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Almost complete lack of xp and loot


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This has been a serious issue of mine ever since I've owned the game. I get almost no loot or xp whatsoever from WvW and I don't understand why. I can hit tons of enemy players but get nothing. Tonight I've been playing for about an hour and done about 5 or 6, 20v20 zergs and in that time only gotten 4 bags. Yet my friend has gotten 15 or more. And I'm using almost nothing but AOEs. It's getting incredibly frustrating. If I hit all these enemies multiple times I should be getting loot and xp. But nope! Is there something wrong with my account? It happens on all characters, all classes.

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Loosmaster.8263 Summed it up.


Just because you tag many enemies doesn't automatically indicate loot. They need to die in order for you to get the loot. You may also take into consideration your build and role within the zerg regarding DPS, support etc. You stated using AoEs but are they doing enough dmg to contribute towards effectively tagging the enemy (DPS-wise)?


Hope that helps answer your question.

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For wvw exp use birthday boosts...don't have any? Create 20 characters and wait for birthdays. For loot...well, it's pure luck...yesterday I got 2 ascended chests...and sometimes you get nothing. WvW isn't and shouldn't be a place for loot farming, it's a place for gang bang.

It's long way in wvw if you want better rewards like getting more pimps etc...you have to be dedicated wvw player.

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> @"circuitnerd.5863" said:


> If I hit all these enemies multiple times I should be getting loot and xp. But nope! Is there something wrong with my account? It happens on all characters, all classes.


Hit? you know they have to die for you to get loot right? and even if you hit them and they die if you have not done enough damage to them then you will not get loot, when tagging (Hitting) players you want to do around 700+ damage to qualify for loot, this is not a hard and fast rule, just my observation.


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The big bag fights can get exciting when the two or three sides collide but take a second when they do and scope the whole thing out a bit. You can kind of feel the blob breathing and you might be able to see a half a minute ahead to avoid getting ported on or pulled or whatever and you get better vision of where you can stomp or range downs for bags. You get nothing if you die and a few confirmed downs are better for the long haul as far as xp and all that than hoping on hit or miss aoe. Couldn't hurt to join squad if it looks like they've been cleaning up for a while, tag and their group are pulling agro for you anyway.

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