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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Backlog is a common development term for a list of things intended to done at some point but are not being worked on at that moment.


> I doubt we we’ll go idea by idea and discuss why or why not we’ll add them to the list. There are just too many. If you folks want us to work on some of them, we have to have some time away from the forums. ;)


In the past you've ruled out certain options because it didn't fully meet the goals you envisioned, (battlegroups and participation cash out come to mind). However, we're getting back into a modified/refined battlegroups with world restructuring.


I feel that some of the ideas will be rejected because you can't do 100% of what was proposed but if you could do 80% it would still be accepted by the players but we, the players, will never know how close some of the ideas came to implementation because all we see are pass/fail results.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Backlog is a common development term for a list of things intended to done at some point but are not being worked on at that moment.



Can you please add titles or finishers for ranks, in no other game have I ever felt so unrewarded for the hard work and commitment I have put in.

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Longshot here - but did anyone remember if someone suggested the ability to have both squad AND subsquad/party view at the same time? So we can see party condis/buffs and also the squad's over-all health? Very frustrating to have to choose when you're a support.


I searched that thread, and only having the members be a different color nameplate was mentioned.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Backlog is a common development term for a list of things intended to done at some point but are not being worked on at that moment.


> I doubt we we’ll go idea by idea and discuss why or why not we’ll add them to the list. There are just too many. If you folks want us to work on some of them, we have to have some time away from the forums. ;)


Ben I missed the original post my two ideas I've been wanting (which I think should be minor changes) are around inventory management:


QoL requests:


1. Add a sell tab to the Permanent Portable Provisioner

2. Convert blues and greens from drops (and if possible the chests) into unidentified blues and greens so they stack.


I constantly run out of bag space and that's mainly down to not being able to visit a merchant (solved by QoL req #1) and also caused by blue/greens not stacking (solved by QoL req #2). Sometimes we run back and forward wiping blob after blob and my bags just fill up so fast - I am always doing "Salvage All Masterword" but after I while I build up so many sigils and runes I run out of bag space.


People are still going to max out bag slots on their mains regardless of whether you do this change or not, so I don't think you'll lose any gem store sales by doing this.

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Would you please consider provisioner and guild enhancements (this one for everyone, seems silly people in guilds can't even use enhancements) for pof only players too? Unless you have something in mind for them specific to wvw like hot has. Just seems weird and inconsistent, especially guild enhancements. I feel bad explaining to new guildies about this and they get put off when they find they need an older expansion just to use some guild stuff which should be baseline for everyone who joins. Maybe newer POF provisioner can offer 20-32 slot bags and updated food.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Backlog is a common development term for a list of things intended to done at some point but are not being worked on at that moment.


> I doubt we we’ll go idea by idea and discuss why or why not we’ll add them to the list. There are just too many. If you folks want us to work on some of them, we have to have some time away from the forums. ;)


Because not everyone is familiar with game developer scheduling terminology, like "At some point" here , I quoted a small explanation from the LotRO team:




> Originally Posted On: September 13th, 2010


> By: Sapience


> Please keep in mind; the measurements below are highly accurate (as are their relationships to each other). However, the descriptions are for entertainment purposes only. Unless you win money, then you owe me 10%.

> #### NOW!


> Never gonna happen!

> #### At some point in the future (also; At some point)


> We’re in pure Nostradamus territory here. We have a magic 8 ball and even it said, “Ask again later”.

> #### In the future


> This isn’t going to happen during any variety of soon you care to use. In fact, it’s pretty far out there. Not as far as ‘at some point’, but we’re certainly not suggesting you book vacation time just yet. We’re probably talking about something that is possible within the current time line. Assuming, of course, the Mayans, Vikings, and 47 other random stone carvings were wrong and we’re still here after all that crazy ‘end of the world’ stuff.

> #### In the near future


> This is absolutely, positively, without question, a possibility. In fact, it might even be a real possibility. But as to when, we’ll have to get back to you on that one.

> #### Soon™


> No lie. It’s going to happen. It’s going to happen really freakin’, like, eventually. But it will happen!

> #### “Soon”


> It’s official! We have given consideration to a possible date and we now have several possibilities!

> #### Soon


> We’ve narrowed the date down to something within the calendar year!

