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another CoR thread

Stand The Wall.6987

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what if the 1st and 3rd damage multipliers were switched around, to reward and punish close quarters and make it more of an execution type skill? would it be completely ruined? getting hit by an 11k CoR with 3300 armor feelsbadman. so does this pirate ship meta where any fool that can press one button is suddenly a threat.


just did maths and it seems it will hit for about 3.6k on a 3.3k armor opponent with 215% crit damage, +20% damage multipliers, and 3500 power. the #3 would be untouched and hit for about 5k. both assuming no protection.


the auto would be untouched as well which can do some wacky damage if youre kinda glassy

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> what if the 1st and 3rd damage multipliers were switched around, to reward and punish close quarters and make it more of an execution type skill? would it be completely ruined? getting hit by an 11k CoR with 3300 armor feelsbadman. so does this pirate ship meta where any fool that can press one button is suddenly a threat.


I am waiting for them to make it 100% unblockable.





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> @"Threather.9354" said:

> Hammer rev is fine. Its very punishable spec and retri rev with much less burst damage will win that hammer war every time just because this one shot rev youre talking about is so squishy.


> It really isn't that hard to guess the ability intervals.


what if theres 5 of them every push like there usually is lol? hammer rev is imo the biggest cause of pirate ship. not so sure about this punishable spec business, they can just swap to shiro and hit riposting shadows twice and run away. I don't want it nerfed to oblivion but it seems way too effective for what it does.

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Yes, the damage needs reducing, it's BS that 1 skill at max range safely backed up by a zerg can take off 99% of my health.




Edit: Also phase smash is 100% not fine either, seen that hit for nearly 10k also, not such a big deal in smaller scale but when there's zergs and discos flying around it's very difficult to see this misty thing flying through the air.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> Yes, the damage needs reducing, it's BS that 1 skill at max range safely backed up by a zerg can take off 99% of my health.


> https://imgur.com/a/gmbkv


> Edit: Also phase smash is 100% not fine either, seen that hit for nearly 10k also, not such a big deal in smaller scale but when there's zergs and discos flying around it's very difficult to see this misty thing flying through the air.


Yup, CoR, Phase Smash, and Drop The Hammer. All lovelies.


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> @"Elementalist Owner.7802" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > would it be completely ruined?


> Yes


despite the damage loss, do you think hammer would still be a good pick since the aa hits pretty hard plus ham 3? I guess there isn't really another option lol. 3.6k isn't too bad... and that's not the max either. full zerk would hit a lot harder.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> Yes, the damage needs reducing, it's BS that 1 skill at max range safely backed up by a zerg can take off 99% of my health.


> https://imgur.com/a/gmbkv


> Edit: Also phase smash is 100% not fine either, seen that hit for nearly 10k also, not such a big deal in smaller scale but when there's zergs and discos flying around it's very difficult to see this misty thing flying through the air.


I hope you dont run in that zerk armour in group often... pretty nice rallybot.

1v1 if you met hammer rev .... with mesmer is just one burst and he is dead.

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Hammer revs do not cause pirate ship, they are the symptom of the wall of scourges. Remove the scourges and watch the spell breaks squash all the bad little hammer revs.


Reversing the cascade damage on CoR is fine and all, but at that point they might aswell recreate it so it can actually hit a strafing target.



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Melee comes from organisation. How many parties do you actually see with minstrel firebrand, melee rev and some kind of support (inventions holo/scrapper, BS chrono, cele scourge, condi FB or even melee tempest) these days?


Answer: none. Its not meta where guardians are cele staff spam classes that still deal ton of damage meaning people prefer playing ranged just in case they get a bad guardian. Addition of dragonhunter that is terrible at supporting the party but is personally more fun, was already a mistake that apparently made NA WvW into clonwfiesta because they trust the metabattle builds that are terrible regarding WvW.


Its also lack of decent open raiding guilds outside primetime with 3-4 decent parties to carry the casual pugs. Piken had HoB, deso had PT/AH, fsp had TT/SLAY, sfr had something, gandara had eN etc. But all these guilds dont tag up during daytime, or even primetime, anymore which already shows that lot of other decent guilds lost also active players.


And yes, addition of rev as instant power burst class to stand aside DPS staff ele means ranged have more punishing options against bad melee in a meta where **Melee could have ton of sustain and damage reduction if they would opt to it**


Of course Hammer rev is strong when people are incapable of making effective melee parties that can punish it by clashing melee range and rotating protection, frost aura, dwarf elite, distortion, superspeed, reflects and other ways to reduce damage....

