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So what are you doing these days?

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I'm sort of curious what others do with their time in-game. For example, I usually do a few events at Verdant Brink and go through and gather mussels in hope of a pearl. Sometimes a couple world bosses. Maybe a bounty in the Crystal Desert. And sometimes Istan meta event. That's pretty much all what I do on a daily basis.

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Main daily.

Fractal t4 daily, if I have time(cms if I feel like it).

Tarir/Piñata depending on what time I’m on/how long I have to play.

Find and kill some Treasure Mushrooms.

Check if Dwayna/Lyssa is up.

Griffon Master Adventures.

I also just started Astralaria, so I’m working my way through the collections/Craftings of the Precursor right now.

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I do random meta events, some world bosses here and there and help guildies. We have a bunch of new people in the guild and I really enjoy being a guide/teacher. :P Oh and I do my dailies in unranked PvP because it's fast. Most of the time I can finish all 3 in 1 match.

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> @"akenoyuki.8210" said:

> TBH I feel so lonely these days, many of my guildies rarely log in anymore after we finish PoF story and getting griffy :'<


Same here. It's not even that no one is online, it's that **nothing** about this game feels like a MMORPG. Yes there are other players around, but frankly they might as well be NPCs, there's no relevance to their actions as I just solo everything, even champs and groups of veterans, and even when that isn't the case, the mobs never threaten me personally much.


I miss MMORPGs with forced grouping and actual enforced roles pushing players into reliance upon one another. :disappointed:

Might try FF14, it seems more traditional in that regard.

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Dailies, including daily crafting and home instance and guild hall farm, story on multiple characters, map completion on multiple characters, working towards Astralaria, several achievements I'm chipping away at, helping guildies (that's a big one). I don't do it all every day but I rotate what I do depending on mood/opportunity.


Like today I did dailies, ran guild missions did some bounties, since it was a daily as well, helped a couple of guildies with their stuff and completed Vabbi on a character.

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Mostly bored.


Daily 2G+10AP, doing maybe some meta for some Gold.

After getting 110G -->400gems -->Buying a mount skin.


Not spending a single real life EUR on RNG lootbox so I unlock them with gold 1by 1.

14 done so far. 16 to go. (unless I get the 5 most desired skins which obviously I haven't go yet. :) )


After that, there is a new legendary weapon in plan along with some new elite spec unlock and test.

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The 2G dailies, any dailies in other zones I feel like (mostly Ember Bay, Bitterfrost, Bloodstone), one or two full SW or DS metas plus chests, a VB chest run with any events I run across, a Lake Doric leather farm, alting (working on my 9th slot, a Guardian), housekeeping stuff like clearing out the bank, working on ascended weapons if I'm in the mood or shopping for amateur tier fashion war items and helping out anyone who asks doing any of these things. All of that usually gets me my two or three hour daily fix. Casual is as casual does, and I'm loving it.

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It varies. I recently made my 10th and 11th characters - a 2nd elementalist and 2nd engineer so I can have both elite specilisations without having to swap everything over. I also re-made my necromancer and revenant because I changed my mind on which races I want. So I'm levelling those up and once that's done I'll have to think about what skins I want for them and maybe get some new ones. I also need to finish my personal story on my guardian and mesmer.


I'm working on map completion on another alt so I can get another Gift of Exploration and because I've been meaning to finish it on her for ages. I'm still working on some of the Season 2 achievements for luminescent armour (and mastery points). There's some HoT achievements I want to do and haven't finished yet, and I've barely even looked at PoF achievements. Oh and I need more PoF mastery points to finish all the tracks.


On top of that I collect minis pets which is a constantly on-going long-term project. So I'll need more gold, more karma, more crystalline ore and I think a lot of the PoF ones come from achievements, bounty bosses or adventure rewards so I'll have to look into getting those at some point. Oh and I keep trying to save up for a Commander tag so I can fill in when there aren't enough in the meta-events I like doing (Dragon's Stand especially). I'm also thinking about doing the collection for The Lover because I made The Dreamer before those existed, and I'd like to do it (and maybe finish the legendary to sell), and at some point I want to make Nevermore, and maybe The Shining Blade too.


Then of course there's new Living Story releases every few months, and festivals in between. Sometimes those mean putting my other goals aside for a bit, sometimes they go together (for example I made a ton of gold and karma during Wintersday so I was able to get several new minis).


Oh yeah, and I sometimes join in with dungeon runs with my guild if it's at a convenient time for me, and I keep on saying I want to start raiding but haven't actually gotten around to it yet.


Edit: And actually if I'm honest I spend a lot of time either finding cool places to take screenshots or simply climbing around the maps to see where I can get to, especially now we've got mounts which add a whole new dimension to it. You can get surprisingly high up in Brisban Wildlands for example and it looks quite different from the air.

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Recently got my Engineer to 80 and has begun leveling my Necromancer, to have one of each profession at last.

PvP is usually scary for me, but I have recently been dabbling more and more in WvW and has enjoyed it so far (even tho I'm terrible :p ).

I try to catch events and bosses run by OpenCommunity when I feel like it.


Longterm goals I have is:

After my necromancer hits 80, I want to progress each character I have through HoT, LS and PoF story (have only done that with my main).

Outfitting my characters with ascended gear and weapons.

Fully complete the HoT and Core masteries.

Complete achievments for past LS-episodes.

Unlock as many skins as possible for the wardrobe (made difficult as I don't always know what is obtainable ingame or instore, should be some easy way to filter it in the game).

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