> #### soon


> No really, we have a date now! It’s even penciled in on a calendar somewhere!

> #### MoreSoonerish


> We have a date, and we’re probably going to tell you what that date is…soon!

> #### Incredisoon


> OK! We’re done messin’ around. We have a date, we’ve found the calendar we wrote it on, and we are going to tell you. Like right freakin’ shortly! Seriously!

> #### Tomorrowish-esque™


> This is going to happen within the next 24 hours. Give or take some random number of hours which may or may not exceed an amount equal to the number of miles between the reader and the International Date Line divided by 163.97241. Unless the person is actually standing on the International Date Line at the time of reading, in which case the world will end in a cataclysmic divide by zero error and none of this will matter anyway. This is all barring any conflicts with ‘The Schedule’, of course.

> #### As soon as possible


> Time being the slippery thing it is, this has quite probably already happened. If not, it is very likely to happen while someone is typing up the message telling you when it will happen. Assuming, that it is in fact possible.



> ### Modifiers, adjustments, and other fun stuff.

> #### Capitalization


> As a general rule, capitalization will tip you off as to a measurement’s place in time. Capital letters denote a longer period of time than lower case letters. This applies to all uses of capitalization when dealing with time. Thus Soon is longer than soon. Likewise, MoreSoonerish, Moresoonerish, and moresoonerish are all incremetally shorter periods from longest to shortest.

> #### TM and its uses;


> The notorious ™ has very specific meanings. It denotes a longer period of time than the word or phrase would otherwise represent without the addition of the ™.

> #### “Quotes"


> The use of quotes, like the use of TM and Capitalization has specific meaning. It is another measure of extending the noted period of time. Though it denotes a shorter extension than either ™ or Capitalization.

> #### Combined notation


> When you see a combination of modifiers (™, quotes, and capitalization) you must consider the impact of all modifiers on the base measurement. The more modifiers, the larger the expansion of time from the base measurement.



> ### Addendum A: Spooky Stuff

> #### It’s on schedule


> This relates exclusively to a highly theoretical method of calculating time commonly referred to as, ‘The Schedule’. The Schedule is part of an emerging understanding of time called Quantum Sapience Time. Schedule Time has the amazing ability to exist, not exist, and potentially exist or not exist all at the same instant. It is only the act of observing The Schedule that forces it into a fixed state in which the normal rules of Sapience Time apply. This is commonly called “entanglement”. Entangling one’s self with The Schedule is a very risky proposition as it can lead to temporal disorientation. Especially as it does not require one to be in any physical proximity to The Schedule. Albert Einstein himself referred to this as “Spooky action at a distance.”

> ### Addendum B: Backward Causality:

> #### We told you so


> Any attempt to look back upon or view the flow of Sapience Time from a future point will amplify and enhance the predictive and pre-deterministic nature of soon. The effect of this observance is to reveal the perfect accuracy of all predictions within the fabric of the Sapience Time Continuum. In short, the act of releasing content will cause the time line to become self-evident and clearly predictive of the exact moment in the future at which the release will happen when viewed from that future.

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Please standardize all of the icons for immunity, unblockable, reflecting, etc. It would be nice if (and considerably more forgiving for newer players) if a all similar abilities shared the same icon. I know a lot of us vets have all or most of them memorized, but I think it makes sense to have a single icon for active abilities (similar to buffs) shared across all classes.

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- Make diference between block, reflet and absorb , dont threat everything as block...would that be QoL changes??


- Reducing the visual clutter where we cant see what are players casting even on 5 vs 5 besides a yellow or bright light with somethign red pusating??


- Would be a QoL change to increase walls depth, and making t3 weaker? or that would be more of a balance change?


- Same i ask for siege build limit if theres siege already built on the close vicinity?



And sorry for any bad english.


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QOL would be something that we can already do (that doesn't really affect combat or battles) - but making it more streamlined or easier. Such as implementing a build-template. So instead of clicking 50 buttons to change from Group-Support Firebrand to Roaming Power DH - you press 1 button and it changes your gear/traits/utilities to whatever you set that build to be.

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This is a low priority but have you guys looked into the siege weapon skills?


* Arrow Carts: Would be nicer if these covered a smaller area

* Catapult damage should be determined by the travel distance of the boulder, not by how much it's charged.

