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So, what about new commander tag icons?


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It's been 6 months since we got the [Catmander's Compendium](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Catmander%27s_Compendium) with the cat-like commander tag. That should have been a first step before progressing the commander system into something bigger, but it seems it went nowhere, and was quickly forgotten. With WvW being heavily revamped soon, I feel like this is a good moment to bring this topic back.


I think commander tag customization can be a healthy sign of prestige among commanders. Right now, you can't tell the expertise of a commander, unless you already saw him in action before. This was a big problem in the past, when commander tags became a cosmetic trend. It isn't a problem anymore, but the original intention can still be positive.


Additionally, new commander tag icons can be used to represent the nature and goals of a squad, each type representing a type of activity, far easier than with just colors.




**Types of commander tags**


I would divide commander types following the various activities the commander tag is used for:


* **Commander:** Basic tag. Necessary to unlock the upgraded versions.

* **Guild Commander:** Representing guild activities. Earned through guild missions.

* **Battle Commander:** Representing open world activities. Earned through world bosses, like Tequatl the Sunless, and meta events, like Battle in Tarir.

* **Raid Commander:** Representing raids. Earned through raiding.

* **Siege Commander:** Representing World versus World activities. Earned through World versus World.

* **Ascended Commander:** Earned after obtaining the previous four tags.


Guild, Battle, Raid, and Siege Commanders would then be divided into three different tiers, depending on your progression so far, each unlocking a different tag icon. All of the unlocked icons would then be selectable from a drop down menu. The color would be selectable from a separate menu.


Other commander types, like the **Catmander**, wouldn't be part of this progression system.




If you want an example of how these new commander could like, this image from a previous [new commander tag icons idea](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Lon-ami/Commander_system_improvements) from 2014 could give you a general idea:


![](https://i.imgur.com/h6aZCA0.png "")


Of course, the designs could be better, but you get the idea. There's a lot of room for customization, without needing to go too far from the original icons.




So, what do you think? Is this a good idea?

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> @"Rayya.2591" said:

> why would we need more commander tag icons, there are more important things that need to be fixed



How is this related to balance or bug fixing in any way whatsoever? You know the guy making icons has nothing to do with that, don't you?


You're pretty much saying "hurr durr don't record any new music, there's more important things!", like if that affected WvW in any way.

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The designs are good, but I really think it's overthinking it. They are too... complex for lack of better word. Extravagant maybe ;)

Nearly twice as large as the normal tag.


Anyway I would just like a simpler change:

- The diamond part of the icon customizable (like the difference between catmander face and normal commander)

- 1 chevron for 1-10 man. 2 chevrons for 11-25 man. 3 chevrons for 26-50 man (the catmander tag would be tweaked to have chevrons too).

- Mouse-over hover text on map with short description you set in the commander menu (such as "Roaming, ffa join" or "Melee train").


And that's pretty much it.

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The only way to know anything about a commander's expertise is through reputation. That's a social issue, not one that can be addressed by technology, certainly not anything as low tech as a commander tag. And while adding tags would be low effort, the proposal suggests turning them into rewards. That requires much more than "the guy making icons" — that takes people looking at reward structures, balancing them against other rewards, figuring out ways to make sure people don't simply buy their way into rewards or trade kills/wins for the sake of a reward, and all sorts of other concerns that need to be addressed. It creates new distinctions among players, that can be abused.


New icons would be fun, sure. But I can't imagine it's worth anything close to the level of effort proposed by the OP.

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There is a suggestion floating around that would allow guilds to give permissions to use their guild tag in place of the Cat or Doritos. I think that's a far simpler solution & requires far less vetting, and also offers the only relevant way of endorsing a commander: putting the full reputation of the guild behind the individual. I find that much more compelling than how many times someone killed Tequatl with a tag up or how much siege someone deployed or even how many towers they stormed.

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I dont think new tags are needed but i voted like this cus i'm strongly against a progression system.


1. I only care about skill of commander in WvW. I learn this socially, and that's fine. Without intentionally excluding people for having different ways of doing things, theres no way to achieve the "can i trust this commander" mark other than learning socially. Some comms i don't like the style of, but that doesn't mean they're a bad comm. Theres no way to differentiate between comm i like and comm i dont like and bad comm who earnt their way up through a lot of play time rather than skill, that shows on the tag.


2. i don't want elitism to be encouraged, the raid tag there is a BIG no from me.


