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I'm worrying about the upcoming wvw changes as a solo player...


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Hi all,

I'm a solo player who played in a same server(SOS) since 2012, after notice the upcoming wvw changes, I have worries as the following.


1) My pride to server is the reason I play, I join zerg/solo roam/defend/scouting/even just running yak for it, no matter if the server is losing or what. Now, If I lose my server identity, I guess I gonna lose my motivation.


2) I play in all different time zone depend on my schedule. Thus I know many people around different time zone, and I can choose whom to play with whoever I know. The new system gonna totally destroy such cognition.


3) The reason I solo play without joining any guild, is that I don't wanna involve in too much politics. In a server since long ago, I have been witnessing guilds born/death/bandwagon...etc, really I believe there is no guild can represent the server community, but the server community live on with many core player identify it as home. In the future, if server will be replaced by alliance, which the alliance sure will be drove by a leader or a group of player, I smell how fishy of the politics in it.

e.g. If you don't play the alliance's meta build/profession, you pretty much will lose your place in it, or even somebody doesn't you, you are out of it. You would never know what will happen to you in an alliance when its driven by people.


4) Some people is saying with the capacity limitation, guilds can not manipulate the game mode as much. However, let say if the cap is 500 , I can imagine there will be alliance recruit guilds to take care specific time zone, like 200 NA + 100 OCX +100 SEA + 100 EU and forming a 7/24 coverage alliance. then if you are in small guild or solo play, how can you deal with such monster?


well, I'm just so worrying since I love the game and the community...


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There are lots of guilds that have a very casual attitude about things that I'm sure you would be welcome in. Keep an eye out in WvW for the next few months. Guilds will be recruiting players to join up for alliances etc. Some of those guilds will be looking for players like you because they too hate the drama. There are a lot more players like you than you realize.

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There will be alliances that will form handpicked by elitists.

Yet, there will also be an alliance that will benefit from your devoted contribution, a pug's contribution.

maybe someday, you will be recognized as the alliance's lead scout for your devotion.


we all have to let go of some sort to bring happiness for everybody specially the ones we "loved", believe me, as much as i hated in destroying worlds, it has to.....


you don't wanna know how many infraction points i got from doing that

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> @"Everheart.5270" said:

> 4) Some people is saying with the capacity limitation, guilds can not manipulate the game mode as much. However, let say if the cap is 500 , I can imagine there will be alliance recruit guilds to take care specific time zone, like 200 NA + 100 OCX +100 SEA + 100 EU and forming a 7/24 coverage alliance. then if you are in small guild or solo play, how can you deal with such monster?


Then they would have spent so much wasted effort doing so, because they would have no control or way to predict what the enemy worlds coverage would be. Therefore possibly getting wrecked in every time except NA.

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> @"Everheart.5270" said:

> 3) The reason I solo play without joining any guild, is that I don't wanna involve in too much politics.


This is the only issue on your list which doesn't have a mechanical/technological solution. The Great WvW Restructuring of 2018 drops "world" as the primary organizing unit in favor of "Guild".


In the grand scheme of things, there only meaningful difference between "world" and "guild" is that "guild" has 1000s of people while "guild" has only 100s. There's server drama and guild drama and... well, the main difference is the word. It's usually just a handful of people who have trouble getting along in either case (sometimes for good reasons, sometimes not).


So on a practical basis, what you want to start doing is looking for _which_ SoS people you like to play with the most. That's going to number in the dozens (at most), not the 100s and certainly not in the 1000s. Then figure out how to reach out to them and join their "world" (which will be called a "guild" by ANet).


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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> Why bring up outnumbered as a concern if you are already a solo player?


Solo play does not mean I ignore the world I'm in. and my point 4) is not separate from the else. My perspective is more like how I live in a country, with ethnic identity, I don't have to join any party, but I'm still a part in it. Thus I do what I can for good to it, without hesitation. (Sure its gaming, I'm not saying its the same with real life, but the concept is similar, if I play the role in it). ;


If the server is gone, as a solo player, I pretty much will be placed in a random world every 8 weeks, which I'll lose my identity (a reason I have a role in the game), and lose the cognition of people around.

