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WvW Quality of Life Requests

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A lot of things that I support have been said already but here is my own suggestion;


- Make upgrading objectives have a cost again (while keeping time requirements - if necessary readjustments of the time requirements should be considered as well) but the cost not be monetary, instead push the cost onto Badges of Honor which is essentially a dead currency.

- Make it possible to donate Badges of Honor to your WvW guild, serving as a pool system incase a commander/officer/etc is lacking the currency.


We need a good sink for the currency and I feel this solution helps improve the impact of players on the upgrade system that we have lost since the change years ago. I'd like more sinks as well but this one I believe is the most appropriate one.

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> @"Zephyr.8015" said:

> I'd like to have supply info for structures listed when you click on them to slot upgrades/ do guild claims. That way whenever a commander needs supply they can easily look at where they can go to grab it.


As long as you can't view enemy supply count, and have to be in range of the structure the natural way.

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> @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> > @"JasonLucas.4981" said:

> > Can all the gear drops be converted in to Pieces of Unidentified Gear with the same loot table of WvW?


> What about people that want to open them on lower levels for materials?

What about them? You need to be high level to enter WvW.


It would be nice to at least see some of it stack as unidentified instead of plain gear. Maybe 50% of the drops. Like, you definetly see that its pants you are pulling off some bookahs dead corpse, but maybe they have a hidden hat in their pocket.


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Be nice if, when I zone with a full inventory, the bouncy boxes would not auto-open

Add a BLTC person to the Garrison in each BL, near the Mystic Forge.

Stop opening bouncy chests when I zone, esp when my inventory is already full.

Add a guild BANK person to the Garri.

Don't open bouncy chests when I zone.

Decrease the spawn time of the Vet creatures for the daily. Hard to find some days.

Stop forcing my bags into overflow by opening bouncy chests.

As someone else suggested, maybe make an NPC drinks person that detects the guild you are repping and offers you the guild buffs in the BLs EBG.

Keep bouncy chests intact when I zone.

Give players the option to decrease and move the stats on their abilities, so they can reset them, even at a cost of gold or skirm points, when they find an ability less than optimal.

Don't open chests when I zone

Make the Outmanned buff decreases incoming damage or something, so a defending player has a chance vs the zerg.


That's all I can think of atm.. prob more.

Did I mention stop opening bouncy chests?


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WvW +1 to everyone's suggestion of this.


+1 to an actual area for planned fighting between guilds ie a GvG arena type area, and Alliance one too or in conjuction with.




Reward track lines repeat the same line instead of us having to physically go in a choose it while in the middle of running around in WvW, many times this has been an issue while in WvW. Currently when you finish a line it auto selects another line - this has never been one i needed or wanted often it is one I have gotten all the rewards i wanted from them. I'd rather repeat the same line I was on then when I am really finished with that line I can switch it myself.


Legendary WvW trinkets added.+1 to Red Haired Savage.5430 's idea

- IMO all game modes should have similar rewards, no one game mode should have rewards that can not be obtained elsewhere that being said WvW rewards so "look" different from "sPVP" rewards and "PvE" rewards - I should be able to look at a player and say oh they got that legendary armor from sPvP or WvW or PVE.



Expanding on Blodeuyn.2751's idea of Add a siege wallet. - I'd be fine with some sort of UI say on the right side of the screen that I can place equipment like siege of food stuffs that I can either keybind or mouse over and click to activate it instead of having to open the bag and find it.




> @"TheWolf.1602" said:

> make walls useful for defenders instead of death zones, increase range shooting down and decrease range shooting upwards please


I would settle for being able to shoot down on those below without being on the tippy edge of the wall it is stupid that in order to barrage on a group (or whatever skill) down on those below you have to jump up on the very edge. However, a mesmer pull can reach back to a staircase and pull someone so broken :/



Please no on the crafting stations in WvW, fine in a lobby of WvW but not in WvW.


Professions balance for WvW play - ie sPVP is different, PvE is different, why is WvW based on PvE? WvW should have its own build and balances. (Sorry it just seems to us WvWers we are the devils spawn child and don't get the attention we deserve)



Remove minis in WvW altogether


> @"Kitta.3657" said:

> A lot of things that I support have been said already but here is my own suggestion;


> - Make upgrading objectives have a cost again (while keeping time requirements - if necessary readjustments of the time requirements should be considered as well) but the cost not be monetary, instead push the cost onto Badges of Honor which is essentially a dead currency.

> - Make it possible to donate Badges of Honor to your WvW guild, serving as a pool system incase a commander/officer/etc is lacking the currency.


> We need a good sink for the currency and I feel this solution helps improve the impact of players on the upgrade system that we have lost since the change years ago. I'd like more sinks as well but this one I believe is the most appropriate one.


Please no opn upgrades going back to costing something this was horrible before and doesn't need to return I spent so much in my WvW life when this was a thing please please do not being that back - badges of honor are a dead currancies is wrong, and you can already donate those to you guild go to your guild's wvw war room and spend badges of honor on badge of tribute for scribes to make guild siege.

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Something that probably most people don't want but I'd like is a "randomize build" function. Why? Because It's fun to try make something so odd to work, I find it challenging and fun to overcome. This is something on the side that will beat boredome for me, making myself play a roulette build. Who knows, might be fun to egg on some streamers to do it for their viewers. Also while we're at it, why not a random wardrobe malfunction button? :D Let the game randomize your char skins and dye look. Or maybe a template for different looks/dye setups we like, so like look1, look2, look3, etc per character.

