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These Obsolete warrior skills need remodeling.


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* [Fear me](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Fear_Me!%22) (60 sec cooldown for 3,2, or 1 sec of fear is pathetic and old school. You need to rework this utility, I suggest reduce the cooldown from 60 sec to 25 sec or 30 sec just like the other shouts to make it viable.)

* [Throw bolas](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Throw_Bolas/history)(It's nice that you are trying to improve physical skills for warrior, however, throw bolas is a very slow projectile that ALWAYS misses the target if the target is moving sideways. Throw bolas is useful only against NPC or people that stand still. I suggest you increase the projectile speed to always hit a target (the only way to avoid it is to dodge it, block, reflect, absorb or blind the warrior) and reduce the number of counts from 2 to 1 of course.)

* [stomp](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stomp) is one of those skills that almost everyone avoids in all game modes because it sends the enemies flying 450 units away. As a melee class you want to bring your enemies close to your melee attacks not push them away from you in all directions. I suggest changing the launch for a pull similar to the firebrand pull [Chapter 3: Heated Rebuke](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chapter_3:_Heated_Rebuke). This utility would make perfect sense if a warrior stomps the ground with such force that creates a hole in the ground and enemies get pulled in.


All other warrior utilities are perfect but these I just mentioned are awkward to use and very unfriendly for warrior builds.

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Stomp is great for getting ppl off capture point, especially downed ones.

As for fear, aren't you guys being too greedy? instant cast 3s baseline unblockable fear is pretty major. Necro's staff #5 (aoe fear + unblockable trait) gets 1s baseline duration, no more.

Throw bolas could indeed use some love.


And asides these minorities - how about a proper warrior rework **where he can have builds without defense line**?


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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> As for fear, aren't you guys being too greedy? instant cast 3s baseline unblockable fear is pretty major. Necro's staff #5 (aoe fear + unblockable trait) gets 1s baseline duration, no more.



The fear is not always a 3 sec effect, it could be 3,2, or 1 depending on how far our enemy is.

[Reaper's Mark](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Reaper%27s_Mark) Here is what it does:

* Deals damage

* Blast Finisher

* Range 1200

* Radius 240

* Cooldown time is 32 sec


If we compare it with [Fear Me](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Fear_Me!%22)

* Deals NO damage

* Not a combo finisher

* Range 0

* Radius 600

* Cooldown time is 60 sec


I don't think we are being "too greedy" for asking the remodeling of this utility that only deals 1,2, or 3 sec of fear for a 60 sec cooldown time. The 60 sec cooldown is too much for what this utility does.


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Another one which they could have easily reworked when they reworked stances is Frenzy. The cooldown is ridiculously high for what it provides. I hoped they would make Endure Pain like in PvP in all gamemodes, and made all stances 30 seconds cooldown with a slight nerf to balanced stance. I also feel like Fear Me and Throw Bolas are weak, but Stomp is actually pretty good now that it gives you an initial single stack of stab for 7 seconds, and more if you hit foes with it.

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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> Stomp is great for getting ppl off capture point, especially downed ones.

> As for fear, aren't you guys being too greedy? instant cast 3s baseline unblockable fear is pretty major. Necro's staff #5 (aoe fear + unblockable trait) gets 1s baseline duration, no more.

> Throw bolas could indeed use some love.


> And asides these minorities - how about a proper warrior rework **where he can have builds without defense line**?



We did have that build, but Anet decided to gut Might Makes Right.


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Bolas is a neat skill, but it could never find home, bare the very launch when some warriors used it to get guaranteed 100b. Even then, I don't recall seeing it a lot.


I wouldn't mind it going away for now, being replaced by some other physical utility and coming back in future elite specialization, possibly improved and packing better synergy. Possibly in specialization themed around thrown weaponry, like javelins/something akin to franks' franciscas?



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> @"Rym.1469" said:

> Bolas is a neat skill, but it could never find home, bare the very launch when some warriors used it to get guaranteed 100b. Even then, I don't recall seeing it a lot.


> I wouldn't mind it going away for now, being replaced by some other physical utility and coming back in future elite specialization, possibly improved and packing better synergy. Possibly in specialization themed around thrown weaponry, like javelins/something akin to franks' franciscas?




Bolas being reworked into a “Get Ova’ Here!”-kind of pulling harpoon/hookshot would be the bees’ knees.


Warriors have some options to get themselves over to the enemy but sorely lacks something capable of doing the opposite - and that’s something I’d consider a core necessity for any melee class without fancy teleports and all that sneaky stuff.


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