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I cant find something worth doing


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> @"maxx.1279" said:

> ProverbsofHell So, if you buy a game that says you will only pay the box price, and a year later they say pay more. you say the answer is pay more or leave.



Ive got some good news for you.

The content you paid for is still available to you. If the number of people choosing to not buy the expansions and enjoy further content has dwindled to the point where you cant do said content, well maybe it's time to decide you really like the game and will also enjoy further content. Or not. Either way, the content you paid for is still there.


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> @"maxx.1279" said:

> I bought GW2 when it was about a year old to play wvw. Now its broken for me.

> The DLC specs have killed the game people fall on you from the sky and I cant even look at the specs and perks I am facing.

> I used to play in fractals for the loot before the DLC, When they came out people would not group with me because they thought I could not do enough damage because I didn't have an elite spec so no fractals for me. Plus the loot is less if you don't have DLC.

> I spend most of my time staring at the trade post and thinking of something worth my time. Most farms don't exist any more in the base game because people don't do them.

> can't raid of course but i don't mind that

> Mounts broke silver wastes. people there run around like chickens with their heads cut off.


> Arena net sold the game as by the box and every thing else will be available for gems no subscription no deception. I decided to wait to see if gems would buy HoT, when I saw the power divide with the expansion I could not justify paying for power in a game I posted that was the case and it was taken down by the form admin as a "quit" thread.


> I just want to enjoy the game I was promised and sold. I have 1 of each profession and none of them are satisfying in the current lopsidedness of the game.

> Right now its like playing checkers with less pieces than your opponent.


If you buy a book, you get exactly one book but propbably not the whole story.

If a second chapter is released, you have to buy these additional books in order to continue the story, therefore you´re charged for each book following the first.

If you think that these additional books get handed over to you for free because one compelling story was advertised in the first one, then it might disappoint you but it won´t happen ever.

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> @"Arzurag.7506" said:

> > @"maxx.1279" said:

> > I bought GW2 when it was about a year old to play wvw. Now its broken for me.

> > The DLC specs have killed the game people fall on you from the sky and I cant even look at the specs and perks I am facing.

> > I used to play in fractals for the loot before the DLC, When they came out people would not group with me because they thought I could not do enough damage because I didn't have an elite spec so no fractals for me. Plus the loot is less if you don't have DLC.

> > I spend most of my time staring at the trade post and thinking of something worth my time. Most farms don't exist any more in the base game because people don't do them.

> > can't raid of course but i don't mind that

> > Mounts broke silver wastes. people there run around like chickens with their heads cut off.

> >

> > Arena net sold the game as by the box and every thing else will be available for gems no subscription no deception. I decided to wait to see if gems would buy HoT, when I saw the power divide with the expansion I could not justify paying for power in a game I posted that was the case and it was taken down by the form admin as a "quit" thread.

> >

> > I just want to enjoy the game I was promised and sold. I have 1 of each profession and none of them are satisfying in the current lopsidedness of the game.

> > Right now its like playing checkers with less pieces than your opponent.


> If you buy a book, you get exactly one book but propbably not the whole story.

> If a second chapter is released, you have to buy these additional books in order to continue the story, therefore you´re charged for each book following the first.

> If you think that these additional books get handed over to you for free because one compelling story was advertised in the first one, then it might disappoint you but it won´t happen ever.


i didn't buy a story I bought wvw and an ah. i don't want the story.

if they put a class in the game that could "defeat" you with 1 button and claims your gold and was invincible and cost $10000 would it be fair? cause they really supported the game alot?

There is some point where this becomes obvious, my point is its obvious to me. cause i didn't pay

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> @"maxx.1279" said:

> > @"Arzurag.7506" said:

> > > @"maxx.1279" said:

> > > I bought GW2 when it was about a year old to play wvw. Now its broken for me.

> > > The DLC specs have killed the game people fall on you from the sky and I cant even look at the specs and perks I am facing.

> > > I used to play in fractals for the loot before the DLC, When they came out people would not group with me because they thought I could not do enough damage because I didn't have an elite spec so no fractals for me. Plus the loot is less if you don't have DLC.

