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Kasmeer and Marjory


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> @"dontlook.1823" said:

> > @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > Character that shouldn't be killed

> > * Marjory - One of the very few with actual character, and still has unresolved plot with the ministry guard. Great potential for future writing. Also, good jokes.

> > * Rytlock - Same as Marjory pretty much, and he's too hard to kill anyway

> > * Canach - While I wouldn't mind if someone cut off his tongue, this character's death wouldn't be that heartbreaking, it would be more annoying or confusing.

> > * Braham - Killing him would be too obvious and anyone with some level of maturity would see this as cheap way to make playerbase happy. Killing protagonists is supposed to shatter people, and Braham, while badly written (like every norn, because ANET treats them like humans and not like they have their own culture), he gets the job done as character designed to be hated by players. His role isn't to die. His role is to be the conflict or a rival.

> > * Caithe - She's too important and too impossible to kill. Her death also wouldn't be very impactful anymore.

> >

> > Characters that are viable candidates for death.

> > * Rox - Pretty much a filler NPC just waiting for her turn to die to advance the story progression somehow. Also, her eyes are anime-like and totally charr immersion-breaking, let's just erase her. We already have Rytlock, she can now retire.

> > * Kasmeer - While personally I wouldn't like to see her go, her backstory is all done and she got a lot of screentime. Killing her would propel Marjory's potential writing immensely, and the players themselves would react with great emotional response - Kasmeer is one of the more innocent, kind NPCs, so her death would cause sadness, melancholy or hate towards her killer (and it's important that your villain is hated by players).

> > * Taimi - Similarly to Kasmeer, a lot of players love her, so let's kill her! Let's be evil! That being said, she's the most annoying deus ex machina. Zojja should come back in her place. Besides, Zojja has better insults.

> > * Logan - Just to get this out of the way. Maybe he will finally reunite with Magdaer somewhere in the mists. Maybe Eir will give it to him. Lmao.


> No one is exempt from dying off. But what I have noticed is a lot of people are saying Marjory has a lot of charecter which I find completely ironic. To me she is Monotone and has nothing but snarky, matter-of-a-factually comebacks. And she says 'Let's go Kas,' in an annoying endearing tone as if she is talking to a dog.


I'm at odds with most of what the community says all of the time.


Marjory doesn't seem like she has character. I don't think taimi's a deus ex machina. I don't think braham is that unlikable. I think balthazar's motivations were well explained and I don't think we really had a nightfall 2.0 or even 3.0 with the recent story developments.


I think people are just caught up in a moment of being hypercritical about every little thing.

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> Character that shouldn't be killed

> * Marjory - One of the very few with actual character, and still has unresolved plot with the ministry guard. Great potential for future writing. Also, good jokes.


The Ministry Guard plot is closed. It was tied to Caudecus and the White Mantle, and that was part of Season 3.


That said, you could make the same argument for Eir and Zojja but... well...


> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> Characters that are viable candidates for death.

> * Rox - Pretty much a filler NPC just waiting for her turn to die to advance the story progression somehow. Also, her eyes are anime-like and totally charr immersion-breaking, let's just erase her. We already have Rytlock, she can now retire.


Funny that you brought up the Ministry Guard "unresolved" plot for Marjory, but overlook the fact that Rox is apparently spying on us for someone. That smells like unresolved plot if anything else can, yet she's just a filler NPC?


Rox has more unresolved plot than Rytlock, who is only involved so much because he's a "fan" favorite (aka ArenaNet likes having him around because he cockblocks story progression and lore exposition until the time is right - aka "later, cub.")


> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> * Logan - Just to get this out of the way. Maybe he will finally reunite with Magdaer somewhere in the mists. Maybe Eir will give it to him. Lmao.


Magdaer was given to a norn blacksmith (likely Beigarth). If it is Beigarth, than we may see Logan with it next time the Pact comes rolling, since he could now officially order Beigarth to finish that damn thing (and Beigarth may want to out of responsibility towards not finishing it for Eir).

