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Revert Rev Changes


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Anet logic:


Oh noes the WvW raid crowd is complaining about the new brutality trait because it has a niche use in a very specific situation that is already full of horrible balance due to how consumables work? Rev needs an emergency nerf! Emergency nerf now! *Anet devs spring to action and quickly release emergency patch that nerfs revs*.


Oh what's that our changes to mesmer made them have nearly unlimited clones resulting in shatter being busted and rocketing them to SSS tier broken for sPvP? Meh, the sPvP crowd never buys enough gems. So sPvP players can wait till next patch in 2 months or so ...till then they can enjoy Mesmer Wars 2.



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> @"Zyllias.9538" said:

> > @"Rarnark.5623" said:

> > Revert the Rev changes.


> Phase traversal and brutality are good as they are. Impossible Odd still have damages and with quickness proc it's even better.


Impossible Odds is a net nerf in non-PvE settings, I don't get how some of you still try to reason your way out of this. Quickness was a 50% damage boost because it sped up animations by 50%. How does the new extra hit which crits for maybe 1.2k even close? Not to mention that without quickness, Impossible Odds is also weaker to aegis and blinds now. Brutality is a separate topic; stop combining it with new Impossible Odds like you'll ALWAYS have quickness when using Impossible Odds.

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> @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:


> Impossible Odds is a net nerf in non-PvE settings, I don't get how some of you still try to reason your way out of this. Quickness was a 50% damage boost because it sped up animations by 50%. How does the new extra hit which crits for maybe 1.2k even close? Not to mention that without quickness, Impossible Odds is also weaker to aegis and blinds now. Brutality is a separate topic; stop combing it with new Impossible Odds like you'll ALWAYS have quickness when using Impossible Odds.


It's basically a small buff to burst damage ( memeing people with PT+IO is really strong now and can do over 25k in those 3 seconds. ) at the expense of sustained damage and utility. Overall a net nerf. I think the biggest problem isn't so much the changes to IO but rather the new quickness options aren't as good as anet should have made them. The result is that Rev just still doesn't have a meta build yet again this season. You can still play Herald power shiro to try and place in ranked - it's a good build. Power S/J renegade and Ventari are OK-ish...but not in ranked past plat I. TL;DR you can play Rev but it feels like Holosmith does our job better. Holos do the same burst damage and utility but with constant on-demand stab, stealth access, being 10x easier to play due to passive immunities, and better CC.







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> @"Loboling.5293" said:

> I must admit that the impossible odds change affected the feeling of playing rev, to the point of me losing interest. Although, it doesn't seem much weaker, just slower.


ditto, i liked to use the old version on my ranged hammer nuker that i play in unranked, it sucks now...

spamming fast and hard hammer hits was so much better than slooooow hammer hits with a weak second attack.

the Devastation traits have headed even more into getting pigeonholed into sword....

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> @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > Umm...you might wanna give a bit of context and explanation behind **why** you want the changes reverted if you actually want the devs to listen to you.


> Ton of threads with that kind of information in the Revenant forum as well


Did they ever listen? I've read most suggestions posted there but none of them ever appeared on patch notes, so what's the point?

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> @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > > Umm...you might wanna give a bit of context and explanation behind **why** you want the changes reverted if you actually want the devs to listen to you.

> >

> > Ton of threads with that kind of information in the Revenant forum as well


> Did they ever listen? I've read most suggestions posted there but none of them ever appeared on patch notes, so what's the point?

Devs do change the game based on feedback, yes. Just because they don’t do it on every post and just because they don’t always do it exactly in the way that people ask doesn’t mean that the feedback doesn’t have an impact. I’ve played since beta and I’ve seen this plenty.


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> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > > > Umm...you might wanna give a bit of context and explanation behind **why** you want the changes reverted if you actually want the devs to listen to you.

> > >

> > > Ton of threads with that kind of information in the Revenant forum as well

> >

> > Did they ever listen? I've read most suggestions posted there but none of them ever appeared on patch notes, so what's the point?