> > > I spend most of my time staring at the trade post and thinking of something worth my time. Most farms don't exist any more in the base game because people don't do them.

> > > can't raid of course but i don't mind that

> > > Mounts broke silver wastes. people there run around like chickens with their heads cut off.

> > >

> > > Arena net sold the game as by the box and every thing else will be available for gems no subscription no deception. I decided to wait to see if gems would buy HoT, when I saw the power divide with the expansion I could not justify paying for power in a game I posted that was the case and it was taken down by the form admin as a "quit" thread.

> > >

> > > I just want to enjoy the game I was promised and sold. I have 1 of each profession and none of them are satisfying in the current lopsidedness of the game.

> > > Right now its like playing checkers with less pieces than your opponent.

> >

> > If you buy a book, you get exactly one book but propbably not the whole story.

> > If a second chapter is released, you have to buy these additional books in order to continue the story, therefore you´re charged for each book following the first.

> > If you think that these additional books get handed over to you for free because one compelling story was advertised in the first one, then it might disappoint you but it won´t happen ever.


> i didn't buy a story I bought wvw and an ah. i don't want the story.

> if they put a class in the game that could "defeat" you with 1 button and claims your gold and was invincible and cost $10000 would it be fair? cause they really supported the game alot?

> There is some point where this becomes obvious, my point is its obvious to me. cause i didn't pay


No, you bought whole product. It's your fault only you limited yourself to 30% of the game.

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The fact that NOBODY has got your back in this thread, and that even people who normally fight like cats and dogs can come together to disagree with you should tell you something. You can call that "argumentum ad populum;" but, in this case, it's actually not.


Your whole argument revolves around the claim that Anet indicated, through official channels, that expansions would be purchasable with gems. And, not only are you unable to provide **any** proof for this, but nobody else remembers any such thing being said either.


You're making a **choice** to play this game the way you do. So just own it and stop complaining. All your "problems" could be solved for the price of a pizza.

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You can't find something worth doing anymore because you don't have the expansions, which btw were there to prevent that from happening to begin with, so apparently you don't want to buy the expansion due to your ethical concerns? This isn't really Anet's problem anymore then, it's yours lol.

I wouldn't be surprised if someone counted this as another 'quit' thread, I mean why wouldn't they? You no longer find anything worth doing and you don't want to buy the expansion... sounds like someone needs to find another game.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > It's another "expansion = p2w" thread. Move along.

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/aa5phVO.gif "")

> >

> >

> >


> The only problem with this is the context of that meme that Obi Wan used Mind Trick to deceive you to let them pass and go about their business. So who is Obi Wan in this context?


The people pretending this isn't an issue? I would say.

Especially considering that there are enough pay to win threads to warrant this comment. very ironic.

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> @"maxx.1279" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > It's another "expansion = p2w" thread. Move along.

> > >

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/aa5phVO.gif "")

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > The only problem with this is the context of that meme that Obi Wan used Mind Trick to deceive you to let them pass and go about their business. So who is Obi Wan in this context?


> The people pretending this isn't an issue? I would say.

> Especially considering that there are enough pay to win threads to warrant this comment. very ironic.


The only irony is the fact that you still forgot to provide source for expansions ever being considered as gemstore purchase.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"maxx.1279" said:

> > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > It's another "expansion = p2w" thread. Move along.

> > > >

> > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/aa5phVO.gif "")

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > The only problem with this is the context of that meme that Obi Wan used Mind Trick to deceive you to let them pass and go about their business. So who is Obi Wan in this context?

> >

> > The people pretending this isn't an issue? I would say.

> > Especially considering that there are enough pay to win threads to warrant this comment. very ironic.


> The only irony is the fact that you still forgot to provide source for expansions ever being considered as gemstore purchase.


where did i say that? i didn't say that. i gave it as a possible solution. and something i waited to see. i never said it was promised.

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> @"maxx.1279" said:

> Dayra I cant relate to your attitude. many people have expressed this idea to me that paying a company justifies getting more power. as though because someone pays more money they should justly have an advantage in a game.

> I have grave concern for the industry when an attitude like that is so prevalent.