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> **what if theres 5 of them every push like there usually is lol?** **hammer rev is imo the biggest cause of pirate ship.** not so sure about this punishable spec business, they can just swap to shiro and hit riposting shadows twice and run away. I don't want it nerfed to oblivion but it seems way too effective for what it does.


Really? Rev is the one that's creating a no-man's-land in between two zergs which people cannot enter without dying to all those shades and other massive, pulsing aoes? Is Rev the one which is stripping zergs of their boons with Winds of Disenchantment? Rev did not create the pirate ship meta, but it is certainly benefiting from it due to hammer having attacks which ignore all those sb bubbles and other projectile hate, allowing them to attack the other zerg without having to step into all the aoes. Dragonhunter's longbow has similar damage and multipliers, but they aren't as common and I'm guessing that is at least in part due to that weapon lacking ways of bypassing projectile hate.


Furthermore, don't bring up this nonsense of "but they're a really big problem when there's 5 of them." Yes, and the same can be said for other classes which are otherwise fine when encountered in smaller numbers. That is a problem created by zerging.

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> @"intox.6347" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > Yes, the damage needs reducing, it's BS that 1 skill at max range safely backed up by a zerg can take off 99% of my health.

> >

> > https://imgur.com/a/gmbkv

> >

> > Edit: Also phase smash is 100% not fine either, seen that hit for nearly 10k also, not such a big deal in smaller scale but when there's zergs and discos flying around it's very difficult to see this misty thing flying through the air.


> I hope you dont run in that zerk armour in group often... pretty nice rallybot.

> 1v1 if you met hammer rev .... with mesmer is just one burst and he is dead.


I do and I have 0 issues with anything but revs 1 shotting me with a CoR that doesn't show because there's 20 disco balls between me and the rev. As annoying and disgusting as scourges are at least I have 1-2s to react if I get caught out of place or the enemy zerg turns unexpectedly to chase me but not if a hammer rev decides to CoR you, you're just downed instantly and it's not just zerk mesmer, marauder thief can't take this hit either. I die less than the commanders of zergs most of the time.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"intox.6347" said:

> > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > Yes, the damage needs reducing, it's BS that 1 skill at max range safely backed up by a zerg can take off 99% of my health.

> > >

> > > https://imgur.com/a/gmbkv

> > >

> > > Edit: Also phase smash is 100% not fine either, seen that hit for nearly 10k also, not such a big deal in smaller scale but when there's zergs and discos flying around it's very difficult to see this misty thing flying through the air.

> >

> > I hope you dont run in that zerk armour in group often... pretty nice rallybot.

> > 1v1 if you met hammer rev .... with mesmer is just one burst and he is dead.


> I do and I have 0 issues with anything but revs 1 shotting me with a CoR that doesn't show because there's 20 disco balls between me and the rev. As annoying and disgusting as scourges are at least I have 1-2s to react if I get caught out of place or the enemy zerg turns unexpectedly to chase me but not if a hammer rev decides to CoR you, you're just downed instantly and it's not just zerk mesmer, marauder thief can't take this hit either. I die less than the commanders of zergs most of the time.


Im ok with skill dmg... you need to sacrifice a lot to have this numbers with CoR, and we need CoR to fights against scourges ... but some more visible effect will be good... once im playing on weaver / thief ... i just dissapear to downed....


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> @"apharma.3741" said:

>but not if a hammer rev decides to CoR you, you're just downed instantly and it's not just zerk mesmer, marauder thief can't take this hit either. I die less than the commanders of zergs most of the time.


Sounds like a dog eat dog world in the land of glass cannons. Although it is a bit confusing that you are complaining about dying while simultaneously bragging that you don't die very often. I'm sorry scary hammer rev "hard counters" those runaway mesmers and thieves. Oh wait, I'm not...

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"intox.6347" said:

> > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > Yes, the damage needs reducing, it's BS that 1 skill at max range safely backed up by a zerg can take off 99% of my health.

> > >

> > > https://imgur.com/a/gmbkv

> > >

> > > Edit: Also phase smash is 100% not fine either, seen that hit for nearly 10k also, not such a big deal in smaller scale but when there's zergs and discos flying around it's very difficult to see this misty thing flying through the air.

> >

> > I hope you dont run in that zerk armour in group often... pretty nice rallybot.

> > 1v1 if you met hammer rev .... with mesmer is just one burst and he is dead.


