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WvW QoL Updates

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@"Raymond Lukes.6305" , @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" , or @"McKenna Berdrow.2759" , do you guys have any kind of summary or list that you have gathered for this thread you can share so we can talk about the most wanted QoL suggestions? Maybe start a new thread about it? Also, any idea when we might see some of these implemented?

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The original thread, I suppose if you wanted you could talk about stuff in this thread since it's still active.

Stuff will get implemented whenever they have time off the current main project, the alliance system, doubt they have a "timeline", just stuff to do whenever they're waiting on other departments to get stuff done.

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I forgot those threads even existed by now.

the changes in OS are nice, but it seems like an OS megaserver lobby is off the table which is a lil sad.


and as blackarps said, is there some sort of summary of what and when we can expect some stuff to happen?


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  • ArenaNet Staff

We've had several meetings and have done an initial comb through of the list. We plan to start rolling out small changes here and there as frequently as we're able.


My plan is to get a "work in progress" sticky up, similar to what we have in the PvP forum. It'll just contain things we're actively working on. This will have a lot of the small QoL stuff that came out of the thread on it.


A couple tidbits that will probably come out in April.

* A couple WvW specific enrichments. (WxP bonus and WvW reward track bonus)

* An option to auto-repeat repeatable reward tracks.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We've had several meetings and have done an initial comb through of the list. We plan to start rolling out small changes here and there as frequently as we're able.


> My plan is to get a "work in progress" sticky up, similar to what we have in the PvP forum. It'll just contained things we're actively working on. This will have a lot of the small QoL stuff that came out of the thread on it.


> A couple tidbits that will probably come out in April.

> * A couple WvW specific enrichments. (WxP bonus and WvW reward track bonus)

> * An option to auto-repeat repeatable reward tracks.


You peeps are awesome! TY!

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We've had several meetings and have done an initial comb through of the list. We plan to start rolling out small changes here and there as frequently as we're able.


> My plan is to get a "work in progress" sticky up, similar to what we have in the PvP forum. It'll just contain things we're actively working on. This will have a lot of the small QoL stuff that came out of the thread on it.


> A couple tidbits that will probably come out in April.

> * A couple WvW specific enrichments. (WxP bonus and WvW reward track bonus)

> * An option to auto-repeat repeatable reward tracks.


Thanks for keeping us informed Ben!

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We've had several meetings and have done an initial comb through of the list. We plan to start rolling out small changes here and there as frequently as we're able.


> My plan is to get a "work in progress" sticky up, similar to what we have in the PvP forum. It'll just contain things we're actively working on. This will have a lot of the small QoL stuff that came out of the thread on it.


> A couple tidbits that will probably come out in April.

> * A couple WvW specific enrichments. (WxP bonus and WvW reward track bonus)

> * An option to auto-repeat repeatable reward tracks.


Very good start Ben! And thank you for the update and communication.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We've had several meetings and have done an initial comb through of the list. We plan to start rolling out small changes here and there as frequently as we're able.


> My plan is to get a "work in progress" sticky up, similar to what we have in the PvP forum. It'll just contain things we're actively working on. This will have a lot of the small QoL stuff that came out of the thread on it.


> A couple tidbits that will probably come out in April.

> * A couple WvW specific enrichments. (WxP bonus and WvW reward track bonus)

> * An option to auto-repeat repeatable reward tracks.


Thankee -sai! I am looking forward to being able to auto-repeat rewards tracks and the WxP bonus!!

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> * A couple WvW specific enrichments. (WxP bonus and WvW reward track bonus)

> * An option to auto-repeat repeatable reward tracks.


Hurray for the reward box free inventories! Well, baby steps but at least the direction is right.


Be sure to add a +150 Agony Resistance enrichment and make it available at WvW rank 5000. Little something to show our appreciation of the infusions revamp that got us the empty enrichment slot in the first place.


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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We've had several meetings and have done an initial comb through of the list. We plan to start rolling out small changes here and there as frequently as we're able.


> My plan is to get a "work in progress" sticky up, similar to what we have in the PvP forum. It'll just contain things we're actively working on. This will have a lot of the small QoL stuff that came out of the thread on it.


> A couple tidbits that will probably come out in April.

> * A couple WvW specific enrichments. (WxP bonus and WvW reward track bonus)

> * An option to auto-repeat repeatable reward tracks.


Well that's a good start.

Thanks for the info. Definitely looking forward for the reward track enrichment and auto-repeat!

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We've had several meetings and have done an initial comb through of the list. We plan to start rolling out small changes here and there as frequently as we're able.


> My plan is to get a "work in progress" sticky up, similar to what we have in the PvP forum. It'll just contain things we're actively working on. This will have a lot of the small QoL stuff that came out of the thread on it.


> A couple tidbits that will probably come out in April.

> * A couple WvW specific enrichments. (WxP bonus and WvW reward track bonus)

> * An option to auto-repeat repeatable reward tracks.


Horray! For quoting the same post over and over again!

(Seriously though, good start!)


~ Kovu

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> * A couple WvW specific enrichments. (WxP bonus and WvW reward track bonus)


Will those be combined or separate enrichments?

BTW: Can we please merge the guild enhancements for the WxP gain and the reward track or at least get an NPC to switch between them inside a WvW staging area?

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  • ArenaNet Staff

They are separate enrichments.


I looked into the guild buff stuff, as it was a common request. The way systems work now seem to require you to be actually in a guildhall for the npc to know what's available to you. Reworking that is probably we don't have bandwidth for at the moment, with all the other competitive related tasks we have.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> They are separate enrichments.


> I looked into the guild buff stuff, as it was a common request. The way systems work now seem to require you to be actually in a guildhall for the npc to know what's available to you. Reworking that is probably we don't have bandwidth for at the moment, with all the other competitive related tasks we have.


Hey Ben, thanks for your information. Can you tell us more about those enrichment? They come as buffs or infusions? (like karma, XP and other you can buy with laurels). Also, they stack with the guild buff?

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While you're looking at the small qol to make, could you take a look at the queues code? I made this thread some days ago but nobody really replied other than adding a like: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/33191/5-years-and-the-queue-still-bugs-out#latest (i apologise for the rant in the thread, but had to queue for 1h30 because of that)


I tried myself the other day once again and it's not even bandwith problem or anything like that, whenever you port all the menu you have open get automatically closed, same for the queue pop up, expecially if the queue is ready while you're loading (which appens often in wvw due to high population, caused often from the loading bug in which you can't see your own weapons, skills and npcs, and makes you load for 3-4 minutes).


Can't the queue pop up get removed, and be inserted in the wvw panel? This way you can open close the panel and still have time to press travel.

Even though often after clicking travel it says "world full, would you like to queue?" but that is a different bug.


To me fixing the queues is a bigger qol update than 90% of what was proposed in the threads

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I just noticed that the Mursaat Brogans were made account bound like the other LS pieces, that's a nice little fix.


Is it possible to add a few tweaks for the endless tonics that allow us to fight while transformed like the endless kodan/awakened/olhmakan. Currently we cannot stow the weapons, they always remain out and we cannot interact with siege. Any chance these issues can be fixed?

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"JasonLucas.4981" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > * A couple WvW specific enrichments. (WxP bonus and WvW reward track bonus)

> >

> > Ok, that's I nice, but they will be a buff or an item that we put on amulets?


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Enrichment


I know about these, that's why I'm asking for a clarification.

I'd rather get a buff, than an annoying item that I'll need to constantly switch in my amulets.

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