Unlike the system at the moment, even with uneven coverage than any enemy server, I know how to deal with enemy force with the people around (I don't have to befriend with any individual, but the culture is there, I can easily to choose what to react base on situation)

On the other hand in the new system, I'll become a random person, and the players in my team gonna be random as well, then I wonder how I can a random world which fill with pure pugs to deal with an organized alliance with full coverage. (thus my concern is not really simply focus on outnumber scenario)


This is somewhat I'm worrying, and how I feel my particular playing style is getting abandoned from the new game mode.

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There will be some changes, and we will have to adapt. Life is like that, we never stop adapting to change. If you want to avoid "politics" (in a team game) and "meta" builds & classes, then you will have to find a niche to fit in. You won't be alone with this mentality (btw I'm not judging it at all), but WvW is a team vs. team game, the players have to work together, so in some ways you have to be "involved" in politics, even if silently, by whatever you do or not. This will happen in all teams, none will be 100% only alliance or guild players, but a good percent of solo as well (maybe 30% or so), so you won't be alone.

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the update is meant good but knowning how people are they just talking to all good and alive guilds out there make a ally and hurray 1 server dominating like a boss..


pointless update when u dont just force all players into a world moment they go into WvW kinda like mist style. if u remove servers u might aswell just randomly assign people to world cus i dont really see the point..

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> @"Everheart.5270" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > Why bring up outnumbered as a concern if you are already a solo player?


> Solo play does not mean I ignore the world I'm in. and my point 4) is not separate from the else. My perspective is more like how I live in a country, with ethnic identity, I don't have to join any party, but I'm still a part in it. Thus I do what I can for good to it, without hesitation. (Sure its gaming, I'm not saying its the same with real life, but the concept is similar, if I play the role in it). ;


> If the server is gone, as a solo player, I pretty much will be placed in a random world every 8 weeks, which I'll lose my identity (a reason I have a role in the game), and lose the cognition of people around.

> Unlike the system at the moment, even with uneven coverage than any enemy server, I know how to deal with enemy force with the people around (I don't have to befriend with any individual, but the culture is there, I can easily to choose what to react base on situation)

> On the other hand in the new system, I'll become a random person, and the players in my team gonna be random as well, then I wonder how I can a random world which fill with pure pugs to deal with an organized alliance with full coverage. (thus my concern is not really simply focus on outnumber scenario)


> This is somewhat I'm worrying, and how I feel my particular playing style is getting abandoned from the new game mode.

The is the link scenario and exactly what happens in WvW today for many, many people.


It's not something unique to you and I am certain many have the same concerns. I do too. I dont like the idea of getting my server pulled from beneath my feet like a rug. But if you really think about it... Worst case scenario is that it'll be the same as now. And that's really not so bad.


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> @"Everheart.5270" said:

> Hi all,

> I'm a solo player who played in a same server(SOS) since 2012, after notice the upcoming wvw changes, I have worries as the following.

Hi o/

> 1) My pride to server is the reason I play, I join zerg/solo roam/defend/scouting/even just running yak for it, no matter if the server is losing or what. Now, If I lose my server identity, I guess I gonna lose my motivation.


You can create a one-man-guild and join an Alliance that you can identify with and have pride in.


> 2) I play in all different time zone depend on my schedule. Thus I know many people around different time zone, and I can choose whom to play with whoever I know. The new system gonna totally destroy such cognition.


As far as I understand the new system tries to make sure every world has a good coverage around the clock because otherwise some worlds would auto-loose against worlds with more variety in when they play. So basically whenever you lock in you are likely to have company ;)


> 3) The reason I solo play without joining any guild, is that I don't wanna involve in too much politics. In a server since long ago, I have been witnessing guilds born/death/bandwagon...etc, really I believe there is no guild can represent the server community, but the server community live on with many core player identify it as home. In the future, if server will be replaced by alliance, which the alliance sure will be drove by a leader or a group of player, I smell how fishy of the politics in it.

> e.g. If you don't play the alliance's meta build/profession, you pretty much will lose your place in it, or even somebody doesn't you, you are out of it. You would never know what will happen to you in an alliance when its driven by people.


As I've suggested on point 1, you can create a one man Guild to join an Alliance - that Alliance could be people from your current server - no politics involved if you don't want to.


