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Resistance converting into immobilize is a bad move. Immobile shouldn't be on the conversion table


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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> There is a reason why the people who made this game didn't have Immobile on the conversion table. Having Resistance turn into immobile was not a good move and Immobile needs to be taken off the conversion table ASAP.


any reason why it is not a good move? Not against or for, just wondering why you felt it was not good.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > There is a reason why the people who made this game didn't have Immobile on the conversion table. Having Resistance turn into immobile was not a good move and Immobile needs to be taken off the conversion table ASAP.


> any reason why it is not a good move? Not against or for, just wondering why you felt it was not good.


My guess is he plays Revenant.

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There is a spec called condi rev that often runs mallyx/glint or even mallyx/shiro. It is very reliant on resistance and it getting corrupted is very heavily being punished in the new system.


I wouldnt be suprised if we see old school melee trains with melee/condi revs + holosmiths/scrappers + firebrands + scourges + new chronos soon.


Engi has immense amount of AoE condi clenase now and chrono is pretty strong now too.


Resistance conversion change wasnt that bad. Now chill doesnt convert to resistance anymore (less resistance/chill in general) and it was indirect nerf to dura runes that were dominating meta also.


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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > There is a reason why the people who made this game didn't have Immobile on the conversion table. Having Resistance turn into immobile was not a good move and Immobile needs to be taken off the conversion table ASAP.


> any reason why it is not a good move? Not against or for, just wondering why you felt it was not good.


Immobile is pretty strong and having more sources of it is just making the game less fun. if i have resist and get hit by a well all of a sudden i am immobilized and stuck in a bomb. I mean, this also makes resist pretty crap now as well.


I think resist and alacrity should just convert into chill and we can call it a day.

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There's only one boon that would make sense converted into Immobilize, and it's one that doesn't exist. For it to exist, Resistance would have to be split into two boons:


* A reworked Resistance, that instead giving immunity to all conditions it would now grant a considerable damage reduction and decreased duration to DPS conditions, like 66% or more. Resistance would not get corrupted, instead it would be lost when an enemy tries to corrupt your boons, sacrificing itself to prevent it and saving you from one corruption skill.

* A new boon called Freedom, that would prevent any hindering in movement and any forced movement. Crippled and immobilize would have no effect, chilled will only decrease cooldowns, weakness will not reduce endurance regeneration, and disabling control skills will lose any movement-impairing component while keeping the disabling component, effectively behaving like Daze when applied to someone affected by Freedom.


If that change and split was done to Resistance, then Freedom would be the one to be converted into Immobilize.


Unless such a change happens, nothing should turn into immobilize.

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A little CC in games like this is fine but the current state of affairs is just way over the top. You currently login to NOT

play your character. You're either locked down chilled immobilized slowed etc or you have to spec only certain abilities and comps to counter all that mess. Classes literally have dozens of abilities that simply will not be used because it is a constant battle against CC.


It's just not very fun.

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I'm guessing none of you played DAoC. Whichever team got there AoE mezz off first usually won. Two roaming groups with 15 or so people come across each other. Your bard isn't as fast as the enemy minstrel. Guess what, you stand there asleep with more than a 1 minute timer while the melee train just kills your party 1 at a time. The skill that removed it was only on a few classes and on a 5 minute timer. So, it was not available most of the time.


This game literally has way too many spammable boons creating unkillable players/groups. That's how we ended up with the train wreck we currently have.

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> @"Trajan.4953" said:

> A little CC in games like this is fine but the current state of affairs is just way over the top. You currently login to NOT

> play your character. You're either locked down chilled immobilized slowed etc or you have to spec only certain abilities and comps to counter all that mess. Classes literally have dozens of abilities that simply will not be used because it is a constant battle against CC.


> It's just not very fun.


Reminds me of DAOC in the first few months when it was common to be completely locked in place, immobile and unable to act, for much of the time. That eventually got changed because it was fun for the ones doing the locking and absolutely no fun whatsoever for everyone else. Generally it's never a good plan to make a significant proportion of your players feel that playing your game is a waste of time. Finding yourself spending lengthy periods with no means of controlling your character is going to make people feel exactly that.

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> Then that means having it on the condi to boon is even better. There needs to be real risk to having a strong boon up at the same time there a big reward for getting it with a condi to boon effect.


good point tho, still might get a bit to easy under some situations to cc target.. :\

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I can sympathise with the general sentiments of those against the resistance to immobilize corruption. It makes things unfun indeed.


As a Reaper, I've been on the end of Long spammy immobilize ranger builds And sword pistol thieves spamming immobilize and stun. As well as condi bomb thieves that immobilize while bombing.


Those high duration spammy immobilize builds should get a look as well.

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> @"LINKAZZATORE.8135" said:

> Resistance should save you from condis, now if it get corrupted you're more kitten than before.


It resists condis.


Corruption isn't a condition. Neither are strips.


The most recent patch decreased the amounts of corruption, but kept the strips.


As to resistance, I agree with most in here that chill would be a better alternative for the table, with immobilize being off it.


And frankly, why not make immobilize an effect instead of a condition. It would still allow it, but not allow current boons to be corrupted into it.

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Resistance wasn't even in this game originally and it's a much worse move even having it exist.


Yes Immobilize is beyond annoying (and that's putting it lightly), but having a boon that completely nullifies an entire damage type (and is easily kept up via rotating) is far far far worse. Perhaps the solution is to just remove resistance from the game, therefore we wouldn't have to worry about it being converted to immobilize anymore.

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I hate to say it but thus kind of Left Field Shake it up change is so typical if Anet. I would love another Adopt a Dev program where they didn't all flock to BG or YB to determine what they think players want. I've known a few Anet folks from time to time and the ones I've talked to seem to share a lot of the same concerns we all do. There is some kind of disconnect happening in the company level is my guess.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> Resistance wasn't even in this game originally and it's a much worse move even having it exist.


> Yes Immobilize is beyond annoying (and that's putting it lightly), but having a boon that completely nullifies an entire damage type (and is easily kept up via rotating) is far far far worse. Perhaps the solution is to just remove resistance from the game, therefore we wouldn't have to worry about it being converted to immobilize anymore.


Condis were also a joke originally, with bleed being the highest DPS condi for most of the game's life. Now that you can get 1-ticked by burning/confusion/bleed/poison/torment or any combination of the above, resistance is needed. Plus its a boon and there's more than enough boon stripping and denial in the game as is.

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The main problem with this change only really affects revenant disproportionately because most of its condition management comes down to utilizing resistance, which is prioritized and now makes them unable to dodge roll subsequent corrupts.


Prior to resistance, there were effects like Berserker Stance which negated all conditions, including immob. Similarly, there were immunity effects and blocks which could negate said kinds of attacks. Boons were not the hard-counter to something OP but used to provide pushing strength that if removed would be punishing by CC that was basically limited to warrior hammer.


There was just a lot less of everything. Conditions need toning down. CC needs toning down. Boons need toning down. Cooldowns need increasing. Maybe then we'll finally have some semblance of healthy gameplay because running around with permaboons and having fights get decided by who has permaboons and who doesn't isn't healthy or fun.

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