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I don't think romance is in the cards for my Commander. She was homeless and working for various gangs before stumbling into that centaur raid in Shaemoor. Then she got caught up in a plot to poison Divinity Reach's water supply, saved the city from a circus troupe, saved the Queen, joined the Vigil and spent the next five years constantly globetrotting while saving the world over and over again. That doesn't leave for a lot of personal time.

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@Konig Des Todes.2086

what I meant by Marjory's unresolved plot is her interaction with Mendel. From wiki: The case of the ghost boy remains unsolved to this day.

I'm hoping to get a side story where she finishes the investigation and brings people responsible for justice. And gives Mendel peace or something. Thats unresolved and Caudecus is only a background in this case.


That Rox line in season 2 doesn't say she's spying on us, that's just your speculation. Besides, that's literally one instance of dialogue (optional even? i don't remember) so it probably lies in the category of irrelevant. And yeah she's definitely the most filler-NPC of all dragon's watch guild. She never has anything meaningful to say, I think she was the most important when she returned Garm to Hoelbrak, what an achievement :P

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> @Konig Des Todes.2086

> what I meant by Marjory's unresolved plot is her interaction with Mendel. From wiki: The case of the ghost boy remains unsolved to this day.

> I'm hoping to get a side story where she finishes the investigation and brings people responsible for justice. And gives Mendel peace or something. Thats unresolved and Caudecus is only a background in this case.


The whole thing was a general "corruption in DR" without any real purpose beyond giving Marjory the cliche'd backstory of "good cop jaded by corruption in the force turned detective".


The one who was behind all that corruption was ultimately Caudecus. Whatever it was Mendel saw would either infringe Caudecus directly, or one of his most trusted cronies that undoubtably died in Episode 4 (anyone lesser wouldn't have merited ensuring his death as it takes a lot of strong evidence to convict a minister in DR, and as we saw with Zamon, Caudecus was fully willing to dispose of pawns that had wasted their usefulness).


Either way, I would hardly call that an unresolved plot.


And even if you did, just like that magical locket or Malyck, the time to bring it up has come and gone.


> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> That Rox line in season 2 doesn't say she's spying on us, that's just your speculation. Besides, that's literally one instance of dialogue (optional even? i don't remember) so it probably lies in the category of irrelevant. And yeah she's definitely the most filler-NPC of all dragon's watch guild. She never has anything meaningful to say, I think she was the most important when she returned Garm to Hoelbrak, what an achievement :P


You need to learn how to read between the lines if you cannot see the suspicion in Rox "needing to report in".


And how is that any more irrelevant than something that *doesn't even show up in the game*?


As for filler - I would disagree, though ArenaNet hasn't done her justice. Her accomplishments actually outweigh Marjory's pretty nicely. What did Marjory do since introduction? Unveil Mai Trin, created the antitoxin used against the Tower of Nightmares (nearly going mad in the process) which unwittingly gave Scarlet exactly what she wanted to cause massive amounts of deaths in LA, get injured by Scarlet, watched her sister die, held a book while we got the divine fire, give up taking on Mordremoth directly for revenge (unlike Braham), and get injured by Balthazar. Very impressive indeed.


What did Rox do since introduction? Help wipe out multiple Molten Alliance facilities, give us backstory on Rytlock's warband, confronted Scarlet in her first unveiling, helped killed Tequatl, helped take on the Tower of Nightmares, saved Marjory's life when the latter was injured by Scarlet (and Braham's leg), babysat Braham so we didn't have to, used Divine Fire against the Shadow of the Dragon so we could actually kill the thing, tracked down Destiny's Edge's caravan while we detoured to Rata Novus, rescued Garm, and babysat Braham again when he was even more annoying so we didn't have to.


Honestly? Rox might have fewer lines. But what she's done is more impressive than miss detective. Rox also has a much more detailed backstory - and one that isn't terribly cliche'd either.


She might have bad eye design, but that's really the only thing going against her. Not being a focus of a plot (yet) is not a bad thing.

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>@Konig Des Todes.2086

>And even if you did, just like that magical locket or Malyck, the time to bring it up has come and gone.

