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So what are you doing these days?

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Currently I log in, grab my daily chest, collect money from the TP and log out again. I stopped bothering with dailies a long time ago as I'm not super bothered about AP. I have a level 80 of every class and I've finished all the story achievements on one of them and can't really be bothered to do them again. Generally these days I just follow the Living World stuff, I finish that and the current events when they come out and then go right back to this routine. After 4-5 years of playing for almost 12 hours a day the game kind of lost it's charm for me. I just need to know what happens next or it's like starting a book you never finish.

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* Daily

* Starting up some T1 Fractals tonight, so could become a regular thing up to T4

* Random collections and achievements - finishing Mawdrey tonight

* Finish PoF maps with main

* Working on griffon

* LS4 E1


Most of the time, I'm lucky to get my 2g daily in with a little gathering, so it's slow going on the bigger stuff.

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> @"Polarfairy.8046" said:

> Currently I log in, grab my daily chest, collect money from the TP and log out again. I stopped bothering with dailies a long time ago as I'm not super bothered about AP. I have a level 80 of every class and I've finished all the story achievements on one of them and can't really be bothered to do them again. Generally these days I just follow the Living World stuff, I finish that and the current events when they come out and then go right back to this routine. After 4-5 years of playing for almost 12 hours a day the game kind of lost it's charm for me. I just need to know what happens next or it's like starting a book you never finish.


This. I log in, grab daily chest, seeing theres no money in the TP, because i never do something. Talk to some guildies. manage guildroster and upgrades. Log out.

Until new story and new stuff comes to do that

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Map and story completion and crafting exp on alts

Ranking up a weekly key farmer

Missions and metas on HoT maps

A little Palawadan, a little Bitterfrost for the loot.

Now and then working on a collection or achievement or gathering special crafting mats for new skins.

Fractals, usually when guildies are getting together a party (T1 or T2)

Guild missions when we have them

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1. Login my Mesmer at the air ship in Bloodstone Fen, and do the dailies there. Sometimes I get Hab, sometimes I don't. They are all really fast to do, and pick up a wee bit of karma. The 3 rifts you can fail to win, so all you really have to do is fly by and kill one thing and leave and you'll get credit when it fails (or, of course, is successful). I call them 'Failies'. I don't really need the map currency any more, so I salvage it. I do it because it's fast karma, and enjoyable, and I really like flying and using the air combat skills. :) And I get all the Flax on the flying rocks.

2. I move her to TD at Jockal Itchy (sp?) WP and drop down for some more Flax.

3. Port to Dry Top and hit the farm and my planted, uh, trees that give LW3.5 currency. Again, don't need the currency, but I mash into unbound magic. I use unbound magic to get 6 bags of goods from the utility thing that converts all that stuff to bags. I have a 45th level character that opens and salvages it all when I get 250 bags. Gotta keep in that mid-level materials!

4. She heads over to AB a little after H:30 to get ready for the meta. If I have time, I'll work on things listed after this, and then finish after AB.

5. My main (Elementalist) will do 1-2 WvW dailies. Those are usually pretty easy, even if I get killed. If I get camped, I go back later, or if there are enough other Daily things to do, I do those. I almost always do at least 1 WvW one.

6. My main gathers in the housing district in DR. I have, I think, all the nodes you can get at this point, except awesome things from gamble boxes. I purchased all the ones I can buy, and earned all the rest, including cats. I bought only 1 of the new harvest farms, and enjoy that too.

7. My Mesmer ports up to Mistlock Sanctuary and makes 10 food with a decent margin and sells on the TP to supplement my income.

8. My Necro does some things around Istan. As many dailies as I feel like. I like the 5 delivery crate Adventure, the Race, 3 Stashes and Awakened killing. I'll do one round of GH and 'maybe' a Pala, but I don't do the latter much any more.

9. At some point, I'll finish up the dailies, with whoever it makes sense to do it with (based on where they are parked, etc).

10. I recently made a push to make sure all my characters had an Ascended weapon in each of their swap slots (my main has a few extra, like a wand, torch, knife), so I'm low in all those middle mats. I've been picking one of my other characters each day (not one mentioned above) and doing a 2-4 zone gathering spree. That's actually been pretty enjoyable. I haven't done it in awhile, and it's a way to loiter in the old zones again (I have map completion on all 9 of my characters). I'll sneak in some DEs along the way, help people when I can.

11. I've been loitering around with one of my characters in PoF. She is on the 3rd zone. My Ranger is camped in Desert Highlands and sometimes I like to login and do treasure hunting up there.

12. Edit: Forgot I've been trying to do Teq and a Gendarran Anamoly every day too.

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Dailies, Harvesting my home and our GH, some PvP, depending on the season some more PvP, used to do T4 fractals and sometimes CMs but I'm fed up with it at the moment so I'm finishing stories or maps on alts or do other open world stuff. One evening per week is reserved for my static raid group, outside of that maybe one or two more evenings per week I raid with a guild. I don't pug raids. If I ever want to do "DAT RAD HARDCORE CONTENT!!! RAWR!!!" I think I'll go back to fractals rather than getting all invested in raiding.

