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Access to new Weapons

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What currently blocked weapon would you like to your "X" profession to have access to?

I'm not asking ANET to do anything like this, so stop typing about all the hassle in changing the profession's make-up/skills/traits or combat imbalance it would cause. I'm just asking you to have fun before PoS comes out and think of the current weapons, current professions/specializations, and what combinations you would (nearly) pay to have access to.


I would like to see what a rifle toting Ranger would be like, or a dagger/dagger Revenant, or a pistol/pistol Necromancer.


Even if I could run around in a separate location that has no effect on the PvE, WvW, or story-mode. (much like the beta weekends)

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> @Rauderi.8706 said:

> Not that we have Claws in game, but I want them. :grin:


> Focus for Warriors. Because it'd be weird. Maybe as a ranged spectral whip to yank targets in closer.

> Ranger Rifle, for reasons. Might as well have the full ranged kit.

> More axes to more classes. Because I want my mileage out of Astralaria. :lol:


I could see a dagger skin in the form of claws. That would actually be great for a thief or even ranger.

I've also wanted a ball-and-chain mace.

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> @Rauderi.8706 said:

> Not that we have Claws in game, but I want them. :grin:


> Focus for Warriors. Because it'd be weird. Maybe as a ranged spectral whip to yank targets in closer.

> Ranger Rifle, for reasons. Might as well have the full ranged kit.

> More axes to more classes. Because I want my mileage out of Astralaria. :lol:


I was thinking that a warrior could wield the focus and just beat people over the head with it, kind of like a bar-brawler. I would've said brass knuckles, but a lot of the foci are really weird shapes.


On ranger, I'd like to have access to both pistols and rifles. I really don't see a good reason for the class not to use firearms and stick to bows for their ranged attack.


And I wouldn't mind seeing either a two-handed axe or lance type weapon if we adding in new types. I mean, my inventory is already bursting to the seams with the equipment I carry and a new weapon class would just add to that, but there's something to be said for versatility.

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Rifle on Elementalist would be normal on skill 1, but skills 2-5 would be VERY high damage. They would also knock off part of the Elementalist's life when they're used. Risk vs Reward, right? Very high risk, very high reward.


Greatsword/Hammer on Thief. If you played CoH, then all I have to say is "Titan Weapons". If not, the basic idea is that some attacks are locked out to start with, and the others have a long wind-up to the swing because you're swinging such a large weapon. But when you DO make that swing, you get a short term buff called "Momentum". And while that buff is up, the attacks lose that wind-up, and the other attacks unlock (basically, you can only do them when you've already got the weapon moving). Get your attacks in as fast as you can, until your Momentum runs out, and you have to make another slow swing.

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