> 4) Some people is saying with the capacity limitation, guilds can not manipulate the game mode as much. However, let say if the cap is 500 , I can imagine there will be alliance recruit guilds to take care specific time zone, like 200 NA + 100 OCX +100 SEA + 100 EU and forming a 7/24 coverage alliance. then if you are in small guild or solo play, how can you deal with such monster?


As I've said in point 2. I believe the system already tries to cover 24h.


> well, I'm just so worrying since I love the game and the community...


I sincerely think that this system is a great improvement, the only thing I'm worried about is the fact that commanding-time increases your "value" which means worlds populated by little/medium active players might not get any players with commanding experience while other worlds will be filled to the brim with such people, on the other hand I might have misunderstood something in that regard.

Either way, the way the "value" of a player is beeing calculated is just a number which can be balanced and as they've already stated, the new system would allow easier documentation of issues so my guess is that the first 8 weeks are gonna be quite chaotic with some major improvements coming for the second season and by the third season the system will probably be running very smooth. I just hope our community doesn't ruin it by crying too much during the first season, the majority of vocal players seem quite jumpy unfortunatly.

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> @"Everheart.5270" said:



> 4) Some people is saying with the capacity limitation, guilds can not manipulate the game mode as much. However, let say if the cap is 500 , I can imagine there will be alliance recruit guilds to take care specific time zone, like 200 NA + 100 OCX +100 SEA + 100 EU and forming a 7/24 coverage alliance. then if you are in small guild or solo play, how can you deal with such monster?




There will likely be several such alliances, and if you're facing one this session...well, you likely have a similar one on your world as well. The new system will allow them to balance this kind of thing much better than they do now with servers. What you've actually done is identified a problem that is a much bigger issue under the current system than the new one is likely to encounter (I come from a server that very much lacks off-hours coverage, moreso than most others I suspect).


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This decision is to save money and megaserver wvw. They handle all social interactions on this game by leaving it up to guild leaders/communities. This way they don't have to spend any money to socially engineer anything that might have a meaningful impact. Thus solo players who don't conform to guild leadership or don't fit in the community can basically be ostracized and demotivated to play.


They don't care because this group of players who are truly solo isn't all that large and they are the types of players they don't care about (ie the non conformists) so they consider them a calculated accepted loss, and those players either conform, find aspect of the game they like solo or quit. It's always about botom lines and types of demographics. I miss it when games used to be about making players happy and making a great game because the fans and the devs were both inspired to make/see something great.

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If you're a player who doesn't conform to guild leadership or fit in a community, under the new system you will be able to without any cost of gems, go find a new community. Perhaps one that fits you.


And if you are a player that fits in no guild and no community, perhaps you need to look in the mirror and figure out why that is. What you shouldn't do is complain that other players are finally able to create meaningful communities.

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As a player whose WvW guild died a while ago I will have no problems with the new system.


If I'm on a world with commanders/guilds I don't like it will change in 8 weeks.

If I do find a guild I like but during the 8 week season I find a guild I like better I can switch guilds/alliances WITHOUT COST.

I expect closed minded guilds and alliances. I won't follow any of them. They're not worth following.


I expect to see a lot of open and welcoming guilds in WvW because there will be a lot of players to recruit every two months. The best commanders and best guilds will grow.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> I don't understand, I am only a solo roaming player, I get sentries, camps, shrines and kill other roamers around the map. And sometimes if I run into a friendly zerg I join to get towers, keeps etc.


> I won't be able to do it anymore once the update of wvw is released?


A simplified way to look at things is to compare the new system to what would happen in the current server-based system if every 8 weeks, every player, joined together in groups as small as 1 and as big as 500 possibly 1000, would all transfer to a different server and stay there for the next 8 weeks. I don't see a problem with this for your playing style which is also mine.


What actually changes is that these "forced transfers" will be orchestrated to solve some issues with the format, like trying to balance round the clock coverage. All the fears about bandwagoning seem unfounded to me, because where now, bandwagoning can be done to the extent of a whole server's population, in the new system it can only be done to the extent of 1 alliance worth of players, which ANet estimated (for now, nothing is set in stone yet) will make up a maximum of about 20-25% of a new style world.


I see only positives.

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > I don't understand, I am only a solo roaming player, I get sentries, camps, shrines and kill other roamers around the map. And sometimes if I run into a friendly zerg I join to get towers, keeps etc.