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Depends. Sometimes I'll do dailies. Sometimes I'll chip away at s3 of the story since I switched mains for pof. Explore HoT. Work on maxing tailoring. Look at lfg for sw or palawadan meta groups. Or just do whatever seems fun at the time. Yesterday joined a group to help some people get the collection item from legendary corrupted facet. There's plenty in the game to do so I don't really ever get bored.

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I really start getting bored here , I am new to mmorpg , i crafted my ascended armor and weapon and completed the maps .. but lately feels my character is very weak

and the map so empty , is it good idea to change the server ? i am on jade sea fr , may لاث an American server will be more fun .

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A favorite pastime of mine is to hang out in a starter zone and prey on new players. If I get lucky and find one willing to reroll and start over and join my server for WvW.


I will run with them, level them and teach them their class and the game. It can be very rewarding in the long run if they continue to play.


In the meantime, I'm in WvW repairing walls until somebody does something with the mode.?

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I still have much to do but I take things slow. Currently, have been busy with work and did a move last month so was stuck with just my phone and laptop thus I really didn't play at all.


Before that, I was playing my Soulbeast because I forgot about my Ranger when PoF released, collecting unidentified gear to try a 1000 stack unveil with as much magic find I could get, finishing specialization achievements now that the prices of the exotics have dropped, continued work on my 2nd set of ascended light armor after I finished my 3rd of medium, still collecting materials for the legendary scepter craft.


But once work settles down for me, I likely will hop onto playing Blade and Soul for a while before coming back to GW2. I haven't touched Tera in over a year so that's something I can also do before putting my nose to the grindstone in GW2.

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Opposite to the rest of the community, I nearly lost my entire karma during wintersday. So I reconfigurated my dailies a little. Surprisingly I found a method (with LS3 maps), to get 15-20k karma within ~10 minutes daily, which is really nice.


In the mornings (4 am) it is always the same, pick the three easiest dailies and write them into our motd together with the psna of that day. Then doing those dailies + optional wvwvw daily, because I need Gifts of Battle/Clovers xD. Farming GH nodes, farming home instance => karma tour. At last I try to craft the timegated daily ascended mats, which is very nice atm, thx to the ridiculously low material-prices. In a few weeks, I will have good use of these for sure.


In the evenings/weekend

I still have a lot of unfinished projects like leadership runes, ascended sets, finishing my legendary weapon and saving VM + gold for the next LS map (node + tome). Istan and the current invasion events. Fractals with the guild (rarely). Exploring/Traveling the desert. I still find new stuff once in a while. Flight training with the griffon. Jumping Puzzles ofcourse. Guildhall decorating. Sometimes a DS run.


The droughts, as I call the periods "between," are good to take a breath, relax and finish some unfinished projects or prepare for future stuff.



Fast karma-tour (for those who want to try it)

- Bloodstone Fen: Magic Gatherer + Aerial Skills = starting for Zealot Waypoint using Aerial skills on the way to the goggles-spot, diving to gather (1 minute)

- Ember Bay: Magic Gatherer = leyline from start + griffon for the unbound magic floating near Observation Outpost POI (1 minute)

- Bitterfrost Frontier: Berry Gatherer (home instance node)+ Magic Gatherer underwater + Torch (3-4 minutes)

- Lake Doric: Peach + Magic Gatherer = starting from Red Leaf Retreat Waypoint with a griffon, 3 jumps/air-jumps to the peach-tree and run in the circle below the tree (2 minutes)

- Drakonis Mons: Magic Gatherer with tubes + Diver + Orchid Collector (with home instance node + 1-2 in DM; 1-3 minutes)

- Siren's Landing: Magic Gatherer + Willow wave + Oyster Gatherer = with skimmer along the coastline (1-3 minutes)


If you are quick and know where everything is, you can do that run in ~ 10 minutes. At some days I can make 16k karma. With some very lucky dailies I sometimes can get 20k as well. You need luck. But compared to the time spent, it is pretty nice. If I see an opportunity, like daily Webby and surprisingly see a tag at DM at the location, I head for it ofcourse. But in most cases, I am alone in that map anyway, that early in the day xD.


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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> > @"akenoyuki.8210" said:

> > TBH I feel so lonely these days, many of my guildies rarely log in anymore after we finish PoF story and getting griffy :'<


> Same here. It's not even that no one is online, it's that **nothing** about this game feels like a MMORPG. Yes there are other players around, but frankly they might as well be NPCs, there's no relevance to their actions as I just solo everything, even champs and groups of veterans, and even when that isn't the case, the mobs never threaten me personally much.


