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Thank you for not buffing Deadeye in PvP.


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I believe deaths judgment is what is holding back rifle deadeye from becoming a great spec. Honestly I wish they would just get rid of deaths judgment. Buff skill 2 damage (for a little better “aoe”) and give 3rd skill unload initiative refund (both kneeling and standing). If that doesn’t make up for the damage loss, then tweak it slightly further. Have the kneeling skill 4 be a movement ability instead like it’s standing counterpart or some other utility.


Would get rid of all the one-shot complaints, but probably have more overall damage. Would eliminate the sit in stealth until full malice + deaths judgment gameplay. Would flow better and be less of a gimmick. I think it would be more useful overall too. I like getting off the 20k shots sure, but it’s just not worth keeping if its hold back rifle from becoming an overall better weapon.


I’m sure other reworks or changes could work too. But as long as deaths judgment exists rifle is going to just be a gimmick weapon on thief that makes people rage, but still isn’t competitive.

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> @"plushiesoda.8150" said:

> > @"dragonkain.3984" said:

> > So that I can keep ignoring and not playing guild wars 2 in favor of other more fun and balanced pvp games where devs actually have a clue about what is weak and what is overpowered not just by amount of whining on forums.


> you know... deadeye is top tier in spvp, wvsw, yes! they are!! however **THEY AIN'T home holders, not duelist and are a waste of damage as decapers ** as people wrongly seem to believe they are, the image thief has so proudly hold over the years doesn't really apply to deadeye despite their superior "traveling" capabilities.


> Deadeye is a support buster, basically the role holosmith, one-trick weavers currently hold, but at range which makes them even better. They can easily take down anything as long as they remain unfocused. A good deadeye contributes more to a fight than any holo, druid or spellbreaker.


> If you seriously believe that deadeye is weak you should do yourself a favor and drop the class, a bad deadeye es a free kill, however a good one is a force to reckon with and a game-changing class.


I am godly deadeye, so all your assumptions are wrong.


Enjoy yet another meta of mesmers here clueless bronze clowns!

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> @"K THEN.5162" said:

> > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > Because obviously making a stealth OHKO build meta would be totally healthy for pvp.


> Waves in Power Mesmer


So I'm not big into mesmer, as I don't know the names of their traits to understand what was switched, what's making power mesmer be extremely strong compared to last patch?


Only thing that stood out was mind wrack getting an ammo system. Is that it? (btw whoever thought of that needs to get shot).

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> So I'm not big into mesmer, as I don't know the names of their traits to understand what was switched, what's making power mesmer be extremely strong compared to last patch?


> Only thing that stood out was mind wrack getting an ammo system. Is that it? (btw whoever thought of that needs to get shot).

While the burst from traditional power mes builds wasn't buffed, the nerfing of condi mirage will definitely draw a lot more players to the build and due to the little counterplay has when it bursts from stealth, you will most likely being seeing a lot more power mesmers in ranked as well as "nerf power mes" posts in the forum.

(Also to make full use of the ammo system buff, you would have to use domination, dueling, illusions meaning you would have to be a core mes)


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> @"plushiesoda.8150" said:

> > @"dragonkain.3984" said:

> > So that I can keep ignoring and not playing guild wars 2 in favor of other more fun and balanced pvp games where devs actually have a clue about what is weak and what is overpowered not just by amount of whining on forums.


> you know... deadeye is top tier in spvp, wvsw, yes! they are!! however **THEY AIN'T home holders, not duelist and are a waste of damage as decapers ** as people wrongly seem to believe they are, the image thief has so proudly hold over the years doesn't really apply to deadeye despite their superior "traveling" capabilities.


> Deadeye is a support buster, basically the role holosmith, one-trick weavers currently hold, but at range which makes them even better. They can easily take down anything as long as they remain unfocused. A good deadeye contributes more to a fight than any holo, druid or spellbreaker.


> If you seriously believe that deadeye is weak you should do yourself a favor and drop the class, a bad deadeye es a free kill, however a good one is a force to reckon with and a game-changing class.


Can you point out any plat or legend players that got there playing deadeye? would be great to watch their twitch streams... I've never seen a deadeye above gold.

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> @"Link.1049" said:

> > @"plushiesoda.8150" said:

> > > @"dragonkain.3984" said:

> > > So that I can keep ignoring and not playing guild wars 2 in favor of other more fun and balanced pvp games where devs actually have a clue about what is weak and what is overpowered not just by amount of whining on forums.

> >

> > you know... deadeye is top tier in spvp, wvsw, yes! they are!! however **THEY AIN'T home holders, not duelist and are a waste of damage as decapers ** as people wrongly seem to believe they are, the image thief has so proudly hold over the years doesn't really apply to deadeye despite their superior "traveling" capabilities.

> >

> > Deadeye is a support buster, basically the role holosmith, one-trick weavers currently hold, but at range which makes them even better. They can easily take down anything as long as they remain unfocused. A good deadeye contributes more to a fight than any holo, druid or spellbreaker.

> >

> > If you seriously believe that deadeye is weak you should do yourself a favor and drop the class, a bad deadeye es a free kill, however a good one is a force to reckon with and a game-changing class.


> Can you point out any plat or legend players that got there playing deadeye? would be great to watch their twitch streams... I've never seen a deadeye above gold.