While I agree these plot threads have been dangling for a long time, I disagree that the time to bring them up has come and gone. I mean, although the White Mantle were in the game since day 1, it took until Season 3 for them to be relevant for anyone who wasn't a human character who had lost their parents. I don't see us going back into the Maguuma any time soon, and even if we did, finding another Pale Tree is going to be extremely unlikely, so Malyck is probably going to end up a footnote. The locket, however, could come back should Jennah be severely injured somehow and needs a temporary regent (assuming the Ministry doesn't get restored or Anise doesn't just take over). I'd hate to lose Jennah, and I feel there might still be more for her "love story" with Logan, but the locket could just be one of the many seeds being planted that can be called up any time they want.


As for the other characters, I like nearly all of the characters, even Braham. I admit, Eir's son is not carrying out her legacy very well, but we saw very little of him since killing Mordremoth and has time to come around still. Rox is cool, but she needs her own storyline, not just play an extra in Braham's life; maybe we'll learn about how she knows Rytlock so well. Marjory has a very entertaining femme-fatale vibe to her, but I wish she could use her detective side more, something I don't recall her doing since Season 1. Everyone wants to kill of Kasmeer, but she's our only connection to this Mesmer Collective and I'm curious to know anything about that, although that can certainly wait. Taimi is a necessary evil; we need someone who can stay behind and do the lab work, and be the expositional dump. She almost full-grown now, so maybe people won't be so offended that this little girl is ordering them anymore. Finally, Rytlock and Canach are usually comic relief, with the former still able to reveal secrets and has that added link back to Destiny's Edge. Honestly, I don't think any of the characters we have are quite ready to be killed off, and they all have a role, whether you like them or hate them.

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Killing off an asian lesbian woman in a committed relationship is a bad look, just going to put it out there. A love interest plot would likely come off as forced, unless they introduced a ton of different options that take your backstory questions, race, profession (elite specialization?) into account.

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  • 2 weeks later...

**My ** commander don't have time for dilly-dallying romances...., there is just too much world around that needs saving. Maybe when all the 6 dragons have been dealt with, the right rulers sit on the right thrones, doing the right things, and all 'higher-than-champion' class villains have been finally put down, he might consider retiring as professor emeritus with some asura research lab with a likeminded partner...


If they want to introduce romance and the above is not one of the 3 choices I would really be disappointed in Anet, just saying...

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NO more ''Bury Your Gays'' tropes please.

There are better ways to develop a couple. Besides, Karmeer already got some development on PoF, now is Marjory turn. She should have something related to her skills and maybe make her more friendly or something, we already have enough time in which everyone acts sarcastically.



About romances, they should implement that with extra dialogues. I remember that in the original personal story you could say adorable things to the characters at the end of the chapters. Remember what you could say to Tybalt? Do more of that. More interaction with the characters besides just the story in the instance, and make sure it's good dialog.

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> @"MetalAssault.7906" said:

> NO more ''Bury Your Gays'' tropes please.

> There are better ways to develop a couple. Besides, Karmeer already got some development on PoF, now is Marjory turn. She should have something related to her skills and maybe make her more friendly or sometrhing, we already have enough time in which everyone acts sarcastically.



> About romances, they should implement that with extra dialogues. I remember that in the original personal story you could say adorable things to the characters at the end of the chapters. Remember what you could say to Tybalt? Do more of that. More interaction with the characters besides just the story in the instance, and make sure it's good dialog.


I really don't like the reference to "bury our gay troupes." It just shows that your not fully reading the post. I'm not essentially proposing we kill either one of them off. I'm proposing Majory becomes like a being living within the mist/real world hence ghost shroud. Also, its not like they are our only gay characters cause last time I checked Caithe has a pretty ambiguous sexuality if not very clearly gay sexuality and she is actually a core character. Eir Died and she was straight i guess. Don't bury our straight troupes? Jk. But really no one should be treated like an extra special snowflake just because of what they represent.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> Yes and at one point kasmere should get captured by joko and then 9 months latter have his skeleton babies.


I would like to see joko vs an actual mesmer.

I imagine him posting on GW2 forum asking for mesmer nerfs.


