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Underwater Mounts???? - (insert suggestions in here)

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How about a few underwater mounts? like a god darn dolphin, shark, octopus for the seas floor....i'm sure riding a crab would be nice for the floor too right? instead of completely bypassing underwater with the skimmer....i feel it would make underwater a bit more likable when done right :) make them core too if you really wanna encourage getting an underwater expansion going....just an idea, plus i think a lot of vet players might not admit it.....but would love to see how it differs from just using thier character to dive slowly to the bottom of say...a lake or ocean :)

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I like the idea of riding a crab - so we can ride along the sea floor as an alternative to swimming, and maybe it could have a 'slow motion' jump where it drifts down (due to being underwater) instead of just dropping.


I'd also like something which can pull us along quickly under the water, like a dolphin or small whale. Or a shark. (Or more likely a dolphin with a shark skin sold in the gem store.)


Or a giant [mantis shrimp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mantis_shrimp "mantis shrimp") - the ones which in real life are about 30cm long and can punch through aquarium glass. Maybe it would have only a minimal speed boost (about the speed of the bunny or skimmer on land), but very high health so it's not as easy to get knocked off and it could have a powerful attack skill.

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> @"artemis.6781" said:

> Dolphin! I probably wouldn't mind UW combat if we could use mount skills.


Only if it causes some crazy controversy, because you can't have a dolphin without #[dolphingate](http://massivelyop.com/2015/03/20/trion-makes-amends-for-archeages-dolphingate/ "#dolphingate"). :#


A dolphin would be great, though. In the event I get to see it, I'm crossing my fingers for a LW4 map that has mount combat abilities kinda like Bloodstone Fen had gliding combat abilities.

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> > @"artemis.6781" said:

> > Dolphin! I probably wouldn't mind UW combat if we could use mount skills.


> Only if it causes some crazy controversy, because you can't have a dolphin without #[dolphingate](http://massivelyop.com/2015/03/20/trion-makes-amends-for-archeages-dolphingate/ "#dolphingate"). :#


> A dolphin would be great, though. In the event I get to see it, I'm crossing my fingers for a LW4 map that has mount combat abilities kinda like Bloodstone Fen had gliding combat abilities.


AWE Man yes! that would be so amazing! say we use a Dolphin and we swim through a underwater network (echo rings) and each time we go through one we gain a speed buff or quickness? they could use that alot in core too :)

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I really like underwater in this game and I wish that ANet had time to develop it further. However, before they add underwater mounts, I'd like to see them at least get aquatic GW2 up to the same level as the rest of the game. If skills are restricted (due to coding reasons), then give us a separate build with separate traits for underwater. Make sure there's at least two elite skills and that specializations mechanics work.


I don't mind if they never retrofit weapon skin sets to include underwater; I just want them to do it right ... or leave things as is and concentrate on other things.

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Perhaps the Skimmer should be able to be mounted underwater. I have yet find any good use for it other than some few patches of quicksand I never happened to travel across more than like once in my PoF life so far. I practically never mount him. Better than adding a new one make the Skimmer actually useful?

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> @"Enoah.1956" said:

> Perhaps the Skimmer should be able to be mounted underwater. I have yet find any good use for it other than some few patches of quicksand I never happened to travel across more than like once in my PoF life so far. I practically never mount him. Better than adding a new one make the Skimmer actually useful?


The skimmer being used underwater makes sense being a glorified mantra ray and all. Good suggestion.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I really like underwater in this game and I wish that ANet had time to develop it further. However, before they add underwater mounts, I'd like to see them at least get aquatic GW2 up to the same level as the rest of the game. If skills are restricted (due to coding reasons), then give us a separate build with separate traits for underwater. Make sure there's at least two elite skills and that specializations mechanics work.


> I don't mind if they never retrofit weapon skin sets to include underwater; I just want them to do it right ... or leave things as is and concentrate on other things.


This is why I'm thinking an underwater expansion would be the best way to go. At the moment we're stuck in a Catch 22 situation - Anet avoid adding much underwater content because underwater combat isn't very good, but they can't justify the time and effort it would take to fix the combat because there's so little content that uses it. An expansion bundles together more content and reworked mechanics with plenty of lead-in time to get it working.

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underwater mounts I'd like to see:

Sea Tortoise (skill provides stability to up to 5 players within range)

Stonefish or Lionfish (or combination) (attack skill stuns targets in area)

Manta Ray (easy for Anet to do, just use the rigging/animation from the Skimmer) (skill can be the same as Skimmer)

Seahorse/Sea dragon (skill.... uh.. it's cute?)

Dolphin (attack dazes targets)

Man-o-War (attack skill deals ! stacks of poison)



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I like dolphin idea, but I think it could be kinda sorta maybe not too hard to allow a skimmer to dive under the water's surface much the same way our character does. It seems like a natural thing to do, although you couldn't really say it "skims" like that. Could work a little like a griffon's dive.

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I would love to see underwater mounts, I actually thought our currently water mount was able to dive under water too but nope, :disappointed:


- Manta Ray _(A REAL underwater Manta Ray!)_

- Seahorse

- Dolphin

- Shark

- Sea Turtle


We need more underwater content!!!!

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