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Weapon damage type vs skin damage type?


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Wanting to check something before I potentially waste gold... I read on the wiki that all the Forged _weapons_ deal choking damage, while the damage type for the _skin_ is fire. If I have a Forged weapon but transmute it to a different skin, will it maintain that choking damage type or switch to the new skin's? I know normally the damage type is dictated by the skin, but there are some weapons from HoT and PoF which have an innate damage type – Forged being one of these exceptions.

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How it is explained is the Exotic weapon "Forged Greatsword" has Choking type damage. However, if you take a Zojja's Claymore and transmute the Forged Greatsword skin over it, the weapon's damage type would be Fire.


> @"Linken.6345" said:

> never seen any weapon have special damage type it only seem to be flavor texts.

> EDit

> If it were not flavor texts you would see all raid meta class guides have skin type on weapon for that extra power or condi damage.


Damage types in this regard are purely cosmetic. It mostly only affects how the enemy would die (Choking or burning up, for example). It has zero gameplay effect.

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I have a Forged Staff, and i can't see the Choking type anywhere:


On my Revenant, on the original Forged Staff, it show Fire animation when i kill mob.


When i use the transmuted weapon (Zojja's Staff with Forged Staff skin) it's still Fire animation.


When i change the skin of the original Forged Staff into something else (i use Bo skin) it don't have any damage type, no Choking, no Fire (anyway i test mostly on bandit mobs)

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> @"Manpag.6421" said:

> Thanks guys, guess I have to choose between skin+different death animations, or a skin I prefer but regular death animations.


I feel you....been there myself, legendary footprints / TP skins / death animation..... Still sticking with my legendary, mainly because so much was spent on it (sad reason). There are better weapon skins out there :anguished:

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> @"Atamazon.7062" said:

> I have a Forged Staff, and i can't see the Choking type anywhere:


> On my Revenant, on the original Forged Staff, it show Fire animation when i kill mob.


Huh. Maybe the wiki got it wrong, then. It's on the page of every Forged weapon as a note, and the Damage Type page says: _"Choking: Creatures that die to a Choking attack will go through a choking animation (usually clutching at their throats, or stiffening like ice damage above). Heart of Thorns exotic weapons and Forged weapons have this as default (on the exotic weapon itself, not the skin), and it is prevalent in Necromancer skills."_



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> @"Atamazon.7062" said:

> Well i just bought a Forged Hammer to test it again (the hammer is quite cheap) on my Revenant and the result is the same: on the original Forged Hammer the damage type is still Fire


> Yes i feel weird about those wiki page too, don't know where that come from


Well, as I was saying you cannot blindly trust the Wiki. While it may have the official seal of approval by Anet it is still edited by regular players.


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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Well, as I was saying you cannot blindly trust the Wiki. While it may have the official seal of approval by Anet it is still edited by regular players.


ANet provides the server space, the backups, and the upgrades. The management & editing of the content is 100% up to players; there's no "official seal of approval."


Some information on the wiki is very well researched and some isn't, just like on Wikipedia or any crowd-sourced site. And, just like any internet source, you shouldn't blindly trust it. (Nor should one blindly discount it, either.) Sometimes information was correct at the time it was added, sometime it seemed correct (because there were no counter-examples), sometimes there are typos, sometimes people over-extrapolate based on too little information.


In short, it's always the first place to start when researching GW2 questions. But it might not be the last place you need to look.


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