us anymore and usually just go with outfits so we cant hardly look forward to new pieces for the customization. (HoT's armor and PoF's armor is ugly. So I mean there is that. And there are limited amounts of them)


To top all of that off they said the tengu were PLANED to be added in HoT but they didn't go through with it because they didn't want to have the Revenant come out beside it. Mainly because everyone would just make tengu Rev's and they did not want nothing but tengu rev's running around. So it was move aside and was pushed back for potentially another expansion. ( A cantha one would be the best, because without the tengu we will NEVER make it to cantha as they are the only ones who still have and know a way into cantha.)


I scrolled up and saw I had already commented, I forgot so my apologies.

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  • 6 months later...

> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> > OP, people said the same thing about mounts.


> The difference between the two is that ANet has said new races are not likely. They never said anything about the likelihood of mounts.


yes they did. They said both Mounts and Raids were never going to be in GW2. They changed their mind.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> > > OP, people said the same thing about mounts.

> >

> > The difference between the two is that ANet has said new races are not likely. They never said anything about the likelihood of mounts.


> yes they did. They said both Mounts and Raids were never going to be in GW2. They changed their mind.


I don’t know about raids but for mounts they only said no mounts at launch. I’ve been unable to find the quote but there are posts of people discussing it before launch February 2012.


>[MMO Champion](https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1084650-No-Mounts)


>No mounts at launch.


>As of right now they do not have mounts in mind and especially not flying mounts, but if i remember correctly they might consider it if it is what we want and they could do some fun things with it. I think ground mounts will likely come in the future, though when is impossible to know.


The part about ‘no mounts at launch’ was also in the wiki. However after mounts were added the page was updated and the information was lost.



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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> They said both Mounts and Raids were never going to be in GW2. They changed their mind.

I can't find any quotes that support the claim that ANet said 'never' about either. Can you point us to any?


There are quotes that mounts weren't planned for launch (and there's evidence to suggest they've been planning them for ages, just never figured out how to put them in the game). Equally, there were quotes that said they were focused on Living World first and later that they were focused on Fractals for challenging content. I don't remember them saying "raids will never happen."



ANet tends to make four types of comments about player suggestions:

(1) The most common: they don't comment at all. We tend to parse what they do say looking to predict what they will do, but that's all self-hype, not anything ANet said or did.

(2) The least common: they make a clear statement that something is not being worked on, that there are no current or future plans for it.

(3) The second most common: they make a vague statement about something being interesting and they'll consider it. Again, it's vague, so it's no guideline at all about what they have planned.

(4) The second least common: they make a definitive statement about something they have planned that is going to take forever. Or that they might not ever get to.


(1) Examples of not saying a thing include the rune salvaging, the beetle mount, the Wardrobe, the first expansion. They just announced these things as "done deals."

(2) Clear statements of "not going to happen" include DX11, bringing back LS1, revamping dungeons, new races, and new professions.

(3) Vague statements about "interesting ideas" include places we might go, updates to crafting, balance changes.

(4) Definitive statements about long term projects include pet projects (like updating Material Storage and @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"'s instability plans) and massive plans, like the WvW revamp.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"coso.9173" said:

> > Enough with people telling others what to say or what to no say. Let people ask for what they want, and the devs will decide what to do. It's not your job.


> Pretty much this.


> Companies often spend significant resources trying to find out what their customers want. These forums allow Anet at least a small insight into their customers' desires. Arguing to deprive the company of this resource does no one any good.


While telling people that wanting to have more races is pointless, its not stupid to express your own thoughts if you see no need for more races. If people who dont want or care for it dont express their opinion too, then anet gets a skewed idea of what percent are interested in it.


I dont care either way. Asura master race.

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