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Why not make WvW a megaserver like the rest of the game?


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Why not just have WvW become a megaserver like thing where we do away with server identities altogether and have a constant Red/Blue/Green faction sort of matchup? Have guilds picks between the three colors and boom. You've also added GvG on accident.


Make some kind of mist instability lore reason that sometimes guilds will get their color changed out from under them to combat stacking and other forms of manipulation/to balance out colors that are over or under picked for a season.


This instability will only affect guilds so many times so often before the algorithm is forced to pick other guilds it hasn't happened to so often. After a set period guild will again be susceptible to color switch instability.


The entire games population can use the WvW maps and be appropriated to their proper color in megaserver multimaps and all these instances wins/loses can add to the overall score. Winning color guild players get really cool neato mist bonuses they can take back into PvE.


Ergo basically the old world WvW bonuses but on a color win. Or something along those lines.


Players of the same guild get thrown into the same instance, they get que priority to said instance. Unaffiliated/guildless players will have to choose a side every new matchup and be locked into it.


They don't get cool bonuses because they're guildless losers/should be encouraged to join a guild but can still enjoy WvW as they see fit... or if they're smart they'll just use their friend/guild bank and get the bonuses like that and not be guildless losers!


Just a randumb idea for WvW I've had rattling around in my heard for a while now. If this isn't new or very good I apologize. If there's something to it and you want to add some much needed polish to the concept, please do.

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That's how Edge of the Mists is set up. And after the early days, people only went there for karma|xp|wxp trains (unless you were waiting on a queue, of course). It's has plenty of interesting mechanics, but it's not conducive to long match ups; it's a perfect structure for zerging and little else.


So it might please a fraction of WvWers, but it wouldn't create the sort of match-ups a lot of people still hope to see.

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The reason why eotm is dead is because they removed every single farming aspect away from it, so there's literally no reason to play it. Without veterans on eotm, newbies also have no reason to play because they dont know what to do there (and every time I saw post on reddit about someone being new to wvw, people always said to stay away from eotm).


Giving pips in eotm will somewhat fix problem of afk pip farming in wvw and probably bring some extra population to it (eotm). That could also give new players a map to learn wvw basics (it was kinda fun when I started playing, but there were people all the time).

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to add about eotm. the reason it was added to the game was to keep wvw players busy while waiting for their q to pop up cause back then maps were busy with queues (for some people it's hard to believe but yeah prime time had q everywhere). the map easily became a farm map in the end

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> @"Mogrey.3891" said:

> to add about eotm. the reason it was added to the game was to keep wvw players busy while waiting for their q to pop up cause back then maps were busy with queues (for some people it's hard to believe but yeah prime time had q everywhere). the map easily became a farm map in the end

And to further add to that, EoTM wasnt released until after most queues had gone away and the queue system had been fixed (it was so very broken). So it was redundant from the start. Funny thing that.

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> @"Kirnale.5914" said:

> If you want to play a megaserver WvW then go into Eotm. Why are you still playing the normal WvW when your wish have already fulfilled? To be honest, if your suggestion comes true, then most people in my server will quit right away.


Let them quit lol. the game will have more people come back because wvw won't be ded with megaservers. EOTM just spreads the population out. just delete it and make wvw megaserver. ez

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Switching over to an EotM system is probably the least difficult long term option there is for WvW (disregarding battlegroups but that's never gonna happen lol).


As it is, server identity is meaningless and most people in WvW play for the fights (except for some silly people still stuck in 2014, sheesh). There're far too many problems with the current system, including but not limited to:


* Normal WvW encouraging boring af objective based gameplay

* Population imbalances where one server in a tier may only have one map queued and another might have three (leading to players on two maps from the first server getting blobbed down).

* Guilds willing to fight each other but multiple tiers apart not getting a chance to do so.

* Lack of overall population density in OCX and EU's NA and NA's EU timezones especially when spread across 4/5 tiers.


Megaserver-ing WvW solves _all_ the listed problems. People whose idea of fun and interactive gameplay is autorunning beside dolyaks or pressing 1 on siege can still do so if instances are fully reloaded every 6 or 8 hours (i.e. NA, EU, OCX-SEA timezones). Population imbalances are smoothened out since all three sides ought to have almost the same number of players. Guilds can fight almost any other guild by using the squad/party interface to hop onto specific instances. And condensing all active players into 2-3 maps rather than 16 will help make offhours more active.


So, yeah, there are **literally no downsides** to switching over to an EotM-style megaserver system. The only issue would be a matter of maps, since EotM is fairly terrible in terms of design all things considered, with too many PvE elements, too many chokes and too many slopes, but otherwise the system itself is the best hope there is for WvW at this point.

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> @"Namer.9750" said:

> Switching over to an EotM system is probably the least difficult long term option there is for WvW (disregarding battlegroups but that's never gonna happen lol).


