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World Restructuring

Gaile Gray.6029

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> @"K THEN.5162" said:

> I like how alliances is noticibly absent from your Q3 roadmap. Can't wait to hear your PR rats say "alliances is still on the table" during the 8th anniversary celebration and then proceed to be silent on it for the rest of the year


But but.. That PvP guy in the back......

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copypasta from what I wrote in another topic, because it is directly related to alliances (deleted unnecesary or unrelated parts) ...

After this balance patch, there are spreading some rumors about Alliances.

> @"Faenar.8036" said:

> Actually there are rumors that ArenaNet do not want Alliances to happen , because current WvW status generate more money income that Alliances probably would. Why? Some guilds are transfering between servers at the time when linking system switch. Those transfers cost Gems. While Gems can be earned by ingame gold exchange, those transfers ar usualy done by real money GW2 Gem purchase. To say it in one sentence:


> Alliances = no more guild transfers = no more money income from guild transfers.


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> @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> ![](https://i.redd.it/qhdfuquwvn951.jpg "")


> I guess I'm not the only one who found the Q3 roadmap funny.

> _(posted by u/devimorph on GW2 reddit, not trying to steal the thunder)_


> @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> ![](https://i.redd.it/qhdfuquwvn951.jpg "")


> I guess I'm not the only one who found the Q3 roadmap funny.

> _(posted by u/devimorph on GW2 reddit, not trying to steal the thunder)_


For a moment, I hope Alliances were in there...

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> @"Faenar.8036" said:

> copypasta from what I wrote in another topic, because it is directly related to alliances (deleted unnecesary or unrelated parts) ...

> After this balance patch, there are spreading some rumors about Alliances.

> > @"Faenar.8036" said:

> > Actually there are rumors that ArenaNet do not want Alliances to happen , because current WvW status generate more money income that Alliances probably would. Why? Some guilds are transfering between servers at the time when linking system switch. Those transfers cost Gems. While Gems can be earned by ingame gold exchange, those transfers ar usualy done by real money GW2 Gem purchase. To say it in one sentence:

> >

> > Alliances = no more guild transfers = no more money income from guild transfers.

To real-talk for a second in this meme of a thread: I think that rumour is becomming less and less likely. See, people transfer so much now that actually transfering for pure gem purchases rather than gold-conversion for those who do not have the play-time to convert gold is becomming less and less sustainable. It isn't worth taking out your wallet because you don't know when or where everyone will disappear to next. So it is very possible that they are losing potential income by keeping the circus as there is a shrinking community transfering through conversion rather than spending that on their accounts and as a result see no value in putting upgrades on their accounts, upgrades that are easier to motivate spending real cash for gems on. If I'm spending all my low-income WvW gold on transfers I am not getting new characters or gear for which I could maybe want a slot or skins for. Right?


So at this point the WvW transfers may be little more than a gold-sink to the PvE faucet than anything else. A couple of years back I would have considered the assumption that transfers make bank to be possible but now I think that this is just another case of neglect. It isn't even an effective way to let WvW pay for PvE indirectly as a gold sink and in the inverse I strongly disbelieve that the "login and play solo story only" kind of players spend more in the gemstore than a "WvW player".


No doubt the majority of spenders are pretty casual, but I'm pretty convinced that most of the continued gemstore support these days comes from the core audience of people who are casual but still social; the kind of players who at least pop around to do some World bosses and maybe even tourists WvW from time to time, the social PvX casuals. Those are the people I still see sweeping cards at least, among my friends. They still have a reason to care about the appearance of their characters and the investment into their accounts. I highly doubt that the full game tourists that only do LW and play other games care that much about their accounts and appearances to other players as they do not interact with them very much or require the QoL.


The same goes for the more invested PvE-only players that play a fair hobby amount but do only lucrative things in the game. I can't see them swiping their cards very much since they must be bathing in enough gold to convert for almost anything they want by now. The conversion rates are probably heavily doped by now as well. I'm not saying it always wasn't but it there was probably more of a notion of supply and demand there at first.


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> @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> > @"Faenar.8036" said:

> > copypasta from what I wrote in another topic, because it is directly related to alliances (deleted unnecesary or unrelated parts) ...

> > After this balance patch, there are spreading some rumors about Alliances.