> >

> > I won't be able to do it anymore once the update of wvw is released?


> A simplified way to look at things is to compare the new system to what would happen in the current server-based system if every 8 weeks, every player, joined together in groups as small as 1 and as big as 500 possibly 1000, would all transfer to a different server and stay there for the next 8 weeks. I don't see a problem with this for your playing style which is also mine.


> What actually changes is that these "forced transfers" will be orchestrated to solve some issues with the format, like trying to balance round the clock coverage. All the fears about bandwagoning seem unfounded to me, because where now, bandwagoning can be done to the extent of a whole server's population, in the new system it can only be done to the extent of 1 alliance worth of players, which ANet estimated (for now, nothing is set in stone yet) will make up a maximum of about 20-25% of a new style world.


> I see only positives.


So it is like to balance the wvw population to get it more concentrated somehow?


I am in the Underworld server and yeah sometimes you just find the few people who wants pvp in the "Sanctuary zone", but i don't like duels like that.


I like being ambushed while im taking a sentry and i have to face 1 person or even 2, or maybe i see one guy who is getting a camp, i go there and face him trying to kill him.


It is pretty rare because the majority of people run in blobs or in havocs of 5-6 people, but i still manage to find other roamers too once in a while and that's really fun.

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It is not uncommon for me to party up with guild and then after doing a few things I jump to a cap here or assist a pug there and then go back to what guild is doing. Never have they said a word. Why? They know I love to roam and scout. We have an invisible understanding I guess.


This WvW update isn't coming any time soon and ANET is really hunkering down and communicating by far the most I have ever seen for a big update. There will be issues but they seem legitimately concerned with what us soloists think and we will just have to see what happens. BUT I am not too worried about it atm.

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> @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > @"Everheart.5270" said:

> > Hi all,

> > I'm a solo player who played in a same server(SOS) since 2012, after notice the upcoming wvw changes, I have worries as the following.

> Hi o/

> > 1) My pride to server is the reason I play, I join zerg/solo roam/defend/scouting/even just running yak for it, no matter if the server is losing or what. Now, If I lose my server identity, I guess I gonna lose my motivation.


> You can create a one-man-guild and join an Alliance that you can identify with and have pride in.


> > 2) I play in all different time zone depend on my schedule. Thus I know many people around different time zone, and I can choose whom to play with whoever I know. The new system gonna totally destroy such cognition.


> As far as I understand the new system tries to make sure every world has a good coverage around the clock because otherwise some worlds would auto-loose against worlds with more variety in when they play. So basically whenever you lock in you are likely to have company ;)


> > 3) The reason I solo play without joining any guild, is that I don't wanna involve in too much politics. In a server since long ago, I have been witnessing guilds born/death/bandwagon...etc, really I believe there is no guild can represent the server community, but the server community live on with many core player identify it as home. In the future, if server will be replaced by alliance, which the alliance sure will be drove by a leader or a group of player, I smell how fishy of the politics in it.

> > e.g. If you don't play the alliance's meta build/profession, you pretty much will lose your place in it, or even somebody doesn't you, you are out of it. You would never know what will happen to you in an alliance when its driven by people.


> As I've suggested on point 1, you can create a one man Guild to join an Alliance - that Alliance could be people from your current server - no politics involved if you don't want to.


> > 4) Some people is saying with the capacity limitation, guilds can not manipulate the game mode as much. However, let say if the cap is 500 , I can imagine there will be alliance recruit guilds to take care specific time zone, like 200 NA + 100 OCX +100 SEA + 100 EU and forming a 7/24 coverage alliance. then if you are in small guild or solo play, how can you deal with such monster?


> As I've said in point 2. I believe the system already tries to cover 24h.


> > well, I'm just so worrying since I love the game and the community...


> I sincerely think that this system is a great improvement, the only thing I'm worried about is the fact that commanding-time increases your "value" which means worlds populated by little/medium active players might not get any players with commanding experience while other worlds will be filled to the brim with such people, on the other hand I might have misunderstood something in that regard.