* Catapult 4- Fire Gravel has too much spread / is too inaccurate. Change it to something similar like Mortar's concussion barrage

* Balista bolts travel too slow for it to hit moving targets, remove the requirement to have something targeted to use it and have it fire at the direction the camera is facing.

* Trebuchet 5 - Healing oasis is just useless, replace it with something like mortar's incendiary shot

* Alpha Siege golem: Almost all of the skills (except 1 on gates and 3) are useless in combat. Replace 2 (punch) with rocket punch, and 4 (pull) with a self destruct button.


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Implement a Private Squad option please! (I actually thought the "Closed" squad setting would provide this when it first came out.)


This would allow closed groups or small squads to run a tag so everyone in the squad can see it, but nobody out of the squad can see it. Except maybe other commanders (because most commanders find it helpful to know where other commanders are). This would greatly assist squads running guild missions or guild-only groups, but even more so havoc teams that don't want randoms following them and messing up their strategies and tactics.


Oh and I heard a (un-comfirmed) rumor that Anet doesn't want a feature like this because they don't want WvW to be exclusionary. Well, guilds and Alliances are already exclusionary by nature. Sitting on private voice TS and Discord servers is automatically exclusionary. Yet most every guild has one. And voice comms are essential to their success in WvW. A Private Squad option would further add to their success. So "exclusionary" is a weak argument.


Small teams (roaming and havoc groups) are just as important to WvW as public squads and zergs are. Guilds doing missions have just as much right to tag up for them as any other commander. And all commanders deserve access to the same feature set, regardless of their group's play style, role and purpose on the map. Not to mention that public commanding isn't for everyone -- it's certainly not my style of play or leadership. But I love commanding my squad and working with other commanders to dominate the map. So this one feature would make a huge difference in QoL for us.


Thanks for listening. :)


P.S. Also, please create a way to tag down without having to leave the squad. So annoying! :)

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Make it so that people standing on a wall shooting down at the massive mob don't get a solid line of 'obstructed' 'obstructed''obstructed' until riiiight at the very edge?

Make it so that people on the wall actually gain some small defense bonus (not huge, just a justifiable bonus, like protection maybe? I don't know) Walls should be an advantage, not a death trap.

Make it so arrow carts are not the only, best choice of defense siege. And Attack siege. Distance shooting by charge up, not targeted. Or smaller radius.

Catapults should have a minimum distance from walls. Let us keep SOME physics boys.

Siege should be labelled as to who placed it. For an obvious reason-trolls


and everything TheBravery.9615 posted the post before mine :)


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> @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> This is a low priority but have you guys looked into the siege weapon skills?


> * Arrow Carts: Would be nicer if these covered a smaller area

> * Catapult damage should be determined by the travel distance of the boulder, not by how much it's charged.

> * Catapult 4- Fire Gravel has too much spread / is too inaccurate. Change it to something similar like Mortar's concussion barrage

> * Balista bolts travel too slow for it to hit moving targets, remove the requirement to have something targeted to use it and have it fire at the direction the camera is facing.

> * Trebuchet 5 - Healing oasis is just useless, replace it with something like mortar's incendiary shot

> * Alpha Siege golem: Almost all of the skills (except 1 on gates and 3) are useless in combat. Replace 2 (punch) with rocket punch, and 4 (pull) with a self destruct button.



None of this is QOL. Guys seriously. QOL does not mean *balance changes*. You are confusing QOL changes with balance changes.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> > This is a low priority but have you guys looked into the siege weapon skills?

> >

> > * Arrow Carts: Would be nicer if these covered a smaller area

> > * Catapult damage should be determined by the travel distance of the boulder, not by how much it's charged.

> > * Catapult 4- Fire Gravel has too much spread / is too inaccurate. Change it to something similar like Mortar's concussion barrage

> > * Balista bolts travel too slow for it to hit moving targets, remove the requirement to have something targeted to use it and have it fire at the direction the camera is facing.

> > * Trebuchet 5 - Healing oasis is just useless, replace it with something like mortar's incendiary shot

> > * Alpha Siege golem: Almost all of the skills (except 1 on gates and 3) are useless in combat. Replace 2 (punch) with rocket punch, and 4 (pull) with a self destruct button.