> > > @"Faenar.8036" said:

> > > Actually there are rumors that ArenaNet do not want Alliances to happen , because current WvW status generate more money income that Alliances probably would. Why? Some guilds are transfering between servers at the time when linking system switch. Those transfers cost Gems. While Gems can be earned by ingame gold exchange, those transfers ar usualy done by real money GW2 Gem purchase. To say it in one sentence:

> > >

> > > Alliances = no more guild transfers = no more money income from guild transfers.

> To real-talk for a second in this meme of a thread: I think that rumour is becomming less and less likely. See, people transfer so much now that actually transfering for pure gem purchases rather than gold-conversion for those who do not have the play-time to convert gold is becomming less and less sustainable. It isn't worth taking out your wallet because you don't know when or where everyone will disappear to next. So it is very possible that they are losing potential income by keeping the circus as there is a shrinking community transfering through conversion rather than spending that on their accounts and as a result see no value in putting upgrades on their accounts, upgrades that are easier to motivate spending real cash for gems on. If I'm spending all my low-income WvW gold on transfers I am not getting new characters or gear for which I could maybe want a slot or skins for. Right?


> So at this point the WvW transfers may be little more than a gold-sink to the PvE faucet than anything else. A couple of years back I would have considered the assumption that transfers make bank to be possible but now I think that this is just another case of neglect. It isn't even an effective way to let WvW pay for PvE indirectly as a gold sink and in the inverse I strongly disbelieve that the "login and play solo story only" kind of players spend more in the gemstore than a "WvW player".


> No doubt the majority of spenders are pretty casual, but I'm pretty convinced that most of the continued gemstore support these days comes from the core audience of people who are casual but still social; the kind of players who at least pop around to do some World bosses and maybe even tourists WvW from time to time, the social PvX casuals. Those are the people I still see sweeping cards at least, among my friends. They still have a reason to care about the appearance of their characters and the investment into their accounts. I highly doubt that the full game tourists that only do LW and play other games care that much about their accounts and appearances to other players as they do not interact with them very much or require the QoL.


> The same goes for the more invested PvE-only players that play a fair hobby amount but do only lucrative things in the game. I can't see them swiping their cards very much since they must be bathing in enough gold to convert for almost anything they want by now. The conversion rates are probably heavily doped by now as well. I'm not saying it always wasn't but it there was probably more of a notion of supply and demand there at first.



With all honesty, it was a relief to read a post from someone who is not just another fanatical ANet white knight, but someone who actually constructively broaden the discussion with highlighting different aspects which were not mentioned before. You have nice and wise arguments to think about, good job subversiontwo. Insta ThumbUp.

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This is my opinion.


After playing tonight...I felt that WvW as a game mode has lost the close & personal social cohesion that used to exist in niche server ranks that was the old WvW ecosystem.


We used to have a lot of eccentric players that used to just hang out in WvW...which often times...I believe...led to browsing the Black Lion Trader store...and sometimes buying that funky outfit.


I used to think that ANet made money from these kinds of purchases in addition to the server transfers.


The game is still good, but that warm local tavern feeling is gone & it feels more like it's been replaced by a cold business liquor store now.


Nowadays...I just go in to get my daily WvW fix...then leave.


Alliances if it ever happens....should consider the importance of social cohesion that Long-Term Server communities used to bring to the table.


Bringing players together in a way that Player controlled Guilds can never do.


We need to be extremely cautious when building an Alliance of Guilds that has the potential to be powered & manipulated by politics.


Once passion ignites...it's very easy for things to burn out of control & to destroy everything connected by social threads.


Alliances will allow players to burn down a large segment of WvW through mega guilds introducing the potential of political power struggles & shenanigans on a scope impacting large communities within their control. There's a serious danger to the WvW game mode survival when the design gives this much control to players...with the hope they don't burn it down.


WvW should be a game mode that encourages Healthy Competition that is "Wholesome" for the players.


Without changing the current Match-Up mechanics...Server Linking, Language Linking, and even Guild Linking (Alliances) will continue to encourage an Un-Healthy Competition that is "Toxic" to players.


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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> I wonder when we’ll get another snippet to keep us strung along?

I, your friendly neighbourhood shitposter, will deliver:

This is yesterday btw, in case the date isn't clear, and wherever Alliances are at, I guess they're not confined to where Raids are at least. So however short and sweet, this is better than nothing and its the first tiny bit of confirmation on it since Mike Z's saga announcement.



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