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One of the reasons why Gw2 is better than most of other games!

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So i saw that way to many times now from other players and on youtube and it grinds my gears really.

It's about Gear Progression... lol. First of all i hope Anet will never create that kind of gear progression as in other games because this is one of the reasons Guild Wars 2 is great, you can easily start but and you dont need to grind for months if not years just to enter end game. Some people complain about that they have nothing to do at max level because why?... they have max gear and thats it lol, to me it seems they really dont know how to play such game as they only played those grindy games cuz there is a lot more to Gw2 than that. For me gear progression is one of the reasons i leave other games as it often makes then either too grindy or just pay2win and this doesnt attract me at all. You have so many other things to do in Gw2 instead of worrying about gear and i suppose devs didnt wanted to make just another race game out of Guild Wars so that everyone can just relax and play the game in any way they want and have fun without all the frustrations. So once again i hope this never happens to Guild Wars 2 as its one of the things that make this game unique!


And that's all folks, thank you for your attention.

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I agree. :D


I've never understood the idea of gear progression as a goal. To me it's a way of gating content - making it impossible to do certain things until you have good enough gear. Which means it's something to get out of the way as soon as possible so I'm free to do whatever I want. Or, in games where you're almost constantly upgrading it, something to ignore as much as possible - I'll upgrade my gear as and when I come across better pieces but other than that I don't think much about it.


The appeal of completing content is playing the content itself. So a game where I can just go and play whatever without worrying about if I have the right gear or what I need to get first is pretty great.

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The other reason to me are the species.

All the human-like playable characters with only minor differences in other games turn me off. I love it when I see a Charr running on all fours and not a cheesy bikini cat loly like in... other games.

Even LoL, which turned from 2010 ("The Clash of Fates") to "Anime Chibi Cheese" nonsense..


So far, arenaNet is rock solid in that matter except for a few Barby Fairytopia wings as glider.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I agree. :D


> I've never understood the idea of gear progression as a goal. To me it's a way of gating content - making it impossible to do certain things until you have good enough gear. Which means it's something to get out of the way as soon as possible so I'm free to do whatever I want. Or, in games where you're almost constantly upgrading it, something to ignore as much as possible - I'll upgrade my gear as and when I come across better pieces but other than that I don't think much about it.


> The appeal of completing content is playing the content itself. So a game where I can just go and play whatever without worrying about if I have the right gear or what I need to get first is pretty great.


There are pros and cons either way. GW2 has a way of feeling somewhat aimless. You might call that "freedom" to play the way you want, but for many players it also results in boredom and a feeling that the game lacks proper incentives and structure. This difference in perception comes down to motivation. Most players find rewards (i.e. gear) motivating. Playing through content is enjoyable to them, but working toward a constant stream of upgrades adds much-needed source of replay value that GW2 mostly lacks. I suppose it's the price we pay for that freedom.



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I understand why people like gear progression but honestly I like not having gear progression. I do wish GW2 had some sort of progression though and I don't see the masteries as a proper progression system.


I think that fractals & raids could use some sort of progression system that improves your character stat wise that isn't necessarily tied to gear and that only works in fractals & raids and doesn't affect anything outside of fractals & raids. Because I feel like casuals don't like any sort of progression & those who do hardcore fractals & raids would actually enjoy it.


This no gear progression policy that gw2's running has its advantages & disadvantages really.

The good thing is that casuals aren't forced to upgrade their gear over and over again and they can do what they want.

The bad thing is that the more hardcore people who enjoy progression will feel lost with nothing left to do other than fractals & raids for the sake of doing it.


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> @"glenndevis.8327" said:

> I understand why people like gear progression but honestly I like not having gear progression. I do wish GW2 had some sort of progression though and I don't see the masteries as a proper progression system.


> I think that fractals & raids could use some sort of progression system that improves your character stat wise that isn't necessarily tied to gear and that only works in fractals & raids and doesn't affect anything outside of fractals & raids. Because I feel like casuals don't like any sort of progression & those who do hardcore fractals & raids would actually enjoy it.


> This no gear progression policy that gw2's running has its advantages & disadvantages really.

> The good thing is that casuals aren't forced to upgrade their gear over and over again and they can do what they want.

> The bad thing is that the more hardcore people who enjoy progression will feel lost with nothing left to do other than fractals & raids for the sake of doing it.



Wouldnt raid/fractal only stat progression mean that rewards in the game modes would render content within the game mode obsolete?

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> @"glenndevis.8327" said:

> I think that fractals & raids could use some sort of progression system that improves your character stat wise that isn't necessarily tied to gear and that only works in fractals & raids and doesn't affect anything outside of fractals & raids. Because I feel like casuals don't like any sort of progression & those who do hardcore fractals & raids would actually enjoy it.

I don't know about raids, but in fractals at least, isn't that what AR is?



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Not necessarily better (without gear progression, many players who weren't attracted by the fashion-wars idea were left without incentive to play and quit the game at early stages or didn't even try it), but definitely different enough to shine.


The lack of gear progression brings many good things to the table, like keeping older content relevant or being able to quit for a time and then return back without an insante todo list.

Unfortunately, some design decisiosn have strongly diminished the advantages of such a feature. The expansion powercreep has similar effect for the older content as gear progression would and also shakes up the balance to a point where, if playing "end game" PvE or WvW you may still find yourself having to regear your characters, because even if there's no progression, the game is still unnecessarily gear centric.

This gear centric nature also prevents the game from being as alt-friendly as it could and difficults experimenting with different builds (specially if trying to use expansion introduced stats, which are way harder to get at exotic level than the core counterparts), which both should have been really strong points for a game without vertical progression.

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Agree with the Op. love the game so far. no hurry,no rush. lots of things to do. now as for the hardcore players. they dont usaually stay with a game that long anyway. they hurry through content and maxout stuff then get bored and leave. so no really great loss there for long term support of the game. wham, bam, thank ya maam kinda thing then move on.lol Anyway good job to the Anet for keeping things laid back and enjoyable.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"WolfSparkSmack.2649" said:

> So i saw that way to many times now from other players and on youtube and it grinds my gears really.

> It's about Gear Progression... lol. First of all i hope Anet will never create that kind of gear progression as in other games because this is one of the reasons Guild Wars 2 is great, you can easily start but and you dont need to grind for months if not years just to enter end game. Some people complain about that they have nothing to do at max level because why?... they have max gear and thats it lol, to me it seems they really dont know how to play such game as they only played those grindy games cuz there is a lot more to Gw2 than that. For me gear progression is one of the reasons i leave other games as it often makes then either too grindy or just pay2win and this doesnt attract me at all. You have so many other things to do in Gw2 instead of worrying about gear and i suppose devs didnt wanted to make just another race game out of Guild Wars so that everyone can just relax and play the game in any way they want and have fun without all the frustrations. So once again i hope this never happens to Guild Wars 2 as its one of the things that make this game unique!


> And that's all folks, thank you for your attention.


I couldn't agree with you more. I love the GW2 system for character progression and gear!

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while the game is nice to play and the free to play system is great but yet lacks many things much older and newer games coming out already have .

i do hope that gets changed very soon lot of work yes but in doing so it will give us that word of mouth thing MO talked about a while back .

while i still enjoy the game fully after playing since guild wars beta days .


having more better cpu and hard ware support would be a major boost to this game.

like being able to fully use the Vegas 56 and 64 and Ryzen 1 and 2 cpus coming out this year .

as well as the game using IP6V will add a lot more to this game and give us better tools for the word of mouth to get out about this game B)


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