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Nice Mobility Nerfs Disguised as Buffs.


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Phase Traversal: This skill is now unblockable and grants 3 seconds of quickness in addition to its previous effects. Fixed a bug in which this skill could be used on targets outside of its range.


Impossible Odds: Reduced the energy drain from 10 to 8 per second. Gaining quickness has been replaced with inflicting a secondary strike when hitting a foe.



Wow... So we can't even run away from the other classes anymore... -.-

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> Phase Traversal: This skill is now unblockable and grants 3 seconds of quickness in addition to its previous effects. Fixed a bug in which this skill could be used on targets outside of its range.


> Impossible Odds: Reduced the energy drain from 10 to 8 per second. Gaining quickness has been replaced with inflicting a secondary strike when hitting a foe.



> Wow... So we can't even run away from the other classes anymore... -.-


Impossible odds has superspeed though

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"narcx.3570" said:

> > Phase Traversal: This skill is now unblockable and grants 3 seconds of quickness in addition to its previous effects. Fixed a bug in which this skill could be used on targets outside of its range.

> >

> > Impossible Odds: Reduced the energy drain from 10 to 8 per second. Gaining quickness has been replaced with inflicting a secondary strike when hitting a foe.

> >

> >

> > Wow... So we can't even run away from the other classes anymore... -.-


> Impossible odds has superspeed though


I think OP is confusing Superspeed with Quickness.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> Phase Traversal: This skill is now unblockable and grants 3 seconds of quickness in addition to its previous effects. Fixed a bug in which this skill could be used on targets outside of its range.


> Impossible Odds: Reduced the energy drain from 10 to 8 per second. Gaining quickness has been replaced with inflicting a secondary strike when hitting a foe.



> Wow... So we can't even run away from the other classes anymore... -.-


Runaway from?

For me it's the exact opposite,

Now I cannot even chase down thieves...

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Our only reliable gap closer and gap opener, Phase Traversal, is now dead.

Why is it that Guardians can still use sword 2 and JI to something out of range?

Why is it that Thieves can still use sword 2 and infiltrator's signet to something out of range?


Revenant used to be a class with great power damage, unexpected burst, and solid mobility.

Now, with no access to quickness and a beyond useless PT, the class still has great power damage... if your enemy sits in your autoattacks.


The most insulting thing about this Phase Traversal nerf is that the balance team has the gall to call this a "bug." If this is a bug, why is it in the game for 2.5 years? Why is it that when you nerfed Phase the other two times (first, 5 second cooldown, second, 20->35 energy cost), you didn't happen to fix this "bug." 28 months. That's how long Phase Traversal has been in the game.


Another unwarranted, ridiculous nerf that will kill roaming rev once and for all.


Can't chase.

Can't run away.

No on demand quickness for bursting.

These were the last things roaming rev had left, and very very few played it. Why would I bother playing this when I'd be faster on anything except a necro?


Think about it this way. You're running sword/shield herald against a longbow ranger. Longbow ranger can damage you from 1500 range with additional kiting ability, and now you can't even port in. You'll be eating free damage the whole fight while the ranger just backpedals and runs away... with no ability to get in close.


Horrible change. Please rethink this. It's honestly an insult to those of us who still try to play power revenant.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> I think the impossible odds change is pretty good in all game modes. The phase traverse bug fix made me laugh. Dude, this skill was used in that specific format for two and half years. Now it is a kitten bug.


ArenaNet are a bunch of liars. From the patch:


"Phase Traversal: This skill is now unblockable and grants 3 seconds of quickness in addition to its previous effects. Fixed a bug in which this skill could be used on targets outside of its range."


From the tooltip:


"Step through the Mists to your target. Your next few attacks can't be blocked."


There were no bug at all. The skill teleports you TOWARDS your target, EXACTLY THE SAME as Guardian's Judge's Intervention and Symbol of Blades, doesn't matters if you hit the target or not, you always move towards the target until is reached or the longer lange of the skill is reached, what happens fIrst. THERE WAS NO BUG, WAS WORKING AS INTENDED FOR MORE THAN TWO YEARS.


So, now we have that the Revenat is the SLOWEST PACED CLASS IN THE GAME, replacing the Guardian in that regard; with Phase Traversal gone and Impossible Odds halved OUR MOBILITY IS NOW HEMIPLEGIC.


Plus, all the damage lost with the Impossible Odds MEGANERF: quickness is gone, so is the damage with auto attacks is over (plus the convenience of speed gathering). So there is the new legend: SHIRO: NO DAMAGE - NO MOBILITY -NO SKILL - MASTER OF ASSASSINS. What a clown.


I guess that some developers must love to play those crappy cheese builds based on stealth and cancer gameplay classes based in attacking from nowhere and retreat/disengage any time their poor skills aren't able to sustain them in a propper duel, so the builds designed not to lose can carry them the whole game.