> Either way, the way the "value" of a player is beeing calculated is just a number which can be balanced and as they've already stated, the new system would allow easier documentation of issues so my guess is that the first 8 weeks are gonna be quite chaotic with some major improvements coming for the second season and by the third season the system will probably be running very smooth. I just hope our community doesn't ruin it by crying too much during the first season, the majority of vocal players seem quite jumpy unfortunatly.


well, um, what if no alliances want your 1 man guild. what if no one wants u, but u want to join an alliance/guild, so the problem is not u, but them. what if the reason u r not accepted anywhere is cuz u cant use ts. now what. whats the options under this proposed new system.


y not just have a totally random server reassign every 8 weeks. then if u spot friends/guildies once assigned randomly, u play w/ them, along w/ all the strangers. why enable an elitist exclusionary game play organizational structure.


it seems to me that the proposed wvw change is exactly the same system/algorithm that was used in spvp seas 2 which was an epic fail, caused people to quit in droves, and resulted in elitist hand picked "teams" ("guilds"/"alliances", etc.) ganging up on pugs and solo players (u know - 1 man guilds excluded from alliances) until they quit or they hand picked teams winning over and over at the expense of the solos/pugs.



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> @"Eater of Peeps.9062" said:

> > @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > > @"Everheart.5270" said:

> > > Hi all,

> > > I'm a solo player who played in a same server(SOS) since 2012, after notice the upcoming wvw changes, I have worries as the following.

> > Hi o/

> > > 1) My pride to server is the reason I play, I join zerg/solo roam/defend/scouting/even just running yak for it, no matter if the server is losing or what. Now, If I lose my server identity, I guess I gonna lose my motivation.

> >

> > You can create a one-man-guild and join an Alliance that you can identify with and have pride in.

> >

> > > 2) I play in all different time zone depend on my schedule. Thus I know many people around different time zone, and I can choose whom to play with whoever I know. The new system gonna totally destroy such cognition.

> >

> > As far as I understand the new system tries to make sure every world has a good coverage around the clock because otherwise some worlds would auto-loose against worlds with more variety in when they play. So basically whenever you lock in you are likely to have company ;)

> >

> > > 3) The reason I solo play without joining any guild, is that I don't wanna involve in too much politics. In a server since long ago, I have been witnessing guilds born/death/bandwagon...etc, really I believe there is no guild can represent the server community, but the server community live on with many core player identify it as home. In the future, if server will be replaced by alliance, which the alliance sure will be drove by a leader or a group of player, I smell how fishy of the politics in it.

> > > e.g. If you don't play the alliance's meta build/profession, you pretty much will lose your place in it, or even somebody doesn't you, you are out of it. You would never know what will happen to you in an alliance when its driven by people.

> >

> > As I've suggested on point 1, you can create a one man Guild to join an Alliance - that Alliance could be people from your current server - no politics involved if you don't want to.

> >

> > > 4) Some people is saying with the capacity limitation, guilds can not manipulate the game mode as much. However, let say if the cap is 500 , I can imagine there will be alliance recruit guilds to take care specific time zone, like 200 NA + 100 OCX +100 SEA + 100 EU and forming a 7/24 coverage alliance. then if you are in small guild or solo play, how can you deal with such monster?

> >

> > As I've said in point 2. I believe the system already tries to cover 24h.

> >

> > > well, I'm just so worrying since I love the game and the community...

> >

> > I sincerely think that this system is a great improvement, the only thing I'm worried about is the fact that commanding-time increases your "value" which means worlds populated by little/medium active players might not get any players with commanding experience while other worlds will be filled to the brim with such people, on the other hand I might have misunderstood something in that regard.

> > Either way, the way the "value" of a player is beeing calculated is just a number which can be balanced and as they've already stated, the new system would allow easier documentation of issues so my guess is that the first 8 weeks are gonna be quite chaotic with some major improvements coming for the second season and by the third season the system will probably be running very smooth. I just hope our community doesn't ruin it by crying too much during the first season, the majority of vocal players seem quite jumpy unfortunatly.


> well, um, what if no alliances want your 1 man guild. what if no one wants u, but u want to join an alliance/guild, so the problem is not u, but them. what if the reason u r not accepted anywhere is cuz u cant use ts. now what. whats the options under this proposed new system.


Then you create your own alliance, with blackjack and hookers. In fact forget about the alliance and blackjack. Ah screw the whole thing.

