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WvW discussion for the new released proposed patch notes.


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I would like to first open up this thread by introducing myself. My name is Hadan and I have been an avid WvW player since pre-launch of GW2 and have for the most part only done WvW. I have played through gw2 and the HoT xpac and have just recently returned to the game and started to get into the PoF WvW scene. I have led Mist Raiders [MR] and Wrecking [Krew] on and off since launch with taking breaks on and off throughout our time here. For the most part My members and I have always enjoyed the combat style and group heavy commitment WvW brought to a pvp game. It is what made the game unique from most other MMOs and have made this game worth wild to play. Recently, Myself and a group of my members decided to come back to gw2 and try it again because from what we read, seen from vids from the current guilds, and have heard from old friends that still play mentioned how the Condi meta while still very strong and annoying was actually being doable with power classes being added back into the scene. HoT was for the most part a dreadful time with the full condi comps. I have played many games and I can honestly say GW2 was the first game where someone would ask for a burst build and a condi build was being linked to them. Since i have been back during the PoF xpac I personally with returning members have found WvW to be overall pretty enjoyable again like it once was. Are things perfect? No can there be tons of changes to improve the game? hell yes, But the fact we have builds nowadays that are power and can compete with a condi comped guild is awesome. I returned to the game a few weeks ago when i saw anet post about the alliances they have been looking into and since I have returned, I have noticed an abundance of old players we have not seen in years return. We have ran into old members who haven't logged in in 1-2 years and even seen some other guild groups returning to game as well because of the announcement of alliances and the fact they can play their power builds once again and actually contribute and this is just from the server i am currently on. I am sure there are plenty of returning players from all the different servers who have returned recently as well. Before I continue I would like to make it very clear i speak from a WvW stand point and not a PvP or PvE view.

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I have read over your proposed patch notes today I noticed right away across the board from all the classes that every single current power build that actually works in WvW is being nerfed. Anet claims they want to make other builds viable, make people want to run them, and encourage build diversity amongst the player base and I think that is awesome. I am a little confused though on why you (anet) feel nerfing the only good power builds will make players want to try a new power build which everyone knows will not compete to the current condi builds. Why would any smart person not just go back to running condi when they look at your patch notes and see absolutely no balances being done to condi dmg. You are bringing PoF down the same HoT path of a full blown condi WvW game. To put it simply, you are catering to players who choose to be lazy and QQ about power builds when in reality, if they would just learn to use the game mechanic "dodge" those big scary power skills wouldn't big ole so bad. We have real issues to be dealt with to help balance the game, like the SB bubble(adding .5 to pulse is not a "fix") or the fact that resistance gets converted to immobilize(many other issues as well). There are countless threads and post about these two very obvious problems and you post patch notes that don't even address those issues, it’s a slap to your WvW community for blatant ignore. I agree balance patches are great but I don't agree with a "balance" patch that only addressed one side of damage for a game mode that has two. If you’re going to do a balance update then do real balances update across the board and address CONDIS with POWER together and find TRUE BALANCE between the two.

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Have you actually looked up WvW videos those members from guilds post? Have you not seen the strength of condi comps do to wvw? How can you not provide "balance" for issues that guilds/players are putting on showcase for YOU to address. If you are watching those videos, stop watching them as "highlight" videos and start watching them as a "dev" and truly start understanding why Condi is a current problem in WvW. There are no more excuses for why you can’t with all the videos of it being show cased.


**Question to the WvW player base**

I must ask the wvw player base (as i stated above i speak solely on wvw side) Why have you not spoken up? i don't claim to be the best wvw player around nor the best wvw guild around. We are just a group of players who love the power side of this game mode and hate to see it pretty much being pushed aside. I have seen tons of people complaining about the patch notes since they released them in game, in PMs, or on discord yet i have not seen a large show on these forums. Sadly Anet will only listen to US wvw players if we post on this site, in these threads and discuss the game issues with them. Egos aside, toxicity aside, and whether you know me, don't know me, hate me, like me, doesn't change the fact we need to voice our opinions as a wvw community of the displeasure we have currently with Anet. If we want them to listen to us then we must speak for ourselves and stop letting pvers/spvpers speak for us( no offense to you guys who do that) but players who dedicate most of their time to WvW know what is best for our game mode. I am interested to hear what others have to say, or add to what i say, or even post against what i say and show me why I am wrong or even make me understand why these are great changes.




***Sorry for the multiple post, Wasn't working earlier. ***

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