> As it is, server identity is meaningless and most people in WvW play for the fights (except for some silly people still stuck in 2014, sheesh). There're far too many problems with the current system, including but not limited to:


> * Normal WvW encouraging boring af objective based gameplay

> * Population imbalances where one server in a tier may only have one map queued and another might have three (leading to players on two maps from the first server getting blobbed down).

> * Guilds willing to fight each other but multiple tiers apart not getting a chance to do so.

> * Lack of overall population density in OCX and EU's NA and NA's EU timezones especially when spread across 4/5 tiers.


> Megaserver-ing WvW solves _all_ the listed problems. People whose idea of fun and interactive gameplay is autorunning beside dolyaks or pressing 1 on siege can still do so if instances are fully reloaded every 6 or 8 hours (i.e. NA, EU, OCX-SEA timezones). Population imbalances are smoothened out since all three sides ought to have almost the same number of players. Guilds can fight almost any other guild by using the squad/party interface to hop onto specific instances. And condensing all active players into 2-3 maps rather than 16 will help make offhours more active.


> So, yeah, there are **literally no downsides** to switching over to an EotM-style megaserver system. The only issue would be a matter of maps, since EotM is fairly terrible in terms of design all things considered, with too many PvE elements, too many chokes and too many slopes, but otherwise the system itself is the best hope there is for WvW at this point.


Sure. Just randomly adding guildmates to different maps so they can fight each other also.


Any system that is inherently guild centric needs to be out of WvW. It needs to be player centric first.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Namer.9750" said:

> > Switching over to an EotM system is probably the least difficult long term option there is for WvW (disregarding battlegroups but that's never gonna happen lol).

> >

> > As it is, server identity is meaningless and most people in WvW play for the fights (except for some silly people still stuck in 2014, sheesh). There're far too many problems with the current system, including but not limited to:

> >

> > * Normal WvW encouraging boring af objective based gameplay

> > * Population imbalances where one server in a tier may only have one map queued and another might have three (leading to players on two maps from the first server getting blobbed down).

> > * Guilds willing to fight each other but multiple tiers apart not getting a chance to do so.

> > * Lack of overall population density in OCX and EU's NA and NA's EU timezones especially when spread across 4/5 tiers.

> >

> > Megaserver-ing WvW solves _all_ the listed problems. People whose idea of fun and interactive gameplay is autorunning beside dolyaks or pressing 1 on siege can still do so if instances are fully reloaded every 6 or 8 hours (i.e. NA, EU, OCX-SEA timezones). Population imbalances are smoothened out since all three sides ought to have almost the same number of players. Guilds can fight almost any other guild by using the squad/party interface to hop onto specific instances. And condensing all active players into 2-3 maps rather than 16 will help make offhours more active.

> >

> > So, yeah, there are **literally no downsides** to switching over to an EotM-style megaserver system. The only issue would be a matter of maps, since EotM is fairly terrible in terms of design all things considered, with too many PvE elements, too many chokes and too many slopes, but otherwise the system itself is the best hope there is for WvW at this point.


> Sure. Just randomly adding guildmates to different maps so they can fight each other also.


> Any system that is inherently guild centric needs to be out of WvW. It needs to be player centric first.


Why should guildmates fight? Servers are a hardware-based limitation and when you start the game, you do so without any idea. Servers have very little in the form of identity for themselves. I just picked a server at character creation, then met other people who I got along pretty well with and eventually all decided to hop onto one server together and form a guild. I don't care for


Guilds are what gives you a greater identity. You don't make friends with the hundred of regular players on a server. You make friends with players who are of _like mind_ and enjoy the same kinds of things you enjoy and have a common goal. With a server, you have hundreds of players and out of those you may only interact with a few dozen at most and get to know a handful, but with a guild, you learn who plays what classes, who enjoys doing what.


I know this person likes playing full glass D/D and when roaming I'm his meatshield. I know that person likes to run full glass and do godtier damage output and if she's in the same party as me, I would switch my Guard from Cele to Minstrel's to support her DPS output. I know another guard who runs Merciful Intervention and will bail me out everytime, so when he's playing with us I play aggressively and go balls deep. We all enjoy doing large scale PvP together and focus on fighting other groups with 10-15 people. As a guild we know each other's likes and dislikes and tolerances and can joke around in raids running together as a group.


I see you advocate against guilds often _**Why on earth is that undesirable for you?**_


MMOs have never been about individual players, but about guilds; that's why you see guilds or clans or whatever name you use as a cornerstone of online gaming, while nearly everything else varies from game to game. Pulling guilds apart for no good reason isn't going to do anyone any favours.

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You are mistaken. I do no advocate against guilds. I advocate against #guild centric# designs and models.


Have all the guilds you want go to EOTM. You have the technology in place to do what you want yet you won't do it. Why?


Don't tell me the map stinks, because there are perfect places within that map to have guilds fight.


WvW is not a guild playground. Guilds go there, certainly, and I am a part of some that I truly don't want to be split from. But any system that turns WvW into a guild centric system would be harmful to the mode as a whole.