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> @"Eater of Peeps.9062" said:

> > @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > > @"Everheart.5270" said:

> > > Hi all,

> > > I'm a solo player who played in a same server(SOS) since 2012, after notice the upcoming wvw changes, I have worries as the following.

> > Hi o/

> > > 1) My pride to server is the reason I play, I join zerg/solo roam/defend/scouting/even just running yak for it, no matter if the server is losing or what. Now, If I lose my server identity, I guess I gonna lose my motivation.

> >

> > You can create a one-man-guild and join an Alliance that you can identify with and have pride in.

> >

> > > 2) I play in all different time zone depend on my schedule. Thus I know many people around different time zone, and I can choose whom to play with whoever I know. The new system gonna totally destroy such cognition.

> >

> > As far as I understand the new system tries to make sure every world has a good coverage around the clock because otherwise some worlds would auto-loose against worlds with more variety in when they play. So basically whenever you lock in you are likely to have company ;)

> >

> > > 3) The reason I solo play without joining any guild, is that I don't wanna involve in too much politics. In a server since long ago, I have been witnessing guilds born/death/bandwagon...etc, really I believe there is no guild can represent the server community, but the server community live on with many core player identify it as home. In the future, if server will be replaced by alliance, which the alliance sure will be drove by a leader or a group of player, I smell how fishy of the politics in it.

> > > e.g. If you don't play the alliance's meta build/profession, you pretty much will lose your place in it, or even somebody doesn't you, you are out of it. You would never know what will happen to you in an alliance when its driven by people.

> >

> > As I've suggested on point 1, you can create a one man Guild to join an Alliance - that Alliance could be people from your current server - no politics involved if you don't want to.

> >

> > > 4) Some people is saying with the capacity limitation, guilds can not manipulate the game mode as much. However, let say if the cap is 500 , I can imagine there will be alliance recruit guilds to take care specific time zone, like 200 NA + 100 OCX +100 SEA + 100 EU and forming a 7/24 coverage alliance. then if you are in small guild or solo play, how can you deal with such monster?

> >

> > As I've said in point 2. I believe the system already tries to cover 24h.

> >

> > > well, I'm just so worrying since I love the game and the community...

> >

> > I sincerely think that this system is a great improvement, the only thing I'm worried about is the fact that commanding-time increases your "value" which means worlds populated by little/medium active players might not get any players with commanding experience while other worlds will be filled to the brim with such people, on the other hand I might have misunderstood something in that regard.

> > Either way, the way the "value" of a player is beeing calculated is just a number which can be balanced and as they've already stated, the new system would allow easier documentation of issues so my guess is that the first 8 weeks are gonna be quite chaotic with some major improvements coming for the second season and by the third season the system will probably be running very smooth. I just hope our community doesn't ruin it by crying too much during the first season, the majority of vocal players seem quite jumpy unfortunatly.


> well, um, what if no alliances want your 1 man guild. what if no one wants u, but u want to join an alliance/guild, so the problem is not u, but them. what if the reason u r not accepted anywhere is cuz u cant use ts. now what. whats the options under this proposed new system.


> y not just have a totally random server reassign every 8 weeks. then if u spot friends/guildies once assigned randomly, u play w/ them, along w/ all the strangers. why enable an elitist exclusionary game play organizational structure.


> it seems to me that the proposed wvw change is exactly the same system/algorithm that was used in spvp seas 2 which was an epic fail, caused people to quit in droves, and resulted in elitist hand picked "teams" ("guilds"/"alliances", etc.) ganging up on pugs and solo players (u know - 1 man guilds excluded from alliances) until they quit or they hand picked teams winning over and over at the expense of the solos/pugs.




I don't think this system creates an elitst only environment, it's more likely to divide the playerbase between those that actually enjoy playing the game and those that are overly competitive and thus negative about the game (elitists).


And as the previous poster has pointed out, you can make your own alliance with only those players you enjoy playing with - which is what I'm gonna do with my 3-player guild. I'm really looking forward to this change as it pretty much enables me to pick whichever guild I enjoy playing alongside with - if they don't want to play with me that's fine, there are enough nice people out there.

Also, wheather or not you're in a one-man-guild right now or in the new system won't change anything for you, right now you're not beeing ganged up on and that won't change in the new system. (At least not because of the system)

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