> Not that it matters but I have spent over 13000 gems in the store and full price on the base game. If that is not enough support to continue playing a game with basically no valuable content added (to my game mode) with out being purposefully farmed to encourage me to pay more than I don't want to support that practice. Which is why i couldn't justify buying DLC power. you know ethics and stuff. which I have stuck to for what 4 years now?


This would be true if it weren't for the case in most MMOs, but unfortunately it is. You CAN do WvW, you're at a disadvantage because you refuse to buy expansions. The same is true in most MMOs, which raise the level cap. I have concerns for the consumer base when they say stuff like this.


Fractals and WvW btw, are only a tiny percentage of the game. And you can still zerg in WvW no matter what you're build. You can also run lower level fractals. The point is you can't do the highest level fractals and you can't play WvW the specific way you want to.


Guild Wars 1 even got easier when they introduced heroes with Nightfall. If you didn't have heroes, you were at a disadvantage when soloing. But you didn't have to solo. It just became harder to find groups for some things.


Either support the game and stay current or adapt your play. Either way, this is your issue, not the games. All the content that was here at launch can still be played by someone who didn't buy the expansions. Some of it you need to adjust your play style to do though. Not Anet's problem.

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> @"Echoherb.6528" said:

> This is really silly. If you want more stuff to do, then buy the expansions that will give you more content.


Your misunderstanding then, I liked the stuff I could do before the DLC came out. I don't want more. i just want the game to function satisfactorily in those things.

and i wont pay to increase my power. I wouldn't need something more to do if i could enjoy the reason i bought the game.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"maxx.1279" said:

> > Dayra I cant relate to your attitude. many people have expressed this idea to me that paying a company justifies getting more power. as though because someone pays more money they should justly have an advantage in a game.

> > I have grave concern for the industry when an attitude like that is so prevalent.

> > Not that it matters but I have spent over 13000 gems in the store and full price on the base game. If that is not enough support to continue playing a game with basically no valuable content added (to my game mode) with out being purposefully farmed to encourage me to pay more than I don't want to support that practice. Which is why i couldn't justify buying DLC power. you know ethics and stuff. which I have stuck to for what 4 years now?


> This would be true if it weren't for the case in most MMOs, but unfortunately it is. You CAN do WvW, you're at a disadvantage because you refuse to buy expansions. The same is true in most MMOs, which raise the level cap. I have concerns for the consumer base when they say stuff like this.


> Fractals and WvW btw, are only a tiny percentage of the game. And you can still zerg in WvW no matter what you're build. You can also run lower level fractals. The point is you can't do the highest level fractals and you can't play WvW the specific way you want to.


> Guild Wars 1 even got easier when they introduced heroes with Nightfall. If you didn't have heroes, you were at a disadvantage when soloing. But you didn't have to solo. It just became harder to find groups for some things.


> Either support the game and stay current or adapt your play. Either way, this is your issue, not the games. All the content that was here at launch can still be played by someone who didn't buy the expansions. Some of it you need to adjust your play style to do though. Not Anet's problem.


While this is one of the more reasonable responses. I did frame this as my problem.

I actually hoped people would tell me i as being silly and every one welcomed base characters into 40 fractals farms now, and that there was some secret that i didn't know about that made me think other specs were more powerful. but it seems every one agrees with that. they all seem more interested in my money. which is strange for players to be concerned my cash instead of the idea of fair competition in their favorite game.

i play alot of free to play games. and none of the ones i play have cash only spec/power options.

Which game allows players to fight max level expansion characters? While being stopped from attaining a fair fight? I wana make sure I never buy anything from that e company.

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> @"maxx.1279" said:

> > @"Echoherb.6528" said:

> > This is really silly. If you want more stuff to do, then buy the expansions that will give you more content.


> Your misunderstanding then, I liked the stuff I could do before the DLC came out. I don't want more. i just want the game to function satisfactorily in those things.

> and i wont pay to increase my power. I wouldn't need something more to do if i could enjoy the reason i bought the game.


Sorry, mate, you didn't pay for enjoyment, you paid for content. Can you imagine if I bought a movie ticket but didn't enjoy the film and then demanded to be allowed to watch all movies for free because the one I paid for wasn't satisfactory? You'd think I was mental, wouldn't you? Yet, here you are....

