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Is this program allowed?


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And your against this because?

Is this affecting the way how you play?

I don't see why people complain about things that literally have no affect outside of the person actually using it.

Please leave the modders alone. This game has litterally no online presence outside the forums and reddit all the streamers have quit and you want to complain about the one bastion of community driven content out of the game?


Why is the GW2 Community so anti social man...

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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> > @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > And your against this because?


> all 3rd party hacks need to banned, it only encourages cheating and ignoring bot, reports. Make Bling and ignore all else seems to be the new mantra.



This not a hack tho.

Please understand the difference between a mod and a hack..


Next your going to tell me dps meters are hacks and UI change mods are too.

Maybe this is your first MMO but add-ons are generally accepted in MMO is general.


And make bling and ignore all else has been the mantra of gw2 since launch? This game is riddled with solo player centered people which is why there's so much hate for raids and fotm t4s and cms on the forums..


This is my last post in this thread you and I just view the community from different positions.

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This is pretty cool if I was into the gold farming aspect of this game, but my attention is pulled elsewhere I just meander around.

But Bravo on all the work put into this. /clap

Besides as the person states, all the information is available from the wiki. I remember when there was a questing mod for wow to show you the path, I think it took a little while but eventually that feature was later just built into the game, this seems similar.

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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> Ok. lets have Taco make an add on for all rich nodes, hit the f key once until depleted then move onto the next one. Just an add on after all.


This would be a hack. Using Taco is exactly the same as if you had gone to the trouble of identifying the nodes, paths, etc, yourself and entered the codes into a notepad doc (for example) and then copied and pasted the information into the chat window in GW2. Taco still requires the person to manually enter the wp, click on it, get there, and manually move around from the wp. Plus F for mining/gathering for however many times to do that. Because the entire action in the game is being performed manually by the player, this is not a hack.


Taco is an information resource, implemented as a UI layer. It makes gathering more efficient, but the player still has to do all the ingame work.


The GW2 wiki shows where the PSNA and you can copy-paste their locations into a chat window, allowing efficient access to them. You can access the wiki page from inside GW2. Does that mean the wiki implementation of the PSNA information is a hack?

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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> Ok. lets have Taco make an add on for all rich nodes, hit the f key once until depleted then move onto the next one. Just an add on after all.



I'm not sure what'd be the problem with that, assuming you just mean you could have the nearest waypoints and pathways to rich nodes pop up for you via Taco; people have been doing similar things with guild MOTD by copy/pasting the rich node waypoints in there. If you meant something else, such as Taco taking over for your game by doing the additional gathering for you, then that's not what Taco does. Taco places map markers and things similar to that. It doesn't do an action (such as gathering) for you. The former is legal and allowed because it only uses API and doesn't try to perform an action for the player (such as gathering).

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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> all 3rd party hacks need to banned,

TACO is only a hack in the sense that "lifehacks" are hacks; it's a way of streamlining the information that's already available via chat codes and having a second monitor. TACO is an overlay: it doesn't touch the game, it makes use of the location-API provided by ANet. ANet provides the API specifically to encourage 3rd party developers to create things like this.


> it only encourages cheating

How exactly does it do this?


> and ignoring bot, reports.

Again, exactly how does this encourage "ignoring bots"? Bots have nothing to do with overlays. In fact, people using things like TACO are actively playing, rather than "botting."


> Make Bling and ignore all else seems to be the new mantra.

Only if you ignore everything going on with the game except the gem shop and some people posting links to the exact same video over and over again.


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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> > @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > And your against this because?


> all 3rd party hacks need to banned, it only encourages cheating and ignoring bot, reports. Make Bling and ignore all else seems to be the new mantra.



this is not a hack, though, it's an overlay.

An overlay only gives you visual information, while a hack gives you physical performance improvements.

Using such an overlay for routings and markings is LITERALLY no different from writing things down on paper in front of you.

Are you going to say people who jot down memo's and information on paper are also hacking the game?


Sure you can argue they make jumping puzzles easier, but hey, most people already go to dulfy and watch the videos anyway,

so that argument is straight moot as well.

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Pact w.e. agent merchants seem like a ill conceived idea...why not not have them always there? Aren't they time gated to 1 per day purchases anyway? No wonder I stopped seriously PvE-ing at HoT. D:


Please help me understand the intent besides being a "karma sink." Although time gating makes this not-so-quick to sink large amounts of Karma...huh. W.e. I'm outtie!

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> @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > @"Blude.6812" said:

> > > @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > > And your against this because?

> >

> > all 3rd party hacks need to banned, it only encourages cheating and ignoring bot, reports. Make Bling and ignore all else seems to be the new mantra.

> >


> This not a hack tho.

> Please understand the difference between a mod and a hack..


> Next your going to tell me dps meters are hacks and UI change mods are too.

> Maybe this is your first MMO but add-ons are generally accepted in MMO is general.


> And make bling and ignore all else has been the mantra of gw2 since launch? This game is riddled with solo player centered people which is why there's so much hate for raids and fotm t4s and cms on the forums..


> This is my last post in this thread you and I just view the community from different positions.


Taco is an overlay. DPS meter is 3rd party dll that literally hacks game memory to read dps.

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I love TacO! The program is incredibly helpful to the players. And thank you for the unintended promotion. Yes, players, it's completely legit.


> @"Henry.5713" said:

> This is nothing more than an even lazier and far more convinient version of watching guides or displaying something like a map on your second monitor.


Bingo. As much as I love Dulfy, I'm so tired of having to memorize videos to accomplish a goal or achievement. And sadly, Dulfy's video on this run was hellish in comparison to the TacO one. The difference was no mount changes and two minutes to spare for the gold medal.


Sorry, but sold on TacO. :)

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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> > @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > And your against this because?


> all 3rd party hacks need to banned, it only encourages cheating and ignoring bot, reports. Make Bling and ignore all else seems to be the new mantra.



LOL you will curse (pun intended) WoW then. It is since 2004 completely normal there to have such mods. It's no cheat, but instead a help. You're really paranoid, just get used to it. It won't make their gameplay better or benefit unless convenience.

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