3. battle commander is nothing more than decoration. i've seen open world commanders who do a lot but explain little, and though i don't have a comm tag yet i'd do very little but i have many pre prepared explanations for the open world events i can run. Again, this doesn't serve the purpose of "good comm or no" with the addition of being possible to obtain by nearly anyone - open world events are ez.


4. activities are obvious with exception for guild. -> wvw comms only appear in wvw. -> raid comms only appear in LA aerodrome. -> open world comms only appear when meta events, world bosses and dailies are happening, it doesn't take long after a person has done those things for a given map once to learn tag = thing happening soon and in the case of daily event completer, tag = event for daily. Guild comms are less obvious, though I can usually guess that a tag in a map where a guild mission is on the weekends = guild sqquad, for guilds who don't do their missions at NA or EU peak (based on ones home region) on fri sat or sun its a lot less obvious.


5. on another note, we use colours to differentiate commanders because it's easier. but when multiple comms are doing the same thing, a fancier tag won't express the different comms. eg- TD meta, 4 comms on one map would all have the battle tag by OPs post. but they still need different colour. sometimes there are multiple bounty trains on one PoF map. it's veeery rare that a commander on a map isn't covering what i said in 4., only exception is guild missions at off peak.


I like the idea of being able to indicate the tag is for guild in some way or another, though.

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I wish there was a WvW equivalent of the Mentor-tag. You know, an easy-to-unlock option for people who want to give a shot at commanding but don't feel like spending a lot of gold first. (No, not talking about myself, I've had my commander tag for over 3 years now)


> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> - Mouse-over hover text on map with short description you set in the commander menu (such as "Roaming, ffa join" or "Melee train").


I like that idea.


> @"Blodeuyn.2751" said:

>What I'd like to see are basic symbols added as tag options. S for Scout, G for Guild (or guild icon mentioned above), etc.


Sounds useful as well. Maybe just add the letters to the normal icon.

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> @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > @"Rayya.2591" said:

> > why would we need more commander tag icons, there are more important things that need to be fixed

> >


> How is this related to balance or bug fixing in any way whatsoever? You know the guy making icons has nothing to do with that, don't you?


> You're pretty much saying "hurr durr don't record any new music, there's more important things!", like if that affected WvW in any way.


that would still take 5 minutes to implement them.

and another 3 months to work on achivements -npc's or w/e to obtain them.

They are also not needed




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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> I am a little baffled the dorito costs 300 gold.

> Always have been. (Even at 100 gold.)


> ~ Kovu


I bought one just in case when it was announced new options were coming.


I wonder if it would be like 10000 badges... so it rewards players that have been in WvW a while.


Of course, that doesn't help the PvE side.


But maybe a WvW specific tag option... I dunno.


Colors are one thing..

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  • 2 weeks later...


I fully agree with your suggestion, congratulations for designing such an awesome commanders tag progression system.

My only suggestion is to design the tags in order to include a visual cue of the main mission of the commander: Attacking, Defending, Scouting, Roaming, Choo-Choo train, etc.

Best regards.

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More commander tags, no progression system (or high entry, so casuals can't easily farm).


Mostly because this is gonna make completionists tag up and do stupid stuff that people who actually want to play the game mode will resent. Then we'll have another WvW shitstorm in our hands.


I like the idea of opening up new WvW tags with badges, that would give badges some use. Making it 5-10k badges would force the majority of players to choose if they want a "scout" tag, or a "roaming" tag, or a whatever tag according to what they do most. It also applies a hefty entry barrier, having 10k badges proves that you're at least a regular.

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> @"Strages.2950" said:

> I like the idea of opening up new WvW tags with badges, that would give badges some use. [...] It also applies a hefty entry barrier, having 10k badges proves that you're at least a regular.


Having a lot of badges only proves that you don't know how to spend them. I use mine for scribing guild blueprints and tactics because the skrimish chests usually give you all the tactics you don't need. We're a pretty small guild but somehow the bigger ones never seem to care when you ask if anyone could maaaaybe put some iron guards or a watchtower into an objective. (I've tried to stop caring but if your guild focusses exactly on sneaking this kind of stuff it just doesn't feel right to leave your own towers unprotected)

If you're not a scribe or your guild already has enough stuff then feel free to buy siege and donate it to pugmanders.


> @"Strages.2950" said:

>Making it 5-10k badges would force the majority of players to choose if they want a "scout" tag, or a "roaming" tag, or a whatever tag according to what they do most.


And why would you want to force people to choose one role? Is it a bad thing if you split your time equally between commanding, roaming and scouting?

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