> >


> None of this is QOL. Guys seriously. QOL does not mean *balance changes*. You are confusing QOL changes with balance changes.


But... but.. balance means quality as well :}


jk asside IMO the right QoL improvements at the momment would be reduce the skill casting visual clutter, making the comander tags more noticeable to alies (sometimes gets engulfed in all that visual clutter).

Squad needs to to identify the group your are in the squad better, makign your group light pruple/ or blue as well, if players swap squad grid to the other options that will get borked up.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> > This is a low priority but have you guys looked into the siege weapon skills?

> >

> > * Arrow Carts: Would be nicer if these covered a smaller area

> > * Catapult damage should be determined by the travel distance of the boulder, not by how much it's charged.

> > * Catapult 4- Fire Gravel has too much spread / is too inaccurate. Change it to something similar like Mortar's concussion barrage

> > * Balista bolts travel too slow for it to hit moving targets, remove the requirement to have something targeted to use it and have it fire at the direction the camera is facing.

> > * Trebuchet 5 - Healing oasis is just useless, replace it with something like mortar's incendiary shot

> > * Alpha Siege golem: Almost all of the skills (except 1 on gates and 3) are useless in combat. Replace 2 (punch) with rocket punch, and 4 (pull) with a self destruct button.

> >


> None of this is QOL. Guys seriously. QOL does not mean *balance changes*. You are confusing QOL changes with balance changes.


This ^^^. X 1000

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-Character swich without having to re-que.

-Build templates.

-The ability to mark certain items as trash to then be instantly sold when visiting merchants.

-Champion buff timers shown on the minimap/maxed map with hold time. Speed/pack doly upgrades shown by icon on the minimap.

-Delete the repair NPC and let the armor be unbrakable. Visiting this NPC is just a boring task. It's time to realise...

-Commander tools for showing supply carried by each individual without having them all stack and type /supplyinfo.

-All allied players are seen by eachother on the minimap and the maxed map. Not just guildies/squad/party members. This for better cordination and work together as if it was a server. So players who comes and sees noone don't think it's a dead zone if it really is not.

-Ability to share gear info and build templates with others.

-Merchant with infisuon extractor and extra infusion slot required items.

-Loop functionality on reward tracks.

-Player server info shown, even if not in squad or party. This to see what server the player is on when recruiting to guilds.

-Ability to get notified when guild leader has an event or if one of the commanders you like to follow by a pop-up information window. You chose if you want to get notified when certain commanders tags up.

-Badge fed auto cast sieges. You put on a certain number of badges for each hit your cata/treb/ram have to do for you. The auto function will only work with a few allied players around, this to make small roaming parties more viable and competitve compared to mono-blobs. You won't be able to use this defensively in proximity to an already owned tower/keep or camp.


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> @"Timelord.8190" said:

> -All allied players are seen by eachother on the minimap and the maxed map. Not just guidlies/squad/party members. This for better cordination and work together as if it was a server. So players who comes and sees noone don't think it's a dead zone if it realy is not.


While this may be a good idea after the restructuring of worlds (or at least in a larger proximity than it's current iteration), in it's current state this would would be more useful to spies of enemy servers than players of your own.

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1. Saving/loading Build + equip templates

2. Once reward track is complete, restart same track unless not allowed. I hate the random track pick.

3. Add a combat bot/training dummy in the starting area off to the side to test dmg and in combat skills/procs.

4. Party colour, separate from squad colour.


Not really anything special but #1 would be just ... great.

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Here's one, claiming objectives.


I am in a WvW guild, but obviously you can only claim one objective.

When you are running around you want to have as much supply as you can carry, but you cannot claim another objective for the +5


As such I have my own guild with +5.

But to claim objective I have to Press G to open Guild Panel,

Change guild

Click on the objective

Close the panel

Change guild back to main guild

Then close the guild panel.#

All this whilst you still have to follow your comm.


Why cant you have a drop down menu with a list of guilds you are in when you click on an objective.

So you can just click the objective, select guild from drop down, claim then close all in one panel.


Or how about settings to set which guild to represent, and which guild to use to claim objectives.

Set your claiming guild once, then just click and claim things as you go.

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