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Name and Shame Siege & Tactivator Trolls

Buy Some Apples.6390

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Come on anet it's been 5 years and we still get trolld building useless siege, throwing 50 ballistas when a comm throws a ram on a gate.

And T3 keeps where the tactics are pulled every hour on the hour, and right before the enemy zerg pushes.


Isnt it time we got Owner/Deployed by tags on siege, and Last Pulled by on tactivators?!


The game keeps a log for the last week of who pulled what tactivator and whatever time, and if it is a troll we can report them easily as we'll know their names now.

Right now it's like trying to guess or catch them out.

Until this is done they are free to continue to troll as they have been doing for 5 years!




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ANet's position seems to be that all's fair in love of world-vs-world warfare, as long as you're not hacking or cheating. Spying is legit, for example.


So I'd first like to engage ANet on whether this is what they want for WvW. If it is, there should be some (equally) legit counters. We can currently use the API to certify people to Voice servers (and if necessary, block them). But there's nothing really effective to protect supply or tactivators. Sure, a guild can claim and restrict access, but that's only good if there are sufficient members willing to remain around for hours on end (i.e. it's not realistic).


However, regardless of ANet's stance, I don't think "naming & shaming" is ever a good way to go. Sure, there's a great use for such a feature, but there are all sorts of people that would use it as an excuse to bully others, especially newbies making rookie mistakes.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> ANet's position seems to be that all's fair in love of world-vs-world warfare, as long as you're not hacking or cheating. Spying is legit, for example.


> So I'd first like to engage ANet on whether this is what they want for WvW. If it is, there should be some (equally) legit counters. We can currently use the API to certify people to Voice servers (and if necessary, block them). But there's nothing really effective to protect supply or tactivators. Sure, a guild can claim and restrict access, but that's only good if there are sufficient members willing to remain around for hours on end (i.e. it's not realistic).


> However, regardless of ANet's stance, I don't think "naming & shaming" is ever a good way to go. Sure, there's a great use for such a feature, but there are all sorts of people that would use it as an excuse to bully others, especially newbies making rookie mistakes.


I don't think name & shame is appropriate in many circumstances, but since we have the ability for siege to show a timer in regards to when it was last refreshed, having a "last used by: (name)" on tactivators would be a good middle ground. The downside there is that if a new person uses the item out of ignorance, they're in for one heck of a roasting.

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I feel like this suggestion doesnt offer any solution, just enhances the problem in question.


You know people who pull the tactivators/siege troll actually want to get flamed in map/teamchat.


Unless they add some kind of ban system from them using tactivators on that guilds claimed objective while stopping F2P characters doing it, it could solve something. Obviously they cant stop people from dropping troll siege, only ban them.


This could cause some of the regular players that are having bad week or let their little brother play or something quit the game due to how judgemental humans are while stopping people from showing other people how certain tactic works. Do you really want that? Kill the gamemode even further?


Someone like me with lot of hours have actually accidentally pulled ewp in green keep on eb while picking up supply, and new players do it often also ^^


Anyways, tactics shouldn't exist in the first place. Isnt your cheaper siege, stronger walls/gates, claim buff, autoupgrading, always full of supply objectives after HoT enough? You really wanna complain about tactics that are basically free now and actually require someone to waste 30 minutes of their life on a map to waste them 2nd time during day (Dont forget hey can only troll 2 tactics out of 6 because banners are nerfed so much that you can barely get more DPS on dragon banner in hands of good player)?


Anyways, solving this trivial problem would require lot of work that could be used to solve more important issues, such as setting up alliance system. Also it would backfire making WvW even more salty and setting it perfectly up for trolls.

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maybe make it so only guilds that claimed an objective can with draw a certain amount of sup in a short period of time, and give an option that allows said guild to bypass this. with alliances incoming this might be more viable since you would have to have someone online from that alliance to take a bunch of sup out for a resupply. only allow guilds that are the most active with the most ppl to claim an objective, if said guild was there for the claiming ofc. I dunno, just brainstorming.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > Has anyone mentioned the claiming guild can disable public activation in this thread yet?

> > I forgot to check <,<

> It is only useful for guilds who have 24/7 people playing WvW. If noone is online that can use tactivator it is the same result as a troll pulling it


Untrue, you can also unclaim so another active guild can take stewardship. If it's really important, ways have been provided.


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