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Are we really leaving Path of Fire behind?

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> @"Emprer.7256" said:

> > @"Stevieboy.4192" said:

> > I paid for it right?


> You did. And you got the access to obtaining all mounts including the griffon. It's entirely your decision to get all mounts but the griffon because you find going through the story solo not fun. You got what you paid for though. Besides, there's nothing to brag about having a griffon anymore. So no it's not bragging right you assume. /shrug



Yeah, sorry if I find grinding through story content that constantly kills me because I play on my own not fun.

I'm sorry that content I have paid for is locked behind unenjoyable content that requires hours of my time that I don't always have.

It's entirely my fault that I'm not psychic and could not predict this is the case.

Also I didn't get what I paid for because I don't have all the mounts now, do I?

The rest are locked behind hearts, which I have done, yet most of the content I paid for is locked behind the story,

which is as much fun to play solo as chain sawing your groin off..


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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > @"Stevieboy.4192" said:

> > If I had known that the Griffon mount that I paid for in the expansion was this hard to get, I wouldn't of got PoF in the first place.

> > Soloing the story is not what I call fun.

> > I have opened the other mounts, wasn't easy but I expect that...

> > Why does the Griffon have to be hidden behind hours of long grinding story?

> > I paid for it right?

> > Why isn't it unlocked like the others?

> > Hearts?

> > Bragging rights I assume.

> > This is why PoF gets my back turned to it and I head off back to the jungle...

> > At least until the game I'm downloading finishes...


> LOL, hard to get? I did it in two 2-3 hours sessions in on one or two days. Sorry, but you really seem the kind of super casual gamer, that expects you can get everything within 10mins of play...


Not that casual, I put in the hours.

Guess I'm just not as awesome as you but feel free to insult me.

I just can't seem to find six hours to solidly spend on the same quest.

Also, I appreciate the apology before you insulted a person you don't know or never met.

Nice touch.


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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> It's just such a shame. A big new expansion with these huge nostalgic areas... and you never feel like you want to go back there again after acquiring the griffon. You know the one place I DO go? Amnoon. For the Casino Blitz - or more to the point, for the Choya Pinata.


> But don't think I'm the only one - people are drawn to the content that provides super rare and exciting infusion drops.

> You know what to do, Arena-Net, just make more rewards just like this, and pit them in the centre of group metas. That is what we want for open world PvE - look to Auric Basin, Tangled Depths and Silverwastes.


Almost feels sandbox style , I think it almost seemed like a money grab

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Well...the maps are completely replayable. Let's not blame the maps.


The question is why would you want to replay them, and the answer is "other people". This game is much more fun with other people, whether you like meta events/maps or not.


So if you've got it all done and you're bored, try helping a guild member, friend or random passerby who is struggling. Or if you've got a tag, squad up and run a bounty , hero point and/or mastery train. I can guarantee there are people that can use your help. Plus, it's actually pretty fun and rewarding too...especially if you die in interesting ways.

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> @"Stevieboy.4192" said:

> > @"Emprer.7256" said:

> > > @"Stevieboy.4192" said:

> > > I paid for it right?

> >

> > You did. And you got the access to obtaining all mounts including the griffon. It's entirely your decision to get all mounts but the griffon because you find going through the story solo not fun. You got what you paid for though. Besides, there's nothing to brag about having a griffon anymore. So no it's not bragging right you assume. /shrug

> >


> Yeah, sorry if I find grinding through story content that constantly kills me because I play on my own not fun.

> I'm sorry that content I have paid for is locked behind unenjoyable content that requires hours of my time that I don't always have.

> It's entirely my fault that I'm not psychic and could not predict this is the case.

> Also I didn't get what I paid for because I don't have all the mounts now, do I?

> The rest are locked behind hearts, which I have done, yet most of the content I paid for is locked behind the story,

> which is as much fun to play solo as chain sawing your groin off..

> /shrug


That is unfortunate. You could have spent the time you wrote those replies to finish the achievement for the griffon. I can't change the way you think about not getting what you paid for but I suggest that you just try to actually finish the story and the achieves. They took about few hours for me, with zero intensity on a condi scourge-if you find bosses challenging. There is also guide as to where the eggs are. Pretty easy to find if you have the maps unlocked.