The changes turns the class (which was in a sub-par status before) into A TRUE TRASH TIER CHARACTER.


I'm so glad about only have spent the bare minimun in PoF (30€) and not having bought with real money a single gem in the last three years... They clearly don't deserve my support. That's all that I can say about the patch; I though that being the Rev so crippled was impossible to make it weaker but ANet keeps surprising us in the worst ways they can.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> I think the impossible odds change is pretty good in all game modes.


It sounds good until you realize it's 1 target only and has an ICD. It's a buff intended for raids where others supply permanent quickness and there's usually 1 target, and Anet SURPRISE SURPRISE didn't give a fuck about how it affects other areas of the game.



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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > I think the impossible odds change is pretty good in all game modes.


> It sounds good until you realize it's 1 target only and has an ICD. It's a buff intended for raids where others supply permanent quickness and there's usually 1 target, and Anet SURPRISE SURPRISE didn't give a kitten about how it affects other areas of the game.




Also, it's doesn't use your sword (or other weapon's) base damage for the strike... It has it's own super low base of 146. Which, even in raids, I think would be less dps than the old 10% static damage modifier they had slapped onto it.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > I think the impossible odds change is pretty good in all game modes.

> >

> > It sounds good until you realize it's 1 target only and has an ICD. It's a buff intended for raids where others supply permanent quickness and there's usually 1 target, and Anet SURPRISE SURPRISE didn't give a kitten about how it affects other areas of the game.

> >

> >


> Also, it's doesn't use your sword (or other weapon's) base damage for the strike... It has it's own super low base of 146. Which, even in raids, I think would be less dps than the old 10% static damage modifier they had slapped onto it.


I have not personally tested the damage, but from what others did it can deal up to 1400 damage. That is fairly strong. For PvP it is a mixed bag. I use impossible odds for the super speed more than the quickness. So in that context, it is a buff. Surely, less effective cleave, it also lower cost, so whatever I guess.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"narcx.3570" said:

> > > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > > I think the impossible odds change is pretty good in all game modes.

> > >

> > > It sounds good until you realize it's 1 target only and has an ICD. It's a buff intended for raids where others supply permanent quickness and there's usually 1 target, and Anet SURPRISE SURPRISE didn't give a kitten about how it affects other areas of the game.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Also, it's doesn't use your sword (or other weapon's) base damage for the strike... It has it's own super low base of 146. Which, even in raids, I think would be less dps than the old 10% static damage modifier they had slapped onto it.


> I have not personally tested the damage, but from what others did it can deal up to 1400 damage. That is fairly strong. For PvP it is a mixed bag. I use impossible odds for the super speed more than the quickness. So in that context, it is a buff. Surely, less effective cleave, it also lower cost, so whatever I guess.


It hits for over 2k with proper levels of might and ferocity.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:


> Impossible Odds: Reduced the energy drain from 10 to 8 per second. Gaining quickness has been replaced with inflicting a secondary strike when hitting a foe.



> Wow... So we can't even run away from the other classes anymore... -.-


Quickness never had an impact on move speed. IO still gives super speed. The only thing that is nerfed is sword 1 spam and IO spam for gathering resources.

Jallis/Glint is the new cleaver build.

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> @"Ragion.2831" said:

> It was just Anets periodic attempt at trolling. Every class goes through it,. This one was really funny though, completely out of left field.


The way they went back on this and then also changed all the mirage axe skills to be torment instead of confusion blew my mind. I've never seen them listen to player QQ/feedback so much and definitely not so quick before. 10/10


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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> You guys never used Quickness to make your skills execute/animate faster? 0.o


Traversal skills cover less distance when affected by Quickness.


> @"narcx.3570" said:

> The way they went back on this and then also changed all the mirage axe skills to be torment instead of confusion blew my mind. I've never seen them listen to player QQ/feedback so much and definitely not so quick before. 10/10


The most ridiculously unorganized nerf/buff/change/we-don't-even-know-what-we're-doing in a while. First they gut Confusion for PvE use, then exchange it for a different condition which deals the **exact** same damage as Confusion did before. Net result: same damage as before in PvE. Slightly better in PvP even because Torment isn't as reliant on the target being stupid.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> > @"Ragion.2831" said:

> > It was just Anets periodic attempt at trolling. Every class goes through it,. This one was really funny though, completely out of left field.


> The way they went back on this and then also changed all the mirage axe skills to be torment instead of confusion blew my mind. I've never seen them listen to player QQ/feedback so much and definitely not so quick before. 10/10



Better have confusion fixed in pvp where its aids and having to change axe in pve rather than go back to how it was. I would prefer if confusion could be completely split but this change is ok.

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