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My QoL in WvW (and PvP for that matter) would go up greatly if condition cleanse had some prioritization. Then you could stop doing things like what the Mesmer just went through with Confusion/Torment. Conditions could stay ~the same and people could carry a reasonable amount of clears, but use those clears for what mattered most. i.e. not the 9 junk conditions, but the 10th one that's 15 stacks of Torment that are really hurting and are still left after you use all your clears. Then condition builds would have to strategize their application around cooldowns (much like power builds do) instead of just throwing them at you until you're overrun. Setting up their burst, if you will.


Number of ways to do this, but somehow making non damaging condition clear more passive or traited and damaging condition clear active seems sensible. You could even design somewhat the way power damage is where if you're out of some bubble range related to the weapon the condition was applied with it falls off, forcing the applier to either stay on you or swap to another application method/weapon set. Functionally making it just like power where you disengage from melee range you stop taking damage unless they stay on you or switch weapons/apply ranged utilities. Further, you wanna stay in range of the condition you use an active clear just like you would a damage reduction for power.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Hey folks!


> As you know, the World Restructuring plan we've been discussing is a fairly long term project. While we work on that, we might have a bit of bandwidth here and there to do some minor QoL stuff.


> We'd love your input on what you'd like to see. If we see an idea here we like, we'll get it on the backlog. No guarantee we get to it in a timely manner (or at all, for that matter), but I'd like us to have a nice list of community requests to pull from, should we find the time.


Please make Commander Tags in WvW more visible. They easily get lost with hundreds of tags and are nearly impossible to see on small Asuras. A constant height for all races would be a great start! :)

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* bigger hitbox on cannons, oils and mortars so you don't have "obstructed" even when hitting from right in front of them, necro axe can't hit most cannons on desert borderland for that reason

* make desert borderland keep champions less CC spammy, Air keep and Fire keep lords are beyond disgusting in that regard

* remove rally on NPCs all together, fighting against players when defending only to have them rally repeatedly on NPC is annoying

* increase cooldown on shield gen bubble and increase the minimum range, so it isn't so easy to have permanent bubble over all your siege

* make upgrade times of objectives more consistent, it is silly that we have bay upgrade to t3 on enemy borderland without any effort and twice as fast as garrison with dolly escorts

* reduce the underground hitbox of walls, so you cannot shoot the cata on cliff below and still do damage, this would eliminate many silly cata spots that aren't possible to counter with siege

* add tactivator that pings the map with enemies inside objective and reveals them, it is no fun to chase permanent stealth thieves around inside your keep

* add tactivator that gradually fixes the walls and gates with supplies inside, while it isn't contested

* make ballista skill 1 have slight arc so it will hit more consistently just like skill 2 and 3

* after successfully defending objective when it was almost captured by enemies and the capture progress bar changed, the capture progress bar should reset when the champ is ressed

* make all drops use the unidentified loot system, having to sort out your inventory after every fight is horrible design

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> @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> > @"Zephyr.8015" said:

> > I'd like to have supply info for structures listed when you click on them to slot upgrades/ do guild claims. That way whenever a commander needs supply they can easily look at where they can go to grab it.


> As long as you can't view enemy supply count, and have to be in range of the structure the natural way.


Well of course have it only work for friendly structures.

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I imagine the WvW maps will be the same, while they still have the ktrainy design and tactic.

It is possible to improve/change.



- Number of maps on the new WvW system for the alliance.

- Number of structures per map needs to be adressed and what tactical value(*) they hold

- Structures wall re-design, for exemple weaker but larger.

- Some maps like Alpine could have better layout , the map feel way to much ktrain like EBG is, it is a decent size but the dispositions of the strucutres doesnt look so good for a home base.

- IF it will be 3 +1 map system, it is possible to make the larger map the central one, with smaller(current alpine size) home bl's.

- The "tactical" value of towers is to treb while zerg is full stacked in 1 place, imo that is not tactical at all, it is possible to make player fight on the field rather than w8 something gets trebbed to death from 8 trebs from structure to struture?

- Structures atm are built on valeys with extremelly weak spots, that can be siege from out of LoS from the strucutre itself, can that design be changed as well?



(*) Is there possible a discussion of what kind of mechanics could possible be added to the game keeps or improved?

For ex: Alpine map layout change could make spawn at north where the orbs were initally that would give more space to the map improvement, on centaur POI, there could be a factory with a charr theme inside a keep, where alliance could gather resources and suppllies for 1 at a time allowed new siege type mounts, like golems, charr vehicles (not the transmofriffers <_<).



Since walls would become weaker and larger for balance, could guilds and alliance build wooden fortifications with some entrances only since they needed to open field built siege to take objectives, this would devided in 3 small to wide type of strucures depending the amount of supply and group size.

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> @"Darlgon.9273" said:

> Be nice if, when I zone with a full inventory, the bouncy boxes would not auto-open

> Add a BLTC person to the Garrison in each BL, near the Mystic Forge.

> Stop opening bouncy chests when I zone, esp when my inventory is already full.

> Add a guild BANK person to the Garri.

> Don't open bouncy chests when I zone.

> Decrease the spawn time of the Vet creatures for the daily. Hard to find some days.

> Stop forcing my bags into overflow by opening bouncy chests.

> As someone else suggested, maybe make an NPC drinks person that detects the guild you are repping and offers you the guild buffs in the BLs EBG.

> Keep bouncy chests intact when I zone.

> Give players the option to decrease and move the stats on their abilities, so they can reset them, even at a cost of gold or skirm points, when they find an ability less than optimal.

> Don't open chests when I zone

> Make the Outmanned buff decreases incoming damage or something, so a defending player has a chance vs the zerg.


> That's all I can think of atm.. prob more.

> Did I mention stop opening bouncy chests?



Which bouncy chests are you having a problem with, because mine stay where they are until I click on them at the end of a run.

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