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If mounts were to be added to WvW, how would you prefer them to be?


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Now, before we start:


#This is **NOT** a discussion about whether mounts should be added or not. Please leave that for other threads.


In this post I'd like to see what would you prefer them to be in WvW in the case of an inevitable introduction. I've been thinking of the possibilities and I've reduced them down to different combinations of 3 different choices:

* Speed

* Fast: Mounts run as fast as in PvE (whether this takes a WvW skill rank or not)

* Normal : Their speed is only as fast as swiftness.

* Powers

* Yes: They can use their powers, but only within controlled territories.

* No: Mounts are only speed boost.

* Constraints:

* Everywhere: Mounts can be used outside controlled territories.

* Territories : Mounts can't be used outside controlled territories.


These choices would be once their abilities are maxed. They could start having slower speeds, no jump abilities, etc, but gradually get them as their ability tracks are maxed, or not.

I am going to leave out the engage ability to reduce the number of combinations since they are the least concern as skills can be balanced separately for WvW and can only be used to start fights.


So, if mounts were inevitable, after their WvW abilities have been maxed, what combination of these 3 choices you prefer to be the end result for mounts?

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Mounts would make WvW very unbalanced since it will be harder for ppl to run away from blobs if stuck in combat. Not to mention the maps are quite small so all the defense tactics will be more or less pointless. If mounts would to be added they need to revamp WvW, and don't see that happening anytime soon since DBL backfired quite hard in the wvw community. I don't know a single core wvw player that likes the DBL.

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> @Aeolus.3615 said:

> I would not like the pve mount to be added to WvW.



> But instead several vehicles to be builted and maned like the golems


This guy gets it. Having a bunch of bunnies from PvE would be humorous but the mechanics of the map don't support them being able to jump over walls (for attack or defense).


But having vehicles using the mounts code is more thematic to this game mode. Won't fix the issues of Maps not being designed around this still...gliding was added anyway.

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Glidding is a diferent mechanic, the bunnis are ment to help on the pve enviroment, wich we already have alot of speen boon and passive speed on WvW.


I would rather they use the manpower to change other things on WvW and then see if possible to add new tools.


The charr vehicles would be a nice adition, and remove the transmogrifers. (castles unlocking new constructibles to be builted) that would make guilds aply for something and defend it at least.

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> @TheWolf.1602 said:

> Other. If mounts are added, they should be WvW-only and with tactical use instead of a get-back-to-the-zerg gimmick


We actually got that in a way with Siege Golems, [Assault Rollers](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Assault_Roller "Assault Rollers") and [Mecha Siege Devourers](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mecha_Siege_Devourer "Mecha Siege Devourers"), but they do not show your character riding them, so not everyone considers them "mounts", even though they technically are, just like the Siege Devourer and the Junundu were in GW1.

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Just allow baseline Raptor mount (that everyone can get with near zero effort), disable the leap. Solves travel issues (dramatic differences in long-distance mobility between classes) without really effecting combat related mobility (where class flavor plays in), availability, and helps mitigate pigeonholing many classes into specific builds/weapon sets and lets people focus on combat flavor.

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I don't want them in WvW, but if you absolutely had to have them, I'd prefer their movement speed was equal, at maximum, to baseline walking speed (no swiftness, no movement speed bonus), with no jumping abilities, and no tactical advantage. Unable to use in combat. You want to prance around in one as if this were PvE, fine, but there should be no advantage over people who didn't buy this expansion that offers nothing for WvW players but more brainless condi.

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Mounts NEED to be added for the sake of my Brain i had Enough of ruining my abilities and traits with freaking movement speed and swiftnes traits Utility abilities....

especialy as a necro.....


How mounts should be added:


- Swiftness speed

- Usable everywhere outside of combat ( griffon gliding dissabled in enemy territory like the real glider )

- ALL mount abilities dissabled


its time we move away of this Forced Swiftness abilities and Movement speed traits in WvW

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