> Devs do change the game based on feedback, yes. Just because they don’t do it on every post and just because they don’t always do it exactly in the way that people ask doesn’t mean that the feedback doesn’t have an impact. I’ve played since beta and I’ve seen this plenty.



Ok, now name those changes they took out of revenant subforum.

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> @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > > @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > > > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > > > > Umm...you might wanna give a bit of context and explanation behind **why** you want the changes reverted if you actually want the devs to listen to you.

> > > >

> > > > Ton of threads with that kind of information in the Revenant forum as well

> > >

> > > Did they ever listen? I've read most suggestions posted there but none of them ever appeared on patch notes, so what's the point?

> > Devs do change the game based on feedback, yes. Just because they don’t do it on every post and just because they don’t always do it exactly in the way that people ask doesn’t mean that the feedback doesn’t have an impact. I’ve played since beta and I’ve seen this plenty.

> >


> Ok, now name those changes they took out of revenant subforum.


Well, we’re not on the revenant subforum, so i don’t see the relevancy of that, but there have been changes from subforum discussions, like the Ranger 1h sword fix and such. However, most come from topics discussed on multiple areas of the forums like thief Rifle buffs (on subforum and also the fractal/raid forums) and scourge/FB needs (on the PvP subforum and pretty much anywhere else where PvP is even mentioned).


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> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > > > @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > > > > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > > > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > > > > > Umm...you might wanna give a bit of context and explanation behind **why** you want the changes reverted if you actually want the devs to listen to you.

> > > > >

> > > > > Ton of threads with that kind of information in the Revenant forum as well

> > > >

> > > > Did they ever listen? I've read most suggestions posted there but none of them ever appeared on patch notes, so what's the point?

> > > Devs do change the game based on feedback, yes. Just because they don’t do it on every post and just because they don’t always do it exactly in the way that people ask doesn’t mean that the feedback doesn’t have an impact. I’ve played since beta and I’ve seen this plenty.

> > >

> >

> > Ok, now name those changes they took out of revenant subforum.


> Well, we’re not on the revenant subforum, so i don’t see the relevancy of that, but there have been changes from subforum discussions, like the Ranger 1h sword fix and such. However, most come from topics discussed on multiple areas of the forums like thief Rifle buffs (on subforum and also the fractal/raid forums) and scourge/FB needs (on the PvP subforum and pretty much anywhere else where PvP is even mentioned).



There have been multiple threads about revenant balance here in the PvP forum too. Why are you digging your head in the sand on this lol? There is literally a thread in the rev forum called everything wrong with rev in PvP. We have been very vocal (especially for the class with probably the least population) about everything wrong with the last few patches, from removing Equilibrium to changing Mutilate Defenses to the most recent Impossible Odds and (almost) Phase Traversal nerfs.



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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> Anet logic:


> Oh noes the WvW raid crowd is complaining about the new brutality trait because it has a niche use in a very specific situation that is already full of horrible balance due to how consumables work? Rev needs an emergency nerf! Emergency nerf now! *Anet devs spring to action and quickly release emergency patch that nerfs revs*.


> Oh what's that our changes to mesmer made them have nearly unlimited clones resulting in shatter being busted and rocketing them to SSS tier broken for sPvP? Meh, the sPvP crowd never buys enough gems. So sPvP players can wait till next patch in 2 months or so ...till then they can enjoy Mesmer Wars 2.




Dev's are huge lamers themselves, dont expect decent work on the clas they dont play.

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I had to tell someone in the pvp lobby today who asked about maining rev that it's not worth it... I used to love this class, but it gets wose with every balance patch. And yes, I hadn't thought much about hammer with impossible odds. That is a clear nerf... The old meta build sw/sw(axe) + staff is almost as strong, just not as fun to play. And I'm actually seeing renegades using shortbow in ranked... lol Good luck with that....


It's too bad it'll be another 3-4 months until this gets fixed at all. What I wold suggest to do now would be to drop the energy cost of phase traversal by 5-10. And increase the base attack speed of hammer.


Eitherway, none of this will happen. Rev will be left in the dust again.

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