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> @"Adenin.5973" said:

> Imo, if PoF didn't add mounts it would've been the worst expansion I've ever seen for an MMORPG.


> - Story was quite decent for an MMO

> - Mounts are super cool

> - Environmental map design was good


> Other than that, everything else was bad or non existent


> - No replayability at all

> - Still only a short story experience

> - No engaging quests, events or anything that would carry the lore or story outside of the few main story missions

> - No new big metas or world bosses added

> - Super lame repeatable heart system was once more reused

> - Very few new armor/weapon sets and skins

> - No new legendaries

> - No mount skins available through PoF collections

> - Not much or nothing at all in terms of fractals or dungeons or PvP modes or WvW maps (literally, what's the longterm aspect of this expac?)

> - Mastery system as progression system, to make up for the lack of raising the level cap has gotten even more useless, to a point where Anet should go back to the drawing board and ask themselves if there's not any better solution to make masteries a longterm goal with some use in the game and not something you only care for 5 days after an release

> - No new races or classes

> - No major class overhaul with an expac


> With PoF I've got 2 weeks of fun. We got an awesome new mechanic with mounts, that gives the entire game a new touch. We got new elite specializations to play for the next two years.


> But other than that, PoF felt like a bundle of LS episodes, all we basically got besides mounts was story and 5 maps. If you didn't like vanilla or HoT you should really not buy PoF, because you'll be sooner as you might think back to playing the old content for the next years.


There's not much to pick apart here. I basically feel the same.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> It's the result of Anet taking out any kind of difficulty and reason to socialize more and more as the years go by.


> **Vanilla** had dungeons as repeatable endgame content, and at release they were far harder than open world, obviously. Open world was the chill casual filler content.


> I think **HoT** tried to merge the two: no dungeons, but they increased the difficulty, replayability, and teamwork needed for open world.


> **PoF** is just the final step of making things even easier. No dungeons, no "meta maps", basically just a bunch of leveling zones without actual leveling. It has no challenge and no real endgame.


> Expansions are supposed to bring a lot of repeatable content with them and the "finish & forget" type of content should be used as filler between expansions - except PoF is exactly like that filler content. No longevity at all.


> PoF IMO is already the bottom of the barrel, I can't even imagine how an expansion could possibly deliver less and get away with it. I wouldn't even call it an expansion, more like a DLC.


> After 1 week I had no real reason to revisit any of the places.




As one who was wondering whether to buy one or both the expansion, this steers me towards a solid NO


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Unfortunately it seems as though Arena Net lives in a world where the majority of people are intrinsically motivated and do things based off of an internal need to accomplish something which isn't a bad thing. But the truth is most people are extrinsically motivated and are driven based off of external things such as, but not limited to, rewards, social interaction, etc.


As of now PoF lacks a compelling enough environment to keep people there. And outside of bounties there isn't much to do in these huge zones. Such a shame cause this slow and gradual build to the Dragon we may or may not fight is **_dragging_**. I'm going to have to say I bought this expansion for the LW, new elite specs, and mounts. Nothing more, nothing less. Not the maps, new NPCs, bounties, or pretty much anything in the Crystal Desert. Mostly I'm fine with it. But I would really like to see Events like in Auric Basin, Tangled Depths, Verdant Brink, and Dragon Stand. Those did really well so I'm not sure why it wasn't carried over into PoF. Pretty sure that's why those maps feel 'empty' to most people. Also, the current means of farming in the Crystal Desert is albeit valuable but like circa 2005. Endlessly killing champs and mobs that spawn.... Yuck. Give me a big reward at the end so I can call it a day and not have to race to Champs that are getting melted in literally 5 seconds.


That and a dungeon in each of these new maps would have really given them a lot of freaking life. So sad thats something theyve just left to fractals.


To be fair though, the LW they are releasing every 2 months or so is top notch and sets the bar for other MMOs on the market. If they keep going in this direction with more QoL features I'd say they are headed in a good direction.

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> @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> Does anet really think players enjoy to repeat the hearts daily?

> I don't understand why they stay with this daily heart reset system, very annoying...




The problem is not that hearts, the problem is that Anet have switched the map design where the maps are centered around hearts. That is not even remotely interesting.


Not only that, PoF map are large in scale but devoided of content. Auric basin anf verdant brink have more content that the entity of PoF maps combined.

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