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> @"TWMagimay.9057" said:

> > @"maxx.1279" said:

> > > @"Echoherb.6528" said:

> > > This is really silly. If you want more stuff to do, then buy the expansions that will give you more content.

> >

> > Your misunderstanding then, I liked the stuff I could do before the DLC came out. I don't want more. i just want the game to function satisfactorily in those things.

> > and i wont pay to increase my power. I wouldn't need something more to do if i could enjoy the reason i bought the game.


> Sorry, mate, you didn't pay for enjoyment, you paid for content. Can you imagine if I bought a movie ticket but didn't enjoy the film and then demanded to be allowed to watch all movies for free because the one I paid for wasn't satisfactory? You'd think I was mental, wouldn't you? Yet, here you are....


I never asked for anything free. just what i paid for.

and also thats a red herring that has already been made, book movie. What ever. keep the story not interested. i havn't even done the personal story. bought the game for wvw. i played season 2. i don't even know what season it is now.. was there a season 3?

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> @"maxx.1279" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"maxx.1279" said:

> > > Dayra I cant relate to your attitude. many people have expressed this idea to me that paying a company justifies getting more power. as though because someone pays more money they should justly have an advantage in a game.

> > > I have grave concern for the industry when an attitude like that is so prevalent.

> > > Not that it matters but I have spent over 13000 gems in the store and full price on the base game. If that is not enough support to continue playing a game with basically no valuable content added (to my game mode) with out being purposefully farmed to encourage me to pay more than I don't want to support that practice. Which is why i couldn't justify buying DLC power. you know ethics and stuff. which I have stuck to for what 4 years now?

> >

> > This would be true if it weren't for the case in most MMOs, but unfortunately it is. You CAN do WvW, you're at a disadvantage because you refuse to buy expansions. The same is true in most MMOs, which raise the level cap. I have concerns for the consumer base when they say stuff like this.

> >

> > Fractals and WvW btw, are only a tiny percentage of the game. And you can still zerg in WvW no matter what you're build. You can also run lower level fractals. The point is you can't do the highest level fractals and you can't play WvW the specific way you want to.

> >

> > Guild Wars 1 even got easier when they introduced heroes with Nightfall. If you didn't have heroes, you were at a disadvantage when soloing. But you didn't have to solo. It just became harder to find groups for some things.

> >

> > Either support the game and stay current or adapt your play. Either way, this is your issue, not the games. All the content that was here at launch can still be played by someone who didn't buy the expansions. Some of it you need to adjust your play style to do though. Not Anet's problem.


> While this is one of the more reasonable responses. I did frame this as my problem.

> I actually hoped people would tell me i as being silly and every one welcomed base characters into 40 fractals farms now, and that there was some secret that i didn't know about that made me think other specs were more powerful. but it seems every one agrees with that. they all seem more interested in my money. which is strange for players to be concerned my cash instead of the idea of fair competition in their favorite game.

> i play alot of free to play games. and none of the ones i play have cash only spec/power options.

> Which game allows players to fight max level expansion characters? While being stopped from attaining a fair fight? I wana make sure I never buy anything from that e company.


Players have their own opinions on these subjects and while they may support equal opportunities for combat, the sentiment can only go so far when the company's business model clashes with certain ideals. It's true, that many MMOs don't have specs locked behind purchases (I'm playing Tera right now and since I stopped playing over a year ago, 3 classes have released and I don't have to pay anything to play them; same for Blade and Soul) but there are still games that do (this game, for example; FFXIV is another).


I'm not going to tell you to pay up or leave but I will say GW2, despite what people will try and make you believe, isn't a be-all-end-all game that is amazing and near-perfect...it has its flaws. When it comes to monetization, exactly what are you choosing to not purchase? Is it the prospect of not buying power? Or is it the ideal of resisting the influence of pay-to-win? At the end of the day, Anet have to make their money too and its not an admission of defeat or establishing an ultimatum to choose not to and walk away. In fact, it's an act of restraint and willpower to choose how and when you spend your money rather than allowing advertisements or social pressures dictate where your dollar goes.