> I miss MMORPGs with forced grouping and actual enforced roles pushing players into reliance upon one another. :disappointed:


Do you know what is the problem? The problem is that most if not all MMOs do not encourage experienced people to team up with noobs. Like you say yourself: you are already so self-sufficient with champs and such, that you don't have any reason to team up but with experienced players like you, for content where you don't want newcomers. This leads to situation, where new newbies form their own newbie groups at some point, learn things by hard ways and become experienced, eventually also their groups disband because of things that happen in real life, the ones left feel lonely who have nothing to accomplish anymore and they quit. New newbies who eventually will come to new generation of experienced, bored players are there at that time, but those from earlier generation does not want to take them along, because at that specific moment they'd just be burden.


As a relatively new player in this game, do you think I am begging to get a spot in groups? No, because I know that I would only be a burden in content that experienced players run. Would I like to get in? Definitely yes. I would like to have people showing me what it is all about. It was bit depressing to me to read from another thread, that if you are not high plat or leg, you will not have a spot in PvP tournaments teams. Very depressing.


In the game I was playing before this one, I suggested some mechanics to reward experienced people when they take newbies. In that specific game, my suggestion was to add an additional reward chest whenever there is at least one person, who completes the tier and/or challenge first time. That way, you would get that chest only once, if you would never team up with newbies again. If you would team up with newbies, you'd get that extra reward chest like at every run. My example was something like instead of calling 'challenge run, 4/5, experienced player needed', groups could call 'challenge run, 4/5, experienced player or able newbie wanted'


For the question in the first post: I am too new in this game. I am scratching the content in every front. I dont have daily routines, instead I am time to time:


- Hunting hero points on some toons

- Running PvP matches

- Going roaming to WvW

- Taking part to some fractal runs, mainly to fractals I have at least some experience already

- Trying to progress in story lines, part there, other there, but trying at least

- Joining world bosses

- Trying to gear up my toons, making a mistake, regearing and noticing that what I earlier though was a mistake, was instead a step to a right direction, and regearing again

- Trying to figure out what path leads to where


Surely these are exciting times, and I know that if I continue playing this game, at some point of future I will be one more bored experienced player. Sad.

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I only play a few hours per week. When I do I log into wvw to do the dailies. I do them there to chip away at Gift of Battle and get the 2 gold.


Then I do daily crafting. Then I do a few rounds of pvp (3-5 depending on how well it’s going).


If I don’t feel like doing pvp I will chip away at world completion to get Gifts of Exploration.


If I have extra time I will do lake Doric leather farm for 20-30 minutes to get some gold.


End goal for this year is to make 2 more legendaries.

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* Teq

* Dailies

* GH gathering

* Home instance gathering

* Craft time gated materials

* WvW


If WvW is especially blobby or dead I'll do a couple of meta events (Istan, Maw etc) or PoF bounties for gold.

Starting to run T2 daily fractals again on a semi-regular basis for gold and the very odd chance of an ascended drop. Will progress to T3 AR permitting.

Sadly all of this is done solo apart from the WvW as my guildies have mainly left or are as burned out as me.

I have 9 fully ascended toons and +1K gold with bugger all I want to spend it on.


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> @"TamX.1870" said:

> > @"Carighan.6758" said:

> > > @"akenoyuki.8210" said:

> > > TBH I feel so lonely these days, many of my guildies rarely log in anymore after we finish PoF story and getting griffy :'<

> >

> > Same here. It's not even that no one is online, it's that **nothing** about this game feels like a MMORPG. Yes there are other players around, but frankly they might as well be NPCs, there's no relevance to their actions as I just solo everything, even champs and groups of veterans, and even when that isn't the case, the mobs never threaten me personally much.

> >

> > I miss MMORPGs with forced grouping and actual enforced roles pushing players into reliance upon one another. :disappointed:


> Do you know what is the problem? The problem is that most if not all MMOs do not encourage experienced people to team up with noobs. Like you say yourself: you are already so self-sufficient with champs and such, that you don't have any reason to team up but with experienced players like you, for content where you don't want newcomers.


I cut the rest of the post for the sake of length, but I wanted to address this point. There are actually a lot of experienced players in GW2 who actively help new players learn, or simply accept them into groups where they're not expected to know the content already.


Here's a (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/25835/new-players-returning-players-project-equity "topic from the Players Helping Players") section about someone doing exactly that (although this is aimed at brand new players just learning the basics).


And here's two guilds I found on the first page of the Looking For Guild section who state in the topic title that they welcome new players. [One in NA](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/861/na-pvx-cd-paradox-of-the-arcane-sovereigns-svgn-a-casual-learning-community-for-all#latest "One in NA") and [on in EU](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/23415/fenx-na-active-pve-casual-looking-for-newbies-and-veterans-family-style-guild#latest "on in EU"). I'm sure there's a lot more but I was just scrolling down until I found one in each region.


Sure there are also people like the ones you quoted who don't play with others unless they have to and have learned enough that they rarely need to. And there's people like me who may or may not group up or talk depending on what mood we're in. But it's a massive exaggeration to suggest that everyone only wants to play with people they consider equally skilled or experienced and only when they cannot achieve their goals alone.

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