I have seen DE above gold but it were people that wanted to make the spec work (with little success because it simply doesn't work in pvp/conquest environment due to lack of utility and ways to stay alive).

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> @"Soltar.9643" said:

> > @"Link.1049" said:

> > Can you point out any plat or legend players that got there playing deadeye? would be great to watch their twitch streams... I've never seen a deadeye above gold.


> Frostball Stream, enjoy!




LOL. Frostball doesn’t play seriously and he even plays naked.

And if I remember correctly he has %20-ish winrate with Deadeye :p

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> @"Elxdark.9702" said:

> I got legend season 8 with deadeye, im top 5 now playing with 180 ping if i can do it you can too.


> freaking nerds get good


Point is, you probably got it during last season, when 99% of good players already left the game, so you obviously had no good players to compete against as a consiquence of this exodus. And yes, I wasn't playing during this season too, before you'll ask. I left right after first one of this expansion.


So yeah, nobody gives a fuck about someone who reached top 5 in a ghost town with only some casuals left, sorry.

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> @"dragonkain.3984" said:

> > @"Elxdark.9702" said:

> > I got legend season 8 with deadeye, im top 5 now playing with 180 ping if i can do it you can too.

> >

> > freaking nerds get good


> Point is, you probably got it during last season, when 99% of good players already left the game, so you obviously had no good players to compete against as a consiquence of this exodus. And yes, I wasn't playing during this season too, before you'll ask. I left right after first one of this expansion.


> So yeah, nobody gives a kitten about someone who reached top 5 in a ghost town with only some casuals left, sorry.


are u stupid? you just said you can't play the game because deadeye is unplayable and i just said you i got legend and im top 5 now?


every good player left? true and what? do you want me to go to the past and kick their asses?


It wasn't during last season I didn't play it.

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I’m always skeptical of claims “all the good players left.”


First, often those remarks are anecdotal at best because some people they know are playing less. I often see the same players who supposedly quit playing and competing with the same old complaints.


Second, it assumes that the pool of qualified players is static and not dynamic. Some people do get good. New players join who are good at games. Others who were good stop playing and become bad because they lose mechanical skill.


Third, I generally go by the rule “you only get to comment if you show up.” So if you think ranking on the leaderboard this season isn’t “good enough” then play the season before commenting. This whole “playing is beneath me but you must suck” mentality is laughable. It’s not constructive, just an ad hominem attack against someone who by an objective measure is doing well.


It’s like an old man grumbling “back in my day things were so much harder and kids these days have no respect for how hard we worked.” It might be personally satisfying but nothing more.

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> @"Link.1049" said:

> > @"plushiesoda.8150" said:

> > > @"dragonkain.3984" said:

> > > So that I can keep ignoring and not playing guild wars 2 in favor of other more fun and balanced pvp games where devs actually have a clue about what is weak and what is overpowered not just by amount of whining on forums.

> >

> > you know... deadeye is top tier in spvp, wvsw, yes! they are!! however **THEY AIN'T home holders, not duelist and are a waste of damage as decapers ** as people wrongly seem to believe they are, the image thief has so proudly hold over the years doesn't really apply to deadeye despite their superior "traveling" capabilities.

> >

> > Deadeye is a support buster, basically the role holosmith, one-trick weavers currently hold, but at range which makes them even better. They can easily take down anything as long as they remain unfocused. A good deadeye contributes more to a fight than any holo, druid or spellbreaker.

> >

> > If you seriously believe that deadeye is weak you should do yourself a favor and drop the class, a bad deadeye es a free kill, however a good one is a force to reckon with and a game-changing class.


> Can you point out any plat or legend players that got there playing deadeye? would be great to watch their twitch streams... I've never seen a deadeye above gold.


I get placed in plat and stay in plat every season as Rifle + S/P DE. Granted I only play like, 30 matches, but still.

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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> I’m always skeptical of claims “all the good players left.”


> First, often those remarks are anecdotal at best because some people they know are playing less. I often see the same players who supposedly quit playing and competing with the same old complaints.


> Second, it assumes that the pool of qualified players is static and not dynamic. Some people do get good. New players join who are good at games. Others who were good stop playing and become bad because they lose mechanical skill.


> Third, I generally go by the rule “you only get to comment if you show up.” So if you think ranking on the leaderboard this season isn’t “good enough” then play the season before commenting. This whole “playing is beneath me but you must suck” mentality is laughable. It’s not constructive, just an ad hominem attack against someone who by an objective measure is doing well.


> It’s like an old man grumbling “back in my day things were so much harder and kids these days have no respect for how hard we worked.” It might be personally satisfying but nothing more.



Lets be fair some of the good players left and some players that people thought were good left but were actually cheaters that got banned or duo'd all the time so left when they couldn't do that anymore.


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You are in a 4 vs 4 team fight, you have max health (25k) and suddenly you are downed and 1 sec later you are dead.

Log: Death's Judgement critically hit you for 28k (3k) overkill


Yup i agree, deadeye needs buff so it can instantly kill you from 100% to 0% without even putting you in downed state.

True once you figure out enemy has a rifle deadeye you will be looking for him or focus him but that still won't prevent them getting cheesy kills in a team fight.

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