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Idea: AoE Ground Target Option Change


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So currently, for AoE Ground Target, in the menu you can choose to either manually place the AoE, or have it snap to ground at current target.


Problem is, you can't choose which AoEs do what. your stuck with one or the other. so most go manually. issue there is when your moving camera, you can't see where mouse is.


So the Idea here is to remove that option from the menu, and instead put it on the skills themselves.


So you'd right click a skill icon, and select "Manual, Auto place at current target, or place at self"


this would allow you to diversify the ground target skills based on how they ment to be used.

like AoE heals, you generally want to put on top of you, so select "place at self"

AoE attacks, on your enemy "Place at current target" (and if it has a bit of a cast time, you can set it to manual)

and AoE teleports, manual as you are either using it to get in front of enemy, or away.


this would help alot for using these skills without having to search for where your mouse is when you turning your camera

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> @"Sindariel.2354" said:

> Still too clunky, imo. SWTOR has the simplest solution:

> - Single tap on ability = ground target marker

> - Double tap = auto cast at target location


Either this or maybe single tap auto targets, and press and hold frees the ground target to be used wherever your target is when you release the key. For me at least I feel this would be the most intuitive. Only problem with this is ofc if you're a skill clicker I suppose...

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  • 8 months later...

> @"Sojourner.4621" said:

> > @"Sindariel.2354" said:

> > Still too clunky, imo. SWTOR has the simplest solution:

> > - Single tap on ability = ground target marker

> > - Double tap = auto cast at target location


> Either this or maybe single tap auto targets, and press and hold frees the ground target to be used wherever your target is when you release the key. For me at least I feel this would be the most intuitive. Only problem with this is ofc if you're a skill clicker I suppose...


This would make Theif SB5, Shadow Step, Merciful Intervention, Blink, Lightning Flash, Wings of Resolve (+ Other ground target teleports / movement skills) really clunky to use as you have to wait before moving, could be the difference in escaping and not escaping in the event of PvP. At that point it would be quicker to press the skill and then click the mouse.


I'd be fine with it as an option but not forced

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  • 1 year later...

Still waiting for this to become a reality. It only makes sense that as this game continues to evolve that more in depth customization becomes available. Being able to choose if you want to automatically use ground target skills on yourself is necessary. Especially seeing how charges have been made to engineers. Or maybe I'm roaming as a reaper and want to drop wells on myself automatically. Not all ground targeting skills should be used on others. Seeing how we have templates the process becomes that much easier.

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> @"arenta.2953" said:

> So currently, for AoE Ground Target, in the menu you can choose to either manually place the AoE, or have it snap to ground at current target.


> Problem is, you can't choose which AoEs do what. your stuck with one or the other. so most go manually. issue there is when your moving camera, you can't see where mouse is.


> So the Idea here is to remove that option from the menu, and instead put it on the skills themselves.


> So you'd right click a skill icon, and select "Manual, Auto place at current target, or place at self"


> this would allow you to diversify the ground target skills based on how they ment to be used.

> like AoE heals, you generally want to put on top of you, so select "place at self"

> AoE attacks, on your enemy "Place at current target" (and if it has a bit of a cast time, you can set it to manual)

> and AoE teleports, manual as you are either using it to get in front of enemy, or away.


> this would help alot for using these skills without having to search for where your mouse is when you turning your camera


There is already a key or key combination you can define to turn it on/off the only problem with it is that you loose often track is it on ? off?. You need then target something and look how the aoe itself align or not what takes unnecessary time and a big hit for the rota. As Ele I need the freedom for conjecture weapons but everything else can auto target.

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The option is there mostly when you enable action camera.

It's not for free camera option.

You are suppose to use auto target snap with action camera; and manual targeting with free camera.


You can't demand ANet remove the option just because you don't like it.


You could suggest instead to add a third option to suit your play style, but honestly I don't see what the problem is.


I use action camera and the auto target snap is just beautiful.

All I have to do is press the nearest target key, followed by the skill I want to use, and voila.

The only inconvenience to me is using healing skills that auto snap, but what

I do is look down slightly and the target moves underneath my character.

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