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> @"maxx.1279" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"maxx.1279" said:

> > > Dayra I cant relate to your attitude. many people have expressed this idea to me that paying a company justifies getting more power. as though because someone pays more money they should justly have an advantage in a game.

> > > I have grave concern for the industry when an attitude like that is so prevalent.

> > > Not that it matters but I have spent over 13000 gems in the store and full price on the base game. If that is not enough support to continue playing a game with basically no valuable content added (to my game mode) with out being purposefully farmed to encourage me to pay more than I don't want to support that practice. Which is why i couldn't justify buying DLC power. you know ethics and stuff. which I have stuck to for what 4 years now?

> >

> > This would be true if it weren't for the case in most MMOs, but unfortunately it is. You CAN do WvW, you're at a disadvantage because you refuse to buy expansions. The same is true in most MMOs, which raise the level cap. I have concerns for the consumer base when they say stuff like this.

> >

> > Fractals and WvW btw, are only a tiny percentage of the game. And you can still zerg in WvW no matter what you're build. You can also run lower level fractals. The point is you can't do the highest level fractals and you can't play WvW the specific way you want to.

> >

> > Guild Wars 1 even got easier when they introduced heroes with Nightfall. If you didn't have heroes, you were at a disadvantage when soloing. But you didn't have to solo. It just became harder to find groups for some things.

> >

> > Either support the game and stay current or adapt your play. Either way, this is your issue, not the games. All the content that was here at launch can still be played by someone who didn't buy the expansions. Some of it you need to adjust your play style to do though. Not Anet's problem.


> While this is one of the more reasonable responses. I did frame this as my problem.

> I actually hoped people would tell me i as being silly and every one welcomed base characters into 40 fractals farms now, and that there was some secret that i didn't know about that made me think other specs were more powerful. but it seems every one agrees with that. they all seem more interested in my money. which is strange for players to be concerned my cash instead of the idea of fair competition in their favorite game.

> i play alot of free to play games. and none of the ones i play have cash only spec/power options.

> Which game allows players to fight max level expansion characters? While being stopped from attaining a fair fight? I wana make sure I never buy anything from that e company.


Depends on who you play with. I never pug. I play with my casual guild. When we run most content we take anyone. Make your own group, say all welcome and you'll end up with people who'll play with anyone. It'll take you longer to get fractals done that way, but it'll work.


Every single game with open world PvP, including World of Warcraft. If you're level 80 in the open world and you run across someone who's level 60 in the open world, you're going to kill them. In fact, every MMO gives you a competitive advantage in some part of the game for buying the expansion so you might as well give up MMOs.


In PvE, it was MUCH easier to do content with PvE only skills you got from expansions.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"maxx.1279" said:

> > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > @"maxx.1279" said:

> > > > Dayra I cant relate to your attitude. many people have expressed this idea to me that paying a company justifies getting more power. as though because someone pays more money they should justly have an advantage in a game.

> > > > I have grave concern for the industry when an attitude like that is so prevalent.

> > > > Not that it matters but I have spent over 13000 gems in the store and full price on the base game. If that is not enough support to continue playing a game with basically no valuable content added (to my game mode) with out being purposefully farmed to encourage me to pay more than I don't want to support that practice. Which is why i couldn't justify buying DLC power. you know ethics and stuff. which I have stuck to for what 4 years now?

> > >

> > > This would be true if it weren't for the case in most MMOs, but unfortunately it is. You CAN do WvW, you're at a disadvantage because you refuse to buy expansions. The same is true in most MMOs, which raise the level cap. I have concerns for the consumer base when they say stuff like this.

> > >

> > > Fractals and WvW btw, are only a tiny percentage of the game. And you can still zerg in WvW no matter what you're build. You can also run lower level fractals. The point is you can't do the highest level fractals and you can't play WvW the specific way you want to.

> > >

> > > Guild Wars 1 even got easier when they introduced heroes with Nightfall. If you didn't have heroes, you were at a disadvantage when soloing. But you didn't have to solo. It just became harder to find groups for some things.

> > >

> > > Either support the game and stay current or adapt your play. Either way, this is your issue, not the games. All the content that was here at launch can still be played by someone who didn't buy the expansions. Some of it you need to adjust your play style to do though. Not Anet's problem.

