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Inevitable Useless Nerf


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> @"Ragnarox.9601" said:



> so whats the point of F3 #1 skill anymore? you fart stability while they beat the sh*i*t out of you now....


Totally agree here. To remove Aegis and not add anything in return is bonkers. It's useless now. I guess if you didn't want to run Mantra of Liberation (which got over-nerfed too) then maybe it'd be helpful for stomping??? Why not just give it a 3 second cooldown instead? Or anything other than that (why spam stab and swift????)


Pretty disappointed with a class that really was only OP when paired with a decent scourge. Against most power builds, we died really fast.

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No aegis leaves us totally defenseless it's really unfair. Thank you anet. Actually contemplating quitting the game now that my favorite spec is ruined. To be fair, Firebrand was never overpowered, a simple glass cannon could easily take out a firebrand, but people cry and whine over the stupidest little things, when guardian could actually be an actual guardian, the whiners come out claiming that they need a nerf. Meanwhile, a mesmer can kill you in a .3 second window, and scourges get a 1200% bonus to vampiric stuff.

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A big LoL at my expense. Just decided to return to WvW after a long hiatus, decided on bringing my Guardian out of retirement for the job, spent lots of time and gold trying to get the right spec and gear, and literally one day after finishing with everything I could (until I got more gold) they roll this out. Why do I even bother? ;)

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I don't get why there is such surprise and angst here ... it's almost like you guys never saw a game balancing patch before. I mean, if you have played this game for any length of time, you know it can change; you know spending gold on a SPECIFIC build is a risky proposition, especially in WvW. You choose to take that risk. As normal, the good players going to adapt to the changes.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I don't get why there is such surprise and angst here ... it's almost like you guys never saw a game balancing patch before. I mean, if you have played this game for any length of time, you know it can change; you know spending gold on a SPECIFIC build is a risky proposition, especially in WvW. You choose to take that risk. As normal, the good players going to adapt to the changes.


You know, for one thing, I wouldn't have to keep spending as much money and time on specific builds if AN wasn't so stingy with personal storage. If you have 7 or 8 level 80 characters and you have 3 or 4+ different sets of gear, etc. for every one of them, for every eventuality, and no where to put it all....and then you can't resell most of it, and you get a pittance in return for salvaging it....


Anyway, that's another issue, and nerfs aren't really a "surprise." But it doesn't matter if you've come to expect such things, if you've gone through it a hundred times: it's still frustrating when it happens - especially when you've had no time to enjoy the fruits of your labor and money. :/

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I don't get why there is such surprise and angst here ... it's almost like you guys never saw a game balancing patch before. I mean, if you have played this game for any length of time, you know it can change; you know spending gold on a SPECIFIC build is a risky proposition, especially in WvW. You choose to take that risk. As normal, the good players going to adapt to the changes.


It's not about adapting or not adapting to a meta. I for one came back to guild wars to play Firebrand, it is the staple of the only thing that has been given to us where we can actually focus on being the most relied upon support the game has to offer. Dragon hunter and core are excellent but the difference between then and firebrand is the visuals and style of game play. Essentially what I'm trying to say is that they're killing what guardian is meant to be.

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No, Anet isn't killing what Guardian is meant to be, the concept is still what it was before the changes. Changing numbers does not affect meaning, it affects performance. Furthermore, Anet DEFINES what the Guardian is meant to be; Frankly, for what seems to be an espec where heavy use of Tomes is expected ... it doesn't; I'm not sure if the changes addressed that.


What is more realistic is that it's moving away from the performance you have grown to like and closer to the concept that Anet envisions it should be ... and of course that sort of implies that there was never a question that a nerf was INC at some point anyways and that people will have to adapt to the changes, like they should be rightly willing to do, as this isn't some exceptional occurence. I mean, the nerfs here were not 'inevitable, useless' like you would like everyone to think ... it was fully expected based on everyone who was in tune enough with the game to see it ... including you.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I don't get why there is such surprise and angst here ... it's almost like you guys never saw a game balancing patch before. I mean, if you have played this game for any length of time, you know it can change; you know spending gold on a SPECIFIC build is a risky proposition, especially in WvW. You choose to take that risk. As normal, the good players going to adapt to the changes.


What the heck are players suppose to do if they don't invest time and effort into specific builds for specific purposes? Just fart around with jack-of-multiple-trade builds all the time? I mean, I do that but then I also don't really play the game that much...

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I don't get your question; I never implied they shouldn't do that. I'm simply saying no one should complain when a balance patch makes them rethink their builds, regardless of the cost or time invested. It happens all the time.


You're saying no one should complain and that is where you're wrong.

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@RabbitUp.8294 , Amen to that.


Since they are so bad(in a sense they are disconected from class issues sicne they dont play them well) by managing this defensive class in a DPS race game they should tweak it with the "guardian comunity" to give better roles w/o being deppendable of gimmick situations like DH and FB are, one trough pwer ccreep momentum and other trough "page some energy with that name" spam.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> What is the concept that adheres to the current changes? A Firebrand with matnras, Axe and Tomes ... the concept changes because of some tweaks to numbers? That doesn't make any sense now does it ...


That's what you said "What is more realistic is that it's moving away from the performance you have grown to like and closer to the concept that Anet envisions it should be". So do tell me how a nerf is moving firebrand closer to the concept anet envisions?


Then you say this "Frankly, for what seems to be an espec where heavy use of Tomes is expected ... it doesn't; I'm not sure if the changes addressed that." You are not sure if the changes address firebrand's lacking tome focus? How does nerfing Tome of Courage, especially for pve where at this point, you hardly have a reason to activate it, push firebrand to become the tome spec it's supposed to be?


You are just pretending there's some sort of grand design, some master plan that anet follows to make firebrand closer to its envisioned design, when it's just some heavy-handed nerfs with little to no though behind them.

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I answered you ... obviously Anet thinks those changes make Firebrand more inline with how they want the class to be and how it performs. To be fair, changing numbers is much more about performance. Concept is still preserved ... so when people complain that the concept is ruined by the changes, they are simply acknowledging that Anet works hard to preserve concepts, not performance. In otherwords, people are trying to be deceptive, since they know Anet is more sensitive to changes in concept than they are changes in performance; if they can convince Anet that a change has affected the class concept, Anet would be more likely to think they have done something in error.


That ain't happening here. Any claim to the affect on concept is a ruse. I still feel as much as a Firebrand now as I did prior to the change, just not good as I was.



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