However, in a Hypotetical scenario which sees one of the two girl dead ( Kasmeer or Marjory )...

... how would you think the other could respond to the death of his lover?

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  • 6 months later...

I just started the Heart of Thorns story chain. I have been having second thoughts about this post for a very long time. I don't want to see the pact lose another valuable member. What I saw in the episode titled "The Ghost of Fort Salma," kind leaves room for the whole ghost shroud thing without having to lose anyone. Marjory lost her sister and she then fused with her sword. It would be cool to see something come out of this.


Thanks for read again for your comments and feedback. It helped me realize that something as awesome as Marjory and Kasmeer is too valuable to lose.

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IMHO it would be great if they just would keep Kas and Jory as they are, I feel like the story (and IRL world tbh) could use with a LGBTQ couple that's just...stable. We already got crazy homosexuals in GW2 (The Green Knight in the sylvari orig, and ofc Faolain...Pretty sure Rhiannoc had something going on with that squire. All sylvari are homo a f) so don't really need to add to it with a lesbian who's spooked by her lost love.


I will say though that I second having a love interest for the player because if I could I would canach ;P

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I have no problem with romance in games. Honestly, I don't really understand why some people do since they are usually completely optional. Why be against something that doesn't effect you in any way but may enhance the experience for other players?


On topic of killing off characters. I mean, one of our companion is literally dying from terminal illness. Which I think was presented in phenomenal way. The lack of control and agency makes the situation for me personally even more dreadful. Not everyone needs to die in dramatic combat fighting the ancient enemy. If they actually go through with Taimi's illness I would personally consider it masterpiece from the perspective of video game storytelling.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is that i don't see any need to kill of anyone at this particular point.

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> @"PanBelacqua.9058" said:

> Killing off an asian lesbian woman in a committed relationship is a bad look, just going to put it out there. A love interest plot would likely come off as forced, unless they introduced a ton of different options that take your backstory questions, race, profession (elite specialization?) into account.


It is weird to me that the only love story in this game is gushy lesbian lovers... why would anet do that? As you mentioned, that is very forced writing. Just being too pc? It is very fascinating to me.when I try to figure out what the point of this Iesbian storyline is.

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> @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> > @"PanBelacqua.9058" said:

> > Killing off an asian lesbian woman in a committed relationship is a bad look, just going to put it out there. A love interest plot would likely come off as forced, unless they introduced a ton of different options that take your backstory questions, race, profession (elite specialization?) into account.


> It is weird to me that the only love story in this game is gushy lesbian lovers... why would anet do that? As you mentioned, that is very forced writing. Just being too pc? It is very fascinating to me.when I try to figure out what the point of this Iesbian storyline is.


That's...really not what I meant.

I meant that any Commander/NPC plots are likely going to come off as forced.

I'm not one to say that lesbian romance plots are forced, because they're lesbian.


I think that Kasjory is a pretty nice romance, but I think that it benefits from having played Season 1. We also haven't had Kasmeer in a major role for a year, or Marjory in a major role since Out of the Shadows, which was brief. Before that? Season 2.

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It will be epic turn-turn-turn if those two already been lost to Branded, and now they are serve Kralk as main lieutenants. And we will have to fight them in some cool scenario.


We have not heard from them for awhile now. Last thing they said - warning about Kralkatorrik.

Just a simple scenarion out of my head:

While Commander been busy with Joko, Kasmeer and Marjory fall to Branded and then later some time, they lead Branded invasion somewhere in Kryta. Commander and party switch priorities to stop those two, possibly kill them if necessary. But instead of killing them, Aurene interfered, and Re-brand them into one of her own minions. But since Aurene free from any dragon corruptions, Kasmeer and Marjory got back their free will, still connected to Aurene thoughts.


As we know, Aurene fears for future. Allies she have now are not enough to prevent it. Having her own lieutenants, even if it will be Re-Branded Kasmeer and Marjory, and later Branded-like army, could be a good first step. Also it could be a plot twist towards Taimi's chances to prevent her own death.


P.s. Sylvari are Corruption-Free-Modrem. Why stop there =)

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