> >

> > While this is one of the more reasonable responses. I did frame this as my problem.

> > I actually hoped people would tell me i as being silly and every one welcomed base characters into 40 fractals farms now, and that there was some secret that i didn't know about that made me think other specs were more powerful. but it seems every one agrees with that. they all seem more interested in my money. which is strange for players to be concerned my cash instead of the idea of fair competition in their favorite game.

> > i play alot of free to play games. and none of the ones i play have cash only spec/power options.

> > Which game allows players to fight max level expansion characters? While being stopped from attaining a fair fight? I wana make sure I never buy anything from that e company.


> Depends on who you play with. I never pug. I play with my casual guild. When we run most content we take anyone. Make your own group, say all welcome and you'll end up with people who'll play with anyone. It'll take you longer to get fractals done that way, but it'll work.


> Every single game with open world PvP, including World of Warcraft. If you're level 80 in the open world and you run across someone who's level 60 in the open world, you're going to kill them. In fact, every MMO gives you a competitive advantage in some part of the game for buying the expansion so you might as well give up MMOs.


> In PvE, it was MUCH easier to do content with PvE only skills you got from expansions.


i did think of open world pvp, but that would be more similar to an uplevel going into wvw. not battlegrounds. thats a different dynamic you can choose a pve server.

and that is not the intent of such a game i would not make that comparison.

and thank you for the fractals offer. but acknowledgment of the attitude toward core specs in fractals was more helpful.

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> @"maxx.1279" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"maxx.1279" said:

> > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > It's another "expansion = p2w" thread. Move along.

> > > > >

> > > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/aa5phVO.gif "")

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > The only problem with this is the context of that meme that Obi Wan used Mind Trick to deceive you to let them pass and go about their business. So who is Obi Wan in this context?

> > >

> > > The people pretending this isn't an issue? I would say.

> > > Especially considering that there are enough pay to win threads to warrant this comment. very ironic.

> >

> > The only irony is the fact that you still forgot to provide source for expansions ever being considered as gemstore purchase.


> where did i say that? i didn't say that. i gave it as a possible solution. and something i waited to see. i never said it was promised.


So let's recap your position based on this reply:


1) You acknowledge that paid expansions were never ruled out by the promise of no subscription fees.

2) You acknowledge that Anet never made any promise to make these expansions purchasable with gems.

3) You refuse to buy the expansions because... reasons.




Conclusion: it's a breach of trust that you can't access expansion content/abilities with gems.



please, just stop...

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The bottom line is you're gonna have to pay for the expansions if you want their content. You can argue all day long about how unfair it is, but AN won't be offering that content for free any time soon, if ever. Either accept that and buy the expansions, or keep playing the same content and hope that at some time in the future at least HoT goes free, or go on to another game. Is there really any other realistic choice? And I said "realistic," not what you really really wish for. :)

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> @"maxx.1279" said:

> I bought GW2 when it was about a year old to play wvw. Now its broken for me.

> The DLC specs have killed the game people fall on you from the sky and I cant even look at the specs and perks I am facing.

> I used to play in fractals for the loot before the DLC, When they came out people would not group with me because they thought I could not do enough damage because I didn't have an elite spec so no fractals for me. Plus the loot is less if you don't have DLC.

> I spend most of my time staring at the trade post and thinking of something worth my time. Most farms don't exist any more in the base game because people don't do them.

> can't raid of course but i don't mind that

> Mounts broke silver wastes. people there run around like chickens with their heads cut off.


> Arena net sold the game as by the box and every thing else will be available for gems no subscription no deception. I decided to wait to see if gems would buy HoT, when I saw the power divide with the expansion I could not justify paying for power in a game I posted that was the case and it was taken down by the form admin as a "quit" thread.


> I just want to enjoy the game I was promised and sold. I have 1 of each profession and none of them are satisfying in the current lopsidedness of the game.

> Right now its like playing checkers with less pieces than your opponent.


U enjoyed the game u were promised namely vanilla gw2. No develiper is under any obligation to not sell you more products/expansions. If you want to see even more content then u go with the expansions theres no subscription or deception.

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