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> @"Namer.9750" said:


> Megaserver-ing WvW solves _all_ the listed problems.


Speaking from a Maguuma point of view, we absolutely hate the linking because there are conflicting goals (i.e. - Mag wants to stay out of T1, while Devona's Rest really really wants to be in T1), conflicting styles of play (MagCloud KDR vs. Zerging PPT), and conflicting types of experience (Mag composed of fight guilds vs. newbie players who die on inc.). I personally think this was done to handicap Mag instead of helping them, but I digress.


If you force massively conflicting goals, styles of play, and types of experience on the servers then you are introducing a whole new level of problems. I joke about the Mag/BG link, but can you imagine the conflict it would cause - not only between our servers - but between all the other servers we would go up against? You already had Ventuers of the Mist (EOTM) who would get a commander on each EOTM server specifically to karma farm and flip keeps over and over, and would publicly humiliate anyone trying to defend a keep. When I joined them, I specifically used their own GuildChat and Teamspeak to farm them (ended in a guild-kick). They would always wipe about 3 time, and then quit. So now if you introduce a server composed of someone like Mag/BG/SoS/etc, you are effectively kicking everyone else out of WvW because Mag will kill everyone, BG will cap everything, and SoS will siege everything. That leads to no fun for anyone.


If it gets to the point where there are no more WvW players left, then we could talk about combining. However, when most servers can still que 2-3 maps on reset there is no reason to do this.

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> As it is, server identity is meaningless

Not to many, as we've seen from various threads here on the forums and pretty much every night in /team.


> most people in WvW play for the fights

Some have always played for fights. Some have always liked the strategy. I don't think any of us players have a good sense of what "most WvWers" like.


> There're far too many problems with the current system,

WvW has always had problems. The longer one plays, the more obvious some of them become (and the easier it is to forget how long they've been in the game). For example, people have been complaining about population imbalance since the first month.



I would like to see ANet figure out some ways to keep things fresh, even if they can't solve the worst of the underlying issues. I would like to see them engage the community, to brainstorm and then filter the ideas by practicality/budget. I would like to see them making small changes regularly to mix things up, keeping them just long enough to get experienced opinions, to better educate them on the sorts of little things that can matter to an epic experience.


But that's really easy for me to type and really hard for any studio to implement.




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> @"Namer.9750" said:

> Switching over to an EotM system is probably the least difficult long term option there is for WvW (disregarding battlegroups but that's never gonna happen lol).


> As it is, server identity is meaningless and most people in WvW play for the fights (except for some silly people still stuck in 2014, sheesh). There're far too many problems with the current system, including but not limited to:


> * Normal WvW encouraging boring af objective based gameplay

> * Population imbalances where one server in a tier may only have one map queued and another might have three (leading to players on two maps from the first server getting blobbed down).

> * Guilds willing to fight each other but multiple tiers apart not getting a chance to do so.

> * Lack of overall population density in OCX and EU's NA and NA's EU timezones especially when spread across 4/5 tiers.


> Megaserver-ing WvW solves _all_ the listed problems. People whose idea of fun and interactive gameplay is autorunning beside dolyaks or pressing 1 on siege can still do so if instances are fully reloaded every 6 or 8 hours (i.e. NA, EU, OCX-SEA timezones). Population imbalances are smoothened out since all three sides ought to have almost the same number of players. Guilds can fight almost any other guild by using the squad/party interface to hop onto specific instances. And condensing all active players into 2-3 maps rather than 16 will help make offhours more active.


> So, yeah, there are **literally no downsides** to switching over to an EotM-style megaserver system. The only issue would be a matter of maps, since EotM is fairly terrible in terms of design all things considered, with too many PvE elements, too many chokes and too many slopes, but otherwise the system itself is the best hope there is for WvW at this point.


Pretty much bang on right here.

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> @"Namer.9750" said:

> Population imbalances are smoothened out since all three sides ought to have almost the same number of players.

Oh you mean like EoTM is now, perfectly balanced all the time? Sounds like a fantasy.


And if you are suggesting all play on one megaserver since you mention EU/NA/OCX timezones then no. *Just no*. Please do not try to actively kill GW2 WvW. I mean sure it has its flaws but its not like we need to go out of our way to find ways to make it unplayable for an entire region.

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let's add the eso in our discussion. right now eso has 4 campaigns total for pvp. 1. 30 day with champion point 2. 30 day without . 3 one 7 day and one more i think. and a huge map to "support" all those players (last time i heard the lag was real). in other word is not a megaserver there either.


now on gw2. all races are friendly the easiest way was to split them in servers (that we have now). creating a megaserver will not work. pretty much destroying the community. wvw guilds are not just working within the guild but within the server (drama exists sometimes but yeah) pretty much they are working together. so they may want to continue to work together. placing them randomly it destroys that so nope megaserver will not work. will never work.


creating an alliance between guilds (and not just one-two guilds but more) could work but it could also backfire.


arenanet must find another viable solution.

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