> I do and I have 0 issues with anything but revs 1 shotting me with a CoR that doesn't show because there's 20 disco balls between me and the rev. As annoying and disgusting as scourges are at least I have 1-2s to react if I get caught out of place or the enemy zerg turns unexpectedly to chase me but not if a hammer rev decides to CoR you, you're just downed instantly and it's not just zerk mesmer, marauder thief can't take this hit either. I die less than the commanders of zergs most of the time.


Let's face it, classes are stupidly designed overalln since they were invented for stupid gimmick gameplay wich is towards low skill and extreme casual players, and that is not a rev issue mainly, still one of the main issues against a hammer rev is all the visual clutter that Anet adds to the game classes for their defenitions of fun and good looking, if u try to decifrate what skills are being casted between or in those disco balls u will end with a terrible migraine... one of the reason i had to drop the game. :\


Hammer Rev has nothing besides range hammer CoR spam, and try to get the pushers with hammer 5 KD (hammer jalis rev was the last thing i played), since some classes are more spam in close range other is medium range, others extreme power creep on melee or range, being 1hit ko and easy brust combos, are simptom of Anet 6years of bad design, when developers decided to go full retarded on heavy gimmick gameplay wich is a genra that barelly uses any player side skills, due how the game was designed even for the dumbest pve'r to have some chance of being eficient on pvp gameplay if he/her choose a decent meta, note that meta in gw2 does not means what it should mean, strategie =/= spam, powercreep, and stupid sustain, wich is al that ge2 is about, the class that end with most will become meta not because it is a group strategie or gameplay, simple because it is strong and will carry many into certain lvl.


Gw2 is not a decent game for pvp gameplay, for a tons of reasons im thnking off, this is a game actually not to care about pvp while on it, just kill many as u can with your powercreep/spam, die, respawn and repeat, thi sis a game of aoe stacking even w/o know what or whom ur whitting, just stack for aoe damage the more and faster the better.


just a side note:

Anet added scourge to the game wich is a stupid class design as usual just like CoR spammers were/are due skill beign hided in all trash flashes, next expantion can u guys imagine how they will balance the game?

Expect something to balance against scourge with spam or pwoercreep, and some more powerfull condi necro

to counter all the healing from FB's.

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I miss the meta before HoT. Especially the changes to Stability, which took them a year to revert.

Nowadays it's just a clusterfuck of visual effects, CC, damage and conditions. Boons can disappear just like that, either into conditions or be stripped.


Even after the 'Boon spam' meta got nerfed, everything still went to kitten with PoF.

Not to mention roaming after HoT, which had so much power creep, yet it still brought some pretty unkillable bunker builds, if used by someone who knew what he was doing.

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Rev hammer in general is just too strong on the numbers standpoint and too weak on the kit capability standpoint. The former probably caused by the latter.


To be frank, in large fights, it's a major player in upholding pirate ship. Scourge is equally guilty, but hammer rev is no less responsible.


It is effectively a better version of Deadeye in group fights in that most of its major nukes cannot be reflected and AoE.


The weapon needs a rework - especially CoR since it cannot be reflected - but the problems persist throughout; this kind of damage shouldn't be happening from long ranged AA's from a medium HP heavy.


![](https://i.imgur.com/sj1lKIV.jpg "")


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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> >but not if a hammer rev decides to CoR you, you're just downed instantly and it's not just zerk mesmer, marauder thief can't take this hit either. I die less than the commanders of zergs most of the time.


> Sounds like a dog eat dog world in the land of glass cannons. Although it is a bit confusing that you are complaining about dying while simultaneously bragging that you don't die very often. I'm sorry scary hammer rev "hard counters" those runaway mesmers and thieves. Oh wait, I'm not...


Sorry if you missed the point of classes should not be able to do 15k hits at max range which will instadown anyone not at max health where the visual tell is almost non existent in the visual clutter.


> @"Brother.1504" said:

> My two cents. Make any other rev build viable for wvw in the current meta and rev players would roll them. Until then hammer rev is the go to choice for a profession that is a joke in spvp, mediocre in pve, and a one trick pony in wvw. Buff revs imo.


There existed a support rev build before PoF made them obsolete with firebrand/scourge and some played it, you still saw more hammer revs than support revs because of the way 2 CoR on the same spot will get 3-5 downs on any kind of push. I do agree rev needs help but not so much buffs as many aspects of the game need toning down. Before HoT we used to have things called focus parties where there would be 2-3 zerk and mobile players, usually thieves and mesmers, that would harass the back of zergs picking up kills and downing priority targets. They could work because there wasn't the fear of being instantly killed from range, now there is and there's huge ball of AoE everywhere.

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